manipulate an existing Dialogflow CX session with a python backend script - dialogflow-cx

I have an existing and functional Chat Bot with Google Dialogflow CX. The Chatbot is directly integrated in a website by the Google Bootstrap.
In some cases a Python script must trigger an intent or page for the user from the backend. In that case the user (and his client) should directly jump in this intent. The session ID of the user is known.
So far I managed it to set a parameter for the user from the python script using the following code.
from import dialogflowcx_v3beta1 as dialogflow
from import types
session_id = "7826e7-0b7-794-b24-b95271869"
api_endpoint = f"{location_id}"
client_options = {"api_endpoint": api_endpoint}
client =
event = "live_chat_event"
params = {'message': "Hello World"}
event_input = types.EventInput(event=event)
query_input = types.QueryInput(event=event_input, language_code=language_code)
query_params = types.QueryParameters(parameters=params)
request = types.DetectIntentRequest(
query_params = query_params
response = client.detect_intent(request=request)
These parameters are then visible by the user on his client, but only after typing the next message.
I need the client to refresh itself or let it jump directly into the next page without any additional input from the user.
How can that be achieved?

Hey bro don't get complicated.
If you are struggling to get the DF API to work you are not the only one.
I can advise you to try the Voximplant Python Client so you can connect to your DF CX Agent easily and control that script . On top of that you can also handle calls with your DF CX or ES Agent.
You can check the documentation to add teh Credentials for DF here.
Also please check this Python API Client so you can run a Scenario that communicates with your CX Agent.


How can I authenticate against ADXProxy using app key authentication?

I am trying to access an Azure Application Insights resource via Redash, using the (preview) ADXProxy feature.
I've created an App Registration in Azure, and I've got some proof-of-concept python code which can successfully access my Application Insights resource and execute a Kusto query (traces | take 1) using an application token:
import azure.kusto
import msal
cluster = '<MY_SUBSCRIPTION>/resourcegroups/<MY_RESOURCE_GROUP>/providers/microsoft.insights/components/<MY_APP_INSIGHTS_RESOURCE>'
app_id = '<MY_APP_ID>'
app_key = '<MY_SECRET>'
authority_id = '<MY_AAD_SUBSCRIPTION_ID>'
def run():
app = msal.ConfidentialClientApplication(
token = app.acquire_token_for_client([''])
kcsb =
client =
result = client.execute('<MY_APP_INSIGHTS_RESOURCE>', 'traces | take 1')
for res in result.primary_results:
return 1
if __name__ == "__main__":
However, Redash doesn't support application token authentication: it uses application key authentication, making a call like:
kcsb =
connection_string = cluster,
aad_app_id = app_id,
app_key = app_key,
authority_id = '<MY_AAD_SUBSCRIPTION_ID>'
I can't successfully connect to my App Insights resource using this type of flow. If I substitute this KustoConnectionStringBuilder into my program above, I get an exception telling me:
The resource principal named was not found in the tenant named <MY_AAD_SUBSCRIPTION_ID>. This can happen if the application has not been installed by the administrator of the tenant or consented to by any user in the tenant. You might have sent your authentication request to the wrong tenant.
Is there something I can do in code or Azure Portal configuration to connect my 'tenant' to the resource principal and get this connection working?
Adxproxy supports only tokens minted by Azure Active Directory (AAD). The token must be created for an Azure Data Explorer cluster (ADX), that you own. If you don't have your own ADX cluster, and for whatever reason you want to access your Application Insights resources via Adxproxy, you can always authenticate to '' and use that token.

Getting dynamic token from ChatBot URL in iFrame

I am working on ChatBot development using MS BOTFramework. URL of my ChatBot is This . I am using this in iFrame like below code -
{iframe src="" width = "455" height = "600"}
I want to get dynamic value of sess inside Bot code for user authentication.
I have tried this URL
ConnectorClient connector = new ConnectorClient(new System.Uri(message.ServiceUrl));
any workaround for this?
This cannot be done with the iframed version. You would need to host the webchat on a page of your own in your site, then use const params = BotChat.queryParams(; to access the query string parameters on the page. If you want to have the query parameters in the bot, you would need to send a backchannel event that contains the parameters and handle that event within the bot.
Here is an example of how to send a backchannel event:

AWS Simple Email Service - Need code to use boto3 with IAM Profile

I want to access Amazon’s SES(Simple Email Service) using the boto3 library and a user profile. The code I want to execute is listed below which does not work. It gives me an error “botocore.exceptions.NoCredentialsError: Unable to locate credentials”, I am currently able to access S3 services with no issue so I know my profile is setup correctly, but I cannot find code to access the SES service using a profile. I need some pointers how to get the code to work.
SES code that NOT work
import boto3
session = boto3.session.Session(profile_name='myprofile')
client = boto3.client('ses','us-east-1')
response = client.list_verified_email_addresses()
S3 code which currently works with a profile
import boto3
session = boto3.session.Session(profile_name='myprofile')
s3 = session.resource('s3')
In your SES code, you are not using the session that you created with your profile. But in S3 code, you use the session. When you call boto3.client(), it knows nothing about your profile. Try this:
session = boto3.Session(profile_name='myprofile')
client = session.client('ses','us-east-1')
response = client.list_verified_email_addresses()

Yahoo Fantasy Sports API Oauth Verifier Not Available

I'm trying to create a program in Python that uses data from Yahoo Fantasy Sports API (Football to be specific). I've already registered an desktop app on the Yahoo Developer Network in order to get permission to use OAuth. I've also gotten the correct urls, client key, and client secret and other necessary information to run the program.
Currently, I am using this website as a resource:
I managed to complete the get request token phase **, but am now stuck at the **authorization phase, requiring me to get an oauth token and oauth verifier i believe.
However, I'm only able to receive an oauth token, and the methods I call do not return an oauth verifier at all, making it impossible to proceed to the access token step. I'm just looking for some possibilities as to why this is the case.
import csv
import requests
import sys
import time
import webbrowser
from oauth_hook import OAuthHook
from requests_oauthlib import OAuth1Session
from requests_oauthlib import OAuth1
from urlparse import parse_qs
access_token_url = ""
request_token_url = ""
base_authorization_url = ""
callback_URL = ""
client_key = ".." #can't reveal actual client stuff here
client_secret = ".."
#get request token
oauth = OAuth1Session(client_key,client_secret=client_secret)
print oauth
fetch_response = oauth.fetch_request_token(request_token_url)
resource_owner_key = fetch_response.get('oauth_token')
resource_owner_secret = fetch_response.get('oauth_token_secret')
print fetch_response
print resource_owner_key
print resource_owner_secret
# get authorization, returns no verifier but returns a token for some reason, PROBLEM's here
authorization_url = oauth.authorization_url(base_authorization_url)
print 'please go here and authorize,', authorization_url
redirect_response = raw_input('Paste full redirect URL here: ')
oauth_response = oauth.parse_authorization_response(redirect_response)
print oauth_response
The main issue i've found with requets_oauthlib is that it doesn't let you kind of customize stuff such as headers and body content. I've tried to use it for Yahoo OAuth but i got stuck because of that.
I turned to rauth, with which i managed to make things work. I even developed a special OAuth Lib for Yahoo which supports OAuth1 and OAuth2.
The lib is named yahoo-oauth.
Hope it will help you out.
Have a good one

Google Group Settings API enabled for service accounts?

Most of the Google Management APIs seem to have been enabled for Service Accounts. For example, I can retrieve calendars like so:
string scope = Google.Apis.Calendar.v3.CalendarService.Scopes.Calendar.ToString().ToLower();
string scope_url = "" + scope;
string client_id = "";
string key_file = #"\path\to\my-privatekey.p12";
string key_pass = "notasecret";
AuthorizationServerDescription desc = GoogleAuthenticationServer.Description;
X509Certificate2 key = new X509Certificate2(key_file, key_pass, X509KeyStorageFlags.Exportable);
AssertionFlowClient client = new AssertionFlowClient(desc, key) { ServiceAccountId = client_id, Scope = scope_url };
OAuth2Authenticator<AssertionFlowClient> auth = new OAuth2Authenticator<AssertionFlowClient>(client, AssertionFlowClient.GetState);
CalendarService service = new CalendarService(auth);
var x = service.Calendars.Get("").Fetch();
However, identical code on the GroupssettingsService returns a 503 - Server Not Available. Does that mean service accounts can't be used with that API?
In a possibly related issue, the scope of the Groups Settings Service seems to be apps.groups.settings but if you call
GroupssettingsService.Scopes.AppsGroupsSettings.ToString().ToLower(); get appsgroupssettings instead, without the embedded periods.
Is there another method to use service accounts for the GroupssettingsService? Or any information on the correct scope string?
Many thanks.
I found this thread, and the most important part of the docs after some time. Posting so others don't waste their time in the future.
Your application must use OAuth 2.0 to authorize requests. No other authorization protocols are supported. If your application uses Google Sign-In, some aspects of authorization are handled for you.
See the "About authorization protocols" section of the docs
Why do you need to use a service account for this? You can use regular OAuth 2.0 authorization flows to get an authorization token from a Google Apps super admin user and use that:
