Matching multiple values in same field - elasticsearch

I have "routes" field as long type (Im storing array of values in that Example 1. [5463, 3452] , 2. [5467, 3452]) in mapping. In the following query i
want to retrieve data which matches both 5463, 3452 in same record
GET /flight_routes/_search
"query": {
"bool": {
"filter": {
"terms": {
"routes": [5463, 3452]
But it is returning document which matches with either one value. Should I have to migrate the mapping type to nested to handle this or
any other way to get it through query itself?

You can use the terms_set query with a minimum_should_match_script that returns the length of the array
POST /flight_routes/_search
"query": {
"terms_set": {
"routes" : {
"terms" : [5463, 3452],
"minimum_should_match_script": {
"source": "params.nb_terms",
"params": {
"nb_terms": 2


multi fields search query for elasticsearch golang

I have a situation where I need to do elastic search based on multi-field. For Example: I have multiple fields in my postindex and I want to apply condition on four these fields (i.e. userid, channelid, createat, teamid) to meet my search requirement. When value of all these fields matched then search query displays results and if one of these is not match with values in postindex then it display no result.
I am trying to make a multifield search query for go-elasticsearch to search data from my post index. For the searcquery result four field must match otherwise it display 0 hit/no-result.
So, I think you need to write a following query :
GET postindex/_search
"query": {
"bool": {
"minimum_should_match": 1,
"should": [
"bool": {
"must": [
"term": {
"userid": {
"value": "mcqmycxpyjrddkie9mr13txaqe"
"term": {
"channelid": {
"value": "dnoihmrinins3qrm6bb9175ume"
"range": {
"createat": {
"gt": 1672909114890
"term": {
"teamid": {
"value": "qomrg11o8b8ijxoy8hrcnweoay"
In here, there is a bool query with should in parent scope, which is like OR. And inside the should there is another bool query with must which is like AND. We can also write the query shorter, but this will be better for you to understand.

Elasticsearch: How to filter results with a specific word in a value using elasticsearch

I need to add a parameter to my search that filters results containing a specific word in a value. The query is searching for user history records and contains a url key. I need to filter out /history and any other url containing that string.
Here's my current query:
GET /user_log/_search
"size" : 50,
"query": {
"match": {
"user_id": 56678
Here's an example of a record, boiled down to just the value we're looking at:
"_source": {
"url": "/history?page=2&direction=desc",
How can the parameters of the search be changed to filter out this result.
You can use the filter param of boolean query in Elasticsearch.
if your url field is of type keyword, you can use the below query
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": {
"match": {
"user_id": 56678
"filter": { --> note filter
"term": {
"url": "/history"
I found a way to solve my specific issue. Instead of filtering on the url I'm filtering on a different value. Here's what I'm using now:
"size" : 50,
"query": {
"bool" : {
"must" : {
"match" : { "user_id" : 56678 }
"must_not": {
"match" : { "controller": "History" }
I'm still going to leave this question open for a while to see if anyone has other ways of solving the original problem.

Search for documents with exactly different fields values

I'm adding documents with the following strutucte
"proposta": {
"matriculaIndicacao": 654321,
"filial": 100,
"cpf": "12345678901",
"idStatus": "3",
"status": "Reprovada",
"dadosPessoais": {
"nome": "John Five",
"dataNascimento": "1980-12-01",
"email": "",
"emailValidado": true,
"telefoneCelular": "11 99876-9999",
"telefoneCelularValidado": true,
"telefoneResidencial": "11 2211-1122",
"idGenero": "1",
"genero": "M"
I'm trying to perform a search with multiple field values.
I can successfull search for a document with a specific cpf atribute with the following search
"query": {
"term" : {
"proposta.cpf" : "23798770823"
But now I need to add an AND clause, like
"query": {
"term" : {
"proposta.cpf" : "23798770823"
,"proposta.dadosPessoais.dataNascimento": "1980-12-01"
but it's returning an error message.
P.S: If possible I would like to perform a search where if the field doesn't exist, it returns the document that matches only the proposta.cpf field.
I really appreciate any help.
The idea is to combine your constraints within a bool/should query
"query": {
"bool": {
"should": [
"term": {
"proposta.cpf": "23798770823"
"term": {
"proposta.dadosPessoais.dataNascimento": "1980-12-01"

Exact match in elastic search on multiple key values

I am trying to write a query in elasticsearch with an exact match on multiple fields
I have the following query for an exact match for a single field:
GET /index/data/_search
"query": {
"term": {
Here the key is "table" and the value is "abc". I would like to add another key called "chair" with value "def for the exact match query.
Use a bool+must or bool+filter query, both act as logical and operator:
GET /index/data/_search
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"term": {
"term": {

How to check field data is numeric when using inline Script in ElasticSearch

Per our requirement we need to find the max ID of the document before adding new document. Problem here is doc may contain string data also So had to use inline script on the elastic query to find out max id only for the document which has integer data otherwise returning 0. am using following inline script query to find max-key but not working. can you help me onthis ?.
"inline":"((doc['Key'].value).isNumber()) ? Integer.parseInt(doc['Key'].value) : 0"}}
The error is because the max aggregation only supports numeric fields, i.e. you cannot specify a string field (i.e. Key) in a max aggregation.
Simply remove the "field":"Key" part and only keep the script part
"size": 0,
"query": {
"bool": {
"filter": [
"term": {
"Name": "Test2"
"aggs": {
"MaxId": {
"max": {
"script": {
"source": "((doc['Key'].value).isNumber()) ? Integer.parseInt(doc['Key'].value) : 0"
