Elasticsearch: How to filter results with a specific word in a value using elasticsearch - elasticsearch

I need to add a parameter to my search that filters results containing a specific word in a value. The query is searching for user history records and contains a url key. I need to filter out /history and any other url containing that string.
Here's my current query:
GET /user_log/_search
"size" : 50,
"query": {
"match": {
"user_id": 56678
Here's an example of a record, boiled down to just the value we're looking at:
"_source": {
"url": "/history?page=2&direction=desc",
How can the parameters of the search be changed to filter out this result.

You can use the filter param of boolean query in Elasticsearch.
if your url field is of type keyword, you can use the below query
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": {
"match": {
"user_id": 56678
"filter": { --> note filter
"term": {
"url": "/history"

I found a way to solve my specific issue. Instead of filtering on the url I'm filtering on a different value. Here's what I'm using now:
"size" : 50,
"query": {
"bool" : {
"must" : {
"match" : { "user_id" : 56678 }
"must_not": {
"match" : { "controller": "History" }
I'm still going to leave this question open for a while to see if anyone has other ways of solving the original problem.


Elastic Search Multiple Filter values for the same field

Say that I have to filter cars constructors in a Elastic Search Index (ES 7.15), where the field car_maker is mapped to keyword, having it a limited number of possibilities among car makers string names:
"mappings": {
"properties": {
"car_maker": {
"type": "keyword"
GET /cars/_search
"query": {
"bool": {
"filter": [{
"term": {
"car_maker": "Honda"
This, along with a matching query will work ok. The filter will not participate to score calculation as desired.
Now I would like to to filter more car makers for that query (let's say a should query):
"query": {
"bool": {
"filter" : [
{"term" : { "car_maker" : "Honda"}},
{"term" : { "car_maker" : "Ferrari"}}
this is not going to work. I will have any error from ES query engine, but any result too. Of course is always possibile to apply more filters to different fields like car_maker and car_color, but how to do the opposite: apply more values (Honda, Ferrari, etc.) to the same filter field car_maker like in the example above, without conditioning the score calculation?
You might want to try the following filter query:
"query" : {
"bool" : {
"filter" : {
"terms" : {
"car_maker" : ["Honda", "Ferrari"]

Search for documents with exactly different fields values

I'm adding documents with the following strutucte
"proposta": {
"matriculaIndicacao": 654321,
"filial": 100,
"cpf": "12345678901",
"idStatus": "3",
"status": "Reprovada",
"dadosPessoais": {
"nome": "John Five",
"dataNascimento": "1980-12-01",
"email": "fulanodasilva#fulano.com.br",
"emailValidado": true,
"telefoneCelular": "11 99876-9999",
"telefoneCelularValidado": true,
"telefoneResidencial": "11 2211-1122",
"idGenero": "1",
"genero": "M"
I'm trying to perform a search with multiple field values.
I can successfull search for a document with a specific cpf atribute with the following search
"query": {
"term" : {
"proposta.cpf" : "23798770823"
But now I need to add an AND clause, like
"query": {
"term" : {
"proposta.cpf" : "23798770823"
,"proposta.dadosPessoais.dataNascimento": "1980-12-01"
but it's returning an error message.
P.S: If possible I would like to perform a search where if the field doesn't exist, it returns the document that matches only the proposta.cpf field.
I really appreciate any help.
The idea is to combine your constraints within a bool/should query
"query": {
"bool": {
"should": [
"term": {
"proposta.cpf": "23798770823"
"term": {
"proposta.dadosPessoais.dataNascimento": "1980-12-01"

Elasticsearch: Search in an array of JSONs

I'm using Elasticsearch with the python library and I have a problem using the search query when the object become a little bit complex. I have objects build like that in my index:
"id" : 120,
"name": bob,
"shared_status": {
"post_id": 123456789,
"text": "This is a sample",
"urls" : [
"url": "http://test.1.com",
"displayed_url": "test.1.com"
"url": "http://blabla.com",
"displayed_url": "blabla.com"
Now I want to do a query that will return me this document only if in one of the displayed URL's a substring "test" and there is a field "text" in the main document. So I did this query:
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
{"exists": {"field": "text"}}
But I don't know what query to add for the part: one of the displayed URL's a substring "test"
Is that posssible? How does the iteration on the list works?
If you didn't define an explicit mapping for your schema, elasticsearch creates a default mapping based on the data input.
urls will be of type object
displayed_url will be of type string and using standard analyzer
As you don't need any association between url and displayed_url, the current schema will work fine.
You can use a match query for full text match
GET _search
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"exists": {
"field": "text"
"match": {
"urls.displayed_url": "test"

ElasticSearch filter by array item

I have the following record in ES:
"authInput" : {
"uID" : "foo",
"userName" : "asdfasdfasdfasdf",
"userType" : "External",
"clientType" : "Unknown",
"authType" : "Redemption_regular",
"uIDExtensionFields" :
"key" : "IsAccountCreation",
"value" : "true"
"externalReferences" : []
"uIDExtensionFields" is an array of key/value pairs. I want to query ES to find all records where:
"uIDExtensionFields.key" = "IsAccountCreation"
AND "uIDExtensionFields.value" = "true"
This is the filter that I think I should be using but it never returns any data.
GET devdev/authEvent/_search
"size": 10,
"filter": {
"and": {
"filters": [
"term": {
"authInput.uIDExtensionFields.key" : "IsAccountCreation"
"term": {
"authInput.uIDExtensionFields.value": "true"
Any help you guys could give me would be much appreciated.
lowercase the value that I was searching for. (changed "IsAccoutCreation" to "isaccountcreation")
Updated the mapping so that "uIDExtensionFields" is a nested type
Updated my filter to the following:
GET devhilden/authEvent/_search
"size": 10,
"filter": {
"nested": {
"path": "authInput.uIDExtensionFields",
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"term": {
"authInput.uIDExtensionFields.key": "isaccountcreation"
"term": {
"authInput.uIDExtensionFields.value": "true"
There are a few things probably going wrong here.
First, as mconlin points out, you probably have a mapping with the standard analyzer for your key field. It'll lowercase the key. You probably want to specify "index": "not_analyzed" for the field.
Secondly, you'll have to use nested mappings for this document structure and specify the key and the value in a nested filter. That's because otherwise, you'll get a match for the following document:
"uIDExtensionFields" : [
"key" : "IsAccountCreation",
"value" : "false"
"key" : "SomeOtherField",
"value" : "true"
Thirdly, you'll want to be using the bool-filter's must and not and to ensure proper cachability.
Lastly, you'll want to put your filter in the filtered-query. The top-level filter is for when you want hits to be filtered, but facets/aggregations to not be. That's why it's renamed to post_filter in 1.0.
Here's a few resources you'll want to check out:
Troubleshooting Elasticsearch searches, for Beginners covers the first two issues.
Managing Relations in ElasticSearch covers nested docs (and parent/child)
all about elasticsearch filter bitsets covers and vs. bool.

Elasticsearch DSL query from an SQL statement

I'm new to Elasticsearch. I don't think I fully understand the concept of query and filters. In my case I just want to use filters as I don't want to use advance feature like scoring.
How would I convert the following SQL statement into elasticsearch query?
SELECT * FROM advertiser
WHERE company like '%com%'
AND sales_rep IN (1,2)
What I have so far:
curl -XGET 'localhost:9200/advertisers/advertiser/_search?pretty=true' -d '
"query" : {
"bool" : {
"must" : {
"wildcard" : { "company" : "*com*" }
How to I add the OR filters on sales_rep field?
Add a "should" clause after your must clause. In a bool query, one or more should clauses must match by default. Actually, you can set the "minimum_number_should_match" to be any number, Check out the bool query docs.
For your case, this should work.
"should" : [
"term" : { "sales_rep_id" : "1" }
"term" : { "sales_rep_id" : "2" }
The same concept works for bool filters. Just change "query" to "filter". The bool filter docs are here.
I come across this post 4 years too late...
Anyways, perhaps the following code could be useful...
"query": {
"filtered": {
"query": {
"wildcard": {
"company": "*com*"
"filter": {
"bool": {
"should": [
"terms": {
"sales_rep_id": [ "1", "2" ]
