Change input password from varchar to md5 in Code Igniter - codeigniter

Can you help me ? i want change password type from varchar to md5
$data = array(
'email' => $this->input->post('email') ,
'password' => $this->input->post('password')

Instead of md5 use password hashing. php has built in function.
to verify it.
use password verify method.
In your case you can do
$data = array(
'email' => $this->input->post('email') ,
'password' => password_hash($this->input->post('password'),PASSWORD_BCRYPT)
Make sure database column has appropriate char length. if its string type then its not problem.


Laravel create command wont insert a value in database

Hello i am new to Laravel so currently im doing a CRUD. I have created this insert function that works well except one value is never inserted. This is the code below:
public function storeClient(Request $request) {
'name' => 'required',
'email' => 'required|email',
'phone' => 'nullable',
return redirect('/')->with('msg', 'Client Saved successfully!.');
the phone' => 'nullable', value will not insert in the database unless i update the existing values. I tried this command dd($request->phone); and it shows the correct value from the user input. Any idea why the value will be inserted as null on database?
This is the value output when i make the dd command
I tried this other code which works well but im trying to use the default create() function of laravel. This is the other code i did that works well:
public function storeClient()
$client = new Client();
$client->name = request('name');
$client->email = request('email');
$client->phone_number = request('phone');
$client->age = request('age');
return redirect('/')->with('msg','Client Saved successfully!');
first i did not like nullable here 'phone' => 'nullable',
then u should see what do you register in your Client table phone_number or phone,
$client->phone_number = request('phone');
i think you should rename your input name phone to phone_number and will work
When you are trying to use default create method the fields names must be same as in database.
$client->phone_number = request('phone');
this line works due to the name you entered manually.
to work with default create method change the name of field in database as phone.

How to get first name and last name from facebook?

I have tried implementing first name and last name of the person trying to authenticate from facebook. I have seen lots of tutorials and followed them accordingly but couldn't get it.
I have tried
$user = Member::create([
'first_name'=> $providerUser->getFirstName(),
'email' => $providerUser->getEmail(),
'password' => md5(rand(1,10000)),
I assumed the provider you use is socialite, to get last name ans first name you can use $providerUser->user['first_name'] and $providerUser->user['last_name']
So based your code:
$user = Member::create([
'first_name'=> $providerUser->user['first_name'],
'email' => $providerUser->getEmail(),
'password' => md5(rand(1,10000)),

Laravel ignore unique validation on update

I have a Model which contains many foreign keys. One of those foreign keys must be a unique value.
My validation rules are the following ones:
$data['rules'] = [
'address' => 'required|string',
'buyer_id' => 'required|exists:buyers,id',
'buyer_name' => 'required|string',
'date' => 'required|date',
'email' => 'required|email',
'identification_photo' => 'required|string',
'invoice' => 'string|required',
'middleman_id' => 'nullable|exists:middlemen,id',
'price' => 'required|numeric|between:1,99999999999999999999999999.9999',
'property_id' => 'required|exists:properties,id|unique:reservations,property_id',
'purchase_receipt' => 'required|string',
'rfc' => array(
'tier_id' => 'nullable|exists:tiers,id',
'user_id' => 'required|exists:users,id',
The one that I have trouble is property_id. This must be unique in the current table which is reservations.
In order to ignore that validation when I make an update, I'm adding this line of code before calling the Validator:
$book['rules']['property_id'] .= ",{$item->property_id}";
And when I do a Log::info of all my rules, I got the following line: 'property_id' => 'required|exists:properties,id|unique:reservations,property_id,4',
But I keep receiving the error. Am I doing something wrong?
The error is on this line:
$book['rules']['property_id'] .= ",{$item->property_id}";
Instead of passing the id of the foreign key you want to ignore, you have to give the current model ID in order to ignore that validation for a specific item.
$book['rules']['property_id'] .= ",{$item->id}";
With this you tell that for your Model with id = x, ignore that specific validation. To understand it in a better way, you are telling that for this validation, ignore the validation of the property only for the record with id equals to the $item->id.
I think the line of code you are looking for is
'property_id' => 'required|exists:properties,id|unique:reservations,property_id,'.$request->id',
This ignores the current row you are updating while also validating your property_id

Using set_value + another value in codeigniter

I've got a login form and I'm using Tank Auth for form validation, etc. For the form, I'm not using labels; instead I am populating the value field to tell users what to input (e.g., Email Address in the "email" field). But Tank Auth presets the value with a set_value function:
$login = array(
'name' => 'login',
'id' => 'login',
'value' => set_value('login'),
Is there any way to keep the set_value function, but also enter a value that can be used in place of a label? Or is there some other way to get users to see the instructional text without getting rid of the set_value function?
You are able to set a second argument for set_value().
For example, you could write this:
$login = array(
'name' => 'login',
'id' => 'login',
'value' => set_value('login', 'You\'re username'),
To set the preset value (if nothing else has been entered) to You're username

Inserting dates to Oracle database through Zend_Db

I am trying to add an entry to an Oracle table which has a date field. So far, I've only been able to do it like this:
$createdDate = $entry->createdDate->toString('yyyy-MM-dd');
$data = array(
'ID' => $entry->id,
'STATE' => $entry->state,
'CREATED_DATE' => new Zend_Db_Expr("to_date('$createdDate', 'YYYY-MM-DD')")
Is there a better way? This solution smells dirty to me.
You should be able to do this instead:
$createdDate = $entry->createdDate->toString('yyyy-MM-dd');
$data = array(
'ID' => $entry->id,
'STATE' => $entry->state,
'CREATED_DATE' => new Zend_Db_Expr("date '$createdDate'")
The only difference is the use of an ANSI date literal in line 5.
