Laravel create command wont insert a value in database - laravel

Hello i am new to Laravel so currently im doing a CRUD. I have created this insert function that works well except one value is never inserted. This is the code below:
public function storeClient(Request $request) {
'name' => 'required',
'email' => 'required|email',
'phone' => 'nullable',
return redirect('/')->with('msg', 'Client Saved successfully!.');
the phone' => 'nullable', value will not insert in the database unless i update the existing values. I tried this command dd($request->phone); and it shows the correct value from the user input. Any idea why the value will be inserted as null on database?
This is the value output when i make the dd command
I tried this other code which works well but im trying to use the default create() function of laravel. This is the other code i did that works well:
public function storeClient()
$client = new Client();
$client->name = request('name');
$client->email = request('email');
$client->phone_number = request('phone');
$client->age = request('age');
return redirect('/')->with('msg','Client Saved successfully!');

first i did not like nullable here 'phone' => 'nullable',
then u should see what do you register in your Client table phone_number or phone,
$client->phone_number = request('phone');
i think you should rename your input name phone to phone_number and will work

When you are trying to use default create method the fields names must be same as in database.
$client->phone_number = request('phone');
this line works due to the name you entered manually.
to work with default create method change the name of field in database as phone.


How to prevent duplicates in Laravel Eloquent?

I want to transform my database entry creation inside NewsletterController.php:
$email = $request->input('email');
$table = DB::table('newsletters');
$table->insert(array('email' => $email, 'created_at' => now()));
to prevent duplicate entries. I tried doing this:
$table = DB::updateOrCreate('newsletters');
but this method does not seem to exist for DB. How would I do that?
when you may want to update an existing record in the database or create it if no matching record exists. In this scenario, the updateOrInsert method may be used. The updateOrInsert method accepts two arguments: an array of conditions by which to find the record, and an array of column and value pairs indicating the columns to be updated.
The updateOrInsert method will attempt to locate a matching database record using the first argument's column and value pairs. If the record exists, it will be updated with the values in the second argument. If the record can not be found, a new record will be inserted with the merged attributes of both arguments
now, if email exists, the 'created_at' will be updated, otherwise a new row will be inserted with values of the merged array arguments
updateOrCreate you use for Eloquent Builder and updateOrInsert you use for Query Builder. Try with updateOrInsert.
$table = DB::updateOrInsert->table('newsletters')->([ 'id' => $request->id ], [
'email' => $email,
Thanks to Moussab Kbeisy's comment I can validate for uniqueness which will return a 422 error if not met instead of inserting into the database:
$this->validate($request, [
'email' => 'required | unique:newsletters'
$email = $request->input('email');
$table = DB::table('newsletters');
$table->insert(['email' => $email, 'created_at' => now()]);

Add the inserted id to the pivot table

I have a users, items, user_item tables. I need to populate the user_item table with a user_id and item_id when a user is created.
so far, I have a basic registration function
public function register(Request $request) {
$user = User::create([
'name' => $request->name,
'user_type' => $request->user_type,
'email' => $request->email,
'password' => bcrypt($request->password)
$token = auth()->login($user);
return $this->respondWithToken($token);
So far it saves only to the users table ofcourse.
I've looked at some documentations on using attach(), however, I got stuck on this one..
In the register function, i added a $item array:
$item = Item::create([
'user_id' => !!!!, -> How do I get the id of the inserted user
'instrument_id' => $request->instrument_id
Also, what is role()? is it a built-in laravel function?
Note that I haven't tried running this function since I got stuck on these problems. So I don't event know if it's gonna work.
Anyone help me on this one? I'm a laravel newbie and got really confused on the documentations.
the method create return the model it self after loading it's attributes from db,
so when you want the user id just use $user->id after create() method.
for the default permission that shipped with laravel it is
and to assign role to a user you can use:
$user->assignRole('writer'); // just set role name

Cant store number generated from str_random() into MySQL

i cant store the number generated from str_random() function. database stores all other inputs but not this, its always empty. it doesnt even show an error. it just stores it as empty text. i even checked with dd() function the $token variable contains a random string even after storing it to the database. its strange, i need help!!
public function store(Request $request)
$chatToken1 = str_random(16);
$chatToken2 = str_random(16);
$token = $chatToken1.$chatToken2;
'to_user_id' => $request->get('to_user_id'),
'from_user_id' => auth()->user()->id,
'message' => $request->get('chat_message'),
'chat_key' => $token,
'status' => '1'

Password with FirstOrCreate

I want to use FirstOrCreate for a new user.
Like that:
$user = User::FirstOrCreate([
'name' => $request->username,
'email' => $request->email,
'password' => User::generatePassword()
generatePassword() just generate a random 8 chars string string.
Thing is is doesn't work because it's looking for a user that has this password value.
So, it works when there is no user with this email, but when there is it gives me a constraint error.
What should be the cleanest way to fix it???
You've made a grammatical error. ::firstOrCreate searches based on criteria provided, and if it's not found, it will create the database entry and return the model with that data. ::firstOrNew does that without saving the model automatically.
So, you would want this.
$user = User::firstOrNew([
'email' => $request->email,
We do not include name or password because we are not checking to see if Josh with using password foobar123 exists, we just want to know if has an account.
Your controller logic seems a bit weird because we would first want to validate that information before creating a model, but I'll roll with it.
$user = User::firstOrNew([
'email' => $request->email,
// This model does not have a DB record.
if (!$user->exists)
$user->name = $request->username;
$user->password = User::generatePassword();
return $user;
With that logic, we find a record based on email. If the record exists, we pass it. If it does not, we assign it a username and generate a password for it before creating the record and then pass it.

Laravel Updating a record

I'm having troubles updating a record. I have a page where users can register, this works flawlessly and has 4 fields: email, username, password and confirm password. This is a simple registration page and I dont want to turn off the visitors by presenting a lot of stuff to be filled out like full name and country, so these 2 fields can be updated on their "update profile" page. The profile page is separated into areas, the main area is a single form where only these 2 fields can be updated so no username, email, password fields here - only fullname and country.
Controller Update Profile Code
$user = User::find($id);
$user->fullname = Input::get('fullname');
$user->country = Input::get('country');
if (!$user->save())
return Redirect::to('edit-profile')->withInput()->withErrors($user->errors());
} else {
return Redirect::to('edit-profile')->withMessage('Profile successfully updated!');
My User Model rules. I'm using Ardent:
public static $rules = array(
'username' => 'required|between:3,20|unique:users|alpha_dash',
'email' => 'required|email|unique:users',
'password' => 'required|min:5|confirmed',
'password_confirmation' => 'min:5',
'fullname' => 'between:5,50',
'country' => 'between:3,50'
Problem here is that it returns an error message saying "Passwords do not match.". So it seems like Laravel is adding the password field in the query and also tries to validate if the passwords match. I do not want to create a separate model or a separate rules for this. How can I solve this?
To make it work when you do not display a password you can test if you are displaying it, then make it a required field, in the controller:
if ($user->exists){
$user::$rules['password'] = (Input::get('password')) ? 'required|min:5|confirmed' : '';
$user::$rules['password_confirmation'] = (Input::get('password')) ? 'required' : '';
