How to convert datatype using Spring Mongo template - spring

In Java I have the following Mongo temlate query which works fine:
query = new Query(where("department.departmentId").is(Integer.valueOf("31")));
since the department.departmentId field in the Mongo database is of type Integer.
Since this is just an example I want to be able to compare any field irrespective of its type with a String value (provided by a web client). So I don't want to use 'valueOf' constructions. I don't want to convert the value.
I tried:
query = new Query(where("department.departmentId").is("31").type(16);
query = new Query(where("department.departmentId").is("31").type(2);
query = new Query(where("department.departmentId").type(16).is("31");
query = new Query(where("department.departmentId").type(2).is("31");
Unfortunately nothing works. Is what I want possible?


Getting Second Order SQL Injection in Spring Hibernate

I am facing Second Order SQL Injection in the Spring-Hibernate application after scanning through the Checkmarx tool, I have gone through multiple questions in StackOverflow and in other platforms as well but did not get the right finding.
could you please look into the below code snip,
public String getOrderId(order_name){
String returnId= null;
Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery("select order_id from order where order_name=?");
List<String> dataset = query.setParameter(1,order_name).getResultList();
returnId = dataset. Get(0);
return returnId;
In this above method, while calling getResultList(), getting a high vulnerability issue that, this method returns data flows through the code without being properly sanitized or validated, and eventually used in further database query in the method.
Earlier code was like this,
public String getOrderId(order_name){
String returnId= null;
String q = "select order_id from order where order_name="+order_name;
Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(q);
and directly it was used as a string append in query, which I have modified with set parameter,
Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery("select order_id from order where order_name=?");
List<String> dataset = query.setParameter(1,order_name).getResultList();
but still after getting data from query.getResultSet(), it is asking for sanitizing and validating the data before use in further database query method.
and this return data is being used in further query like select * from return_Data where clause. (properly used in where clause to set parameter to avoid SQL injection).
and in the above query is used in another method where we pass return_Data as input to it.
could you please help here to know what checks and validation can be added to overcome this type of issue. Thanks in advance for prompt response.

How to use java.util.Date as #Id in mongo documents

Ok i found myself in a simple but annoying problem. My mongo documents are using java.util.Date as id, and as you might guess the id gets converted (spring converters) to ObjectId, I can't update these documents because every time a new ObjectId(Date) is created get a completely different id even though the date is the same...
how do i force mongo to just use java.util.Date as an id?
providing the sample code:
public void updateNode(...node..) {
final MongoTemplate mongoTemplate = ...
final String collectionName = ...
final Query query = (new Query()).addCriteria(Criteria.where("time").is(node.getTime()));
final Update update = Update.update("time", node.getTime()).set("top", node.getTop())
.set("bottom", node.getBottom()).set("mid", node.getMid())
.set("startTime", node.getStartTime()).set("potential", node.isPotential());
mongoTemplate.upsert(query, update, MyClassNode.class, collectionName);
if I ran this code for the first time the objects are inserted into the database but with ObjectId... if the node.getTime() is a java.sql.Date then everything is fine.
if the node.getTime() is not a java.sql.Date I cannot update the document if it exists: why? because everytime the document is prepared it creates a new ObjectId the update and query will have two different _id field values and update fails.
On checking the documentation , i found the following details :
In MongoDB, each document stored in a collection requires a unique _id
field that acts as a primary key. If an inserted document omits the
_id field, the MongoDB driver automatically generates an ObjectId for the _id field.
This also applies to documents inserted through update operations with
upsert: true.
The following are common options for storing values for _id:
Use an ObjectId.
Use a natural unique identifier, if available. This saves space and
avoids an additional index.
Generate an auto-incrementing number.
What i understood from the documentation was that to avoid inserting the same document more than once, only use upsert: true if the query field is uniquely indexed.So, if this flag is set , you will find your id converted using ObjectId() to make it unique.

Mongodb Retrieve records based on only day and month

I am new in writing aggregate queries in Mongo DB + Spring
Scenario: We are storing birthDate(Jjava.uti.Date) in mongo db which got stored as ISO date. Now we are trying to look for the records which are matching with the dayOfMonth and Month only. So that we can corresponding object from the list.
I had gone through few solutions and here is the way I am trying but this is giving me a null set of records.
Aggregation agg = Aggregation.newAggregation(
.as("month"),"day", "month"));
AggregationResults<Employee> groupResults = mongoTemplate.aggregate(agg, Employee.class, Employee.class);
I also tried applying a a query with the help of Criteria but this is also giving me a Employee object which all null content.
Aggregation agg = Aggregation.newAggregation(Aggregation.match(Criteria.where("birthDate").lte(new Date())), Aggregation.project().andExpression("dayOfMonth(birthDate)").as("day").andExpression("month(birthDate)")
.as("month"),"day", "month"));
AggregationResults<Employee> groupResults = mongoTemplate.aggregate(agg, Employee.class, Employee.class);
I must missing some important thing which is giving me these null data.
Additional Info: Employee object has only birthDate(Date) and email(String) in it
Please try to specify the fields to be included in the $project stage.
project("birthDate", "...").andExpression("...
The _id field is, by default, included in the output documents. To include any other fields from the input documents in the output documents, you must explicitly specify the inclusion in $project.
see: MongoDBReference - $project (aggregation)
I've created DATAMONGO-2200 to add an option to project directly onto the fields of a given domain type via something like project(Employee.class).

In Nest (Elasticsearch), how can I get the raw json mapping of an index?

I want to check the discrepancies between my current mapping (as in my C# code) and the mapping in the elasticsearch index.
With only:
var res = esClient.GetMapping<EsCompany>();
I get GetMappingResponse object in c#, I will have to compare field by field for equality. Even worse, each field has their own properties, I have to descend into those properties for further comparison.
In my application, I prefer obtaining the raw json of the mapping, and I can easily diff two json objects for equality.
I then tried this:
var res = esClient.Raw.IndicesGetMapping(myIndexName);
But when I read res.Response, I get an AmbiguousMatchException exception.
When you connect to Elasticsearch you can choose to expose the raw response like this:
var client = new ElasticClient(new ConnectionSettings().ExposeRawResponse());
Then you should be able to access the raw json via:
var json = res.ConnectionStatus.ResponseRaw;

Extracting timestamp field in Oracle vs MySQL from Grails-Groovy

I am using grails/groovy, and from my controller I am currently doing this for retrieving field from Mysql table containing datetime field
SimpleDateFormat Sformat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
String format_datenow = Sformat.format(new Date());
String format_dateprevious = Sformat.format(new Date() -31);
String markerCalcQuery =
"select sum(trans_cnt) as t_cnt, location from map2_data where fdate between '"+format_dateprevious+"' and '"+format_dateprevious+"' and res_id = "+res_id+" group by map2_data.location";
The above query fails on Oracle11g with error
ORA-01843: not a valid month.
The error I feel is because MySQL stores date in this format: 2011-12-28 02:58:26 and Oracle stores date like this: 28-DEC-11 PM
How do I make the code generalised, one way is to make the database in Oracle store the date in the same format which I am thinking the way to handle this rather than from the code. If yes, how to change date format in the Oracle db?
Can I specify the format in the grails domain class for map2_data so that no matter what database it is we will have the datetime in the same format.
For several reasons (one being to code database independent - which is basically what you'd need ;-)), it is better to avoid creating SQL statements in your code. Try to use the Grails criteria DSL, e.g. something like
def criteria = YourDomainObject.createCriteria()
criteria.get {
between ('fdate', new Date()-31, new Date())
projections {
(ontested, but should help you get started).
If for some reason you can't use the criteria API, try the fallback to HQL (Hibernate Query Language). I'd always try to avoid to write plain SQL.
In Oracle, dates have their own type, they aren't strings. If you have a string, you should convert it to a date using the TO_DATE function.
String format_datenow = "TO_DATE('" + Sformat.format(new Date()) + "', 'YYYY-MM-DD')";
To make it work also in MySQL, you can create a stored function named TO_DATE that just returns its first argument.
