Not converting yearweek function with QueryDSL - hql

I would like to use the yearweek() function of QueryDSL, which is supported by QueryDSL. This function generates the query select year(table1.timestamp)*100 + week(table1.timestamp) as col_0_0_ [...]. This does, however, not return a correct result on year endings. I've already opened a bug report for this issue.
I would rather use the built-in SQL yearweek() function, which is directly supported by e.g. MariaDB. Is there a way of using the SQL function YEARWEEK(timestamp) with QueryDSL? Or is it possible to use a custom SQL function with QueryDSL, e.g. given as a String?
Here is an example on how the two implementations return different results on year endings:
SELECT YEARWEEK("2018-01-01");
→ returns 201753, correct
SELECT YEAR("2018-01-01") * 100 + WEEK("2018-01-01")
→ returns 201800, incorrect

I found the answer to the question in this StackOverflow answer. You can use a template for this problem.
I used the following template to create a number expression with the SQL yearweek function:
Expressions.numberTemplate(Integer.class, "yearweek({0}, 3)", table1.timestamp);


Filtering query with R2DBC

I need do a filtering query with some query parameter. I need that if the query parameter is null, the condition of the query (= or LIKE, for example) is not evaluated and return me everything. I'm using R2DBC and I don't find a way to solve it.
If you are using Spring Data R2dbc, besides the above raw SQL query, you can use R2dbcOperations to compose Criteria by condition freely.
The following is an example.
.query(where("title").like("%" + name + "%"))// extract where here you can assemble the query condition freely.
Additionally using R2dbcRepository and convention-based method, try to use a default value in the like(eg. set the null to empty string "" in like) to save work to determine if it is a null value in sql.
A general prepared statement which would work might be:
FROM yourTable
WHERE col = ? or ? IS NULL;
In the event that you bind a NULL value to the ? from your obfuscation layer, the WHERE clause would always be true, returning all records in the table.
If you prefer doing this with a "static SQL statement" (meaning you use a single SQL string for all possible bind values), then, in Oracle, it's probably optimal to use NVL() to profit from an Oracle optimiser feature, as explained in this article, irrespective of whether you're using R2DBC:
WHERE col = nvl(:bind, col)
However, a query like yours is often best implemented using dynamic SQL, such as supported by a third party library like jOOQ:
Flux<TRecord> result =
.where(bind == null ? noCondition() : T.COL.eq(bind))
You can obviously also do this yourself, directly with R2DBC and your own dynamic SQL library, or any other such library.
Disclaimer: I work for the company behind jOOQ.

User-Defined Function Nested in Macro - Framework Manager

We are trying to create a dynamic query subject filter. To do this, we are trying to nest an Oracle user-defined function inside of a macro.
Example query subject filter:
We have imported the oracle function ORACLE_USER_DEFINED_FUNCTION into Framework Manager. The function returns a VARCHAR2 of the desired expression. For testing purposes, this function is simply returning VARCHAR2 value of '1=1' (the single quotes are not part of the VARCHAR2 return value).
The idea being that we want the query subject filter expression to be dynamically generated at run-time so the resulting query contains '...WHERE 1=1'. The strip macro is the mechanism to pre-process and invoke the user-defined function before the query is sent to the database.
However, when attempting to verify/check the query subject filter we receive the following error.
XQE-GEN-0018 Query Service internal error has occurred, please see the log for details.
I'm trying to get a hold of the query service log, but don't yet have it.
Perhaps there is some casting needed to convert the oracle VARCHAR2 output from the function to an IBM/Cognos string that is acceptable input for the IBM/Cognos macro.
Your assistance is appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Using Oracle 12c and Cognos 11.1.
With the exception of the queryValue macro function, macros are evaluated prior to accessing the database. This means the macro does not know what the Oracle UDF is or what its supposed to do. If you are able to call the UDF via a FM query subject you maybe able to get away with something similar to the queryValue answer found here:
Cognos 11.1.7 Framework manager change the table for the query subject, type data

Can I use expression builder to return a SQL query result to a variable?

I am using a software, pc/mrp, which appears to have a built-in Visual Fox Pro editor for FRX files. It also has an external usage of an ef file. Based on some usage of Google, the report designer seems standard, not custom. The ef file usage may be a custom thing. Now, I need to find a way to get access to a value from a SQL statement inside the report. The statement needs to run per-line in the report.
This file has sections:
In these sections, I can run code, but if there is a ~perline~ type section, I don't know how to access it. I can use the ~in~ to try to create a relationship between the databases, as shown in the following example:
But, for this I don't know how to join the databases. I have two databases (A,B) I need to connect them based on two fields (pono,line). If (A.pono and a.line) = (B.pono and B.line) then they would be linked. Is this possible?
Report Designer:
The other way I see this working is to do the query inside the report designer. Inside report properties is a variable tab. I can use this to assign to variables using expressions. I need:
SELECT field from B where B.pono = pono and B.line = line; INTO ARRAY varArray;
But, it gives me an error, likely because this is trying to create a new variable as opposed to actually assigning to the variable in the report. I tried editing a field inside the designer to use the preceeding code as well, but that also failed.
Is there a way using the report designer or the ef file to grab the data I need per line?
The sample code you show is doing something like a join with the SET RELATION command. To use SET RELATION, there has to be an index on the relevant field (expression) in the child table. So, if your table B has an index on PONO + LINE (or, if those are numeric, STR(PONO, length) + STR(LINE, length)), you can SET RELATION TO PONO + LINE INTO B, again, using the more complicated expression if necessary.

Toad for Oracle bind variables with IN clause

I have a query that looks like this:
select * from foo where id in (:ids)
where the id column is a number.
When running this in TOAD version, I want to supply a list of ids so that the resulting query is:
select * from foo where id in (1,2,3)
The simple minded approach below gives an error that 1,2,3 is not a valid floating point value. Is there a type/value combination that will let me run the desired query?
CLARIFICATION: the query as shown is how it appears in my code, and I am pasting it into TOAD for testing the results of the query with various values. To date I have simply done a text replacement of the bind variable in TOAD with the comma separated list, and this works fine but is a bit annoying for trying different lists of values. Additionally, I have several queries of this form that I test in this way, so I was looking for a less pedestrian way to enter a list of values in TOAD without modifying the query. If this is not possible, I will continue with the pedestrian approach.
As indicated by OldProgrammer, the Gerrat's answer that "You can't use comma-separated values in one bind variable" in the indicated thread correctly answers this question as well.

Does hsqldb provide a function similar to listagg?

I am looking for a function (or a group of functions) in HSQLDB that does something similar to Oracle's LISTAGG.
I have this as part of a larger select and would like to keep the syntax as similar as possible in HSQLDB:
SELECT LISTAGG(owner_nm, ', ') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY owner_nm)
The point of this is that we're trying to use HSQLDB for remote work and Oracle for working on site, prod, etc so I want to change the DDLs as little as possible to achieve that.
Looking at ARRAY_AGG, it doesn't seem like it does anything similar (as far as being able to pull from a separate table like we're doing above with OWNERSHIP). Any suggestions for how I may accomplish this?
group_concat is probably what you are looking for:
Quote from the manual:
GROUP_CONCAT is a specialised function derived from ARRAY_AGG. This function computes the array in the same way as ARRAY_AGG, removes all the NULL elements, then returns a string that is a concatenation of the elements of the array
