probleme with modal in controller - laravel

I have this line in the controller in search function
<a href="#custom-edit-modal-'.$Arret->id.'" class="table-action-btn" data-animation="fadein" data-plugin="custommodal" data-overlaySpeed="200" data-overlayColor="#36404a">
<i class="md md-edit"></i>
I want to passe the id and modal but in the route it pass and didn't open the modal
By the way the modal open in other case without search


Open Modal in Spring

I created an a tag and i want it to have double functionality, open a modal with bootstrap and also run a backend spring controller method
<a class="btn btn-info" th:attr="data-bs-target='#editarPersonaModal'" data-bs-toggle="modal"
and my controller:
public void openEditarPersonaModal(#RequestParam String id){
this.idPersonaEditar = Long.valueOf(id);
System.out.println("Accediste ruta editarPersona");
when i access to that route through the tag method th:href it doesn't show the message "Aceediste ruta editarpersona" in the console but it opens the modal
<a class="btn btn-info" th:attr="data-bs-target='#editarPersonaModal'" data-bs-toggle="modal"

laravel - I try to delete row out of a table from the database with a href icon

So what I'm trying to do is delete a row from my database table with a icon button (href)
<span title="Delete Task"><i class="far fa-trash-alt"></i></span>
Here is my controller
public function destroy($idtask) {
DB::delete('delete from tasks where idtask = ?',[$idtask]);
return redirect('/todo/notstarted');
and here is my routing:
so my button is on page /todo/notstarted , when i click it it goes to /todo/notstarted/delete/1 like I want but it shows the laravel 404|Not Found page. Normally the redirect in my controller should work but for some reason it broke.
here is a picture of my folder structure of my views:
enter image description here
Hopefully someone can help!
the problem is your anchor tag's href
you should use laravel url() helper.
like the code below :
<a href="{{url('notstarted/delete/',$task->idtask)}}" style="color: #8B0000">
<span title="Delete Task"><i class="far fa-trash-alt"></i></span>

Laravel: How to create link buttons on a view dynamically?

I'm making a College Administration website where a professor can log in.
I have a dashboard, where my dynamically generated button should be placed: (right now it just has dummy buttons!)
Generated by this view file, which I will have to modify soon:
<div class="container d-flex flex-column align-items-center justify-content-center">
<div class="grid2">
SUBCODE 1</button>
SUBCODE 2</button>
SUBCODE 3</button>
Tables in the Database:
the table iamarks contains the data (student info, and marks) that is to be displayed after /subcode/{subcode} narrows it down to records of just the students that are in the class assigned to current logged-in professor.
classroom_mappers is a table used to map a professor to a classroom with a subject. It makes sure that one classroom only has one professor for a particular subject.
the routes currently in my web.php:
route::get('/ia', 'IAController#show')->middleware('auth');
Route::get('/subcode/{subcode}', 'IAController#showTable')->middleware('auth');
...and these are the methods inside my controller:
//shows buttons to the user:
public function show(){
$subcodes = DB::table('classroom_mappers')
->where([['PID','=', auth()->user()->PID]])
return view('ia',compact('subcodes'));
//when user clicks a button, subcode is to be generated and a table is to be shown:
//it works, I tried it by manually typing in subcode value in URL.
public function showTable($subcode){
$sem = DB::table('classroom_mappers')
->where([['PID','=', auth()->user()->PID],
$division = DB::table('classroom_mappers')
->where([['PID','=', auth()->user()->PID],
$data = DB::table('iamarks')
return view('subcode',compact('data'));
My Problem:
To be able to generate the {subcode} in the URL dynamically, I want to create buttons in the dashboard using the data $subcodes. The controller hands over the $subcodes (an array of subject codes which belong to logged in professor) which are to be made into buttons from the show() method.
The buttons should have the name {subcode} and when clicked, should append the same subject code in the URL as {subcode}.
How do I make use of $subcodes and make the buttons dynamically?
How do I make sure the buttons made for one user are not visible to another user?
I managed to find the solution, thanks to Air Petr.
Apparently, you can't nest blade syntax like {{some_stuff {{ more_stuff }} }} and it generates a wrong php code. I modified the solution by Air Petr to:
<div class="grid2">
#foreach ($subcodes as $subcode)
<a href="<?php echo e(url('/subcode/'.$subcode->subcode));?>">
<button class="btn btn-outline-primary btn-custom-outline-primary btn-custom">
echo e($subcode->subcode);
It generates the buttons perfectly. The buttons for one user are not visible to another, since I'm using PID constraint in a query (['PID','=', auth()->user()->PID]).
Pass the passcodes array to view:
$subcodes = []; // Array retrieved from DB
return view('subcode', compact('subcodes'));
And in subcode.blade.php, loop through each subcode:
<div class="grid2">
#foreach($subcodes as $subcode)
<a href="{{ url('/subcode/' . $subcode->subcode) }}">
<button class="btn btn-outline-primary btn-custom-outline-primary btn-custom">SUBCODE {{ $subcode->subcode }}</button>
You can loop your codes to create buttons. Something like this (it's for "blade" template engine):
<div class="grid2">
#foreach ($subcodes as $subcode)
{{ $subcode->subcode }}</button>
Since you're using PID constrain in a query (['PID','=', auth()->user()->PID]), you'll get buttons for that specific PID. So there's no problem.

Why if I add the id attribute to span inside bootstrap navbar the JSP/Tiles exceptions aren't shown?

I found a weird problem in my project. I'm using Spring MVC, Tiles, JSPX and Boostrap.
I have a navbar in my header page, then I added a span to show a badge like
Till here nothing strange. But If I add an id on span tag and there is an error inside the html code, I can't see any log or exception.
Here the code
<li class="dropdown">
<a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" role="button" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false">
<span class="fa fa-male"><jsp:text/></span>
<span class="badge badgeNavbar" id="badgesContrattiDaApprovare">
</span> ${clienti}
<span class="caret"><jsp:text/></span>
<ul class="dropdown-menu">
Instead If I remove id="badgesContrattiDaApprovare" I can see the exceptions.
Are there any conflicts between span and id?
SO: Why if I add the id attribute to the span inside bootstrap navbar the JSP/Tiles exceptions aren't shown inside the rendered view?
For example here if an exception occurs without the id attribute:
Instead, if I add the id attribute is like the rendering is stopped, and I see only a blank page. The generated/rendered html code is incomplete.

is it possible to load ajax on web page load

im using panel collapse in bootstrap and has a parent category and child category
The parent was display for panel-title and the child categories was display on the panel-collapse to perform an ajax to load posts under child category
<h4 class="panel-title">
<a data-toggle="collapse" href="#collapse1">Parent categories</a>
<div id="collapse1" class="panel-collapse collapse">
<a onclick(perform ajax event)><li>child categories</li>
my problem was on page load all post was executed already. i just want only to show the post of the array 0 or to load an ajax on page load
