Joomla template - is on homepage - joomla

I want to create a joomla 3.x template which shows a different UI on the homepage than on all the oder pages.
This works fine with the following code:
$app = JFactory::getApplication();
$menu = $app->getMenu();
$lang = JFactory::getLanguage();
$isHomePage = $menu->getActive() == $menu->getDefault($lang->getTag());
When I click on a menu item $isHomePage is "false" and I can show a different layout.
But when I open an article from the featured articles-list on my home-page, the menu item is still the home page but the user does see the article.
How do I get the information, if the user is really on the home page?

As per my understanding, the home page condition getting true on inside page is due to the fact that if an article does not have any menu it gets it from the current menu. So clicking on home page article link carries home page menu id.
There are some alternative that I can suggest -
1) Checking for URL - Check if current URL is equal to site page URL.
$uri = JUri::getInstance();
$currentUrl = trim($uri->toString(),'/');
$homeUrl = trim(JUri::root(),'/');
$isHomePage = $currentUrl == $homeUrl;
2) Check for homepage parameter with inner pages parameters. For example, if your homepage is of the article and having id X, check from request params check option and id param to com_content and id == X.
I hope this might be helpful.


Prestashop backoffice module

I have created a Prestashop Backoffice module but on clicking module tab in menu , I am getting error enter image description here 404 page not found?
I want to create a template on clicking module tab and display some text there.
You need to add the entry of the back-office controller in the Menu. You can use the following code to add the controller in the tab:
For Prestashop 1.7:
$parentTab->name = array();
foreach (Language::getLanguages(true) as $lang) {
$parentTab->name[$lang['id_lang']] = $this->l('ShipRocket');
$parentTab->class_name = 'AdminShiprocket';
$parentTab->module = $this->name;
$parentTab->active = 1;
$parentTab->id_parent = Tab::getIdFromClassName('SELL');
$parentTab->icon = 'rocket';
You have to use the controller=AdminShiprocketController in the URL which is wrong. You need to use controller=AdminShiprocket to render the controller.
Also, add the controller file in /modules/module_name/controllers/admin/.
The filename should be: AdminShiprocketController.php

Where is Itemid used to flag active menu item in Joomla 2.5.6?

Can anyone please help me with the process flow through which the Joomla Itemid parameter ends up being the highlighted menu item?
I have embedded a 3rd party application in Joomla and by temporarily changing the php environment within the application.
I am able to get joomla html and insert the 3rd party html by replacing a token.
Simplified Code:
$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = '/joomla/index.php?view=mycom&option=com_mycom&Itemid=103';
$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] = '/joomla/index.php';
$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] = 'view=mycom&option=com_mycom&Itemid=103';
require_once '/joomla/index.php';
$joomlaHTML = ob_get_clean();
echo str_replace($replacementToken, $thirdPartyHTML, $joomlaHTML);
In v1.5.x, the menu item with ID 103 is properly highlighted but in v2.5.6, it isn't and the Home item is always highlighted. I think it used to be highlighted correctly in v1.6.x and earlier versions of 2.5.x as well but not sure.
I wanted to find how the process flows (where this is set) so I can see what tweaks I need to make.
Thanks Dayo! you saved my day with this:
// force highlight the external url menu item
$Itemid = JRequest::getVar('Itemid');
$menu = JSite::getMenu();
I don't fully understand the breadcrumb part, but I managed to get it working by editing my component's controller.php to read:
// No direct access to this file
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');
// force highlight the external url menu item
$Itemid = JRequest::getVar('Itemid');
$menu = JSite::getMenu();
// force fix the breadcrumb
$app = JFactory::getApplication('site');
$pathway =& $app->getPathway();
$bcrumbs = &JPathway::getInstance('site');
// import Joomla controller library
* MyCom Component Controller
class MyComController extends JController
Look in the following File
Check the
File and you will see two functions has been called "getActive" and "getDefault"
Which can be find in following file
I think it can be customized easily now

How can I get the CMS page id of a particular page in Magento

In magento by using this code:
$currentPageId =$this->getRequest()->getParam('page_id');
we can get the current page id.
But how can I get the page id of a particular page?
For example, I have a page with URL key about-fruit-store.
I want to get its page id. How can I get it?
$model = Mage::getModel('cms/page')->load('about-fruit-store','identifier');
$model = Mage::getModel('cms/page')->getCollection()
should do it.

Magento Auto Add Items Based on Quantity

I'm designing a custom product page with a button that when clicked I need to have an alert come up with a "Yes" or "No" option.
If "Yes" is selected I then need the following to happen.
Add another product into the cart based on the products quantity i.e. between 1 & 2 items add product A between 3 & 4 Items product B, between 5 & 12 product C and so on.
Any idea of the best way to accomplish this?
It has to be a alert style popup (ajax popup preferred) cannot be a checkbox on the product page.
So I've come across a solution to my problem... I'm using a Simple Modal (That TheBlackBenzKid hinted me to) that I'm either going to call from a custom button or with the add to cart button. This in turn will redirect to a php page that will redirect to the cart. For the php page I'll just include the code to put a item into the cart from there anyone could figure out how to customize it to there own needs.
// Include Magento application (URL to Mage.php)
require_once ( "app/Mage.php" );
//specified quantity my own variable I'm using for quantities
$spqty = 9;
// Initialize Magento
// You have two options here,
// "frontend" for frontend session or "adminhtml" for admin session
Mage::getSingleton("core/session", array("name" => "frontend"));
$session = Mage::getSingleton("customer/session");
// get the current Magento cart
$cart = Mage::getSingleton('checkout/cart');
if ($spqty <= 2) {
// insert item to cart where "98" is the product ID (NOT SKU!) Where "2" is the quantity
$cart->addProduct(98, array('qty' => 2));
} elseif ($spqty >= 4 ){
// you can add multiple products at the same time by adding this line multiple times
$cart->addProduct(96, array('qty' => 3));
// save the cart
// very straightforward, set the cart as updated
// redirect to index.php
header("Location: index.php/checkout/cart");
I also found some of this information from this guys blog I'll link to the article
How to add a product from an external site into Magento
I'm happy to answer any questions on this...
This is not the best answer, but code to get you started:
You could make the cart function use:
<input type="button" onClick="javascript:nValidateForm();"/>
And your form code:
<form name="m2mform" id="m2mform" method="post" onSubmit="javascript:nValidateForm();">
And then just call an external JavaScript in your page XML headers and add it to cart so that JS file will always be checked and validate the popup.

How do you use JRoute in Joomla to route to a Search menu item?

I am trying to create a a box in a template in Joomla! that will display all of the keywords and link them to their appropriate search page. I have a menu item set, however, I don't want to hard-code the menu item into the template, so I want to use the JRoute object to generate the SEF url.
I am using this function:
or this:
however, this generates a url like this:
when it ought to create a search url like this:
I have searched extensivly online and havn't found a solution to this problem. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Ok, so some additional information for you.. I am only experiencing the problem when I try and route the URL from a template in com_content. If I try and route the url from a template in com_search everything works perfectly. So, what is it about com_content that is causing this to not work properly?
In joomla administration page go to the menu item you've chosen for the search results page and get the id of that menu item (itemId).
Than you can try using:
or even
both should result in: /searchmenuitem.html?searchword=asdsadasdsa
To make it more comforable you could add itemId as a param to your template.
There is another way, where u can get the itemId from the database (this method is required on multilingual websites). Let me know if you want it.
Here it is:
$db =& JFactory::getDBO();
$lang =& JFactory::getLanguage()->getTag();
$uri = 'index.php?option=com_search&view=search';
$db->setQuery('SELECT id FROM #__menu WHERE link LIKE '. $db->Quote( $uri .'%' ) .' AND language='. $db->Quote($lang) .' LIMIT 1' );
$itemId = ($db->getErrorNum())? 0 : intval($db->loadResult());
I use this kind of method to get a menu item id of specific component and view
function getSearchItemId() {
$menu = &JSite::getMenu();
$component = &JComponentHelper::getComponent('com_search');
//get only com_search menu items
$items = $menu->getItems('componentid', $component->id);
foreach ($items as $item) {
if (isset($item->query['view']) && $item->query['view'] === 'search') {
return $item->id;
return false;
Then I use this method to get the sef url
function getRouteUrl($route)
// Get the global site router.
$config = &JFactory::getConfig();
$router = JRouter::getInstance('site');
$router->setMode($config->getValue('sef', 1));
$uri = &$router->build($url);
$path = $uri->toString(array('path', 'query', 'fragment'));
return $path;
This just works in any template.
use like this
$itemid = getSearchItemId();
//returns valid sef url
$url = getRouteUrl('index.php?Itemid='.$itemid);
You really do not need to do sql on the menu table to get ids. Just search the menu object.
Try to create new menu in the joomla backend called for instance 'hidden-menu'. It will never be shown in the front. But it will be used by JRoute Then add to this menu new menuitem called 'searchmenuitem' with link to com_search. That is all. Now you can call
and it will be ceonverted into this
