Peak finding algorithm in 2d-array with complexity O(n) - algorithm

The question is as the title says.
I am trying to figure out if there is a way of finding peak element in
2d-array in O(n) time where n is the length of each side in 2d-array i.e.
n^2 total elements.
By definition, "peak" in a 2-d array is an element such that it is >=
to all its neighbours (that is elements in up, down, left and right slots).
I read course note at:
and understood how to do in O(nlogn) but don't seem to quite
grasp how to do about O(n).
Could anybody come up with or explain how this problem can solved in O(n)?
Edit: n is the length of each side of the array i.e there are n^2 elements total.

The second algorithm given in the linked PDF is O(n). A "window" is defined to collectively be the boundary (i.e. all four outer edges), middle column and middle row of the current sub-square. Here's a summary of the algorithm:
Find maximum value in current window
Return it if it's a peak
Otherwise, find the larger neighbor of this maximum and recurse in the corresponding quadrant.
As described in the slides, the time complexity is defined by T(n) = T(n/2) + cn (the T(n/2) term is due to the edge length being halved on each recursive step; the cn term is the time required to find the maximum in the current window). Hence, the complexity is O(n).
The correctness of this algorithm is based on several observations that are listed on one of the slides:
If you enter a quadrant, it contains a peak of the overall array
This is basically a generalization of the same 1D argument. You only enter a quadrant when it contains some element greater than all elements on the border. So, either that element will be a peak, or you can keep "climbing up" until you find a peak somewhere in the quadrant.
Maximum element of window never decreases as we descend in recursion
The next window in the recursion always contains the maximum element of the current window, so this is true.
Peak in visited quadrant is also peak in overall array
This follows from the definition of peak, since it only depends on immediate neighbors.


What are the tighest lower bound in a 2-D Peak Finding?

I would like to know the lower bound for time complexity in algorithms that need to find just one peak in a 2D array, and in general in a N-D array. The best for 2-D I achieved was O(n)
For an N x M array, consider the following algorithm:
We take the middle row, and in O(M) find the maximum element. If both of its (columnwise) neighbors are not larger, it is a peak. Otherwise, if the above number is larger, one of the top half of the rows must contain a peak. Similarly of course for the bottom half.
Thus, we can divide the search space in half with an O(M) step, leading to a total runtime of O(M log N). I do believe this is optimal, but have not proven it so.

Traceless in place selection sort

You are given an arrayA[1..n] of length n with each cell containing a〈height,weight〉pair. All height values are distinct, and so are all weight values. The array is sorted in increasing order of the height values.Your task is to design a recursive divide-and-conquer algorithm that given an integer k∈[1,n],finds the entry with the kth smallest weight value. You are allowed to use only O(1) extra space in every level of recursion. Though your algorithm is permitted to reorder the entries of A if required,it must restore the original order of the entries before termination. Your algorithm must run in Θ(n) time.
The algorithm I can think of is selection sort, but i am not able to do it in the time and space complexity asked. Any help or direction would be appreciated.
If the algorithm may be O(n) in average you may use quicksort. Quicksort can find k-th element in O(n) in average if used till the pivot is proved to be the k-th element itself (O(n^2) worst case and O(n) in average).
Now the tricky part: you need to restore the original array. It is simple for the first iteration of the partition procedure on the sorted array: just run the procedure in opposite direction and reconstruct the initial array. Now the recursive idea emerges: if the pivot happens to be larger than k-th element, you still have left subarray sorted: you may repeat the procedure, find the k-th and restore the array. But if you find that the pivot is lower than k-th element... then restore the array and run the quicksort "reflected" (where you start moving from right to the left). In this case the right subarray from the pivot would be sorted. Repeat procedure recursively.

Grouping set of points to nearest pairs

I need an algorithm for the following problem:
I'm given a set of 2D points P = { (x_1, y_1), (x_2, y_2), ..., (x_n, y_n) } on a plane. I need to group them in pairs in the following manner:
Find two closest points (x_a, y_a) and (x_b, y_b) in P.
Add the pair <(x_a, y_a), (x_b, y_b)> to the set of results R.
Remove <(x_a, y_a), (x_b, y_b)> from P.
If initial set P is not empty, go to the step one.
Return set of pairs R.
That naive algorithm is O(n^3), using faster algorithm for searching nearest neighbors it can be improved to O(n^2 logn). Could it be made any better?
And what if the points are not in the euclidean space?
An example (resulting groups are circled by red loops):
Put all of the points into an (time O(n log(n))) then for each point calculate the distance to its nearest neighbor. Put points and initial distances into a priority queue. Initialize an empty set of removed points, and an empty set of pairs. Then do the following pseudocode:
while priority_queue is not empty:
(distance, point) = priority_queue.get();
if point in removed_set:
neighbor = rtree.find_nearest_neighbor(point)
if distance < distance_between(point, neighbor):
# The previous neighbor was removed, find the next.
priority_queue.add((distance_between(point, neighbor), point)
# This is the closest pair.
found_pairs.add(point, neighbor)
The slowest part of this is the nearest neighbor searches. An R-tree does not guarantee that those nearest neighbor searches will be O(log(n)). But they tend to be. Furthermore you are not guaranteed that you will do O(1) neighbor searches per point. But typically you will. So average performance should be O(n log(n)). (I might be missing a log factor.)
This problem calls for a dynamic Voronoi diagram I guess.
When the Voronoi diagram of a point set is known, the nearest neighbor pair can be found in linear time.
Then deleting these two points can be done in linear or sublinear time (I didn't find precise info on that).
So globally you can expect an O(N²) solution.
If your distances are arbitrary and you can't embed your points into Euclidean space (and/or the dimension of the space would be really high), then there's basically no way around at least a quadratic time algorithm because you don't know what the closest pair is until you check all the pairs. It is easy to get very close to this, basically by sorting all pairs according to distance and then maintaining a boolean look up table indicating which points in your list have already been taken, and then going through the list of sorted pairs in order and adding a pair of points to your "nearest neighbors" if neither point in the pair is in the look up table of taken points, and then adding both points in the pair to the look up table if so. Complexity O(n^2 log n), with O(n^2) extra space.
You can find the closest pair with this divide and conquer algorithm that runs in O(nlogn) time, you may repeat this n times and you will get O(n^2 logn) which is not better than what you got.
Nevertheless, you can exploit the recursive structure of the divide and conquer algorithm. Think about this, if the pair of points you removed were on the right side of the partition, then everything will behave the same on the left side, nothing changed there, so you just have to redo the O(logn) merge steps bottom up. But consider that the first new merge step will be to merge 2 elements, the second merges 4 elements then 8, and then 16,.., n/4, n/2, n, so the total number of operations on these merge steps are O(n), so you get the second closest pair in just O(n) time. So you repeat this n/2 times by removing the previously found pair and get a total O(n^2) runtime with O(nlogn) extra space to keep track of the recursive steps, which is a little better.
But you can do even better, there is a randomized data structure that let you do updates in your point set and get an expected O(logn) query and update time. I'm not very familiar with that particular data structure but you can find it in this paper. That will make your algorithm O(nlogn) expected time, I'm not sure if there is a deterministic version with similar runtimes, but those tend to be way more cumbersome.

Binary search with Random element

I know that Binary Search has time complexity of O(logn) to search for an element in a sorted array. But let's say if instead of selecting the middle element, we select a random element, how would it impact the time complexity. Will it still be O(logn) or will it be something else?
For example :
A traditional binary search in an array of size 18 , will go down like 18 -> 9 -> 4 ...
My modified binary search pings a random element and decides to remove the right part or left part based on the value.
My attempt:
let C(N) be the average number of comparisons required by a search among N elements. For simplicity, we assume that the algorithm only terminates when there is a single element left (no early termination on strict equality with the key).
As the pivot value is chosen at random, the probabilities of the remaining sizes are uniform and we can write the recurrence
C(N) = 1 + 1/N.Sum(1<=i<=N:C(i))
N.C(N) - (N-1).C(N-1) = 1 + C(N)
C(N) - C(N-1) = 1 / (N-1)
The solution of this recurrence is the Harmonic series, hence the behavior is indeed logarithmic.
C(N) ~ Ln(N-1) + Gamma
Note that this is the natural logarithm, which is better than the base 2 logarithm by a factor 1.44 !
My bet is that adding the early termination test would further improve the log basis (and keep the log behavior), but at the same time double the number of comparisons, so that globally it would be worse in terms of comparisons.
Let us assume we have a tree of size 18. The number I am looking for is in the 1st spot. In the worst case, I always randomly pick the highest number, (18->17->16...). Effectively only eliminating one element in every iteration. So it become a linear search: O(n) time
The recursion in the answer of #Yves Daoust relies on the assumption that the target element is located either at the beginning or the end of the array. In general, where the element lies in the array changes after each recursive call making it difficult to write and solve the recursion. Here is another solution that proves O(log n) bound on the expected number of recursive calls.
Let T be the (random) number of elements checked by the randomized version of binary search. We can write T=sum I{element i is checked} where we sum over i from 1 to n and I{element i is checked} is an indicator variable. Our goal is to asymptotically bound E[T]=sum Pr{element i is checked}. For the algorithm to check element i it must be the case that this element is selected uniformly at random from the array of size at least |j-i|+1 where j is the index of the element that we are searching for. This is because arrays of smaller size simply won't contain the element under index i while the element under index j is always contained in the array during each recursive call. Thus, the probability that the algorithm checks the element at index i is at most 1/(|j-i|+1). In fact, with a bit more effort one can show that this probability is exactly equal to 1/(|j-i|+1). Thus, we have
E[T]=sum Pr{element i is checked} <= sum_i 1/(|j-i|+1)=O(log n),
where the last equation follows from the summation of harmonic series.

Range query for a semigroup operator (union)

I'm looking to implement an algorithm, which is given an array of integers and a list of ranges (intervals) in that array, returns the number of distinct elements in each interval. That is, given the array A and a range [i,j] returns the size of the set {A[i],A[i+1],...,A[j]}.
Obviously, the naive approach (iterate from i to j and count ignoring duplicates) is too slow. Range-Sum seems inapplicable, since A U B - B isn't always equal to B.
I've looked up Range Queries in Wikipedia, and it hints that Yao (in '82) showed an algorithm that does this for semigroup operators (which union seems to be) with linear preprocessing time and space and almost constant query time. The article, unfortunately, is not available freely.
Edit: it appears this exact problem is available at
There's rather simple algorithm which uses O(N log N) time and space for preprocessing and O(log N) time per query. At first, create a persistent segment tree for answering range sum query(initially, it should contain zeroes at all the positions). Then iterate through all the elements of the given array and store the latest position of each number. At each iteration create a new version of the persistent segment tree putting 1 to the latest position of each element(at each iteration the position of only one element can be updated, so only one position's value in segment tree changes so update can be done in O(log N)). To answer a query (l, r) You just need to find sum on (l, r) segment for the version of the tree which was created when iterating through the r's element of the initial array.
Hope this algorithm is fast enough.
Upd. There's a little mistake in my explanation: at each step, at most two positions' values in the segment tree might change(because it's necessary to put 0 to a previous latest position of a number if it's updated). However, it doesn't change the complexity.
You can answer any of your queries in constant time by performing a quadratic-time precomputation:
For every i from 0 to n-1
S <- new empty set backed by hashtable;
C <- 0;
For every j from i to n-1
If A[j] does not belong to S, increment C and add A[j] to S.
Stock C as the answer for the query associated to interval i..j.
This algorithm takes quadratic time since for each interval we perform a bounded number of operations, each one taking constant time (note that the set S is backed by a hashtable), and there's a quadratic number of intervals.
If you don't have additional information about the queries (total number of queries, distribution of intervals), you cannot do essentially better, since the total number of intervals is already quadratic.
You can trade off the quadratic precomputation by n linear on-the-fly computations: after receiving a query of the form A[i..j], precompute (in O(n) time) the answer for all intervals A[i..k], k>=i. This will guarantee that the amortized complexity will remain quadratic, and you will not be forced to perform the complete quadratic precomputation at the beginning.
Note that the obvious algorithm (the one you call obvious in the statement) is cubic, since you scan every interval completely.
Here is another approach which might be quite closely related to the segment tree. Think of the elements of the array as leaves of a full binary tree. If there are 2^n elements in the array there are n levels of that full tree. At each internal node of the tree store the union of the points that lie in the leaves beneath it. Each number in the array needs to appear once in each level (less if there are duplicates). So the cost in space is a factor of log n.
Consider a range A..B of length K. You can work out the union of points in this range by forming the union of sets associated with leaves and nodes, picking nodes as high up the tree as possible, as long as the subtree beneath those nodes is entirely contained in the range. If you step along the range picking subtrees that are as big as possible you will find that the size of the subtrees first increases and then decreases, and the number of subtrees required grows only with the logarithm of the size of the range - at the beginning if you could only take a subtree of size 2^k it will end on a boundary divisible by 2^(k+1) and you will have the chance of a subtree of size at least 2^(k+1) as the next step if your range is big enough.
So the number of semigroup operations required to answer a query is O(log n) - but note that the semigroup operations may be expensive as you may be forming the union of two large sets.
