Range query for a semigroup operator (union) - algorithm

I'm looking to implement an algorithm, which is given an array of integers and a list of ranges (intervals) in that array, returns the number of distinct elements in each interval. That is, given the array A and a range [i,j] returns the size of the set {A[i],A[i+1],...,A[j]}.
Obviously, the naive approach (iterate from i to j and count ignoring duplicates) is too slow. Range-Sum seems inapplicable, since A U B - B isn't always equal to B.
I've looked up Range Queries in Wikipedia, and it hints that Yao (in '82) showed an algorithm that does this for semigroup operators (which union seems to be) with linear preprocessing time and space and almost constant query time. The article, unfortunately, is not available freely.
Edit: it appears this exact problem is available at http://www.spoj.com/problems/DQUERY/

There's rather simple algorithm which uses O(N log N) time and space for preprocessing and O(log N) time per query. At first, create a persistent segment tree for answering range sum query(initially, it should contain zeroes at all the positions). Then iterate through all the elements of the given array and store the latest position of each number. At each iteration create a new version of the persistent segment tree putting 1 to the latest position of each element(at each iteration the position of only one element can be updated, so only one position's value in segment tree changes so update can be done in O(log N)). To answer a query (l, r) You just need to find sum on (l, r) segment for the version of the tree which was created when iterating through the r's element of the initial array.
Hope this algorithm is fast enough.
Upd. There's a little mistake in my explanation: at each step, at most two positions' values in the segment tree might change(because it's necessary to put 0 to a previous latest position of a number if it's updated). However, it doesn't change the complexity.

You can answer any of your queries in constant time by performing a quadratic-time precomputation:
For every i from 0 to n-1
S <- new empty set backed by hashtable;
C <- 0;
For every j from i to n-1
If A[j] does not belong to S, increment C and add A[j] to S.
Stock C as the answer for the query associated to interval i..j.
This algorithm takes quadratic time since for each interval we perform a bounded number of operations, each one taking constant time (note that the set S is backed by a hashtable), and there's a quadratic number of intervals.
If you don't have additional information about the queries (total number of queries, distribution of intervals), you cannot do essentially better, since the total number of intervals is already quadratic.
You can trade off the quadratic precomputation by n linear on-the-fly computations: after receiving a query of the form A[i..j], precompute (in O(n) time) the answer for all intervals A[i..k], k>=i. This will guarantee that the amortized complexity will remain quadratic, and you will not be forced to perform the complete quadratic precomputation at the beginning.
Note that the obvious algorithm (the one you call obvious in the statement) is cubic, since you scan every interval completely.

Here is another approach which might be quite closely related to the segment tree. Think of the elements of the array as leaves of a full binary tree. If there are 2^n elements in the array there are n levels of that full tree. At each internal node of the tree store the union of the points that lie in the leaves beneath it. Each number in the array needs to appear once in each level (less if there are duplicates). So the cost in space is a factor of log n.
Consider a range A..B of length K. You can work out the union of points in this range by forming the union of sets associated with leaves and nodes, picking nodes as high up the tree as possible, as long as the subtree beneath those nodes is entirely contained in the range. If you step along the range picking subtrees that are as big as possible you will find that the size of the subtrees first increases and then decreases, and the number of subtrees required grows only with the logarithm of the size of the range - at the beginning if you could only take a subtree of size 2^k it will end on a boundary divisible by 2^(k+1) and you will have the chance of a subtree of size at least 2^(k+1) as the next step if your range is big enough.
So the number of semigroup operations required to answer a query is O(log n) - but note that the semigroup operations may be expensive as you may be forming the union of two large sets.


Kth minimum in a Range

Given an array of integers and some query operations.
The query operations are of 2 types
1.Update the value of the ith index to x.
2.Given 2 integers find the kth minimum in that range.(Ex if the 2 integers are i and j ,we have to find out the kth minimum between i and j both inclusive).
I can find the Range minimum query using segment tree but could no do so for the kth minimum.
Can anyone help me?
Here is a O(polylog n) per query solution that does actually not assume a constant k, so the k can vary between queries. The main idea is to use a segment tree, where every node represents an interval of array indices and contains a multiset (balanced binary search tree) of the values in the represened array segment. The update operation is pretty straightforward:
Walk up the segment tree from the leaf (the array index you're updating). You will encounter all nodes that represent an interval of array indices that contain the updated index. At every node, remove the old value from the multiset and insert the new value into the multiset. Complexity: O(log^2 n)
Update the array itself.
We notice that every array element will be in O(log n) multisets, so the total space usage is O(n log n). With linear-time merging of multisets we can build the initial segment tree in O(n log n) as well (there's O(n) work per level).
What about queries? We are given a range [i, j] and a rank k and want to find the k-th smallest element in a[i..j]. How do we do that?
Find a disjoint coverage of the query range using the standard segment tree query procedure. We get O(log n) disjoint nodes, the union of whose multisets is exactly the multiset of values in the query range. Let's call those multisets s_1, ..., s_m (with m <= ceil(log_2 n)). Finding the s_i takes O(log n) time.
Do a select(k) query on the union of s_1, ..., s_m. See below.
So how does the selection algorithm work? There is one really simple algorithm to do this.
We have s_1, ..., s_n and k given and want to find the smallest x in a, such that s_1.rank(x) + ... + s_m.rank(x) >= k - 1, where rank returns the number of elements smaller than x in the respective BBST (this can be implemented in O(log n) if we store subtree sizes).
Let's just use binary search to find x! We walk through the BBST of the root, do a couple of rank queries and check whether their sum is larger than or equal to k. It's a predicate monotone in x, so binary search works. The answer is then the minimum of the successors of x in any of the s_i.
Complexity: O(n log n) preprocessing and O(log^3 n) per query.
So in total we get a runtime of O(n log n + q log^3 n) for q queries. I'm sure we could get it down to O(q log^2 n) with a cleverer selection algorithm.
UPDATE: If we are looking for an offline algorithm that can process all queries at once, we can get O((n + q) * log n * log (q + n)) using the following algorithm:
Preprocess all queries, create a set of all values that ever occured in the array. The number of those will be at most q + n.
Build a segment tree, but this time not on the array, but on the set of possible values.
Every node in the segment tree represents an interval of values and maintains a set of positions where these values occurs.
To answer a query, start at the root of the segment tree. Check how many positions in the left child of the root lie in the query interval (we can do that by doing two searches in the BBST of positions). Let that number be m. If k <= m, recurse into the left child. Otherwise recurse into the right child, with k decremented by m.
For updates, remove the position from the O(log (q + n)) nodes that cover the old value and insert it into the nodes that cover the new value.
The advantage of this approach is that we don't need subtree sizes, so we can implement this with most standard library implementations of balanced binary search trees (e.g. set<int> in C++).
We can turn this into an online algorithm by changing the segment tree out for a weight-balanced tree such as a BB[α] tree. It has logarithmic operations like other balanced binary search trees, but allows us to rebuild an entire subtree from scratch when it becomes unbalanced by charging the rebuilding cost to the operations that must have caused the imbalance.
If this is a programming contest problem, then you might be able to get away with the following O(n log(n) + q n^0.5 log(n)^1.5)-time algorithm. It is set up to use the C++ STL well and has a much better big-O constant than Niklas's (previous?) answer on account of using much less space and indirection.
Divide the array into k chunks of length n/k. Copy each chunk into the corresponding locations of a second array and sort it. To update: copy the chunk that changed into the second array and sort it again (time O((n/k) log(n/k)). To query: copy to a scratch array the at most 2 (n/k - 1) elements that belong to a chunk partially overlapping the query interval. Sort them. Use one of the answers to this question to select the element of the requested rank out of the union of the sorted scratch array and fully overlapping chunks, in time O(k log(n/k)^2). The optimum setting of k in theory is (n/log(n))^0.5. It's possible to shave another log(n)^0.5 using the complicated algorithm of Frederickson and Johnson.
perform a modification of the bucket sort: create a bucket that contains the numbers in the range you want and then sort this bucket only and find the kth minimum.
Damn, this solution can't update an element but at least finds that k-th element, here you'll get some ideas so you can think of some solution that provides update. Try pointer-based B-trees.
This is O(n log n) space and O(q log^2 n) time complexity. Later I explained the same with O(log n) per query.
So, you'll need to do the next:
1) Make a "segment tree" over given array.
2) For every node, instead of storing one number, you would store a whole array. The size of that array has to be equal to the number of it's children. That array (as you guessed) has to contain the values of the bottom nodes (children, or the numbers from that segment), but sorted.
3) To make such an array, you would merge two arrays from its two sons from segment tree. But not only that, for every element from the array you have just made (by merging), you need to remember the position of the number before its insertion in merged array (basically, the array from which it comes, and position in it). And a pointer to the first next element that is not inserted from the same array.
4) With this structure, you can check how many numbers there are that are lower than given value x, in some segment S. You find (with binary search) the first number in the array of the root node that is >= x. And then, using the pointers you have made, you can find the results for the same question for two children arrays (arrays of nodes that are children to the previous node) in O(1). You stop to operate this descending for each node that represents the segment that is whole either inside or outside of given segment S. The time complexity is O(log n): O(log n) to find the first element that is >=x, and O(log n) for all segments of decomposition of S.
5) Do a binary search over solution.
This was solution with O(log^2 n) per query. But you can reduce to O(log n):
1) Before doing all I wrote above, you need to transform the problem. You need to sort all numbers and remember the positions for each in original array. Now these positions are representing the array you are working on. Call that array P.
If bounds of the query segment are a and b. You need to find the k-th element in P that is between a and b by value (not by index). And that element represents the index of your result in original array.
2) To find that k-th element, you would do some type of back-tracking with complexity of O(log n). You will be asking the number of elements between index 0 and (some other index) that are between a and b by value.
3) Suppose that you know the answer for such a question for some segment (0,h). Get answers on same type of questions for all segments in tree that begin on h, starting from the greatest one. Keep getting those answers as long as the current answer (from segment (0,h)) plus the answer you got the last are greater than k. Then update h. Keep updating h, until there is only one segment in tree that begins with h. That h is the index of the number you are looking for in the problem you have stated.
To get the answer to such a question for some segment from tree you will spend exactly O(1) of time. Because you already know the answer of it's parent's segment, and using the pointers I explained in the first algorithm you can get the answer for the current segment in O(1).

Is it possible to compute the minimum of a set of numbers modulo a given number in amortized sublinear time?

Is there a data structure representing a large set S of (64-bit) integers, that starts out empty and supports the following two operations:
insert(s) inserts the number s into S;
minmod(m) returns the number s in S such that s mod m is minimal.
An example:
minmod(7) -> the answer is 15 (which mod 7 = 1)
minmod(7) -> the answer is 14 (which mod 7 = 0)
minmod(10) -> the answer is 11 (which mod 10 = 1)
I am interested in minimizing the maximal total time spent on a sequence of n such operations. It is obviously possible to just maintain a list of elements for S and iterate through them for every minmod operation; then insert is O(1) and minmod is O(|S|), which would take O(n^2) time for n operations (e.g., n/2 insert operations followed by n/2 minmod operations would take roughly n^2/4 operations).
So: is it possible to do better than O(n^2) for a sequence of n operations? Maybe O(n sqrt(n)) or O(n log(n))? If this is possible, then I would also be interested to know if there are data structures that additionally admit removing single elements from S, or removing all numbers within an interval.
Another idea based on balanced binary search tree, as in Keith's answer.
Suppose all inserted elements so far are stored in balanced BST, and we need to compute minmod(m). Consider our set S as a union of subsets of numbers, lying in intervals [0,m-1], [m, 2m-1], [2m, 3m-1] .. etc. The answer will obviously be among the minimal numbers we have in each of that intervals. So, we can consequently lookup the tree to find the minimal numbers of that intervals. It's easy to do, for example if we need to find the minimal number in [a,b], we'll move left if current value is greater than a, and right otherwise, keeping track of the minimal value in [a,b] we've met so far.
Now if we suppose that m is uniformly distributed in [1, 2^64], let's calculate the mathematical expectation of number of queries we'll need.
For all m in [2^63, 2^64-1] we'll need 2 queries. The probability of this is 1/2.
For all m in [2^62, 2^63-1] we'll need 4 queries. The probability of this is 1/4.
The mathematical expectation will be sum[ 1/(2^k) * 2^k ], for k in [1,64], which is 64 queries.
So, to sum up, the average minmod(m) query complexity will be O(64*logn). In general, if we m has unknown upper bound, this will be O(logmlogn). The BST update is, as known, O(logn), so the overall complexity in case of n queries will be O(nlogm*logn).
Partial answer too big for a comment.
Suppose you implement S as a balanced binary search tree.
When you seek S.minmod(m), naively you walk the tree and the cost is O(n^2).
However, at a given time during the walk, you have the best (lowest) result so far. You can use this to avoid checking whole sub-trees when:
bestSoFar < leftChild mod m
rightChild - leftChild < m - leftChild mod m
This will only help much if a common spacing b/w the numbers in the set is smaller than common values of m.
Update the next morning...
Grigor has better and more fully articulated my idea and shown how it works well for "large" m. He also shows how a "random" m is typically "large", so works well.
Grigor's algorithm is so efficient for large m that one needs to think about the risk for much smaller m.
So it is clear that you need to think about the distribution of m and optimise for different cases if need be.
For example, it might be worth simply keeping track of the minimal modulus for very small m.
But suppose m ~ 2^32? Then the search algorithm (certainly as given but also otherwise) needs to check 2^32 intervals, which may amount to searching the whole set anyway.

Searching for a tuple with all elements greater than a given tuple efficiently

Consider the following list of tuples:
[(5,4,5), (6,9,6), (3,8,3), (7,9,8)]
I am trying to devise an algorithm to check whether there exists at least one tuple in the list where all elements of that tuple are greater than or equal to a given tuple (the needle).
For example, for a given tuple (6,5,7), the algorithm should return True as every element in the given tuple is less than the last tuple in the list, i.e. (7,9,8). However, for a given tuple (9,1,9), the algorithm should return False as there is no tuple in the list where each element is greater than the given tuple. In particular, this is due to the second element 1 of the given tuple, which is smaller than the second element of all tuple in the list.
A naive algorithm would loop through the tuple in the list one by one, and loop through the the element of the tuple in the inner loop. Assuming there are n tuples, where each tuple have m elements, this will give a complexity of O(nm).
I am thinking whether it would be possible to have an algorithm to produce the task with a lower complexity. Pre-processing or any fancy data-structure to store the data is allowed!
My original thought was to make use of some variant of binary search, but I can't seem to find a data structure that allow us to not fall back to the naive solution once we have eliminated some tuples based on the first element, which implies that this algorithm could potentially be O(nm) at the end as well.
Consider the 2-tuple version of this problem. Each tuple (x,y) corresponds to an axis-aligned rectangle on the plane with upper right corner at (x,y) and lower right at (-oo,+oo). The collection corresponds to the union of these rectangles. Given a query point (needle), we need only determine if it's in the union. Knowing the boundary is sufficient for this. It's an axis-aligned polyline that's monotonically non-increasing in y with respect to x: a "downward staircase" in the x direction. With any reasonable data structure (e.g. an x-sorted list of points on the polyline), it's simple to make the decision in O(log n) time for n rectangles. It's not hard to see how to construct the polyline in O(n log n) time by inserting rectangles one at a time, each with O(log n) work.
Here's a visualization. The four dots are input tuples. The area left and below the blue line corresponds to "True" return values:
Tuples A, B, C affect the boundary. Tuple D doesn't.
So the question is whether this 2-tuple version generalizes nicely to 3. The union of semi-infinite axis-aligned rectangles becomes a union of rectangular prisms instead. The boundary polyline becomes a 3d surface.
There exist a few common ways to represent problems like this. One is as an octree. Computing the union of octrees is a well-known standard algorithm and fairly efficient. Querying one for membership requires O(log k) time where k is the biggest integer coordinate range contained in it. This is likely to be the simplest option. But octrees can be relatively slow and take a lot of space if the integer domain is big.
Another candidate without these weaknesses is a Binary Space Partition, which can handle arbitrary dimensions. BSPs use (hyper)planes of dimension n-1 to recursively split n-d space. A tree describes the logical relationship of the planes. In this application, you'll need 3 planes per tuple. The intersection of the "True" half-spaces induced by by the planes will be the True semi-infinite prism corresponding to the tuple. Querying a needle is traversing the tree to determine if you're inside any of the prisms. Average case behavior of BSPs is very good, but worst case size of the tree is terrible: O(n) search time over a tree of size O(2^n). In real applications, tricks are used to find BSPs of modest size at creation time, starting with randomizing insertion order.
K-d trees are another tree-based space partitioning scheme that could be adapted to this problem. This will take some work, though, because most presentations of k-d trees are concerned with searching for points, not representing regions. They'd have the same worst case behavior as BSPs.
The other bad news is that these algorithms aren't well-suited to tuples much bigger than 3. Trees quickly become too big. Searching high dimensional spaces is hard and a topic of active research. However, since you didn't say anything about tuple length, I'll stop here.
This kind of problem is addressed by spatial indexing systems. There are many data structures that allow your query to be executed efficiently.
Let S be a topologically-sorted copy of the original set of n each m-tuples. Then we can use binary search for any test tuple in S, at a cost of O(m ln n) per search (due to at most lg n search plies with at most m comparisons per ply).
Note, suppose there exist tuples P, Q in S such that P ≤ Q (that is, no element of Q is smaller than the corresponding element of P). Then tuple Q can be removed from S. In practice this often might cut the size of S to a small multiple of m, which would give O(m ln m) performance; but in the worst case, will provide no reduction at all.
Trying to answer
allcorrespondingelements greater than or equal to a given tuple (needle)
(using y and z for members of the set/hay stack, x for the query tuple/needle and x ll y when xₐ ≤ yₐ for all ₐ (x dominated by y))
compute telling summary information like min, sum and max of all tuple elements
order criteria by selectivity
weed out dominated tuples
build a k-d-tree
top off with lower and upper bounding boxes:
one tuple lower consisting of the minimum values for each element (if lower dominates x return True)
and upper consisting of the minimum values: return False if x dominates upper

Looking for a data container with O(1) indexing and O(log(n)) insertion and deletion

I'm not sure if it's possible but it seems a little bit reasonable to me, I'm looking for a data structure which allows me to do these operations:
insert an item with O(log n)
remove an item with O(log n)
find/edit the k'th-smallest element in O(1), for arbitrary k (O(1) indexing)
of course editing won't result in any change in the order of elements. and what makes it somehow possible is I'm going to insert elements one by one in increasing order. So if for example I try inserting for the fifth time, I'm sure all four elements before this one are smaller than it and all the elements after this this are going to be larger.
I don't know if the requested time complexities are possible for such a data container. But here is a couple of approaches, which almost achieve these complexities.
First one is tiered vector with O(1) insertion and indexing, but O(sqrt N) deletion. Since you expect only about 10000 elements in this container and sqrt(10000)/log(10000) = 7, you get almost the required performance here. Tiered vector is implemented as an array of ring-buffers, so deleting an element requires moving all elements, following it in the ring-buffer, and moving one element from each of the following ring-buffers to the one, preceding it; indexing in this container means indexing in the array of ring-buffers and then indexing inside the ring-buffer.
It is possible to create a different container, very similar to tiered vector, having exactly the same complexities, but working a little bit faster because it is more cache-friendly. Allocate a N-element array to store the values. And allocate a sqrt(N)-element array to store index corrections (initialized with zeros). I'll show how it works on the example of 100-element container. To delete element with index 56, move elements 57..60 to positions 56..59, then in the array of index corrections add 1 to elements 6..9. To find 84-th element, look up eighth element in the array of index corrections (its value is 1), then add its value to the index (84+1=85), then take 85-th element from the main array. After about half of elements in main array are deleted, it is necessary to compact the whole container to attain contiguous storage. This gets only O(1) cumulative complexity. For real-time applications this operation may be performed in several smaller steps.
This approach may be extended to a Trie of depth M, taking O(M) time for indexing, O(M*N1/M) time for deletion and O(1) time for insertion. Just allocate a N-element array to store the values, N(M-1)/M, N(M-2)/M, ..., N1/M-element arrays to store index corrections. To delete element 2345, move 4 elements in main array, increase 5 elements in the largest "corrections" array, increase 6 elements in the next one and 7 elements in the last one. To get element 5678 from this container, add to 5678 all corrections in elements 5, 56, 567 and use the result to index the main array. Choosing different values for 'M', you can balance the complexity between indexing and deletion operations. For example, for N=65000 you can choose M=4; so indexing requires only 4 memory accesses and deletion updates 4*16=64 memory locations.
I wanted to point out first that if k is really a random number, then it might be worth considering that the problem might be completely different: asking for the k-th smallest element, with k uniformly at random in the range of the available elements is basically... picking an element at random. And it can be done much differently.
Here I'm assuming you actually need to select for some specific, if arbitrary, k.
Given your strong pre-condition that your elements are inserted in order, there is a simple solution:
Since your elements are given in order, just add them one by one to an array; that is you have some (infinite) table T, and a cursor c, initially c := 1, when adding an element, do T[c] := x and c := c+1.
When you want to access the k-th smallest element, just look at T[k].
The problem, of course, is that as you delete elements, you create gaps in the table, such that element T[k] might not be the k-th smallest, but the j-th smallest with j <= k, because some cells before k are empty.
It then is enough to keep track of the elements which you have deleted, to know how many have been deleted that are smaller than k. How do you do this in time at most O(log n)? By using a range tree or a similar type of data structure. A range tree is a structure that lets you add integers and then query for all integers in between X and Y. So, whenever you delete an item, simply add it to the range tree; and when you are looking for the k-th smallest element, make a query for all integers between 0 and k that have been deleted; say that delta have been deleted, then the k-th element would be in T[k+delta].
There are two slight catches, which require some fixing:
The range tree returns the range in time O(log n), but to count the number of elements in the range, you must walk through each element in the range and so this adds a time O(D) where D is the number of deleted items in the range; to get rid of this, you must modify the range tree structure so as to keep track, at each node, of the number of distinct elements in the subtree. Maintaining this count will only cost O(log n) which doesn't impact the overall complexity, and it's a fairly trivial modification to do.
In truth, making just one query will not work. Indeed, if you get delta deleted elements in range 1 to k, then you need to make sure that there are no elements deleted in range k+1 to k+delta, and so on. The full algorithm would be something along the line of what is below.
KthSmallest(T,k) := {
a = 1; b = k; delta
do {
delta = deletedInRange(a, b)
a = b + 1
b = b + delta
while( delta > 0 )
return T[b]
The exact complexity of this operation depends on how exactly you make your deletions, but if your elements are deleted uniformly at random, then the number of iterations should be fairly small.
There is a Treelist (implementation for Java, with source code), which is O(lg n) for all three ops (insert, delete, index).
Actually, the accepted name for this data structure seems to be "order statistic tree". (Apart from indexing, it's also defined to support indexof(element) in O(lg n).)
By the way, O(1) is not considered much of an advantage over O(lg n). Such differences tend to be overwhelmed by the constant factor in practice. (Are you going to have 1e18 items in the data structure? If we set that as an upper bound, that's just equivalent to a constant factor of 60 or so.)
Look into heaps. Insert and removal should be O(log n) and peeking of the smallest element is O(1). Peeking or retrieval of the K'th element, however, will be O(log n) again.
EDITED: as amit stated, retrieval is more expensive than just peeking
This is probably not possible.
However, you can make certain changes in balanced binary trees to get kth element in O(log n).
Read more about it here : Wikipedia.
Indexible Skip lists might be able to do (close) what you want:
However, there's a few caveats:
It's a probabilistic data structure. That means it's not necessarily going to be O(log N) for all operations
It's not going to be O(1) for indexing, just O(log N)
Depending on the speed of your RNG and also depending on how slow traversing pointers are, you'll likely get worse performance from this than just sticking with an array and dealing with the higher cost of removals.
Most likely, something along the lines of this is going to be the "best" you can do to achieve your goals.

Data structure / algorithm for query: filter by A, sort by B, return N results

Imagine that you have a large set of #m objects with properties A and B. What data structure can you use as index(s) (or which algorithm) to improve the performance of the following query?
find all objects where A between X and Y, order by B, return first N results;
That is, filter by range A and sort by B, but only return the first few results (say, 1000 at most). Insertions are very rare, so heavy preprocessing is acceptable. I'm not happy with the following options:
With records (or index) sorted by B: Scan the records/index in B order, return the first N where A matches X-Y. In the worst cases (few objects match the range X-Y, or the matches are at the end of the records/index) this becomes O(m), which for large data sets of size m is not good enough.
With records (or index) sorted by A: Do a binary search until the first object is found which matches the range X-Y. Scan and create an array of references to all k objects which match the range. Sort the array by B, return the first N. That's O(log m + k + k log k). If k is small then that's really O(log m), but if k is large then the cost of the sort becomes even worse than the cost of the linear scan over all mobjects.
Adaptative 2/1: do a binary search for the first match of the range X-Y (using an index over A); do a binary search for the last match of the range. If the range is small continue with algorithm 2; otherwise revert to algorithm 1. The problem here is the case where we revert to algorithm 1. Although we checked that "many" objects pass the filter, which is the good case for algorithm 1, this "many" is at most a constant (asymptotically the O(n) scan will always win over the O(k log k) sort). So we still have an O(n) algorithm for some queries.
Is there an algorithm / data structure which allows answering this query in sublinear time?
If not, what could be good compromises to achieve the necessary performance? For instance, if I don't guarantee returning the objects best ranking for their B property (recall < 1.0) then I can scan only a fraction of the B index. But could I do that while bounding the results' quality somehow?
The question you are asking is essentially a more general version of:
Q. You have a sorted list of words with a weight associated with each word, and you want all words which share a prefix with a given query q, and you want this list sorted by the associated weight.
Am I right?
If so, you might want to check this paper which discusses how to do this in O(k log n) time, where k is the number of elements in the output set desired and n is the number of records in the original input set. We assume that k > log n.
(I am the author).
Update: A further refinement I can add is that the question you are asking is related to 2-dimensional range searching where you want everything in a given X-range and the top-K from the previous set, sorted by the Y-range.
2D range search lets you find everything in an X/Y-range (if both your ranges are known). In this case, you only know the X-range, so you would need to run the query repeatedly and binary search on the Y-range till you get K results. Each query can be performed using O(log n) time if you employ fractional cascading, and O(log2n) if employing the naive approach. Either of them are sub-linear, so you should be okay.
Additionally, the time to list all entries would add an additional O(k) factor to your running time.
assuming N << k < n, it can be done in O(logn + k + NlogN), similar to what you suggested in option 2, but saves some time, you don't need to sort all the k elements, but only N, which is much smaller!
the data base is sorted by A.
(1) find the first element and last element, and create a list containing these
(2) find the N'th biggest element, using selection algorithm (*), and create a new
list of size N, with a second iteration: populate the last list with the N highest
(3) sort the last list by B.
Selection algorithm: find the N'th biggest element. it is O(n), or O(k) in here, because the list's size is k.
Step one is trivially O(logn + k).
Step 2 is O(k) [selection] and another iteration is also O(k), since this list has only k elements.
Step 3 is O(NlogN), a simple sort, and the last list contains only N elements.
If the number of items you want to return is small--up to about 1% of the total number of items--then a simple heap selection algorithm works well. See When theory meets practice. But it's not sub-linear.
For expected sub-linear performance, you can sort the items by A. When queried, use binary search to find the first item where A >= X, and then sequentially scan items until A > Y, using the heap selection technique I outlined in that blog post.
This should give you O(log n) for the initial search, and then O(m log k), where m is the number of items where X <= A <= Y, and k is the number of items you want returned. Yes, it will still be O(n log k) for some queries. The deciding factor will be the size of m.
Set up a segment tree on A and, for each segment, precompute the top N in range. To query, break the input range into O(log m) segments and merge the precomputed results. Query time is O(N log log m + log m); space is O(m log N).
This is not really a fully fleshed out solution, just an idea. How about building a quadtree on the A and B axes? You would walk down the tree in, say, a breadth-first manner; then:
whenever you find a subtree with A-values all outside the given range [X, Y], you discard that subtree (and don't recurse);
whenever you find a subtree with A-values all inside the given range [X, Y], you add that subtree to a set S that you're building and don't recurse;
whenever you find a subtree with some A-values inside the range [X, Y] and some outside, you recurse into it.
Now you have the set S of all maximal subtrees with A-coordinates between X and Y; there are at most O(sqrt(m)) of these subtrees, which I will show below.
Some of these subtrees will contain O(m) entries (certainly they will contain O(m) entries all added together), so we can't do anything on all entries of all subtrees. We can now make a heap of the subtrees in S, so that the B-minimum of each subtree is less than the B-minimums of its children in the heap. Now extract B-minimal elements from the top node of the heap until you have N of them; whenever you extract an element from a subtree with k elements, you need to decompose that subtree into O(log(k)) subtrees not containing the recently extracted element.
Now let's consider complexity. Finding the O(sqrt(m)) subtrees will take at most O(sqrt(m)) steps (exercise for the reader, using arguments in the proof below). We should probably insert them into the heap as we find them; this will take O(sqrt(m) * log(sqrt(m))) = O(sqrt(m) * log(m)) steps. Extracting a single element from a k-element subtree in the heap takes O(sqrt(k)) time to find the element, then inserting the O(log(sqrt(k))) = O(log(k)) subtrees back into the heap of size O(sqrt(m)) takes O(log(k) * log(sqrt(m))) = O(log(k) * log(m)) steps. We can probably be smarter using potentials, but we can at least bound k by m, so that leaves N*(O(sqrt(k) + log(k)*log(m))) = O(N * (sqrt(m) + log(m)^2) = O(N*sqrt(m)) steps for the extraction, and O(sqrt(m)*(N + log(m))) steps in total... which is sublinear in m.
Here's a proof of the bound of O(sqrt(m)) subtrees. There are several strategies for building a quadtree, but for ease of analysis, let's say that we make a binary tree; in the root node, we split the data set according to A-coordinate around the point with median A-coordinate, then one level down we split the data set according to B-coordinate around the point with median B-coordinate (that is, median for the half of the points contained in that half-tree), and continue alternating the direction per level.
The height of the tree is log(m). Now let's consider for how many subtrees we need to recurse. We only need to recurse if a subtree contains the A-coordinate X, or it contains the A-coordinate Y, or both. At the (2*k)th level down, there are 2^(2*k) subtrees in total. By then, each subtree has its A-range subdivided k times already, and every time we do that, only half the trees contain the A-coordinate X. So at most 2^k subtrees contain the A-coordinate X. Similarly, at most 2^k will contain the A-coordinate Y. This means that in total we will recurse into at most 2*sum(2^k, k = 0 .. log(m)/2) = 2*(2^(log(m)/2 - 1) + 1) = O(sqrt(m)) subtrees.
Since we examine at most 2^k subtrees at the (2*k)'th level down, we can also add at most 2^k subtrees at that level to S. This gives the final result.
The outcome you describe is what most search engines are built to achieve (sorting, filtering, paging). If you havent done so already, check out a search engine like Norch or Solr.
