What is the performance impact of Solr's debug=results? - performance

Solr queries support a parameter debug=results that explains the relevance of each returned document.
I'm currently considering to activate this for all our queries in a production environment to simplify handling of support requests about unexpected search results. I understand that this slightly increases the network load but could not find any mention if it also degrades performance in any noticable way.
My guess would be that all the information provided has to be collected at some point anyway so the performance impact should be neglible. There's a few CPU cycles to be expected to build the JSON strings with the debug information for the query result, but that's about it.
So both the impact on network load and performance would be within a single digit percent range.
Is this reasoning correct?


How is the concurrency query performance of elasticsearch?

Does elasticsearch can handle concurrency search/aggregation well? (For example, 1000 people issue the same/different query at the same time)
Please note that I am not talking about concurrency update, only search/agg.
Databases like oracle/mysql all talking about concurrency in there docs. Did not find elasticsearch talking about this. Does that mean concurrency is not a problem to the data structure and architecture of elasticsearch?
I know cache of filter is one good thing to make concurrency query easier. Anything else?
Queries can be cached for re-use with minimal overhead.
This allows faster processing of future queries over the same data.
The cluster configuration and data allocation will also have an impact on performance. Requests should be made in a round-robin fashion, If a single node is receives 1000 requests simultaneously its performance will be degraded vs dividing the work among multiple nodes.
Mappings and analyzers can also have significant influence on performance.
Queries that require retrieval and parsing of the _source field are expensive.
Using Query-time synonym translation will be expensive.
The reality is the performance is based on the particular application.

Can I disable caching of Fuseki server?

I want to disable SPARQL query caching of Fuseki server. Can I disable it? And how to do ? I'm considering the following ways:
Using command line argument - It looks unprepared
Using settings file (*.ttl) - I couldn't find notation to disable caching
Edit server code - Basically I won't do it :(
Please tell how can I disable caching.
What caching are you talking about?
As discussed in JENA-388 the current default behaviour is actually to add headers that disable caching so there is not any HTTP level caching.
If you are using the TDB backend then there are caches used to improve query performance and those are not configurable AFAIK. Also even if you could do it turning them off would likely drastically worsen performance so would not be a good idea.
The --mem option uses a pure in-memory dataset so there is no caching. Be aware that this will actually be much slower than using TDB as you scale up your data and is only faster at small dataset sizes.
If you are looking to benchmark then there are much better ways to eliminate the effect of caches than turning them off since disabling caches (even when you can) won't give you realistic performance numbers. There are several real world ways to eliminate cache effects:
Run warmups - either some fixed number or until you see the system reach a steady state.
Eliminate outliers in your statistics, discard the best and worst N results and compute your statistics over the remainder
Use query parameterisation, use a query template and substitute different constants into it each time thus ensuring you aren't issuing an identical query each time. Query plan caching may still come into effect but as Jena doesn't do this anyway it won't matter for your tests.
You may want to take a look at my 2012 SemTech talk Practical SPARQL Benchmarking and the associated SPARQL Query Benchmarker tool. We've been working on a heavily revised version of the tool lately which has a lot of new features such as support for query parameterisation.

How to do load testing using jmeter and visualVM?

I want to do load testing for 10 million users for my site. The site is a Java based web-app. My approach is to create a Jmeter test plan for all the links and then take a report for the 10 million users. Then use jvisualVM to do profiling and check if there are any bottlenecks.
Is there any better way to do this? Is there any existing demo for doing this? I am doing this for the first time, so any assistance will be very helpful.
You are on the correct path, but your load limit is of with a high factor.
Why I'm saying this is cause your site probably will need more machine to handle 10Milj Concurrent users. A process alone would probably struggle to handle concurrent 32K TCP-streams. Also do some math of the bandwidth it would take to actually handle 10Milj users.
Now I do not know what kind of service you thinking of providing on your site, but when thinking of that JVisualVM slows down processing by a factor 10 (or more for method tracing), you would not actually measure the "real world" if you got JMeter and JVisualVM to work at the same time.
JVisualVM is more useful when you run on lower loads.
To create a good measurement first make sure your have a good baseline.
Make a test with 10 concurrent users, connect up JVisuamVM and let it run for a while, not down all interesting values.
After you have your baseline, then you can start adding more load.
Add 10times the load (ea: 100 users), look at the changes in JVisualVM. Continue this until it becomes obvious that JVisualVM slows you down, for every time to add extra load, make sure you have written down the numbers your are interested in. Plot down the numbers in a graph.
Now... Interpolate the graph (by hand) for the number of users you want. This works for memory usage, disc access etc, but not for used CPU time, cause JVisualVM will eat CPU and give you invalid numbers on that (especially if you have method tracing turned on).
If you really want to go as high as 10Milj users, I would not trust JMeter either, I would write a little test program of my own that performs the test you want. This would be okey, since the the setting up the site to handle 10Milj will also take time, so spending a little extra time of the test tools are not a waste.
Just because you have 10 million users in the database, doesn't mean that you need to load test using that many users. Think about it - is your site really going to have 10 million simultaneous users? For web applications, a ratio of 1:100 registered users is common i.e. you are unlikely to have more than 100K users at any moment.
Can JMeter handle that kind of load? I doubt it. Please try faban instead. It is very light-weight and can support thousands of users on a single VM. You also have much better flexibility in creating your workload and can also automate monitoring of your entire test infrastructure.
Now to the analysis part. You didn't say what server you were using. Any Java appserver will provide sufficient monitoring support. Commercial servers provide nice GUI tools while Tomcat provides extensive monitoring via JMX. You may want to start here before getting down to the JVM level.
For the JVM, you really don't want to use VisualVM while running such a large performance test. Besides to support such a load, I assume you are using multiple appserver/JVM instances. The major performance issue is usually GC, so use the JVM options to collect and log GC information. You will have to post-process the data.
This is a non-trivial exercise - good luck!
There are two types of load testing - bottleneck identification and throughput. The question leads me to believe this is about bottlenecks, so number of users is a something of a red herring, instead the goal being for a given configuration finding areas that can be improved to increase concurrency.
Application bottlenecks usually fall into three categories: database, memory leak, or slow algorithm. Finding them involves putting the application in question under stress (i.e. load) for an extended period of time - at least an hour, perhaps up to several days. Jmeter is a good tool for this purpose. One of the things to consider is running the same test with cookie handling enabled (i.e. Jmeter retains cookies and sends with each subsequent request) and disabled - sometimes you get very different results and this is important because the latter is effectively a simulation of what some crawlers do to your site. Details for bottleneck detection follow:
Tables without indices or SQL statements involving multiple joins are frequent app bottlenecks. Every database server I've dealt with, MySQL, SQL Server, and Oracle has some way of logging or identifying slow running SQL statements. MySQL has the slow query log, whereas SQL Server has dynamic management views that track the slowest running SQL. Once you've got your hands on the slow statements use explain plan to see what the database engine is trying to do, use any features that suggest indices, and consider other strategies - such as denormalization - if those two options do not solve the bottleneck.
Memory Leak
Turn on verbose garbage collection logging and a JMX monitoring port. Then use jConsole, which provides much better graphs, to observe trends. In particular leaks usually show up as filling the Old Gen or Perm Gen spaces. Leaks are a bottleneck with the JVM spends increasing amounts of time attempting garbage collection unsuccessfully until an OOM Error is thrown.
Perm Gen implies the need to increase the space as a command line parameter to the JVM. While Old Gen implies a leak where you should stop the load test, generate a heap dump, and then use Eclipse Memory Analysis Tool to identify the leak.
Slow Algorithm
This is more difficult to track down. The most frequent offenders are synchronization, inter process communication (e.g. RMI, web services), and disk I/O. Another common issue is code using nested loops (look mom O(n^2) performance!).
Best way I've found to find these issues absent some deeper knowledge is generating stack traces. These will tell what all threads are doing at a given point in time. What you're looking for are BLOCKED threads or several threads all accessing the same code. This usually points at some slowness within the codebase.
I blogged, the way I proceeded with the performance test:
Make sure that the server (hardware can be as per the staging/production requirements) has no other installations that can affect the performance.
For setting up the users in DB, a procedure can be used and can be called as a part of jmeter test plan.
Install jmeter on a separate machine, so that jmeter won't affect the performance.
Create a test plan in jmeter (as shown in the figure 1) for all the uri's, with response checking and timer based requests.
Take the initial benchmark, using jmeter.
Check for the low performance uri's. These are the points to expect for bottlenecks.
Try different options for performance improvement, but focus on only one bottleneck at a time.
Try any one fix from step 6 and then take an benchmark. If there is any improvement commit the changes and repeat from step 5. Otherwise revert and try for any other options from step 6.
The next step would be to use load balancing, hardware scaling, clustering, etc. This may include some physical setup and hardware/software cost. Give the results with the scalability options.
For detailed explanation: http://www.daemonthread.com/2011/06/site-performance-tuning-using-jmeter.html
I started using JMeter plugins.
This allows me to gather application metrics available over JMX to use in my Load Test.

How do I correctly performance test SELECT queries with Oracle?

I would like to test two queries to find out their performance as apposed to just looking at the execution plan. I have seen Tom Kyte do this all the time on his website as a way to gather evidence on his theories.
I believe there are many pitfalls in performance testing, for example, when i run a query in SQL developer for the first time, that query might return some fair number. Running that exact same query again, returns instantaneously. There must be some sort of caching on the server or client going on and I understand this is important - however I am only interested in non cached performance.
What are the guidelines to performance test? AND how do I write a performance test which repeats the query? Do i just write an anonymous block & loop? How do i get timing information, averages, medians, std deviations?
Oracle (and other databases) cache queries, which is where you see the behavior you describe. A "hard" parse means there's no query plan for the query, which leaves Oracle to figure out the query plan based on indexes and statistics. A "soft" parse is what happens when you run the identical query afterwards, and receive an instantaneous result, because the query plan exists & Oracle re-uses it. See the Ask Tom question about it for more details.
Be aware of the EXPLAIN output:
With the cost-based optimizer, execution plans can and do change as the underlying costs change. EXPLAIN PLAN output shows how Oracle runs the SQL statement when the statement was explained. This can differ from the plan during actual execution for a SQL statement, because of differences in the execution environment and explain plan environment.
Focusing on the non-cached performance gives a worst-case scenario, but given that caching will occur - non-cached benchmarks aren't realistic in everyday use.
To build off OMG Ponies answer, tuning based on timing is something that's possible, but not realistic. You'd have to start either with a fully-cached buffer cache in every case, or a fully-empty buffer cache, and neither of those is going to be representative of reality - especially if there's no competing load.
When I'm tuning, it's generally against a live system with activity, and I focus on tuning logical I/Os, either through using the extended SQL trace (dbms_monitor.session_trace_enable / dbms_monitor.session_trace_disable) and the tkprof utility, or using SQL*Plus and set autotrace traceonly - which does all the work of the query, but throws the output away, because I'm usually not interested in watching a jillion rows scroll by.
The exact mechanism usually involves bound SQL, using something like the following:
variable :my_bind1 number;
variable :my_bind2 varchar2(30);
:my_bind1 := 42;
:my_bind2 := 'some meaningful string';
set timing on;
set autotrace traceonly;
[godawful query with binds]
set autotrace off;
Within the results, I'm looking for the plan I'd expect, a comparative value for sorts - assuming any exist - and most importantly, the number of consistent I/Os. That's how many blocks Oracle had to read in consistent mode to satisfy the query. I can't find the original source of the quote, but I think it's Cary Milsap of Method R.
"Tune your logical I/Os, and your physical I/Os will follow."
In performance tuning, if the only piece of data you look at is wall-clock time, you will only be getting a small part of the whole picture. You need to at least look at the execution plan, as well as IO stats, in order to work out how best to tune the query.
Also, you need to eliminate other causes of performance issues - e.g. if there is a general performance issue across many queries, it might not be the fault of just one of them - it might be an architecture problem, or significant concurrent activity on the database, or even an underlying hardware issue.
I've had similar issues to what you describe before; e.g. a certain type of query which should be very fast was taking 30 seconds to run on the first time, then would settle down to a second or two. As soon as I looked at the execution plan, however, it was obvious that it was using a full table scan, because it couldn't use the unique index that had been created. The first time the query ran, most of the data was loaded into the cache (in fact, there were two levels of cache involved - the database buffer cache, as well as a storage-level cache over the disks) so subsequent full table scans were extremely fast.
What is correctly ?
Since 11g there are a few extra complications to take into account. The optimizer pre peeking has become a lot smarter and sql plan stability has a BIG influence. These two features make the database auto tuning but can also have unexpected effects during performance tests, for example because not all variations of the plans are known and accepted at the beginning of the tests.
This might be the cause that a second test run, the day after the first run, suddenly runs much quicker, without any apparent changes.
Since 11g performance testing is less important, compared to writing logically correct code. For example a Cartesian product and filtering out one distinct value van be functional correct but is in most of the cases wrong code because it fetches more data than logically needed.
If the queries fetches the data that is really needed and is in the correct control structure, have the database processes tune the code during the maintenance windows. In many cases the differences between the test environment and production are such that a comparison can not be safely made.
Don't get me wrong, testing is important but mostly for the logic compared to performance testing before 11g, there are extra steps to be taken.
For nice reading see Oracle® Database 2 Day + Performance Tuning Guide 11g Release 2 (11.2)

Is excessive use of lucene good?

In my project, entire searching and listing of content is depend on Lucene. I am not facing any performance issues. Still, the project is in development phase and long way to go in production.
I have to find out the performance issues before the project completed in large structure.
Whether the excessive use of lucene is feasible or not?
As an example, I have about 3 GB of text in a Lucene index, and it functions very quickly (milliseconds response times on searches, filters, and sorts). This index contains about 300,000 documents.
Hope that gave some context to your concerns. This is in a production environment.
Lucene is very mature and has very good performance for what it was designed to do. However, it is not an RDBMS. The amount of fine-tuning you can do to improve performance is more limited than a database engine.
You shouldn't rely only on lucene if:
You need frequent updates
You need to do joined queries
You need sophisticated backup solutions
I would say that if your project is large enough to hire a DBA, you should use one...
Performance wise, I am seeing acceptable performance on a 400GB index across 10 servers (a single (4GB, 2CPU) server can handle 40GB of lucene index, but no more. YMMV).
By excessive, do you mean extensive/exclusive?
Lucene's performance is generally very good. I recently ran some performance tests for Lucene on my Desktop with QuadCore # 2.4 GHz 2.39 GHz
I ran various search queries against a disk index composed of 10MM documents, and the slowest query (MatchAllDocs) returned results within 1500 ms. Search queries with two or more search terms would return around 100 ms.
There are tons of performance tweaks you can do for Lucene, and they can significantly increase your search speed.
What would you define as excessive?
If your application has a solid design, and the performance is good, I wouldn't worry too much about it.
Perhaps you could get a data dump to test the performance in a live scenario.
We use lucence to enable type-ahead searching. This means for every letter typed, it hits the lucence index to get the results. Multiple that to tens of textboxes on multiple interfaces and again tens of employees typing, with no complaints and extremely fast response times. (Actually it works faster than any other type-ahead solution we tried).
