How to do load testing using jmeter and visualVM? - performance

I want to do load testing for 10 million users for my site. The site is a Java based web-app. My approach is to create a Jmeter test plan for all the links and then take a report for the 10 million users. Then use jvisualVM to do profiling and check if there are any bottlenecks.
Is there any better way to do this? Is there any existing demo for doing this? I am doing this for the first time, so any assistance will be very helpful.

You are on the correct path, but your load limit is of with a high factor.
Why I'm saying this is cause your site probably will need more machine to handle 10Milj Concurrent users. A process alone would probably struggle to handle concurrent 32K TCP-streams. Also do some math of the bandwidth it would take to actually handle 10Milj users.
Now I do not know what kind of service you thinking of providing on your site, but when thinking of that JVisualVM slows down processing by a factor 10 (or more for method tracing), you would not actually measure the "real world" if you got JMeter and JVisualVM to work at the same time.
JVisualVM is more useful when you run on lower loads.
To create a good measurement first make sure your have a good baseline.
Make a test with 10 concurrent users, connect up JVisuamVM and let it run for a while, not down all interesting values.
After you have your baseline, then you can start adding more load.
Add 10times the load (ea: 100 users), look at the changes in JVisualVM. Continue this until it becomes obvious that JVisualVM slows you down, for every time to add extra load, make sure you have written down the numbers your are interested in. Plot down the numbers in a graph.
Now... Interpolate the graph (by hand) for the number of users you want. This works for memory usage, disc access etc, but not for used CPU time, cause JVisualVM will eat CPU and give you invalid numbers on that (especially if you have method tracing turned on).
If you really want to go as high as 10Milj users, I would not trust JMeter either, I would write a little test program of my own that performs the test you want. This would be okey, since the the setting up the site to handle 10Milj will also take time, so spending a little extra time of the test tools are not a waste.

Just because you have 10 million users in the database, doesn't mean that you need to load test using that many users. Think about it - is your site really going to have 10 million simultaneous users? For web applications, a ratio of 1:100 registered users is common i.e. you are unlikely to have more than 100K users at any moment.
Can JMeter handle that kind of load? I doubt it. Please try faban instead. It is very light-weight and can support thousands of users on a single VM. You also have much better flexibility in creating your workload and can also automate monitoring of your entire test infrastructure.
Now to the analysis part. You didn't say what server you were using. Any Java appserver will provide sufficient monitoring support. Commercial servers provide nice GUI tools while Tomcat provides extensive monitoring via JMX. You may want to start here before getting down to the JVM level.
For the JVM, you really don't want to use VisualVM while running such a large performance test. Besides to support such a load, I assume you are using multiple appserver/JVM instances. The major performance issue is usually GC, so use the JVM options to collect and log GC information. You will have to post-process the data.
This is a non-trivial exercise - good luck!

There are two types of load testing - bottleneck identification and throughput. The question leads me to believe this is about bottlenecks, so number of users is a something of a red herring, instead the goal being for a given configuration finding areas that can be improved to increase concurrency.
Application bottlenecks usually fall into three categories: database, memory leak, or slow algorithm. Finding them involves putting the application in question under stress (i.e. load) for an extended period of time - at least an hour, perhaps up to several days. Jmeter is a good tool for this purpose. One of the things to consider is running the same test with cookie handling enabled (i.e. Jmeter retains cookies and sends with each subsequent request) and disabled - sometimes you get very different results and this is important because the latter is effectively a simulation of what some crawlers do to your site. Details for bottleneck detection follow:
Tables without indices or SQL statements involving multiple joins are frequent app bottlenecks. Every database server I've dealt with, MySQL, SQL Server, and Oracle has some way of logging or identifying slow running SQL statements. MySQL has the slow query log, whereas SQL Server has dynamic management views that track the slowest running SQL. Once you've got your hands on the slow statements use explain plan to see what the database engine is trying to do, use any features that suggest indices, and consider other strategies - such as denormalization - if those two options do not solve the bottleneck.
Memory Leak
Turn on verbose garbage collection logging and a JMX monitoring port. Then use jConsole, which provides much better graphs, to observe trends. In particular leaks usually show up as filling the Old Gen or Perm Gen spaces. Leaks are a bottleneck with the JVM spends increasing amounts of time attempting garbage collection unsuccessfully until an OOM Error is thrown.
Perm Gen implies the need to increase the space as a command line parameter to the JVM. While Old Gen implies a leak where you should stop the load test, generate a heap dump, and then use Eclipse Memory Analysis Tool to identify the leak.
Slow Algorithm
This is more difficult to track down. The most frequent offenders are synchronization, inter process communication (e.g. RMI, web services), and disk I/O. Another common issue is code using nested loops (look mom O(n^2) performance!).
Best way I've found to find these issues absent some deeper knowledge is generating stack traces. These will tell what all threads are doing at a given point in time. What you're looking for are BLOCKED threads or several threads all accessing the same code. This usually points at some slowness within the codebase.

I blogged, the way I proceeded with the performance test:
Make sure that the server (hardware can be as per the staging/production requirements) has no other installations that can affect the performance.
For setting up the users in DB, a procedure can be used and can be called as a part of jmeter test plan.
Install jmeter on a separate machine, so that jmeter won't affect the performance.
Create a test plan in jmeter (as shown in the figure 1) for all the uri's, with response checking and timer based requests.
Take the initial benchmark, using jmeter.
Check for the low performance uri's. These are the points to expect for bottlenecks.
Try different options for performance improvement, but focus on only one bottleneck at a time.
Try any one fix from step 6 and then take an benchmark. If there is any improvement commit the changes and repeat from step 5. Otherwise revert and try for any other options from step 6.
The next step would be to use load balancing, hardware scaling, clustering, etc. This may include some physical setup and hardware/software cost. Give the results with the scalability options.
For detailed explanation:

I started using JMeter plugins.
This allows me to gather application metrics available over JMX to use in my Load Test.


JMeter fails on long scenario

I have a scenario with 5K HTTP requests. When I start JMeter with it, JMeter simply hangs after about 170 users. I followed all the guidelines for successful stress testing (no listeners, headless, increased heap space).
I must say that some of those requests are a little big, the overall file is ~115M.
When I only take a subset of the requests (~100), the simulation works better (faster initialization of users, holds more than 170 users, etc).
My question is, first, as I understand JMeter loads the scenario tree and every threads plays it, there should not be any duplication, so what exactly causes this extensive load? and second, what can I do about it?
PS: when I view the system bottlenecks I notice both CPU and memory are at very high values on the long file, both of the metrics have low values on the shorter version. Anyone can explain?
PS2: the requests have about 7 seconds of delay between them
First I need to let you know that if you are using a single system to do the load testing, the maximum your hardware or the port can handle at a time is 1 Gig of data. and your firewall(if any) would again receive/pass not more than I Gig of data. Try doing the same load test with Distributed System of load testing in Jmeter(Master-Slave-Distributed System). Even then, I don't think it would run for 4k requests(if these requests are heavy).
Best possible solution:
Try Distributed system as I mentioned above.
Try running the load test in Non GUI Mode- CLI
Increase the ramp up time as needed.
Increase the Ram of your system and allocate maximum available heap space to jmeter.
Drastic change- Use 1. Blazemeter cloud or 2. Move the complete setup of your load testing to Amazon Server which is more reliable and scalable.

How to decide on what hardware to deploy web application

Suppose you have a web application, no specific stack (Java/.NET/LAMP/Django/Rails, all good).
How would you decide on which hardware to deploy it? What rules of thumb exist when determining how many machines you need?
How would you formulate parameters such as concurrent users, simultaneous connections, daily hits and DB read/write ratio to a decision on how much, and which, hardware you need?
Any resources on this issue would be very helpful...
Specifically - any hard numbers from real world experience and case studies would be great.
Capacity Planning is quite a detailed and extensive area. You'll need to accept an iterative model with a "Theoretical Baseline > Load Testing > Tuning & Optimizing" approach.
The first step is to decide on the Business requirements: how many users are expected for peak usage ? Remember - these numbers are usually inaccurate by some margin.
As an example, let's assume that all the peak traffic (at worst case) will be over 4 hours of the day. So if the website expects 100K hits per day, we dont divide that over 24 hours, but over 4 hours instead. So my site now needs to support a peak traffic of 25K hits per hour.
This breaks down to 417 hits per minute, or 7 hits per second. This is on the front end alone.
Add to this the number of internal transactions such as database operations, any file i/o per user, any batch jobs which might run within the system, reports etc.
Tally all these up to get the number of transactions per second, per minute etc that your system needs to support.
This gets further complicated when you have requirements such as "Avg response time must be 3 seconds etc" which means you have to figure in network latency / firewall / proxy etc
Finally - when it comes to choosing hardware, check out the published datasheets from each manufacturer such as Sun, HP, IBM, Windows etc. These detail the maximum transactions per second under test conditions. We usually accept 50% of those peaks under real conditions :)
But ultimately the choice of the hardware is usually a commercial decision.
Also you need to keep a minimum of 2 servers at each tier : web / app / even db for failover clustering.
Load testing
It's recommended to have a separate reference testing environment throughout the project lifecycle and post-launch so you can come back to run dedicated performance tests on the app. Scale this to be a smaller version of production, so if Prod has 4 servers and Ref has 1, then you test for 25% of the peak transactions etc.
Tuning & Optimizing
Too often, people throw some expensive hardware together and expect it all to work beautifully. You'll need to tune the hardware and OS for various parameters such as TCP timeouts etc - these are published by the software vendors, and these have to be done once the software are finalized. Set these tuning params on the Ref env, test and then decide which ones you need to carry over to Production.
Determine your expected load.
Setup a machine and run some tests against it with a Load testing tool.
How close are you if you only accomplished 10% of the peak load with some margin for error then you know you are going to need some load balancing. Design and implement a solution and test again. Make sure you solution is flexible enough to scale.
Trial and error is pretty much the way to go. It really depends on the individual app and usage patterns.
Test your app with a sample load and measure performance and load metrics. DB queries, disk hits, latency, whatever.
Then get an estimate of the expected load when deployed (go ask the domain expert) (you have to consider average load AND spikes).
Multiply the two and add some just to be sure. That's a really rough idea of what you need.
Then implement it, keeping in mind you usually won't scale linearly and you probably won't get the expected load ;)

Performance Testing fundamentals

I have some basic questions around understanding fundamentals of Performance testing. I know that under various circumstances we might want to do
- Stress Testing
- Endurance Testing etc.
But my main objective here is to ensure that response time is decent from application under a set of load which is towards a higher end or in least above average load.
My questions are as follows:
When you start to plan your expected response time of application; what do you consider. If thats the first step at all. I mean, I have a web application now. Do I just pull out a figure from air and say "I would expect application to take 3 seconds to respond to each request". and then go about figuring out what my application is lacking to get that response time?
OR is it the other way round, and you start performance test with a given set of hardware and say, lets see what response time I get now, and then look at results and say, well it's 8 seconds right now, I'd like it to be 3 seconds at max, so lets see how we can optimize it to be 3 seconds? But again is 3 seconds out of air? I am sure, scaling up machines only will not get response time up. It'll get response time up only when single machine/server is under load and you start clustering?
Now for one single user I have response time as 3 seconds but as the load increases it goes down exponentially; so where do I draw the line between "I need to optimize code further" (which has it's upper limit) and "I need to scale up my servers" (Which has a limit too)
What are the best free tools to do performance and load testing? I have used Jmeter a bit. But is there anything else, that is good and open source?
If I have to optimize code, I start profiling the specific flows which took lot of time responding to requests?
Basically I'd like to see how one goes about from end to end doing performance testing for their application. Any links or articles would be very helpful.
The Performance Testing Council is your gateway to freely exchange experiences, knowledge, and practice of performance testing.
Also read Microsoft Patterns & Practises for Performance testing. This guide shows you an end-to-end approach for implementing performance testing.
phoenix mentioned the Open Source tools.
First of all you can read
Best Practices for Speeding Up Your Web Site
For tools
Open source performance testing tools
performance: tools
This link and this show an example and method of performance tuning an application when the application does not have any obvious "bottlenecks". It works most intuitively on individual threads. I have no experience using it on web applications, although other people do. I agree that profiling is not easy, but I've always relied on this technique, and I think it is pretty easy / effective.
First of all, design your application properly.
Use a profiler, see where the bottlenecks in your application are, and take them away if possible. MEASURE performance before improving it.
I will try to provide basic step by step guide, which can be used for implementing Performance testing in you project.
1 - Before you start testing you should know amount of physical memory and amount of memory allocated for JVM, or whatever. DB size collect as much metrics as possible for your current environment. Know you environment
2 - Next step would be to identify common DB production size and expected yearly growth. You will want to test how your application will behave after year, two, five etc.,
3 - Automate environment setup, this is will help you a lot in future for regression testing and defect fix validation. So you need to have DB dumps for your tests. With current (baseline), one year, five year volume.
4 - Once you're done if gathering basic information - Think about monitoring your servers under load, maybe you already have some monitoring solution like this will help you to identify cause of performance degradation (CPU/Mem/Amount of threads etc.,) Some performance testing tools do have built in monitoring systems.
At this you are ready to move with tooling and load selection, there is already provided materials on how to do that so I will skip part with workload selection.
5 - Select tool I think that JMeter + is what you need at this point, both do have a lot nice articles and education materials, for your script recording I would recommend to use blazemeters Chrom Extension instead of inbuilt JMeters solution. If you still think that you do lack knowledge on how things are done in JMeter I recommend to get this book - Performance Testing With JMeter 2.9 by Bayo Erinle
6 - Analyze results, review test plan and take corresponding actions.

What do I need to consider when performance testing DB2 read and write?

Calling all database guys...
The situation is this:
I have a DB2 database that is being written to and read from. I need to do some performance testing on programmatically executed read/writes.
I know how to write a program to read/write to this database, but I am not sure as to what factors I should consider in my performance test.
Do I need to worry about the difference between one session reading/writing vs multiple sessions?
What is the best way to interact with DB2 itself to get the amount of time these executions take?
The process I am testing is basically like a continuous batch proccess, constantly taking messages and persisting them. There will probably only be one or two sessions max on the DB at any given time.
Is time it takes to read/write really the best metric?
I am sure there are plenty of tools for this sort of testing. Any advice is appreciated.
Further info:
One thing I am considering is to try is to run X number of reads/writes with my database API (homebrew) and try to "time" how long it takes. Unfortuneately DB2 will buffer these messages. Is there any way to get DB2 to do a callback when it is done with a read/write? Or some way to externally measure the time these operations take? (tool, etc)
What is the goal for your performance testing?. Is it to test the performance for concurrent users or is it to test the load for batch process. Based on this there are tools available to test this. You may want to look jmeter from Apache.
In that case, you may want to trigger couple of concurrent processes to simaltaneously CRUD the data and monitor the activity using performance expert or something similar to that. While you do that you may want to use larger output so that you would be able to find any bottlenecks with larger sets of data. search for performance tuning in IBM redbooks site and you will find some case studies for this.
One huge factor in DB2 performance is how Buffer Pools are configured. e.g.

Recommendations for Web application performance benchmarks

I'm about to start testing an intranet web application. Specifically, I've to determine the application's performance.
Please could someone suggest formal/informal standards for how I can judge the application's performance.
Use some tool for stress and load testing. If you're using Java take a look at JMeter. It provides different methods to test you application performance. You should focus on:
Response time: How fast your application is running for normal requests. Test some read/write use case
Load test: How your application behaves in high traffic times. The tool will submit several requests (you can configure that properly) during a period of time.
Stress test: Do your application can operate during a long period of time? This test will push your application to the limits
Start with this, if you're interested, there are other kinds of tests.
"Specifically, I have to determine the application's performance...."
This comes full circle to the issue of requirements, the captured expectations of your user community for what is considered reasonable and effective. Requirements have a number of components
General Response time, " Under a load of .... The Site shall have a general response time of less than x, y% of the time..."
Specific Response times, " Under a load of .... Credit Card processing shall take less than z seconds, a% of the time..."
System Capacity items, " Under a load of .... CPU|Network|RAM|DISK shall not exceed n% of capacity.... "
The load profile, which is the mix of the number of users and transactions which will take place under which the specific, objective, measures are collected to determine system performance.
You will notice the the response times and other measures are no absolutes. Taking a page from six sigma manufacturing principals, the cost to move from 1 exception in a million to 1 exception in a billion is extraordinary and the cost to move to zero exceptions is usually a cost not bearable by the average organization. What is considered acceptable response time for a unique application for your organization will likely be entirely different from a highly commoditized offering which is a public internet facing application. For highly competitive solutions response time expectations on the internet are trending towards the 2-3 second range where user abandonment picks up severely. This has dropped over the past decade from 8 seconds, to 4 seconds and now into the 2-3 second range. Some applications, like Facebook, shoot for almost imperceptible response times in the sub one second range for competitive reasons. If you are looking for a hard standard, they just don't exist.
Something that will help your understanding is to read through a couple of industry benchmarks for style, form, function.
TPC-C Database Benchmark Document
SpecWeb2009 Benchmark Design Document
Setting up a solid set of performance tests which represents your needs is a non-trivial matter. You may want to bring in a specialist to handle this phase of your QA efforts.
On your tool selection, make sure you get one that can
Exercise your interface
Report against your requirements
You or your team has the skills to use
You can get training on and will attend with management's blessing
Misfire on any of the four elements above and you as well have purchased the most expensive tool on the market and hired the most expensive firm to deploy it.
Good luck!
To test the front-end then YSlow is great for getting statistics for how long your pages take to load from a user perspective. It breaks down into stats for each specfic HTTP request, the time it took, etc. Get it at
Firebug, of course, also is essential. You can profile your JS explicitly or in real time by hitting the profile button. Making optimisations where necessary and seeing how long all your functions take to run. This changed the way I measure the performance of my JS code.
Really the big thing I would think is response time, but other indicators I would look at are processor and memory usage vs. the number of concurrent users/processes. I would also check to see that everything is performing as expected under normal and then peak load. You might encounter scenarios where higher load causes application errors due to various requests stepping on each other.
If you really want to get detailed information you'll want to run different types of load/stress tests. You'll probably want to look at a step load test (a gradual increase of users on system over time) and a spike test (a significant number of users all accessing at the same time where almost no one was accessing it before). I would also run tests against the server right after it's been rebooted to see how that affects the system.
You'll also probably want to look at a concept called HEAT (Hostile Environment Application Testing). Really this shows what happens when some part of the system goes offline. Does the system degrade successfully? This should be a key standard.
My one really big piece of suggestion is to establish what the system is supposed to do before doing the testing. The main reason is accountability. Get people to admit that the system is supposed to do something and then test to see if it holds true. This is key because because people will immediately see the results and that will be the base benchmark for what is acceptable.
