Could anybody provide steps to deploy/publish ASP.NET Boilerplate Angular app to IIS?
I have found no documentation on
I'm using Asp.Net Core Single Page Angular template.
ng build --prod
It will create a dist folder which could be deployed to IIS. (that is for Angular 6, for earlier versions of angular use parameter -prod)
I found related SO answers for angularjs and angular 2
Is it possible to include AngularJs to a project with Gradle
I tried using gradle node plugin to build the angular web app
Standalone I am able to execute both the spring MVC and the angular web app, but could not figure out how to build them and deploy it onto the same tomcat container.
Generate a new app using JHipster then take a look at the code to see how it's done. Angular, Spring Boot, and Gradle will be there. You can find the JHipster doc here:
I can't figure out how to install React.js for Spring framework.
A website said to first install NPM. Yes, I did that.
But how can I use React.js in Spring MVC?
mac and windows need to install NPM?
just use use CDN -> this case occur error
how to searching basic course
only use spring boot?
could you give a Web site address for how to install Spring
Frameworks with React.js
could you give to me tips for how to install React.js for Spring
I'm a beginning developer.
The best answer I can give you is to walk through this tutorial, step by step.
To answer your first question, no, you do not need to use node.js tools to use React with Spring MVC. The tutorial above says:
This tutorial won’t go into extensive detail on how it uses require.js
to load JavaScript modules. But thanks to the frontend-maven-plugin,
you don’t have to install any of the node.js tools to build and run
the code.
Spring MVC and ReactJS follow some different concepts of designing your webapplication. With Spring MVC your create most of the time server side rendered webapps with JSPs or you use a template engine like Thymeleaf.
With ReactJS you are building a Singe Page Application (SPA) which can be accessed with a SINGLE HTML file, often index.html and your JavaScript is doing the rendering. With Spring MVC you provide several .html files and use Spring to route the different routes to your different .html files and render them on the server side.
The only thing I can guess is to serve your finally built ReactJS which consists only of one .html and several .js and other assets with a Spring MVC application which acts like a simple Webserver.
Furthermore you can use Spring MVC to provide RESTful interfaces for your React application.
There is a full support of swagger in spring boot. so here how can we achieve this with web API?
For C# Web Api, you can use Swashbuckle.
I use Swashbuckle to enable Swagger 2.0 on my APIs.
Nuget package:
Install-Package Swashbuckle
After you install Swashbuckle it will automatically create a file called SwaggerConfig.cs under your App_Start folder in your project. This file uses WebActivatorEx to automatically run the code you see in there on application startup. If you look at this file it is becomes pretty straight forward to see how and what they are doing.
After you have this installed on your application you can open the following url to see your swagger UI: ~/swagger/ui/index
If you are interested in seeing the Swagger 2.0 JSON it creates you can navigate to ~/swagger/docs/v1 as well.
You should also have a look at NSwag: The project combines the functionality of Swashbuckle (Swagger generation) and AutoRest (client generation) in one tool chain.
The tool can be integrated in the build process or directly in an Web API action method.
I have developed a Primefaces- Spring Application.
I have installed Liferay IDE/Plugings/server. I Want to deploy the Primeface-Spring application a s a portlet to my Liferay Portal. How do i achieve it? Please help.
Mmm... if I well undestood, you create a standard web application and need to deploy it as a portlet?
I'm sad to say that it is impossible: you need to convert your webapp to a "portlet application" before deploy.
By the way Liferay tries to meet your need... you can deploy your webapp inside your application server like any other web application. So your webserver will be able to serve Liferay (in root context) or your application in its context. Then you have to embed it inside a liferay "Embedded page": just create an "Embedded" page using your Liferay admin features.
This solution uses an iframe, so if you prefer you can try to use a "web-proxy" portlet (to integrate your code server side): see here
Next time you develop a portlet application a good starting point is to understand basics on portlet lifecycle, then to develop it directly thinking on a portlet.
It should be possible to deploy your PrimeFaces+Spring web application as a portlet in Liferay using Liferay Faces Bridge. The purpose of the bridge is to provide developers with a way to develop JSF applications without being concerned about the Portlet API. The Liferay Faces project has a primefaces4-portlet demo and a jsf2-spring-portlet demo that you can download in order to verify that these technologies work in your Liferay Portal environment.
I am new to Orbeon. My company has a requirement to integrate our Spring MVC application with Orbeon. I read many posts about deploying Orbeon and Spring app war files separately but mostly within the same Tomcat container by using crossContext config. Is there a way to have both applications running on separate tomcat servers? If so, are there examples available online?
Orbeon Forms 4.7 will have a built-in embedding solution, see Server-side Form Runner embedding #1808. Until that is done, there is no good solution.