There is a full support of swagger in spring boot. so here how can we achieve this with web API?
For C# Web Api, you can use Swashbuckle.
I use Swashbuckle to enable Swagger 2.0 on my APIs.
Nuget package:
Install-Package Swashbuckle
After you install Swashbuckle it will automatically create a file called SwaggerConfig.cs under your App_Start folder in your project. This file uses WebActivatorEx to automatically run the code you see in there on application startup. If you look at this file it is becomes pretty straight forward to see how and what they are doing.
After you have this installed on your application you can open the following url to see your swagger UI: ~/swagger/ui/index
If you are interested in seeing the Swagger 2.0 JSON it creates you can navigate to ~/swagger/docs/v1 as well.
You should also have a look at NSwag: The project combines the functionality of Swashbuckle (Swagger generation) and AutoRest (client generation) in one tool chain.
The tool can be integrated in the build process or directly in an Web API action method.
I am using spring boot in which I wanted to dynamically generate open api 3 specification by uploading json/yml and view in swagger ui
upload json/yml
dynamically generate swagger /open api specification
3.view in swagger ui
Is there any approach /plugin available to implement this?
similar implementation as swagger Interceptor but our workstation does not allow to use interceptor. so we are generating our own tool
I can't figure out how to install React.js for Spring framework.
A website said to first install NPM. Yes, I did that.
But how can I use React.js in Spring MVC?
mac and windows need to install NPM?
just use use CDN -> this case occur error
how to searching basic course
only use spring boot?
could you give a Web site address for how to install Spring
Frameworks with React.js
could you give to me tips for how to install React.js for Spring
I'm a beginning developer.
The best answer I can give you is to walk through this tutorial, step by step.
To answer your first question, no, you do not need to use node.js tools to use React with Spring MVC. The tutorial above says:
This tutorial won’t go into extensive detail on how it uses require.js
to load JavaScript modules. But thanks to the frontend-maven-plugin,
you don’t have to install any of the node.js tools to build and run
the code.
Spring MVC and ReactJS follow some different concepts of designing your webapplication. With Spring MVC your create most of the time server side rendered webapps with JSPs or you use a template engine like Thymeleaf.
With ReactJS you are building a Singe Page Application (SPA) which can be accessed with a SINGLE HTML file, often index.html and your JavaScript is doing the rendering. With Spring MVC you provide several .html files and use Spring to route the different routes to your different .html files and render them on the server side.
The only thing I can guess is to serve your finally built ReactJS which consists only of one .html and several .js and other assets with a Spring MVC application which acts like a simple Webserver.
Furthermore you can use Spring MVC to provide RESTful interfaces for your React application.
I am using apache camel REST DSL using springboot. All the configuration works fine. Now I want to add REST documentation using camel swagger java component. The REST DSL and swagger java, works out of the box. I can see the JSON output of the exposed REST services.
Now Question, what steps I need to follow, such that i can view camel REST documentation using swagger-ui?
I searched for answers, however the only solution was to download swagger-ui from github and "copy" <dist> folder to project, this doesn't seems to work, getting 404. URL i am using is localhost:8081\rest\index.html.
I liked the spring-fox swagger2, is it something can be supported in camel?
See this example which includes swagger ui.
The index.html file has more details how to access the swagger ui when the application runs.
please suggest if is there any other solution to do scaffolding of an app in STS.
In many examples/tutorials about creating web services using Spring MVC framework are using Spring MVC project template. I can't find it in my project tempaltes list. Am i missing some plugin installed?
The best way to create a new Rest service Spring app in STS 3.6.3 and beyond is to select the "Import Spring Getting Started Content". This allows you to get the guides from directly into your workspace. If you look for "Rest Service" in the list of available guides, the wizard will download the initial and the completed version of this guide, showing you how to write a Rest service using the latest Spring versions. The completed version of the project could also be used for just creating a new Spring project and continue to do development from there.
I have Eclipse-EE 3.6 IDE...I want to develop a Web Application using JSP and Servlet.
I plan to develop this application using Spring framework.
is it possible...can i use Spring framework for developing JSP application?
can you provide some Tutorials for JSP Application development using spring for beginners.
You can use Spring MVC. Try following tutorials:
Yes, you can. JSP is a standard view technology for spring-mvc. I'd recommend the official spring-mvc documentation
Yes, I would say, that this is one of the most done use case for Spring.
Anyway: I strongly recommend to use STS (SpringSource Tool Suite), it is free and based on Eclipse 3.6 Java EE, but provides additional Spring features. For example the some templates for Spring Projects (new Project/SpringSource Tool Suite/Spring Template Project).
And one very interesting Feature: Task Base Tutorials. They are great if you want to lern form an example: Dashbord/Tutorials/