Firefox cannot open "". How to circumvent? - firefox

I have two CentOS VMs which use Jenkins to run automated tests through firefox. Both have firefox installed. Both versions of firefox are the same (firefox-56.0.1). I do not know if they are both x86_64 or some other type, but whichever they are, they are the same. (I am using the same .tar.bz2 file. I copied it from one instance to the other.)
In one instance, I am able to run firefox. "firefox --headless" returns "*** You are running in headless mode."
After copying the .tar.bz2 file to the other instance and installing firefox, I find that the new instance does not have the same performance. "firefox --headless" returns the following:
XPCOMGlueLoad error for file /usr/local/firefox/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Couldn't load XPCOM.
What might explain this difference? It appears that I did something right in the first instance, but I cannot tell what. Is there some setting that will prevent firefox from trying to use the "" file? This file does not exist on either instance.
I've seen this question elsewhere, but the answer seems to focus on versions (I know my version has worked in the first instance) and a particular bug that has been backlogged (this bug only bothers me for the new instance).

Problem solved minutes after asking the question.
Simply run:
yum info gtk3
Check if gtk3 is installed. If not:
yum install gtk3
My old instance had gtk3 version 3.22.10 installed. My new instance had the same available but not installed. I don't recall seeing this in any of the guides to running firefox headlessly, but a search result that I did not originally think worth checking was able to resolve this rather quickly. Credit to the folks at
For Ubuntu or Debian distros use:
apt-get install packagekit-gtk3-module

You probably installed the wrong firefox version for 32bit on a 64bit system.
try downloading firefox with this portable installer which should work on a 64bit linux (tested in Ubuntu 19.10)


how to download IE for mac and to install

i want to use internet explorer on my mac, is there any way to install.
i need it as there are some websites which can open only in internet explorer, its a loss for me that i cant open websites on this safari
kindly help me if any one knows or using IE.
do you have any idea about virtualbox. is this help to download IE for mac
above link shows how todownload virtualbox and to install it
I find that the ievms project that is referred to in the softpedia link you provided is pretty quick and painless to setup on OSX. Once you have installed VirtualBox it will download and install the image for you automatically.
Note that it seems like you only need one IE version (and not all of them) so make sure you specify a version to download in the curl command, for example to install Internet Explorer 8:
curl -s | env IEVMS_VERSIONS="8" bash
Just run this command in your Terminal and it will do the rest.
Note: I've put version 8 as an example because it would be quicker to download than newer versions and is probably enough for your usage

How do I configure RubyMine 5 to edit remote files over SSH

I've got sort of a simple problem, but I can't seem to find any conclusive answers on the web. So, I have Ubuntu Server running in VirtualBox with Ruby and Rails installed.
What I want to do, is edit the files in the VM over SSH using RubyMine 5.0 on the Windows host machine (just like I can in Eclipse).
The problem is I can't find how to do that. I'm pretty sure it can be done, because I've found some related articles on the web, but none of them show me how I can configure RubyMine to do that.
I've searched every option in the menu and I can't figure it out by myself, so a "to the point" explanation would really be of help.
There is no way to do this natively in RubyMine. My solution is to mount the remote filesystem to a local folder using sshfs.
Linux you can get sshfs through your package manager.
OSX you can get it here make sure to install both OSX fuse and SSHFS. The version on HomeBrew did not work for me on OSX 10.9.4 so I recommend using the packages from the link.
Windows you can use win-sshfs, I've had good results using Chocolaty to install win-sshfs
To use on Linux/OSX:
Open your terminal.
mkdir MountFolder
sshfs MountFolder/
To use on Windows:
Use the GUI.
After you've mounted the remote file system open RubyMine and select Open Directory and browse to the project.
This is the best solution I can come up with until JetBrains supports it natively.

CVSNT install hangs forever in Windows XP 64-bit

I need to access some source code stored on SourceForge using CVS.
I used (many computers ago) to use WinCVS, so I downloaded it from SourceForge and installed it on this machine, which runs Windows XP 64-bit (latest SP).
However, during the second part of the install, when it tries to install CVSNT, the install asks all the usual questions, and hangs during the actual install.
I have traced the install using ProcMon, and the installer starts up, creates a temporary file in my temp directory (which is on drive E:), and then executes it.
I can't see any particular reason why the install hangs - there is no obvious loop. Both the original installer, and the temporary file create 2 threads, and one thread exits. So I guess the other thread is waiting for something which never happens.
Any idea how to proceed from here?
The issue is that the installer doesn't like the default installation path of c:\Program files (x86)\cvsnt — if you use c:\cvsnt the installer will proceed.
Update: this appears correct. If you still would like it in the default location under C:\Program Files (x86)..., use the 8.3 name (you can find it with dir /x), usually C:\PROGRA~2. As you can see in the screenshot, the last step appears correctly now. With a path with a space in it, it would hang forever.
Second part of wincvs --> cvsnt.exe get hangs with windows 7 due to incompatible, So you may try tortoiseCVS. It has the portable version and also working fine
SOLUTION FOR Windows 8 64-bit:
On Windows 8 64-bit I was unable to install CVSNT (even to c:\cvsnt), but I solved the problem by simple copy the whole CVTNT directory from my old pc.
I copied to C:\Program Files (x86)\cvsnt (exact location where wincvs expected to find cvsnt).
We had a similar problem on a machine at work (the difference being it was Windows 7 64-bit in our case). Even though the user had admin privileges, we were only able to resolve the issue by logging on directly as the admin before installing cvsnt.
Do not install the version of CVSNT that comes with WinCVS. It's an old, outdated, buggy version. Install a later release (at least

Node.js - tutorials on getting it to work with Cygwin on a Vista machine

Am trying to get Node.js to work on Vista machine.
I installed Cygwin (as per the Github instructions) which appears to have been installed correctly. However, none of the commands are executing.
Are there any tutorials for the stages after the Cygwin installation?
PROBLEM: When any command is executed, I get 'Bash: command not found' error.
Not even command like 'c:\cygwin\bin' is executing.
When I type 'user' in cygwin command prompt, I get 'ntvdm has encountered an system error. Parameter incorrect'.
I thought the above error may be due to the firewall, disabling the firewall did not have any effect, running the program with admin rights also did not change the results...
Am confused and would love to get some guidance on what steps to go with next on getting Node.js up and running on a Windows Vista machine.
Many thanks,
We managed to make a bit more progress. It appears that we had not installed all the relevant files related to Cygwin. Upon re-download and reinstalled, it ran well, however, we have driven into another error. Error we get:
How to compile/install node.js(could not configure a cxx compiler!) (Ubuntu).
We followed the instructions as per the above thread (3rd post from top for Windows machines), however, we are still stuck at the same error.
Any guidance please?
Have you tried just using the Windows self contained binaries? This way you actually don't need to bother with Cygwin.
At first, i tried it your way too, using Cygwin. After smashing my head for the 10th time against a wall i just stopped trying and found a much cleaner solution.
I'm using VirtualBox running a Debain guest system to locally develop on my Windows 7 machine. Using VirtualBox, you can easily set up shared folders or port forwarding for node apps between your Windows machine and your Debian guest system.
Since you are using a plain Linux-system, all the compiling-pain is blown away.
If you plan to run node.js in production on a windows system: don't. I hardly believe node.js will be ever stable enough on windows-based systems using MINGW/Cygwin...
People seem to run into problems with Cygwin because they think that they are using a Windows machine.
If you install Cygwin, and open a bash shell prompt using the Cygwin icon, you are now in a UNIX environment and everything works the same as it would on UNIX. That includes building node.js.
I think you added some info to the question and I can see your problem. Yes, normally on Cygwin it has been possible to build node.js just as you would on any UNIX system, but that is no longer possible on Windows 7. Before running ./configure you have to:
Close all cygwin apps.
Double-click on C:\Cygwin\bin\ash.exe
Run ./rebaseall and when it completes, run ./perlrebase.
exit from the ash shell window.
At this point Cygwin will be back to normal and you can ./configure and make install.

How do I manually install an old cygwin package?

A project I am working on requires an old version of SLAPD (the LDAP
server) and must run on Windows, hence I am using cygwin packages:
I've found a binary package of slapd version I need 2.2.x here:
How do I manually install it in cygwin? It does not seem to be a package-manager file format (like an RPM or a Deb), but is there a tool to install it for me?
FYI, I'm operating behind a corporate firewall that prevents me from viewing the main cygwin site (including the documentation), so please nobody tell me to RTFM - I wish I could!
If you need an older version, the Cygwin time machine might help. To use it, I had to invoke setup.exe from the command line, giving it the --no-verify/-X option and it still wouldn't let me downgrade the "cygwin" package itself but at least it is, albeit very slowly, allowing me to install the version I wanted to test as a parallel installation.
If you are using the cygwin package installer to install this package, usually if you select to view the full info and scroll to the package you need you will see some info about the version.
Now if you click on the version number you will see that it changes from the oldest in the repository to the current. If your repository has the version you need then just finish the wizard.
Some cygwin mirrors keep old package files, for example,
You can use Sonatype nexus to mirror an existing cygwin repository, but provide your own setup.ini .
Copy the already downloaded repo content to c:\progs\nexus\sonatype-work\nexus\storage\\
Put your own setup.ini and setup.bz2 there.
Start setup.exe with --no-verify
into the mirror selection box and click "Add"
