QueryDSL _id query within script - elasticsearch

I am using Elasticsearch & Kibana v5.6 and within devTools, I am able to use script within querydsl to query for a doc on a fieldname = value, ie:
GET indexA/_search
"query":{ "script":{ "script": """
def a = doc['field1'].value;
return a == 'value1';
Above would return all doc that has 'value1' as value within the field called 'field1'. But I am unable to search on _id, official doc says that prior to v6 we should use _uid instead so I have tried that with no luck. I am using script because after I am able to use _uid to get value of _id, essentially I want to do some value comparison similar to below:
GET indexA/_search
"query":{ "script":{ "script": """
def a = doc['field1'].value;
def b = doc['_uid'].value;
return a == b;
I think devTools is where i want to execute this instead of other places. Any pointers are appreciated

You are referring to Query Id's document or this one but deploying in the wrong context you need to define id's in the separate head of ids or put under term field _id.


find and replace in Elasticsearch / kibana 5.2

Is there any way to find and replace the value against particular field of my index with updated value?
In my index, lets say Index name = States_of_India, "State"="Jammu & Kashmir" is populated. I want to replace the '&' sign with "and".
How to do find and replace?
Have a look at the Update by Query API, or the Update API.
For example, if you want to replace the '&' sign with 'and' in the "State" field values, you can try something like this:
POST /index-name/_update_by_query
"lang": "painless",
"inline": "ctx._source.State = ctx._source.State.replace('&', 'and')"

Python OpenSearch retrieve records based on element in a list

So I need to retrieve records based on a field called "cash_transfer_ids" which is a python list.
I want to retrieve all records whose cash_transfer_ids contain a specific id value (a string).
What should the query be look like? Should I use match or term query?
Example: I want to retrieve any record whose cash_transfer_ids field contains 'abc'
Then I may get record such as
record 1: cash_transfer_ids:['abc']
record 2: cash_transfer_ids:['dfdfd', 'abc']
Thanks very much for any help!
if cash_transfer_ids is type keyword I try filter with Term.
term = "abc"
query = {
"query": {
"term": {
"cash_transfer_ids": {
"value": term
response = get_client_es().search(index="idx_test", body=query)

Project the sum of all fields in a document that match a regular expression, in elasticsearch

In Elasticsearch, I know I can specify the fields I want to return from documents that match my query using {"fields":["fieldA", "fieldB", ..]}.
But how do I return the sum of all fields that match a particular regular expression (as a new field)?
For example, if my documents look like this:
and I want the sum of all stats that match _1_ per document?
You can define an artificial field called script_field that contains a small Groovy script, which will do the job for you.
So after your query, you can add a script_fields section like this:
"query" : {
"script_fields" : {
"sum" : {
"script" : "_source.documentStats.findAll{ it.key =~ '_1_'}.collect{it.value}.sum()"
What the script does is simply to retrieve all the fields in documentStats whose name matches _1_ and sums all their values, in this case, you'll get 4.
Make sure to enable dynamic scripting in elasticsearch.yml and restart your ES node before trying this out.

How to get the total documents count, containing a specific field, using aggregations?

I am moving from ElasticSearch 1.7 to 2.0. Previously while calculating Term Facets I got the Total Count as well. This will tell in how many documents that field exists. This is how I was doing previously.
TermsFacet termsFacet = (TermsFacet) facet;
It worked with Multivalue field as well.
Now in current version for Term Aggregation we don't have anything as Total Count. I am getting DocCount inside Aggregation bucket. But that will not work for muti-valued fields.
Terms termsAggr = (Terms) aggr;
for (Terms.Bucket bucket : termsAggr.getBuckets()) {
String bucketKey = bucket.getKey();
totalCount += bucket.getDocCount();
Is there any way I can get Total count of the field from term aggregation.
I don't want to fire exists Filter query. I want result in single query.
I would use the exists query:
For instance to find the documents that contain the field user you can use:
"exists" : { "field" : "user" }
There is of course also a java API:
QueryBuilder qb = existsQuery("name");

To Select documents having same startDate and endDate

I have some documents where in each document , there is a startDate and endDate date fields. I need all documents with both these value as same. I couldn't find any query which will help me to do it.
Elasticsearch supports script filters, which you can use in this case . More Info
Something like this is what you will need -
POST /<yourIndex>/<yourType>/_search?
"query": {
"filtered": {
"filter": {
"script": {
"script": "doc['startDate'].value == doc['endDate'].value"
This can be achieved in 2 manner
Index solution - While indexing add an additional field called isDateSame and set it to true or false based on the value of startDate and endDate. Then you can easily do a query based on that field. This is the best optimized solution
Script solution - Elasticsdearch maintains all the indexed data in field data which is more like a reverse reverse index. Using script you can access any indexed fields and do comparison. This is pretty fast but not as good as first one.You can use the following query for the same
