How to get the total documents count, containing a specific field, using aggregations? - elasticsearch

I am moving from ElasticSearch 1.7 to 2.0. Previously while calculating Term Facets I got the Total Count as well. This will tell in how many documents that field exists. This is how I was doing previously.
TermsFacet termsFacet = (TermsFacet) facet;
It worked with Multivalue field as well.
Now in current version for Term Aggregation we don't have anything as Total Count. I am getting DocCount inside Aggregation bucket. But that will not work for muti-valued fields.
Terms termsAggr = (Terms) aggr;
for (Terms.Bucket bucket : termsAggr.getBuckets()) {
String bucketKey = bucket.getKey();
totalCount += bucket.getDocCount();
Is there any way I can get Total count of the field from term aggregation.
I don't want to fire exists Filter query. I want result in single query.

I would use the exists query:
For instance to find the documents that contain the field user you can use:
"exists" : { "field" : "user" }
There is of course also a java API:
QueryBuilder qb = existsQuery("name");


Elastic Search - Tokenization and Multi Match query

I need to perform tokenization and multi match in a single query in Elastic Search.
1)I am using the analyzer to get the tokens like below
String text = // 4 line log data;
List<AnalyzeToken> analyzeTokenList = new ArrayList<AnalyzeToken>();
AnalyzeRequestBuilder analyzeRequestBuilder = this.client.admin().indices().prepareAnalyze();
for (String newIndex : newIndexes) {
Response analyzeResponse = analyzeRequestBuilder.get();
then, I will iterate through the AnalyzeToken and get the list of tokens,
List<String> tokens = new ArrayList<String>();
for (AnalyzeToken token : tokens)
tokens.addAll(token.getTerm().replaceAll("\\s+"," "));
then use the tokens and frame the multi-match query like below,
String query = "";
for(string data : tokens) {
query = query + data;
MultiMatchQueryBuilder multiMatchQueryBuilder = new MultiMatchQueryBuilder(query, "abstract", "title");
Iterable<Document> result =;
Based on the result, I am checking whether similar data exists in the database.
Is it possible to combine as single query - the analyze and multi match query as single query?
Any help is appreciated!
Problem Statement : Say I have 90 entries in one index, In which each 10 entries in that index are identical (not exactly but will have 70% match) so I will have 9 pairs.
I need to process only one entry in each pair, so I went in the following approach (which is not the good way - but as of now I end up with this approach)
Approach :
Get each entry from the 90 entries in the index
Tokenize using the analyzer (this removes the unwanted keywords)
Search in the same index (It checks whether the same kind of data is there in the index) and also filters the flag as processed. --> this flag will be updated after the first log gets processed.
If there is no flag available as processed for the similar kind of data (70% match) then I will process these logs and update the current log flag as processed.
If any data already exist with the flag as processed then I will consider this data is already processed and I will continue with the next one.
So Ideal goal is to, process only one data in the 10 unique entries.
Multi-match queries internally uses the match queries which are analyzed means they apply the same analyzer which is defined in the fields mapping(standard) if there is no analyzer defined.
From the multi-match query doc
The multi_match query builds on the match query to allow multi-field
Also, accepts analyzer, boost, operator, minimum_should_match,
fuzziness, lenient, as explained in match query.
So what you are trying to do is overkill, even if you want to change the analyzer(need different tokens during search time) then you can use the search analyzer instead of creating tokens and then using them in multi-match query.

Elasticsearch more like this returns too many documents

I have documents like this:
body: '...'
I want to get documents which are more than 90% similar to the with a specific document. I have used this query:
query = {
"query": {
"more_like_this" : {
"fields" : ["title", "body"],
"like" : "body of another document",
"min_term_freq" : 1,
"max_query_terms" : 12
How to change this query to check for 90% similarity with specified doc?
Take a look at the Query Formation Parameter minimum_should_match
You should specify minimun_should_match
After the disjunctive query has been formed, this parameter controls
the number of terms that must match. The syntax is the same as the
minimum should match. (Defaults to "30%").
It form query using this
The MLT query simply extracts the text from the input document,
analyzes it, usually using the same analyzer at the field, then
selects the top K terms with the highest tf-idf to form a disjunctive
query of these terms
So if you would like to boost you title field you should boost your title field because if the title contains most of the terms present in the term frequency/ Inverse document frequency. the result should be boosted because it has more relevance. You can boost your title field by 1.5.
Refer this document for referenceren on the more_like_this query

Project the sum of all fields in a document that match a regular expression, in elasticsearch

In Elasticsearch, I know I can specify the fields I want to return from documents that match my query using {"fields":["fieldA", "fieldB", ..]}.
But how do I return the sum of all fields that match a particular regular expression (as a new field)?
For example, if my documents look like this:
and I want the sum of all stats that match _1_ per document?
You can define an artificial field called script_field that contains a small Groovy script, which will do the job for you.
So after your query, you can add a script_fields section like this:
"query" : {
"script_fields" : {
"sum" : {
"script" : "_source.documentStats.findAll{ it.key =~ '_1_'}.collect{it.value}.sum()"
What the script does is simply to retrieve all the fields in documentStats whose name matches _1_ and sums all their values, in this case, you'll get 4.
Make sure to enable dynamic scripting in elasticsearch.yml and restart your ES node before trying this out.

ElasticSearch: Metric aggregation and doc values / field-data

How does ES internally implement metric aggregations ?
Suppose documents in the index have below structure:
category: A,
measure: 20
Would for the below query which does terms aggregation on category and calculate sum(measure), the 'measure' field values
be extracted from the document (i.e. _source) and summed or
would the values be taken from doc-values / field data of 'measure' field
size: 0,
aggs: {
cat_aggs: {
terms: {
field: 'category'
aggs: {
sumAgg: {
sum: {field: 'measure'}
From the official documentation on metrics aggregations (emphasis added):
The aggregations in this family compute metrics based on values extracted in one way or another from the documents that are being aggregated. The values are typically extracted from the fields of the document (using the field data), but can also be generated using scripts.
If you're using a newer ES 2.x version, then doc_values have become the norm over field data.
All fields which support doc values have them enabled by default. If you are sure that you don’t need to sort or aggregate on a field, or access the field value from a script, you can disable doc values in order to save disk space
So to answer your question clearly, metrics aggregations are computed based on either field data or doc values that have been stored at indexing time, i.e. not computed based on source parsing at query time, unless your doing it from a script which accesses the _source directly.

How to get occurrence count of specific field value in elasticsearch from 650 M data

I have indexed Twitter data in ES. There are 110 M Twitter unique users profiles and there 650 M Tweets. Both are in seperate index (index: twitter-profiles, type: profiles), for tweets (index: twitter-tweets, type: tweets).
There is user_id_str of profile is attached with every tweet.
I am running into a problem to get occurrence count of specific user. I used Facet/terms and Aggregation/Terms but both give me exception PartialShardFailureException because there are lot of data to make calculation.
I used following query
"aggs" : {
"userCount" : {
"terms" : { "field" : "user_id_str" }
Then I give another Try.
I used second method Scan. Here I get ids of profiles from profiles type then search it in tweet type. it give me results but a single result came after 2seconds OOps. There are 110 M users mean I have to wait for days.
Please give me any reasonable solution for this situation.
You could use Cardinality aggregation in combination with term filter
