How to get the index of each specified character in a string? - indexof

Suppose I have the following variable:
set #var = 'firstName|lastName|age|gender'
If I call,
%%=v(IndexOf(#var, '|'))=%%
The output with be 10
How can I find the index of each '|' in the variable?

Good question. I ran into this issue the other day.
There's a function called BUILDROWSETFROMSTRING()
Check it out


Check for only one specific special character in string

I want to check if a string contains only '*' and treat replace it with blank.
For eg:
Scenario 1: if the string contains '**abc*%#' or 'xyz*$#*!' then I need to retain their values as is.
Scenario 2: if the string contains values like '****' or '*' or any combination where only this special character is present in the string then I need an output of ''.
Please suggest what would be the best way to go about this.
You can achieve this by getting the length of the string and replacing the * with '' and then subtract both of them. If the length is 0 then it contains all *
int count = line.length() - line.replace(".", "").length();
Hope this helps.
-Help :)

Select in ADO (vb6) with a numeric variable

Excuse me, occasionally I refer with some problem that maybe it's already been fixed. In any case, I would appreciate a clarification on vs.
I have a TariffeEstere table with the fields country, Min, Max, tariff
from which to extract the rate for the country concerned, depending on whether the value is between a minimum and a maximum and I should return a single record from which to extract its tariff:
The query is:
stsql = "Select * from QPagEstContanti Where country = ' Spain '
and min <= ImpAss and max >= ImpAss"
Where ImpAss is a variable of type double.
When I do ststql,.....
the recodset contains a record if e.g. ImpAss = 160 (i.e. an integer without decimals), and then the query works, but if it contains 21,77 ImpAss (Italian format) does not work anymore and gives me a syntax error.
To verify the contents of the query string (stsql) in fact I find:
Select * from QPagEstContanti Where country = 'Spain' and min < = 21,77 and max > = 21,77
in practice the bothering and would like a comma decimal, but do not know how do.
I tried to pass even a
format (ImpAss, "####0.00"),
but the value you found in a stsql is 21,77 always.
How can I fix the problem??
It sounds like the underlying language setting in SQL is expecting '.' decimals instead of ',' decimal notation.
To check this out - run the DBCC useroptions command and see what the 'language' value is set to. If the language is set to English or another '.' decimal notation - it explains why your SQL string is failing with values of double.
If that's the problem, the simplest way to fix it is to insert the following line after your stsql = statement:
  stsql = REPLACE(stsql, ",", ".")
Another way to fix it would be to change the DEFAULT_LANGUAGE for the login using the ALTER LOGIN command (but this changes the setting permanently)
Another way to fix it would be to add this command to the beginning of your stsql, which should change the language for the duration of the rs.Open:
  "SET LANGUAGE Italian;"

Concatenating string from SSIS for loop task

I have an SSIS package which loops over an array of dates. On each iteration I would like to append the current date to a string to get a full string of all the dates iterated.
What I did was to make an expression where: dateconcatvariable + ", " +currentdatevariable
However, dateconcatvariable is resetting on every iteration of the for loop and so in the end I end up with the last date iterated over instead of all the dates.
the variable is a package level variable.
Any ideas on how to get a concatenation to happen on SSIS?
1. Create a string variable #User::var
2. Use an Expression component and set the expression to #User::var = #User::var + (WSTR, 15)#User::yourdatevar
This should give you the general idea.

Removing the subscript/Index of an array in awk

I am using the awk's concept of storing the values as a subscript/Index of an array. Please have a look at the code below
#This loop will iterate and stores the RIDs in the requestIds variable into an array
So in my referenceId array I will be having hi,bye,cool,hot,how,see
let me consider a sample file which has the following values
My aim is to get the values from the file and to match with the array declared previously and if any of the values matches print the value from a file
awk script
awk '{BEGIN (Array loading done previously)} {if($0 in referenceIdArray) {print $0}}'
So this will give me the desired result. But assuming that the "hi" will appear only once in an array and hence when the action block finds the value, the value should be printed and also the corresponding entry in the array which is referenceIdArray["hi"] should also be removed in order to make the search effecient. Since they are stored as subscript I am not sure how to remove the entry. Any suggesions regarding this. Thank you.
You can remove an individual element of an array using the delete statement:
delete array[index]

TCL array values updation based on command line argument

I am trying to substitute variable value inside array so as to update array values based on command line inputs.
e.g. I am receiving IP address as command line argument for my TCL script and trying to update commands with recvd IP value.
My array is:
array set myArr { 1 myCmd1("","abc.txt")
2 myCmd2("","xyz.txt")
3 myCmd3("","klm.txt")
Here, "" will actually be supplied as command line argument.
I tried doing
array set myArr { 1 myCmd1($myIP,"abc.txt")
2 myCmd2($myIP,"xyz.txt")
3 myCmd3($myIP,"klm.txt")
and other combinations like ${myIP}, {[set $myIP]} but none is working.
Thanks in advance for any help/inputs.
Use the list command
% set myIP
% array set myArr [list 1 myCmd1($myIP,"abc.txt") 2 myCmd2($myIP,"xyz.txt") 3 myCmd3($myIP,"klm.txt")]
% puts $myArr(1)
% puts $myArr(3)
I think your code will be easier to understand and easier to maintain if you don't try to use array set in this instance. You can get away with it if you are careful (see answers related to using list) but there's really no reason to do it that way when a more readable solution exists.
Here's my solution:
set myArr(1) "myCmd1($myIP,\"abc.txt\")"
set myArr(2) "myCmd2($myIP,\"xyz.txt\")"
set myArr(3) "myCmd3($myIP,\"klm.txt\")"
array set myArr [list myCmd1($myIP, "abc.txt") 2 myCmd2($myIP, "xyz.txt") ... ]
Why? Because when you write {$var} in Tcl, it means $var and not the contents of the variable var. If you use list to create the list instead of the braces, variables are still evaluated.
