Laravel multiple model bound forms in a parent view - laravel

The overall concept that I'm attempting to do is create admin panel that has multiple "forms" on a single blade view. Each "form" is a blade.php file that has a form that is model bound to provide quick access to the model data on load. For example, let's say that I'm running a manufacturing line and there are three models (subviews) that I want to #include() on manufacturing.blade.php.
Parent view (manufacturing.blade.php)
Subview - Start time (start-time.blade.php)
Subview - Throughput (throughput.blade.php)
Subview - Supervisor (supervisor.blade.php)
Each subview has a submit button on it that POSTS to the assigned resource controller. My problem is how do I successfully load manufacturing.blade.php and include form model binding when I never call the index controller on the subviews.
Is what I'm asking even possible?

For what it's worth I figured it out right after I posted the question. The variables required for the model binding inside the subviews were the problem. I was receiving errors about the variables not available, blah.... when I loaded the parent view page. Obviously the variables aren't available when I call the subviews because they were never pulled in from the parent view. In other words I'm trying to access something that isn't there.
In the parent view loading controller, perform all the necessary db call to obtain/generate the objects required for the subviews. After the objects are obtained use
View::share('startTime', $startTime);
View::share('throughput', $throughput);
View::share('supervisor', $supervisor);
That method (view::share) allows that variable, 'startTime', etc..., to be shared across all the blade views that reside inside of parent. Just be sure you add the lines right before you return the intended parent view from your controller.


Connect two NSObjectControllers within a multi view OSX Storyboard

I'm using Storyboards for the first time creating a master/detail view for a simple object.
Both view controller items of the split view have their own view & NSObjectControllers. The controller for the table view is a NSArrayController (which shows all instances of the Entity). The controller for the detail view is an NSObjectController, which shows just the selected instance.
When I click an object in the table, I'd like the detail to show up in the detail view. So I believe my goal here is to bind the 'contents' of the detail object controller to the 'selection' of the master array controller. However with storyboards I cannot cross view controller boundaries (can't create the IB 'link'. aka: can't bind cross VC).
Whats the best practice for doing this?
So far all I can think to do is manually set all this up in one of the controllers (either the root controller, window controller or perhaps the master table view controller) - but that seems counterintuitive. That seems to defeat the purpose of being able to lay out this stuff within storyboards in the first place, and my controller of choice would then have to know about the other controller specifically.
I must be missing something!

Mvc base viewmodel render data within layout

I have created a base viewmodel that all of my view models inherit from. That part is easy.
All views are bound to a viewmodel (all are inherited from the base view model)
Within the OnActionExecuted method I insert a true/false value onto a property within the baseviewmodel depending on some conditions.
From the view side of things. I have a single layout page that some how I want to be able to read the property's value and render a different partial view based on the value.
Is this possible? I dont want to have to add the code to each of the views but I don't think I should be binding the layout to my baseviewmodel either.
If I can stay away from inserting the value into the valuebag that would be great as I need to be able to access these values anywhere in the application via strongly typed names.
what you want probably isnt possible because as you call a view from the controller then first the code inside that view is executed and then the layouts code is executed
to achieve what you are doing you can do 2 things
1. make the logic inside the controller itself and then render the correct view the layout from the controller giving it the name of the partial view in some property of the model or in the viewbag
Not sure I quite follow the use case, but rather than trying to render out a partial view, have you thought about nesting your layout pages.
I think you should be able to override the layout in the onactionexecuted, so you can set the layout dependant on the bool and that layout will render only the correct option.
Look here for an example:
Nested layout pages with Razor

PRISM: Passing object/events from parent to child View/VM with PopupRegions

We are working with an application that uses prism and MVVM for healthcare tracking operations.
Within this application, we have registered views in primary regions, and scenarios in which clicking on a cell in a grid (in this case a xamdatagrid - Infragistics) will launch another region via the prism region popup behaviors constructs.
So, when we click on the cell, a cellactivation operation in the code behind for that view is called which then calls a method in the view model to .RequestNavigate to the view that is registered for the 'secondary' popup region (thus launching what appears to be a dialog over the existing application).
I am attempting to pass an object from the parent view (the values of the record in the grid) to the child view that is launched in the popup, and have found that none of the expected operations is working.
I have a mediator object that we are using to pass information back from children to parents, but this does not work the other direction because the publish/notify operations for the mediator require the child view to 'already' be instantiated before the parent publishes to pass that information.
I'm finding that the event aggregator structures built into the Prism.Events classes don't appear to be working either (I'm assuming because of the same publish/subscribe issues). I can publish an event through the event aggregator from the parent view and subscribe in the child view, but I have to launch the child view 'twice' in order to get the event tied to the event aggregator operation to actually fire.
I understand this is rather vague (minus the code), but I'm looking more for a start point, or anyone that's run into the same kinds of issues. The bullet point scenario is as follows:
Parent view already instantiated in existing region.
Clicking on cell in parent view instantiates (navigates to) child view in popup region.
Same click operation needs to pass an object from the parent view to the child view so that the child view can filter its own data based on that object.
Operations are constructed using Prism/MVVM.
Any help, suggestions, pointers, ideas would be awesome.
We had the same scenario and ended up with creating a UiService that are injected to our ViewModels. Our ViewModel base class has a SetModel method which the UiService calls when navigating, for sending parameters to the destination view.
By example:
Clicking a button in the existing View.
Source ViewModel calls UiService ShowView(data).
UiService calls RequestNavigate for the requested view.
UiService calls SetModel on the destination ViewModel (by accessing the DataContext of the requested view) to pass in the data from the source ViewModel.
Depending what you want to pass it can be pretty simple with INavigationAware
Sounds like you want to pass something like query string - parameters, etc. Code to open window will be like this:
var query = new UriQuery
{ "MailItemKey", this.SelectedMailItem.MailItemKey.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) }
RegionManager.RequestNavigate(RegionNames.Popup, typeof(MailItemView).Name + query.ToString());
And inside MailItemViewModel which is our popup's VM code is like this:
public override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationContext navigationContext)
var mailItemKey = int.Parse(navigationContext.Parameters["MailItemKey"]);
If you want to pass custom objects - it will be more complex. I would look for MVVM in the box samples - there is some code on how it's done. I had to re-work it whole lot and code is not really copy-pasteable.
Sounds like a perfect use of a RegionContext.
Parent view contains a region that can have multiple "child" views activated in it. They need to share some context or data. Set a region context and bind or pass whatever info all the "child" views in the Region will need.
See the Prism samples around RegionContext.

Finding, loading and adding partial views dynamically

I've been tasked with converting an existing webforms application to mvc 3 razor.
The application currently has an aspx page which has a static header user control and "n" amount of other user controls which are dynamically created. In the code behind for the file, it is executing the below code in various specific sections to dynamically process user controls with information provided from the database.
I know how to statically create partial views, but being somewhat new to MVC, how would I go about defining this new "aspx" page and also to dynamically find, load and add the partial views (each equivalent to the below webforms code)?
btw, the code will be in C# as well.
Dim parent As Control = Page.FindControl(_moduleSettings.PaneName)
Dim portalModule As PortalModuleControl = CType(Page.LoadControl(_moduleSettings.DesktopSrc), PortalModuleControl)
I think I can do something like this when the page is rendering. I want to make it as simple as possible.
The "PaneName" will be set in the parent variable which determines where in the page it will be shown (Left, Right, or Main)
The "DeskTopSrc" is the name of the partial view to display.
So, take the code out of the code behind and place it in the main View. Perform the above processing logic in the View (boy, switching from aspx code behind to a View throws me a loop. I gotta get use to doing the processing in the View. Reminds me of Classic ASP, but the Razor syntax will help).
Display the partial view via the #Html.PartialView('partial view name'). This view might have a grid in it associated with a specific model.
Below is the part I am unsure about.
I've done database processing for a main View associated with a Controller, but not with a partial view that needs to do some database processing.
Perform any database processing logic (if any) for this partial view in the Controller associated with the main View (which contains this partial View).
In the Action Index method while looping over these "partial views", I can get the data and display the views....
Ahhh, I think I got it.....
After carefully thinking it through, if someone could help me out with the last statement here, I would greatly appreciate it.
1.Have partial views already statically created with the specific HTML markup that I need in the Views/Shared folder.
2.In the main View, I will already have
#Html.Partial(ViewData ["partial_view_main"])
statements in specific locations of the HTML which will render the partial views as I retrieve their names from the database.
3.In the Controller's Index method, I need to do the following:
a) Loop through the converted logic (from the CodeBehind of the existing WebForms page in the PageLoad event) in the Index action method of the new Controller which will load the partial views dynamically.
1) Find out where the partial view will be displayed (left, right, main) from the database via the "parent" variable.
2) Find out the name of the partial view that will be displayed from the database via the “DesktopSrc” variable.
eg: ViewData["partial_view_left"] = "left_view"; OR
ViewData["partial_view_right"] = "right_view"; OR
ViewData["partial_view_main"] = "main_view";
3) Right here is where I am unsure of how to properly display the partial view.
I need to have the equivalent of a webforms "Controls.Add" method to render each partial view from the Controller that I retrieve from
the database from step 3.a.2
What statement can I use in this Index method of the Controller that will accomplish this?
In other words, if I dynamically need to display several partial views inside of a parent view, how is this accomplished in MVC?
I know for each partial view, I can send over the model associated with it, but I just don't know how I can place several partial views inside the main view page at run time from one Action method.
If your partial views need to do some processing, like database retrieval, then you should use
This will call an action method (which doesn't have to be on the same controller) that can dynamically choose a view based on logic, and populate the ViewModel with data from the database.
public ActionResult ActionName()
var modelData = GetData();
return View(settings.DesktopSrc, modelData);

Switching between NSViewControllers

I'm developing a Mac Application. The application has a common source view on the left and a detail view on the right which is the main part of the whole window.
It's like a Master-Detail relationship, but each element in the source view require another detail view. In fact, I have designed a specific NSViewController for each element in the source view.
If I'm switching between these NSViewControllers, that means If I select another element in the source view, I remove the current view and add the view of the newly selected NSViewController. Everytime I change the NSViewController, its state will be lost. When the user comes back to that NSViewController, he has to start over.
My question now is: How can I save the state of the NSViewController, so that I can switch between these without losing its states and can continue where I have left?
Two considerations about your problem:
Keep model data in model classes. This means that you can always recreate a view controller and set its represented object provided the model classes have kept the changes made via the view controller. When you need to instantiate a view controller, set its represented object to (a representation of) a model class.
When removing a view from its superview, you do not necessarily need to release its corresponding view controller. Instead, you can keep strong references to all view controllers in your window controller/application delegate, so no state is actually lost.
Use NSArchiver. Implement archiving/unarchiving in your dealloc/init methods and store each view controller's state in a file named after the class (if you have one item per view controller policy). Otherwise think of some simple naming convention and use it.
