Finding, loading and adding partial views dynamically -

I've been tasked with converting an existing webforms application to mvc 3 razor.
The application currently has an aspx page which has a static header user control and "n" amount of other user controls which are dynamically created. In the code behind for the file, it is executing the below code in various specific sections to dynamically process user controls with information provided from the database.
I know how to statically create partial views, but being somewhat new to MVC, how would I go about defining this new "aspx" page and also to dynamically find, load and add the partial views (each equivalent to the below webforms code)?
btw, the code will be in C# as well.
Dim parent As Control = Page.FindControl(_moduleSettings.PaneName)
Dim portalModule As PortalModuleControl = CType(Page.LoadControl(_moduleSettings.DesktopSrc), PortalModuleControl)
I think I can do something like this when the page is rendering. I want to make it as simple as possible.
The "PaneName" will be set in the parent variable which determines where in the page it will be shown (Left, Right, or Main)
The "DeskTopSrc" is the name of the partial view to display.
So, take the code out of the code behind and place it in the main View. Perform the above processing logic in the View (boy, switching from aspx code behind to a View throws me a loop. I gotta get use to doing the processing in the View. Reminds me of Classic ASP, but the Razor syntax will help).
Display the partial view via the #Html.PartialView('partial view name'). This view might have a grid in it associated with a specific model.
Below is the part I am unsure about.
I've done database processing for a main View associated with a Controller, but not with a partial view that needs to do some database processing.
Perform any database processing logic (if any) for this partial view in the Controller associated with the main View (which contains this partial View).
In the Action Index method while looping over these "partial views", I can get the data and display the views....
Ahhh, I think I got it.....
After carefully thinking it through, if someone could help me out with the last statement here, I would greatly appreciate it.
1.Have partial views already statically created with the specific HTML markup that I need in the Views/Shared folder.
2.In the main View, I will already have
#Html.Partial(ViewData ["partial_view_main"])
statements in specific locations of the HTML which will render the partial views as I retrieve their names from the database.
3.In the Controller's Index method, I need to do the following:
a) Loop through the converted logic (from the CodeBehind of the existing WebForms page in the PageLoad event) in the Index action method of the new Controller which will load the partial views dynamically.
1) Find out where the partial view will be displayed (left, right, main) from the database via the "parent" variable.
2) Find out the name of the partial view that will be displayed from the database via the “DesktopSrc” variable.
eg: ViewData["partial_view_left"] = "left_view"; OR
ViewData["partial_view_right"] = "right_view"; OR
ViewData["partial_view_main"] = "main_view";
3) Right here is where I am unsure of how to properly display the partial view.
I need to have the equivalent of a webforms "Controls.Add" method to render each partial view from the Controller that I retrieve from
the database from step 3.a.2
What statement can I use in this Index method of the Controller that will accomplish this?
In other words, if I dynamically need to display several partial views inside of a parent view, how is this accomplished in MVC?
I know for each partial view, I can send over the model associated with it, but I just don't know how I can place several partial views inside the main view page at run time from one Action method.

If your partial views need to do some processing, like database retrieval, then you should use
This will call an action method (which doesn't have to be on the same controller) that can dynamically choose a view based on logic, and populate the ViewModel with data from the database.
public ActionResult ActionName()
var modelData = GetData();
return View(settings.DesktopSrc, modelData);


Pass data from one view to another view in MVC

I am a learner in MVC, I am facing a issue in passing data, I want to pass a data from one view to another view in MVC, How can I do this? help me,
I will select the firstname in one view and I want to pass the firstname to another view?
Views don't communicate with other views.
Consider this illustration from the Wikipedia page:
A view doesn't connect to another view. It is simply an interface presented to the user. Data which originates in a view (such as user input) would then be passed to a controller, which in turn directs (controls) the data/logic flow of the application. (Not the logic itself, the flow of the logic.)
That controller will then interact with the models (if necessary, sometimes the only action for a controller to perform is to immediately render another view, such as a redirect in a web application) and present the next view.
If data sent to the controller is needed in the next view, it would be the responsibility of the controller to include it in the next view.

MVC 3 Combinging multiple controls in one sort control template

I'm working on some forms, and often I can reuse the same amount and combination of fields together, is it possible to group them all as a template and then call it from the page?
For example:
2 radio buttons with labels and 2 texboxes under.
How is it called so i can do a proper research?
You can use Partial View, its like a reusable component.
These links will elaborate more:
MVC3 Partial Views
Create a Partial View and keep your markup which you want to reuse in that. You can use these Partial views in other views as needed then.
You can use the Html.Partial helper method to call the partial views in other views.
You can also pass some model to your partial view as well
#Html.Partial("RecentItems", Model.RecentItems)
Assuming Your partial view is strongly typed to a class which is of the same type as the type of Model.RecentItems, of the caller view.

Mvc base viewmodel render data within layout

I have created a base viewmodel that all of my view models inherit from. That part is easy.
All views are bound to a viewmodel (all are inherited from the base view model)
Within the OnActionExecuted method I insert a true/false value onto a property within the baseviewmodel depending on some conditions.
From the view side of things. I have a single layout page that some how I want to be able to read the property's value and render a different partial view based on the value.
Is this possible? I dont want to have to add the code to each of the views but I don't think I should be binding the layout to my baseviewmodel either.
If I can stay away from inserting the value into the valuebag that would be great as I need to be able to access these values anywhere in the application via strongly typed names.
what you want probably isnt possible because as you call a view from the controller then first the code inside that view is executed and then the layouts code is executed
to achieve what you are doing you can do 2 things
1. make the logic inside the controller itself and then render the correct view the layout from the controller giving it the name of the partial view in some property of the model or in the viewbag
Not sure I quite follow the use case, but rather than trying to render out a partial view, have you thought about nesting your layout pages.
I think you should be able to override the layout in the onactionexecuted, so you can set the layout dependant on the bool and that layout will render only the correct option.
Look here for an example:
Nested layout pages with Razor

How can i make reusable partialview in MVC 3

I want to make a partialview with 2 dropdownlists. DDL data have to generate from db. I am new in MVC. What will be the proper way to make this Partialview?
(Assuming you're using Visual Studio)
Under Views folder in your project find a folder named "Shared" (or create it if doesn't exist). Right-click this folder, select "Add->View". In the dialog "Add View" specify view name, model type (if you wish) and set the checkbox "Create as a partial view". Model type should probably be a new model class with two List<string> elements.
Anywhere you need to use this view, include the markup
#Html.RenderPartial("YourPartialViewName", YourModel);
where YourModel has the same type as a model specified in partial view declaration.
From my experience it's better to create action and call RenderAction() passing relevant parameters than using RenderPartial(). The reason is that you need to pass a fully populated model to RenderPartial and that means you have to duplicate the code for populating this model in all the controllers that use this 'partial view'.
I found it much cleaner to create a separate action that can receive a number of parameters (ie. id of the object) and than perform all the required steps to populate the model (ie. load the object from database). You can mark that new action with ChildActionOnly attribute so it cannot be called directly.

Creating UI components dynamically in a Model-PassiveView-Controller

In a GUI application, I am using an MVC with a Passive View, as described here.
This pattern is yet another variation on model-view-controller and model-view-presenter. As with these the UI is split between a view that handles display and a controller that responds to user gestures. The significant change with Passive View is that the view is made completely passive and is no longer responsible for updating itself from the model. As a result all of the view logic is in the controller. As a result, there is no dependencies in either direction between the view and the model.
So far, my Controller registers as a listener to existing, static components created by the Passive View itself at initialization. Now, the Controller needs to dynamically create a variable amount of UI components, depending on the Model (concretely, right now I am talking of a grid of checkboxes - the grid's dimensions is variable).
Here is where my hesitation lies:
Should this dynamic UI creation code be implemented in the Controller? This would lead to less complex code resulting from keeping the View unaware of the Model, but a part of the presentation would be decided by the Controller...
Should the View propose a generic, Model-independent way to create the UI components on demand, let the Controller use it and register listeners to the retrieved UI components? Here the Controller would have to convert back and forth between Model objects and generic objects (concretely, strings, integers, ...).
Whenever a view needs dynamic control creation, it tends to be for a collection of something. This means your Presenter/Controller does not need to create all of the logic, but call a method on the view which will create the controls.
On the View:
void PopulateUserOptions(IEnumerable<String> options)
foreach (var item in options)
\\create and add your controls to the form
This way the controller is expressing when a controll should be created etc, but leaving it to the view to decide how to do it.
