Mac OS X split csv not working - macos

I am attempting to split a large 200,000 line csv file into smaller pieces using the terminal command:
split -l 20000 users.csv
From what I have read online this should chop up the 200,000 line csv into ten 20,000 line files but this doesn't happen. All I get is a text file called 'xaa' that is just the original csv, all 200,000 lines.
Like I said in the title I am running on Mac OS High Sierra v.10.13.5
What exactly am I missing here?

As Ken Thomases points out in the comments, the most likely culprit is that the file is using non-newline line separators, and the most likely culprit is CR (carriage return).
You can tell if this is the case using the file utility. A file with such line separators looks like this:
$ file foo
foo: ASCII text, with CR line terminators
The reason split would behave this way with those line separators is that the file would appear to be only one line long (no newline characters). So split would write that one (very long) line, then exit.

you should use the split command with the -b option. This will split your files based on kilobytes or megabytes. This may break up a line at the end but can manually be accounted for.


sort -o appends newline to end of file - why?

I'm working on a small text file with a list of words in it that I want to add a new word to, and then sort. The file doesn't have a newline at the end when I start, but does after the sort. Why? Can I avoid this behavior or is there a way to strip the newline back out?
words.txt looks like
I then run printf "\norange" >> words.txt; sort words.txt -o words.txt
I use printf rather than echo figuring that'll avoid the newline, but the file then reads
#newline here
If I just run printf "\norange" >> words.txt orange appears at the bottom of the file, with no newline, ie;
This behavior is explicitly defined in the POSIX specification for sort:
The input files shall be text files, except that the sort utility shall add a newline to the end of a file ending with an incomplete last line.
As a UNIX "text file" is only valid if all lines end in newlines, as also defined in the POSIX standard:
Text file - A file that contains characters organized into zero or more lines. The lines do not contain NUL characters and none can exceed {LINE_MAX} bytes in length, including the newline character. Although POSIX.1-2008 does not distinguish between text files and binary files (see the ISO C standard), many utilities only produce predictable or meaningful output when operating on text files. The standard utilities that have such restrictions always specify "text files" in their STDIN or INPUT FILES sections.
Think about what you are asking sort to do.
You are asking it "take all the lines, and sort them in order."
You've given it a file containing four lines, which it splits to the following strings:
It sorts these for you dutifully:
And it then outputs them as a single string:
That is almost certainly exactly what you do not want.
So instead, if your file is missing the terminating newline that it should have had, the sort program understands that, most likely, you still intended that last line to be a line, rather than just a fragment of a line. It appends a \n to the string "orange", making it "orange\n". Then it can be sorted properly, without "orange" getting concatenated with whatever line happens to come immediately after it:
So when it then outputs them as a single string, it looks a lot better:
You could strip the last character off the file, the one from the end of "salmon\n", using a range of handy tools such as awk, sed, perl, php, or even raw bash. This is covered elsewhere, in places like:
How can I remove the last character of a file in unix?
But please don't do that. You'll just cause problems for all other utilities that have to handle your files, like sort. And if you assume that there is no terminating newline in your files, then you will make your code brittle: any part of the toolchain which "fixes" your error (as sort kinda does here) will "break" your code.
Instead, treat text files the way they are meant to be treated in unix: a sequence of "lines" (strings of zero or more non-newline bytes), each followed by a newline.
So newlines are line-terminators, not line-separators.
There is a coding style where prints and echos are done with the newline leading. This is wrong for many reasons, including creating malformed text files, and causing the output of the program to be concatenated with the command prompt. printf "orange\n" is correct style, and also more readable: at a glance someone maintaining your code can tell you're printing the word "orange" and a newline, whereas printf "\norange" looks at first glance like it's printing a backslash and the phrase "no range" with a missing space.

Excel saves tab delimited files without newline (UNIX/Mac os X)

This is a common issue I have and my solution is a bit brash. So I'm looking for a quick fix and explanation of the problem.
The problem is that when I decide to save a spreadsheet in excel (mac 2011) as a tab delimited file it seems to do it perfectly fine. Until I try to parse the file line by line using Perl. For some reason it slurps the whole document in one line.
My brutish solution is to open the file in a web browser and copy and paste the information into the tab delimited file in TextEdit (I never use rich text format). I tried introducing a newline in the end of the file before doing this fix and it does not resolve the issue.
What's going on here? An explanation would be appreciated.
The problem is the actual character codes that define new lines on different systems. Windows systems commonly use a CarriageReturn+LineFeed (CRLF) and *NIX systems use only a LineFeed (LF).
These characters can be represented in RegEx as \r\n or \n (respectively).
Sometimes, to hash through a text file, you need to parse New Line characters. Try this for DOS-to-UNIX in perl:
perl -pi -e 's/\r\n/\n/g' input.file
or, for UNIX-to-DOS using sed:
$ sed 's/$'"/`echo \\\r`/" input.txt > output.txt
or, for DOS-to-UNIX using sed:
$ sed 's/^M$//' input.txt > output.txt
Found a pretty simple solution to this. Copy data from Excel to clipboard, paste it into a google spreadsheet. Download google spreadsheet file as a 'tab-separated values .tsv'. This gets around the problem and you have tab delimiters with an end of line for each line.
Yet another solution ...
for a tab-delimited file, save the document as a Windows Formatted Text (.txt) file type
for a comma-separated file, save the document as a `Windows Comma Separated (.csv)' file type
Perl has a useful regex pattern \R which will match any common line ending. It actually matches any vertical whitespace -- the same as \v -- or the CR LF combination, so it's the same as \r\n|\v
This is useful here because you can slurp your entire file into a single scalar and then split /\R/, which will give you a list of file records, already chomped (if you want to keep the line terminators you can split /\R\K/ instead
Another option is the PerlIO::eol module. It provides a new Perl IO layer that will normalize line endings no matter what the contents of the file are
Once you have loaded the module with use PerlIO::eol you can use it in an open statement
open my $fh, '<:eol(LF)', 'myfile.tsv' or die $!;
or you can use the open pragma to set it as the default layer for all input file handles
use open IN => ':raw:eol(LF)';
which will work fine with an input file from any platform

Splitting non-equally file in bash

I have a file in csv format. I know positions where I want to chip off a chunk from the file and write it as a new csv file.
split command splits a file into equal-sized chunks. I wonder if there exists an effective (the file is huge) way to split file into chunks of different sizes?
I assume you want to split the file at a newline character. If this is the case you can use the head and tail commands to grab a number of lines from the beginning and from the end of your file, respectively.
If you want to copy a new of lines from within the file you can use sed, e.g.
sed -e 1,Nd -e Mq file
where N should be replaced with the line number of the line preceding the first line to display and M should be the line number of the last line to display.

Is there a better split function for terminal?

I'm trying to split a very big CSV file into smaller more manageable ones. I've tried split but it seems that it tops out at 676 files.
The CSV file I have is in excess of 80mb and I'd like to split it into 50 line files.
Note by better I mean one that uses a numbering structure instead of split's a-z sequencing.
split is the right tool, the problem is that the suffix is only 2 long 26^2 = 676, if you make it longer you should be fine:
split -a LEN file
Use 'cat' to number each line and pipe the output to 'grep' with params to only print n lines

What changes when a file is saved in Kedit for windows that the unix2dos command doesn't do?

So I have a strange question. I have written a script that re-formats data files. I basically create new files with the right column order, spacing, and such. I then unix2dos these files (the program I am formatting these files for is DIPS for windows, and I assume that the files should be ansi). When I go to open the files in the DIPS Program however an error occurs and the file won't open.
When I create the same kind of data file through the DIPS program and open it in note pad, it matches exactly with the data files I have created with my script.
On the other hand if I open the data files that I have created with my script in Kedit first, save them, and then open them in the DIPS program everything works.
My question is what could saving in Kedit possibly do that unix2dos does not?
(Also if I try using note pad or word pad to save instead of Kedit the file doesn't open in DIPS)
Here is what was created using the diff command in unix
* This file is generated by Dips for Windows.
* The following 2 lines are the Title of this file.
Cobre Panama
Drill Hole B11106-GT
Number of Traverses: 0
Global Orientation is:
0.000000 (Declination)
Number of extra columns are: 0
* This file is generated by Dips for Windows.
* The following 2 lines are the Title of this file.
Cobre Panama
Drill Hole B11106-GT
Number of Traverses: 0
Global Orientation is:
0.000000 (Declination)
Number of extra columns are: 0
Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!
Okay! Figured it out.
Simply when you unix2dos your file you do not strip any space characters in between the last letter in a line and the line break character. When saving in Kedit you do strip the spaces between the last letter in a line and the line break character.
In my script I had a poor programing practice in which I was writing a string like this;
echo "This is an example string " >> outfile.txt
The character count is 32, and if you could see the break line character (chr(10)) the line would read;
This is an example string
If you unix2dos outfile.txt the line looks the same as above but with a different break line character. However when you place the file into Kedit and save it, now the character count is 25 and the line looks like this;
This is an example string
This occurs because Kedit does not preserve spaces at the end of a line. It places the return or line break character at the last letter or "non space" character in a line.
So programs that read literal input like DIPS (i'm guessing) or more widely used AutoCAD scripting will have a real problem with extra spaces before the return character. Basically in AutoCAD scripting a space in a line is treated as a return character. So if you have ten extra spaces at the end of a line it's treated the same as ten returns instead of the one you probably intended.
OH and if this helped you out or though it was good please give me a vote up!
unix2dos converts the line-break characters at the end of each line, from unix line breaks (10) to dos line breaks (13, 10)
Kedit could possible change the encoding of the file (like from ansi to UTF-8)
You can change the encoding of a file with the iconv utility (on a linux box)
