Elastic search or Trie for search/autocomplete? - algorithm

My understanding how autocomplete/search for text/item works at high level in any scalable product like Amazon eCommerce/Google at high level was :-
Elastic Search(ES) based approach
Documents are stored in DB . Once persisted given to Elastic search, It creates the index and store the index/document(based on tokenizer) in memory or disk based
Once user types say 3 characters, it search all index under ES(Can be configured to index even ngram) , Rank them based on weightage and return to user
But after reading couple of resources on google like Trie based search
Looks some of the scalable product also uses Trie data stucture to do the prefix based search.
My question Is Can trie based approach be good alternative to ES or ES internally uses Trie or am i missing completely here ?

ES autocompletion can be achieved in two ways:
using prefix queries
either using (edge-)ngrams
or using the completion suggester
The first option is the poor man's completion feature. I'm mentioning it because it can be useful in certain situation but you should avoid it if you have a substantial amount of documents.
The second option uses the conventional ES indexing features, i.e. it will tokenize the text, all (edge-)ngrams will be indexed and then you can search for any prefix/infix/suffix that have been indexed.
The third option uses a different approach and is optimized for speed. Basically, when indexing a field of type completion, ES will create a "finite state transducer" and store it in memory for ultra fast access.
A finite state transducer is close to a trie in terms of implementation. You can check this excellent article which shows how trie compares to finite state transducer
UPDATE (June 25th, 2019):
ES 7.2 introduced a new data type called search_as_you_type that allows this kind of behavior natively. Read more at: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.2/search-as-you-type.html


Searching for data in DynamoDB or using a search service

I would like to know the pros and cons of trying to search for data (basically full text search on a limited set of fields).
My data is currently in DynamoDB, and I realize that is not well suited to full-text search. Are there ways of doing a full-text search in DynamoDB? What are the pros and cons of doing that?
I can also use a Search cluster (like ElasticSearch). Any reasons that you would not go with a search cluster?
Are there other ways to do a full-text search? Other solutions?
Dynamodb is best suited for key value Insert and Retrieval.
It does not support search functionality, if you are trying to do a scan with some condition that will be O(n) and it will be very costly since you are consuming lots of read capacity.
Now coming to options
If use case is not full text search and only key value match, you can try to come up with composites key, but it will have drawbacks like
a. Can not change the schema afterwards and may require huge effort if you need to search on a new field.
b. Designing these kind of key is tricky considering that few keys will always be hot, and may result into hot partition.
Ideal solution is to use elastic-search or solr indexing. You can have a lambda function listening to dynamodb stream, doing transformation and putting data in elasticsearch. But it will have limitations like
a. Elasticsearch cluster is costly.

Develop a distributed Full-Text search Index (AKA Inverted index)

I know how to develop a simple inverted index on a single machine. In short it is a standard hash table kept in-memory where:
- key - a word
- value - a List of word locations
As an example, the code is here: http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Inverted_Index#Java
Now I'm trying to make it distributed among n nodes and in turn:
Make this index horizontally scalable
Apply automatic sharding to this index.
I'm interested especially in automatic sharding. Any ideas or links are welcome!
Sharding by it self is quite a complex task which is not completely solved in the modern DBs. Typical problems in distributed DBs are a CAP theorem, and some other low-level and quite challenging tasks like rebalancing your cluster data after adding a new blank node or after naturally-occured imbalance in the data.
The best data distribution implemented in a DB I've seen was in Cassandra. However full text search is not yet implemented in Cassandra, so you might consider building your distributed index upon it.
Some other already implemented options are Elasticsearch and SolrCloud. In the example given one important detail is missing which is a word-stemming. With word stemming you basically search for any form of a word like "sing", "sings", "singer". Lucene and two previous solutions have it implemented for the majority of the languages.

Would my approach to fuzzy search, for my dataset, be better than using Lucene?

I want to implement a fuzzy search facility in the web-app i'm currently working on. The back-end is in Java, and it just so happens that the search engine that everyone recommends on here, Lucene, is coded in Java as well. I, however, am shying away from using it for several reasons:
I would feel accomplished building something of my own.
Lucene has a plethora of features that I don't see myself utilizing; i'd like to minimize bloat.
From what I understand, Lucene's fuzzy search implementation manually evaluates the edit distances of each term indexed. I feel the approach I want to take (detailed below), would be more efficient.
The data to-be-indexed could potentially be the entire set of nouns and pro-nouns in the English language, so you can see how Lucene's approach to fuzzy search makes me weary.
What I want to do is take an n-gram based approach to the problem: read and tokenize each item from the database and save them to disk in files named by a given n-gram and its location.
For example: let's assume n = 3 and my file-naming scheme is something like: [n-gram]_[location_of_n-gram_in_string].txt.
The file bea_0.txt would contain:
beats by dre
When I receive a term to be searched, I can simply tokenize it in to n-grams, and use them along with their corresponding locations to read in to the corresponding n-gram files (if present). I can then perform any filtering operations (eliminating those not within a given length range, performing edit distance calculations, etc.) on this set of data instead of doing so for the entire dataset.
My question is... well I guess I have a couple of questions.
Has there been any improvements in Lucene's fuzzy search that I'm not aware of that would make my approach unnecessary?
Is this a good approach to implement fuzzy-search, (considering the set of data I'm dealing with), or is there something I'm oversimplifying/missing?
Lucene 3.x fuzzy query used to evaluate the Levenshtein distance between the queried term and every index term (brute-force approach). Given that this approach is rather inefficient, Lucene spellchecker used to rely on something similar to what you describe: Lucene would first search for terms with similar n-grams to the queried term and would then score these terms according to a String distance (such as Levenshtein or Jaro-Winckler).
However, this has changed a lot in Lucene 4.0 (an ALPHA preview has been released a few days ago): FuzzyQuery now uses a Levenshtein automaton to efficiently intersect the terms dictionary. This is so much faster that there is now a new direct spellchecker that doesn't require a dedicated index and directly intersects the terms dictionary with an automaton, similarly to FuzzyQuery.
For the record, as you are dealing with English corpus, Lucene (or Solr but I guess you could use them in vanilla lucene) has some Phonetic analyzers that might be useful (DoubleMetaphone, Metaphone, Soundex, RefinedSoundex, Caverphone)
Lucene 4.0 alpha was just released, many things are easier to customize now, so you could also build upon it an create a custom fuzzy search.
In any case Lucene has many years of performance improvements so you hardly would be able to achieve the same perf. Of course it might be good enough for your case...

how to cluster evolving data streams

I want to incrementally cluster text documents reading them as data streams but there seems to be a problem. Most of the term weighting options are based on vector space model using TF-IDF as the weight of a feature. However, in our case IDF of an existing attribute changes with every new data point and hence previous clustering does not remain valid anymore and hence any popular algorithms like CluStream, CURE, BIRCH cannot be applied which assumes fixed dimensional static data.
Can anyone redirect me to any existing research related to this or give suggestions? Thanks !
Have you looked at
TF-ICF: A New Term Weighting Scheme for Clustering Dynamic Data Streams
Here's an idea off the top of my head:
What's your input data like? I'm guessing it's at least similarly themed, so you could start with a base phrase dictionary and use that for idf. Apache Lucene is a great indexing engine. Since you have a base dictionary, you can run kmeans or whatever you'd like. As documents come in, you'll have to rebuild the dictionary at some frequency (which can be off-loaded to another thread/machine/etc) and then re-cluster.
With the data indexed in a high-performance, flexible engine like Lucene, you could run queries even as new documents are being indexed. I bet if you do some research on different clustering algorithms you'll find some good ideas.
Some interesting paper/links:
Without more information, I can't see why you couldn't re-cluster every once in a while. You might wanna take a look at some of the recommender systems already out there.

Indexing algorithms to develop an app like google desktop search?

I want to develop google desktop search like application, I want to know that which Indexing Techniques/ Algorithms I should use so I can get very fast data retrival.
In general, what you want is an Inverted Index. You can do the indexing yourself, but it's a lot of work to get right - you need to handle stemming, stop words, extending the posting list to include positions in the document so you can handle multi-word queries, and so forth. Then, you need to store the index, probably in a B-Tree on disk - or you can make life easier for yourself by using an existing database for the disk storage, such as BDB. You also need to write a query planner that interprets user queries, performs query expansion and converts them to a series of index scans. Wikipedia's article on Search Engine Indexing provides a good overview of all the challenges, too.
Or, you can leverage existing work and use ready-made full text indexing solutions like Apache Lucene and Compass (which is built on Lucene). These tools handle practically everything detailed above (and more), which just leaves you writing the tool to build and update the index by feeding all your documents into Lucene, and the UI to allow users to search it.
The Burrows-Wheeler transform, used to compress data in bzip2, can be used to make substring searching of text a constant time function.
I haven't seen a simple introduction online, but here is a lot of detail:
