Would my approach to fuzzy search, for my dataset, be better than using Lucene? - algorithm

I want to implement a fuzzy search facility in the web-app i'm currently working on. The back-end is in Java, and it just so happens that the search engine that everyone recommends on here, Lucene, is coded in Java as well. I, however, am shying away from using it for several reasons:
I would feel accomplished building something of my own.
Lucene has a plethora of features that I don't see myself utilizing; i'd like to minimize bloat.
From what I understand, Lucene's fuzzy search implementation manually evaluates the edit distances of each term indexed. I feel the approach I want to take (detailed below), would be more efficient.
The data to-be-indexed could potentially be the entire set of nouns and pro-nouns in the English language, so you can see how Lucene's approach to fuzzy search makes me weary.
What I want to do is take an n-gram based approach to the problem: read and tokenize each item from the database and save them to disk in files named by a given n-gram and its location.
For example: let's assume n = 3 and my file-naming scheme is something like: [n-gram]_[location_of_n-gram_in_string].txt.
The file bea_0.txt would contain:
beats by dre
When I receive a term to be searched, I can simply tokenize it in to n-grams, and use them along with their corresponding locations to read in to the corresponding n-gram files (if present). I can then perform any filtering operations (eliminating those not within a given length range, performing edit distance calculations, etc.) on this set of data instead of doing so for the entire dataset.
My question is... well I guess I have a couple of questions.
Has there been any improvements in Lucene's fuzzy search that I'm not aware of that would make my approach unnecessary?
Is this a good approach to implement fuzzy-search, (considering the set of data I'm dealing with), or is there something I'm oversimplifying/missing?

Lucene 3.x fuzzy query used to evaluate the Levenshtein distance between the queried term and every index term (brute-force approach). Given that this approach is rather inefficient, Lucene spellchecker used to rely on something similar to what you describe: Lucene would first search for terms with similar n-grams to the queried term and would then score these terms according to a String distance (such as Levenshtein or Jaro-Winckler).
However, this has changed a lot in Lucene 4.0 (an ALPHA preview has been released a few days ago): FuzzyQuery now uses a Levenshtein automaton to efficiently intersect the terms dictionary. This is so much faster that there is now a new direct spellchecker that doesn't require a dedicated index and directly intersects the terms dictionary with an automaton, similarly to FuzzyQuery.

For the record, as you are dealing with English corpus, Lucene (or Solr but I guess you could use them in vanilla lucene) has some Phonetic analyzers that might be useful (DoubleMetaphone, Metaphone, Soundex, RefinedSoundex, Caverphone)
Lucene 4.0 alpha was just released, many things are easier to customize now, so you could also build upon it an create a custom fuzzy search.
In any case Lucene has many years of performance improvements so you hardly would be able to achieve the same perf. Of course it might be good enough for your case...


How do I get a quick and dirty recognition of possible typos in .net?

I have to manually go through a long list of terms (~3500) which have been entered by users through the years. Beside other things, I want to reduce the list by looking for synonyms, typos and alternate spellings.
My work will be much easier if I can group the list into clusters of possible typos before starting. I was imagining to use some metric which can calculate the similarity to a term, e.g. in percent, and then cluster everything which has a similarity higher than some threshold. As I am going through it manually anyway, I don't mind a high failure rate, if it can keep the whole thing simple.
Ideally, there exists some easily available library to do this for me, implemented by people who know what they are doing. If there is no such, then at least one calculating a similarity metric for a pair of strings would be great, I can manage the clustering myself.
If this is not available either, do you know of a good algorithm which is simple to implement? I was first thinking a Hamming distance divided by word length will be a good metric, but noticed that while it will catch swapped letters, it won't handle deletions and insertions well (ptgs-1 will be caught as very similar to ptgs/1, but hematopoiesis won't be caught as very similar to haematopoiesis).
As for the requirements on the library/algorithm: it has to rely completely on spelling. I know that the usual NLP libraries don't work this way, but
there is no full text available for it to consider context.
it can't use a dictionary corpus of words, because the terms are far outside of any everyday language, frequently abbreviations of highly specialized terms.
Finally, I am most familiar with C# as a programming language, and I already have a C# pseudoscript which does some preliminary cleanup. If there is no one-step solution (feed list in, get grouped list out), I will prefer a library I can call from within a .NET program.
The whole thing should be relatively quick to learn for somebody with almost no previous knowledge in information retrieval. This will save me maybe 5-6 hours of manual work, and I don't want to spend more time than that in setting up an automated solution. OK, maybe up to 50% longer if I get the chance to learn something awesome :)
The question: What should I use, a library, or an algorithm? Which ones should I consider? If what I need is a library, how do I recognize one which is capable of delivering results based on spelling alone, as opposed to relying on context or dictionary use?
edit To clarify, I am not looking for actual semantic relatedness the way search or recommendation engines need it. I need to catch typos. So, I am looking for a metric by which mouse and rodent have zero similarity, but mouse and house have a very high similarity. And I am afraid that tools like Lucene use a metric which gets these two examples wrong (for my purposes).
Basically you are looking to cluster terms according to Semantic Relatedness.
One (hard) way to do it is following Markovitch and Gabrilovitch approach.
A quicker way will be consisting of the following steps:
download wikipedia dump and an open source Information Retrieval library such as Lucene (or Lucene.NET).
Index the files.
Search each term in the index - and get a vector - denoting how relevant the term (the query) is for each document. Note that this will be a vector of size |D|, where |D| is the total number of documents in the collection.
Cluster your vectors in any clustering algorithm. Each vector represents one term from your initial list.
If you are interested only in "visual" similarity (words are written similar to each other) then you can settle for levenshtein distance, but it won't be able to give you semantic relatedness of terms.For example, you won't be able to relate between "fall" and "autumn".

Is there a search algorithm/method that matches phrases?

I am trying to make a search tool that would search a small number of objects (about 1000, each with about 3 text fields I want to search) for a given phrase.
I was trying to find an algorithm that would rank the search results for me. Lots of topics lead to Fuzzy matching, and the Levenshtein distance algorithm, but that doesn’t seem appropriate for this case (for example, it would say the phrase “cats and dogs” is closer to “cars and cogs” than it is to “dogs and cats”).
Is there an algorithm/method dedicated to matching a search phrase against other blocks of text, and ranking the results according to things like the text being equal, the search phrase being contained, individual words being contained etc. I don’t even know what is normally appropriate.
I usually code in c#. I am not using a data base.
Look at Lucene. It can perform all sort of text indexing, return ranked results, and lots of other good stuff. There's an implementation in C#. It might be a bit overkill for your use case, but it's such an excellent and useful technology that you should really have a look into it, it's almost certain you will find good use for it during your career.

Efficient Phrase Matching Algorithm

I have a set of about 7 Million phrases to be matched to about 300 Million queries.
Queries can be sub-strings or contain the phrases themselves. Basically I want a measure of 'similarity' between two phrases [ not necessarily the edit distance ]
Can someone give some pointers to efficient algorithms to do this. I would prefer distributed algorithms since I am going to do this on Hadoop via streaming using python.
Bed trees look interesting
Bed-Tree: An All-Purpose Index Structure for String Similarity Search Based on Edit Distance (Pdf of presentation)
This a at least not very trivial, because you have on the one side very much data and on the other side even more.
The ultra simplest approach would be a lucene index on the 7 mio. phrases and let the hadoop job query the index. Not quite sure if you need a solr server for that, or any similar implementations in python.
The mapper should write out the phrase id or linenumber, whatever you have to indentify it. Or at least the phrase itself, along with the matchingscore.
In the reduce step you could go for a reducing on a phrase key and write out all the related phrases with the score. (or whatever you want to)
For similarity you can read further here:
Similarity of Apache Lucene
Apache Lucene itself

Can anyone point me toward a content relevance algorithm?

A new project with some interesting requirements has arrived on my desk. I need to develop a searchable directory of businesses, with a focus on delivering relevant results based on arbitrary search queries. The businesses can be of any niche; there's no one area that is more represented than another.
When googling for things like "search algorithm" or "content relevance algorithm," all I get are references to Google's "Mystical Algorithm of the Old Gods" and SEO firms.
Does the relevance value of MySQL's full text Match() function have what it takes for the task? I've never used it, but I'm definitely going to do some testing. Also, since this will largely be a human edited directory, I can assume that we can add weighted factors like tagging and categories. What would be a good way to combine these factors with MySQL's Match() relevancy?
I'm also open to ideas that I've not discussed here.
For an example of information retrieval based techniques lookup TF-IDF or BM25.
For machine learning based techniques, lookup RankNet and its variants from MSR.
If you have hand edited data, have a look at Oracle text search. In one of my previous projects we had some good results.
I was not directly involved in the database setups, but I know that the results were very welcome. (Before this they had just keyword based search).
Use a search engine like Solr to index the data. You can still use MySql to hold the data, but for searches use a search engine.

Search ranking/relevance algorithms

When developing a database of articles in a Knowledge Base (for example) - what are the best ways to sort and display the most relevant answers to a users' question?
Would you use additional data such as keyword weighting based on whether previous users found the article of help, or do you find a simple keyword matching algorithm to be sufficient?
Perhaps the easiest and most naive approach that will give immediately useful results would be to implement *tf-idf:
Variations of the tf–idf weighting scheme are often used by search engines as a central tool in scoring and ranking a document's relevance given a user query. tf–idf can be successfully used for stop-words filtering in various subject fields including text summarization and classification.
In a recent related question of mine here I learned of an excellent free book on this topic which you can download or read online:
An Introduction to Information Retrieval
That's a hard question, and companies like Google are pushing a lot of efforts to address this question. Have a look at Google Enterprise Search Appliance or Exalead Enterprise Search.
Then, as a personal opinion, I don't think that any "naive" approach is going to improve much the result compared to naive keyword search and ordering by the number of views on the documents.
If you have the possibility to expose your knowledge base to the web, then, just do it, and let your favorite search engine handles the search for you.
I think the angle here is not the retrieval itself... its about scoring the relevence of the information retrieved (A more reactive and passive approach) which can be later used to improve the search engine.
I guess you can try -
knn on tfidf for retrieving information
Hand tagging these retrieved info a relevency score
Then regress that score to predict the score for an unknwon search result and sort it.
Just a thought...
The third point is actually based on Rocchio algorithm. You can see it here
A little more specificity of your exact problem would be good. There are a lot of different techniques that you can use. Many of these are driven by other pieces of data. You can of course use Lucene and build your own indexes. There are bindings for many languages to lucene. Moving up there is also the Solr project which is Lucene with a lot of tools and extra functionality around it. That may be more along the lines of what you are looking for.
Intent is tricky and most modern search engines rely on statistical intent to aid in the ordering of results. You can always have an is this article useful button and store the query text that leads to useful documents. You could then add a layer of information to the index to boost specific words or phrases and help them point to certain documents.
Some things to think about...How many documents? What is the average length? Are they updated frequently? What do users do with the documents? What does the spread of unique words to documents look like? (More simply is it easy to match a query with a specific document(s) based on common unique features.)
If it is on the web you can always make a google custom search engine that just searches your site although you may find this to be sub-optimal for a variety of reasons.
You can always start with a simple index and gradually make it more sophisticated by talking with users and capturing data.
keyword matching is not enough when dealing with questions, you need to understand intent, as joannes say a very hot topic in search
