Using SSHMon plugin with Jmeter- Plugin not capturing any stats - jmeter

I have been working on Jmeter from quite sometime now and I have been trying to use Jmeter Plugin SSHMon , but I am stuck as even after configuring it completely it simply says "Waiting for samples" and does not render anything on the graph.
I am trying to execute the command on the Linux box and have passed all the relevant parameter for collecting the stats. But still I am not able to capture anything. Any help or pointer will be appreciated.
I also tried connecting the Linux box using Putty and executing the command and the command does work, but when I execute the test the Plugin does not capture anything
Please find the ScreenShot attached

In the majority of cases the answer lives in jmeter.log file, check it for any suspicious entries, if something is not working most probably there will be a cause identifier there. Also make sure to actually run your test as SSHMon is a Listener and relies on Sampler Results so if your test is not running - it will not show anything.
As an alternative you can use JMeter PerfMon Plugin which has EXEC metric so you can collect the same numbers, however PerfMon will require Server Agent to be up and running on the remote Linux system.

After a lot of trail and error I was able to get SSHMon working. Please find the solution below
Ok Guys, so its a lot tricky as you would expect. So I thought that installing the Perfmon Agent on the server made Jmeter collect the stats for SSHMon listner but there is a catch to it. To start off I will let you know that installing the Perfmon Agent on the servers and then using the plugin to collect the stats works smooth. You can definately use this option. But it requires for the Agent to be started everytime you want to run a test and if there are multiple servers you will have to restart on those server. Not sure if there is a way to automate the restart of the agent or to keep it running for a longer time. If you are lazy like me or you have installation restriction on the servers or hell bent on using SSHMon then what you need to do is stated below.
You should always start Jmeter with the command line argument --->
jmeter -H "Proxy" -P "Port" -u "UserName" -a "Password"
The arguments are self explanatory. Once you do that Jmeter will be launched, but wait its not done yet!!
When you start executing your test the command prompt in which you have started the Jmeter will prompt for Kerberos UserName [YourUsername]: you have to again Enter you username here, which you use to start Jmeter or login to you system. Followed by this it will prompt you to enter kerberos Password for your UserName: Enter Your Password and Voila!!
The thing is, it happens in the background so you never see what is happening on the Command Prompt you used to start Jmeter.
Please see below for more clarity.
Kerberos Username[UserName]: UserName Kerberos
Password for UserName: Password
I have attached the screen shot as well in the question as well as here showing the issue being resolved. Please refer "Solution ScreenShot". Cheers!!
Hope this helps Guys!! :)
Also please hit up for the answer if it helps you!! :)


Jmeter tests freeze at o.a.j.p.h.s.h.LazyLayeredConnectionSocketFactory: Setting up HTTP TrustAll Socket Factory

I am executing performance tests using jmeter+docker setup. When I try to run the tests after docker set up, It starts execution but freezes at
INFO o.a.j.p.h.s.h.LazyLayeredConnectionSocketFactory: Setting up HTTP TrustAll Socket Factory
This is before starting the first test.
If I kill the process and restart the execution, It will move from above step, execute first thread group and freeze again on second thread group.
FYI - I have added trust certificates and invoking them using command line of certificates
Can anyone please help me figuring out what am I missing here ? TIA.
Unfortunately your question doesn't provide sufficient level of details.
Try the following:
First of all try reproducing the issue without Docker virtualization, if it cannot be reproduced on the host machine - double check your docker setup, inspect docker logs, container logs and so on.
If it can be reproduced without Docker:
Increase JMeter's logging level to DEBUG
Add the next line to file
it will enable debug output for SSL/TLS connections
When JMeter "freezes" next time take a thread dump
This way you will know at which line of code JMeter gets stuck so you will know the exact reason.

How to run a K6 script locally and send data to remote InfluxDB instance (No Docker)

I'm extremely new at k6 + influxdb + grafana, and I was given a task related to execute certain K6 Scripts locally but save/pass the data over a remote InfluxDB instance.
As of now I'm having issues given that I'm not sure what I'm missing regarding the needed configurations in order to do this since everytime I try to run the script pointing at the InfluxDB instance I'm just getting an error everytime I run it:
The command that I'm executing is:
k6 run --out influxdb="https://my_influxdb_url/write" //sampleScript.js
But the original URL that was handed over to me was something like this:
And when I execute the first mentioned script I'm getting the following error:
ERRO[000X] Couldn't write stats error="404 page not found\n" output=InfluxDB1
So I've tried creating K6_INFLUXDB_USERNAME and K6_INFLUXDB_PASSWORD as environment variables but I'm still getting the same error.
I'm not sure if I might be missing some .yaml file like a datasource in which I should fill those 3 values? (DB_NAME, USERNAME, PASSWORD)
Or maybe I'm just doing it all wrong and not calling the execution command properly for this scenario.
Another weird thing that I noticed is that OUTPUT is throwing InfluxDB1 instead of my actual InfluxDB url which I guess might be where my issue lies.
Any kind of tip would be greatly appreciated since the actual documentation that I've found so far is always run either on a Docker container instance of Grafana+InfluxDB or simply running it locally which is not my case :(
Thanks a lot in advance as always!!

Issue with Jmeter SSHMON sample collector ( received data is not parsed by the plugin)

I’m doing a performance test using Jmeter and during the test I’m collecting the statistics for backend server performance , for this purpose I use SSHMON sample collector listener in my test plan
I have also configured a CSV file path to check the response data received from the server
Issue is that
Data is not recorded in the CSV file and also there is no graph shown for SSHMON listener
In the jemeter logs I can see the following error
java.text.ParseException: Unparseable number: " [2J"
at java.text.NumberFormat.parse( ~[?:?]
at [jmeter-sshmon-1.2.jar:?]
at kg.apc.jmeter.vizualizers.MonitoringResultsCollector.processConnectors( [jmeter-plugins-cmn-jmeter-0.6.jar:?]
at [jmeter-plugins-cmn-jmeter-0.6.jar:?]
at [?:?]
To verify the SSH configuration and the received data format , I tried to make a SSH connection to the backend server using putty and with same user/pwd and command , I get the data in Putty , please see the attached screenshot
Do I have to change the powershell script to change the format of CPU data, if yes then in which format?
I did not get any info on plugin page.
I would really appreciate if you could provide me some help for this case.
The reason for this issue appears to be related to the terminal control sequence sent
as output of the remote Powershell server application back to the local client,
i.e. the JMeter plugin vs. the Powershell command line.
The characters [2J would be the "Erase in Display" sequence (refer ANSI Escape Codes, e.g.
In one case those characters would presumably be interpreted by the terminal application displaying the output (e.g. Putty or Cmd window) and the output looks correct.
In the other case however, the control sequence characters are received by the plugin and rejected as unparsable number.
A very similar issue has been reported on the JMeter-Plugins Google Group.
The version 1.3 of the SSHMon plugin uses a different SSH client library which seems to fix the issue according to feedback on the Google Groups thread.
Recommended solution: Upgrade to version 1.3 or later.
Disclaimer: I'm the author of the JMeter SSHMon plugin.

How Jmeter handles LDAP Referral mechanism

I am trying to do a LDAP mod operation through Jmeter. Expected behavior - Jmeter would hit server A which in turn would hit server B. Actual modification operation would happen at server B. Server B would complete the operation and give response to server A which in turn would respond to Jmeter.
Now the issue is, Jmeter is always getting the "Referral" response message. However, manually we are able to change the password after hitting server A from different remote server.
Could you someone please suggest how to overcome this?
I am assuming this has been resolved. Just in case you are still wondering, #Rohan , my understanding is that you run jmeter on the command line:
$ jmeter -Jjava.naming.referral=true -n -t testplan.jmx -l log.jtl
JMeter won't have specific behaviour of its own. You will need to tell it to follow referrals by setting java.naming.referral property appropriately in the mechanism defined in the documentation for the JNDI LDAP provider, which you should already have in place for your application if you expect it to behave that way.

nca_connect_server: cannot communicate with host in LoadRunner 12.53

I'm currently testing HP LoadRunner 12.53 with Oracle EBS R12.2.5.
I created a simple script using both Oracle Apps, and Oracle NCA + Http protocol (Log in, bring up a form and close/log out) and replayed but run into below error. (same error for both scripts)
nca_connect_server: cannot communicate with host
icx_ticket is correlated and works OK as it is picked and replaced in the parameter.
No need to correlate JSessionIDForms as EBS is running on socket mode.
It is s just simple script with single correlation but can't find any clue for the error.
What could be the root cause of the error?
Where should I look at for a clue? How to make the error / log more verbose and detailed
Thanks in advance
Record it twice. If the value shifts, then correlate it.
Please ensure that you have properly set up the environment before recording, Below steps need to be taken for setting up the environment
1.Set "record = names" flag for specific user profile in Oracle EBS Application** via administrator login (search google how to achieve this or simply ask your application team to do it for you)
2.Run Time Settings and Default.cfg file changes
Run Time Settings
Keep the below values to high limit to avoid replay timeout errors
Run-Time Settings > Internet Protocol >Preferences > Options>
Step Download Limit
HTTP-request connect timeout:
HTTP-receive receive timeout:
Keep-Alive timeout:
Run-Time Settings >Browser>Browser Emulation>
1) Simulate a new user on each iteration – checked
3. default.cfg file inside script directory
"RelativeURL={NCAJServSessionId}" statement in the default.cfg file rolls back each time we run the script so we need to check that it is
/forms/lservlet;JsessionIDForms={NCAJServSessionId} -- R12 Version or
/forms/formservlet?JServSessionIdforms={NCAJServSessionId} -- EBS 11
i Version
4. Correlation - Last but not the least
Ensure correct correlation of each and every parameter, The best way to achieve this is by recording the script 2 times and comparing them using a suitable tool, Correlate each value which might be changing each time you replay the script
Note :- The Oracle EBS is not fully supported by Loadrunner please download the loadrunner compatability matrix and check if your version is supported by Loadrunner.
