SDK 4.6 - Waypoint Mission, Follow Me Mission and HotPoint Mission support for Spark - dji-sdk

in release note of the android DJI SDK 4.6 i can see support for mission for the spark, but in the release note for iOS for the same SDK version it's not mentioned..
so really mission will not work on iOS with the spark? or is only a missing in the release note?

They are supported in 4.6.1 - For example see last comment in this thread for iOS - it's working!


DJISDKManager.registerApp() crashes in some devices

Description of the issues.
DJISDKManager.registerApp() ends up in crashing.
Steps to reproduce the bug or crash issues(It would be great if you can provide this)
App crashes when we try to register the app using DJISDKManager.registerApp() method
DJI iOS SDK version
DJI Product
Mavic Pro
iOS system version
iOS 11.2.6
iOS device type you are using
iPad 5th generation
Xcode version you are using
Xcode Version 9.2 (9C40b)
If this is a deadlock case (iOS killing the app for main thread locked) we are aware, fixed it and it's coming with 4.5 (in a few weeks).

Crashing Issue On IOS 8.X And Android 5 Using Rhodes

We have an Issue on IOS/Android Devices.
Our application crash on iPhone/iPad that used IOS 8 and IOS 8.1 and Android 5.
We used:
Rhodes 4.0.0
RhoElements 4.0.0
Any Advice ?
here is the rholog.txt and crash report from IOS.
Files on DropBox
Rhodes v4.0.0 was released September/October 2013, around iOS7 release dates.
Newer version of RhoMobile Suite/Rhodes are now available that better support iOS8.
Rhodes 5.0sp2-stable branch on github supports iOS8 and iPhone6 and a RhoMobile Suite v5.0 Service Pack 1 built around this version should be released shortly.
More than this, without an understanding of which issues you're encountering, it's impossible to help.

Creating a LiveCode IOS standalone application

I just started to use LiveCode and tried to create a standalone IOS app and get the following error:
"There was an error while saving the standalone application performing
iOS device builds requires the iOS 5.0 SDK platform to be installed"
We are using Xcode version 4.5.1 which includes the IOS 6 SDK along with LiveCode version 5.5.1 and thought that all needed SDK's would be installed when we installed Xcode.
We also don't know where to get the IOS 5.0 SDK and how to get it installed in Xcode so LiveCode can use it.
You only need iOS 5 SDK if you are deploying an armv6 or universal app. If you are deploying armv7 only then you won't get this error if you have iOS 6 or 6.1 SDKs. If you do that though your app won't support older armv6 devices from iPhone 3G back. When the standalone is built LiveCode needs the SDK that the engine was built against. This is why when a new SDK comes out LiveCode won't support it until its next release. If your using LiveCode it's worthwhile getting into the habit of retaining each version of Xcode.
Try upgrading to Xcode 4.5.2 and then take a look at this link:

Confused about deploying to ios 5.0, which xcode to use

I want my app to run on iOS 5.0 and all newer versions. Should I do all my development work in Xcode 4.2.1, or use the Xcode 4.5 beta? If I implement maps, then will devices running ios 5.0 show google maps while future devices running ios 6.0 show apple maps?
Thanks for your help.
XCode 4.5 beta is for testing and report bugs to apple, test iOS 6, etc. You cannot submit an app with it.
I'd use Xcode 4.4.1 it's the latest non-beta version.

How to develop iOS 3.1.3 app in Lion?

I want to develop application for iOS 3.1.3 in Lion OS (10.7.3). Can I develop it? What Xcode I must use to develop iOS 3.1.3 app? Now I use Xcode 4.2.1 and I can create iOS 3.1.3 project cause iOS 5.0 have a different type with 3.1.3.
Thanks before. Regards. :)
You can download additional SDKS from the XCode->Preferences->Downloads. Install older iOS SDK's and simulators, as well as debugging tools from here. After downloading the iOS 3.x and 4.x SDKS, you can build apps that will run on older iOS versions. You then need to set the build versions in the project settings to whatever SDK you want to build. However, you must know that while developing for older versions is a great practice, it may end up being a lot of extra work because different features are not supported (I.e. ARC memory management). Lastly, building for iOS 3.x may be less-useful at this point, because iOS 3 is going to be deprecated in the upcoming months. Just a few things to consider.
To Change your IOS SDK setting . Simply create your new project and click on your project tab(LEFT PANE).
After that select PROJECT in next LEFT PANE .
After this new tabbar appeared there is 2 tabs INFO/BUILD SETTING .
In Base SDK menu you can select your required SDk to develop your application.
Hope this will help you.
