Terminal command does not work in PhpStorm - terminal

When I try to use the command java in the PHPStrom Terminal. I got this error :
'java' is not recognized as an internal or external command
But I checked I added in PATH the environment variable and it works perfectly on a terminal outside PhpStorm.
Why ?

You need to restart the Jetbrains Toolbox to update these commands in terminals.
Close PhpStorm
Right click on Jetbrains Toolbox and click on "exit"
Search jetbrains toolbox in windows to launch again
And all commands work in the Phpstorm terminal.


Terminal prompt not working when opening DevContainer (OSX)

I am trying out the Remote - Containers VSCode extension. I get a docker warning and a prompt message if I want to continue but I can't type anything into the terminal. The cursor looks like it's active but nothing happens when I type.
So far I have tried:
Using iTerm.app instead of Terminal.app (in VSCode settings)
Disabled oh-my-zsh terminal plugin
Quit and start Visual Studio code
I solved this by using generating ssh key in the devcontainer and adding it to github.

How to change from MinTTY to Windows 10 default console in Git Bash?

I am using Windows 10.
I have Git Bash (from Git 2.20.1) installed with configuration of using MinTTY as terminal emulator.
I can see that following entry in Git-2.20.1/etc/install-options.txt
Bash Terminal Option: MinTT
This means when I start git-bash it uses MinTTY as terminal - one can see this by right clicking on the title bar of git-bash window.
Now I have to switch to windows default console. When I say "switch" I mean when I start git-bash I expect it to use windows console - I should be able to confirm this by right clicking on the title bar of git-bash window.
Below link explains the difference between MinTTY and Windows console - https://willi.am/blog/2016/08/08/docker-for-windows-interactive-sessions-in-mintty-git-bash/
However I cant find any config or mechanism to change this. (Changing install-options.txt with Bash Terminal Option: ConHost does not have any effect)
And I cant reinstall it as it has came via my organizations packaging system.
Is there any config anyone knows which I am missing?
Appreciate help - Many Thanks !
This switch is a part of git-bash.exe binary. It's only being edited by Git Windows installer hook named edit-git-bash.
You could compile and run edit-git-bash.
Or reinstall Git entirely (simpler)

Not able to type in terminal in vs code

Have installed angular CLI via node js command prompt. However, when I launch terminal in VS code, it doesn't allow to type only. PFA screenshot
PFB terminal setting screenshot
Able to run ng commands from node js command prompt outside vs code.
If your problem is not related to default shell in your terminal. Then you check windows settings. Follow the steps -
Open VSCode file location
Go to Compatibility tab in VSCode properties window
Unchecked Run this program in compatibility mode for: option
see the attached files. Try with this solution, it might help you.
This worked for me:
Remove settings file.
Click on view/terminal.
Select default shell.

Have WSL shell open to project directory in Windows Visual Studio Code

I have a windows subsystem for Linux Installed on my computer and am using it as the integrated terminal on Visual Studio Code. Every time I open a terminal however, it opens in the root directory rather than the current project directory like other terminals do.
Does anyone know of a fix for this?
I have tried messing with the Cwd of the integrated terminal settings but haven't had any luck.
Try using wsl.exe as the command for shell.
"terminal.integrated.shell.windows": "wsl.exe"
I know that is very late for this answer, but for me it just worked.
I put exactly as above and it launched in my home directory (that is /mnt/d/Users/Adrian).
I have the user setup of VSC, 1.30.1 and launch it from the Desktop shortcut.
After I configured terminal as wsl I go as below:
If I open a cmd windows I can launch it with code . it will launch in Windows home directory.
If move to some other folder (e.g Documents) and launch it with code . the bash will launch to that folder.
Otherwise I can launch it with code D:\Users\Adrian\Documents\VSC and the bash terminal will launch in \mnt\D\Users\Adrian\Documents\VSC
Tested the change both via menu File->Preferences->Settings and with Ctrl+Shift+P (Command Pallete), Terminal: Default Shell.
Tried with bash and wsl.
Maybe you have some other bash installed in the path? (e.g. git bash or MinGW bash?)

IntelliJ Terminal CTRL+C does not work

When using IntelliJs integrated terminal - for example with git - sometimes my CTRL + C keystrokes don't make to the terminal. For example the current line is not aborted.
What can I do as this behaviour is very annoying.
As I had git for Windows installed anyway I just replaced the terminal used by IntelliJ from cmd.exe (which is the default on windows) to bash.exe supplied by git for Windows (which is cygwin btw)
To change it for all projects go to File >> Other Settings >> Default Settings and then Tools >> Terminal. (see screenshot)
In the shell path field set the following line:
"C:\Program Files\Git\bin\bash.exe" --login -i
Please make sure git is installed at the proper localtion or adjust the path (for example if you have the 32bit version of git installed)
Using bash instead of cmd, the problem does not occour for me. Plus the bash supports some commands that cmd does not support, which is kinda nice when been used to a linux environment.
EDIT 2020-09-30: In latest Intellij versions the Terminal is a project-level setting and can be changed here:
Sometimes it could be because of vim emulator just turn it off
Go to Tools
Deselect Vim Emulator
Because Vim mode is checked,
Tools, Vim Emulator, there will be a √ in front of it, just cancel it, as shown in the figure:picture
I hope i can help u.
