Terminal prompt not working when opening DevContainer (OSX) - macos

I am trying out the Remote - Containers VSCode extension. I get a docker warning and a prompt message if I want to continue but I can't type anything into the terminal. The cursor looks like it's active but nothing happens when I type.
So far I have tried:
Using iTerm.app instead of Terminal.app (in VSCode settings)
Disabled oh-my-zsh terminal plugin
Quit and start Visual Studio code

I solved this by using generating ssh key in the devcontainer and adding it to github.


gitpod VScode environment terminal not working

I started my gitpod vscode environment as usual today but for some weird reason the terminal is not working meaning its not showing anything. if I start a new terminal than also its showing nothing instead of its name like bash.cursor not blinking, I am not able to type anything.

macOS Terminal Process completed on any click

My macOS terminal is showing Process completed when I type any thing. I am not able to type or do anything on terminal (This effect my Android Studio and VsCode terminal also they just open close in an second) So all issue are causing with this terminal I try every thing restore profile etc nothing is working for me.
But one thing is strange here when I restart my Mac terminal works fine but after I work on android studio or vscode with Mac terminal (Not there default terminal because they are not working) After 1 hour same happen as I say before and as in screenshot.
On different questions solutions was to type /bin/bash -x on terminal but I can't even type single character on this.
I am finding solution for this from 1 week and not able to find any thing I need to restart me laptop every 1 hour to work.
I am using BigSur with M1 processor.
Also it was working fine before but I work on Flutter so I have set path and run commands like
Run: nano ~/.zshrc
Run: source ~/.zshrc
And some bash commands to set path.

How to change from MinTTY to Windows 10 default console in Git Bash?

I am using Windows 10.
I have Git Bash (from Git 2.20.1) installed with configuration of using MinTTY as terminal emulator.
I can see that following entry in Git-2.20.1/etc/install-options.txt
Bash Terminal Option: MinTT
This means when I start git-bash it uses MinTTY as terminal - one can see this by right clicking on the title bar of git-bash window.
Now I have to switch to windows default console. When I say "switch" I mean when I start git-bash I expect it to use windows console - I should be able to confirm this by right clicking on the title bar of git-bash window.
Below link explains the difference between MinTTY and Windows console - https://willi.am/blog/2016/08/08/docker-for-windows-interactive-sessions-in-mintty-git-bash/
However I cant find any config or mechanism to change this. (Changing install-options.txt with Bash Terminal Option: ConHost does not have any effect)
And I cant reinstall it as it has came via my organizations packaging system.
Is there any config anyone knows which I am missing?
Appreciate help - Many Thanks !
This switch is a part of git-bash.exe binary. It's only being edited by Git Windows installer hook named edit-git-bash.
You could compile and run edit-git-bash.
Or reinstall Git entirely (simpler)

Not able to type in terminal in vs code

Have installed angular CLI via node js command prompt. However, when I launch terminal in VS code, it doesn't allow to type only. PFA screenshot
PFB terminal setting screenshot
Able to run ng commands from node js command prompt outside vs code.
If your problem is not related to default shell in your terminal. Then you check windows settings. Follow the steps -
Open VSCode file location
Go to Compatibility tab in VSCode properties window
Unchecked Run this program in compatibility mode for: option
see the attached files. Try with this solution, it might help you.
This worked for me:
Remove settings file.
Click on view/terminal.
Select default shell.

Using remote server in Visual Studio Code terminal?

I recently switched to using Visual Studio Code from Sublime Text and have a question about the terminal functionality. It looks like "Integrated Terminal" that appears at the bottom is mounted to the local file system out of the box.
What I'm wondering is if I can replace this local terminal with a remote server? I have the hostname, port, and login credentials and would love to be able to navigation the file system on our remote server (like using MobaXterm, PuTTy, etc) and then open code files in Visual Studio Code instead of vim or emacs. Is this possible?
UPDATE: I have figured out how to rig this into VS code.
You can download git bash online and it will be mounted to your local machine. In VS Code, you can then Ctrl+Shift+P and type "Open User Settings". In the right pane, add this setting:
This will replace the default integrated terminal in VSCode with the git bash CLI client that was just installed in the location in the screenshot above. Now that you have your local file system mounted in VScode, you can execute:
ssh username#hostname -p <port>
