I'm trying to write a predicate in SICStus Prolog such that given an expression, I can evaluate it (possible several times). The following works as expected:
?- A is 1, H = A+2+2, C is H.
C = 5 ?
And so does this more elaborate code:
testing(Variables, Updates, Values, Result):-
assert(temp(Variables, Updates)),
temp(Values, Result),
H is Term,
Now, if instead A is an indexical, say A in 1..3, it doesn't work anymore. Any ideas about how to fix it?
The longer code is supposed to be used as follows:
?- testing([A,B,C], [A+1,B+C,max(A,B)], [0,0,0], Result), evaluate(Result, R).
Result = [0+1,0+0,max(0,0)],
R = [1,0,0] ?
But is suffers from the same problem as the small example: I can't provide ranges of values in this way:
?- Val1 in 1..2, Val2 in 3..10, testing([A,B], [A+1,B+A], [Val1,Val2], Result), evaluate(Result, R).
Any suggestions?
My current solution requires replacing is/2 with val_of/2. It works, but I still believe there should be a better/faster implementation.
testing(Variables, Updates, Values, Result):-
assert(temp(Variables, Updates)),
temp(Values, Result),
val_of(E,E):- number(E),!.
val_of(E,E):- var(E),!.
val_of(V,E1+E2):- !, val_of(V1,E1), val_of(V2,E2), V #= V1+V2.
val_of(V,E1-E2):- !, val_of(V1,E1), val_of(V2,E2), V #= V1-V2.
val_of(V,max(E1,E2)):- !, val_of(V1,E1), val_of(V2,E2), V #= max(V1,V2).
val_of(V,min(E1,E2)):- !, val_of(V1,E1), val_of(V2,E2), V #= min(V1,V2).
val_of(V,abs(E1,E2)):- !, val_of(V1,E1), val_of(V2,E2), V #= abs(V1,V2).
A test example:
| ?- X in 1..3, testing([A,B], [A+1,B], [X,0], R), evaluate(R,R1).
R = [X+1,0],
R1 = [_A,0],
X in 1..3,
_A in 2..4 ?
I think that all you need is just
H #= Term,
but the temp/2 relation is unnecessary, so a real simplification could be:
testing(Variables, Updates, Values, Result):-
maplist(#=, Updates, Values), Result=Variables.
results in
?- testing([A,B,C], [A+1,B+C,max(A,B)], [0,0,0], Result).
A = -1,
B = C, C = 0,
Result = [-1, 0, 0].
(note: tested in SWI-Prolog, after ?- [library(clpfd)].)
My final solution is a modified version of my original code based on the useful answers and comments provided by #CapelliC and #false:
testing(Variables, Updates, Values, Result):-
copy_term(Variables-Updates, Values-Result).
call(H #= Term),
The main issue in my original code was the missing call/1 in evaluate/2.
A test example in SICStus Prolog looks like this:
?- A in 1..3, testing([C,D,R],[C+1,max(D,5),R],[A,0,0],Res), evaluate(Res,T).
Res = [A+1,max(0,5),0],
T = [_A,5,0],
A in 1..3,
_A in 2..4 ?
What is the easiest way to find who is the tallest in Prolog:
I want to write
tallest(X) :- Y is bigger than other Y's
SWI-Prolog has some different ways to solve this problem, for instance by means of library(solution_sequences)
?- order_by([desc(H)],height(P,H)).
H = 1.92,
P = luke ;
or using library(aggregate):
?- aggregate(max(H,P),height(P,H),max(_,P)).
P = luke.
less sophisticate Prologs probably will offer setof/3 and last/2:
?- setof(H:P,height(P,H),L),last(L,_:P).
P = luke,
L = [1.54:nicole, 1.65:lisa, 1.7:sam, 1.92:luke].
and still more basic engines, lacking setof/3, will offer
?- height(P,H),\+((height(_,L),L>H)).
P = luke,
H = 1.92 ;
Supposing that tallest(X) succeeds if, and only if, person X is taller than all other persons, I think that a correct answer would be:
tallest(X) :-
height(X, H),
forall((height(Y, H1),
X \= Y),
H > H1), !.
First scenario:
?- tallest(X).
X = luke.
Second scenario:
height(lisa, 1.65).
height(sam, 1.70).
height(luke, 1.92).
height(nicole, 1.54).
height(bob, 1.92). % Bob is as tall as Luke!
?- tallest(X).
max_height(Person, Height, [[Person, Height]]).
max_height(P , H , [[P, H]|Tail]) :- max_height(_ , H2, Tail), H > H2.
max_height(P2, H2, [[_, H]|Tail]) :- max_height(P2, H2, Tail), H =< H2.
tallest(X) :- findall([P, H], height(P, H), Bag), max_height(X, _, Bag).
There are ways to avoid writing max_height : Prolog, find minimum in a list
I tried to create something what would work like this:
?- unpacking([[1], [1,2], [3]], Lst1, NewLst).
I wrote it like this:
unpacking([], Lst1, Lst1).
unpacking([[H]|T], Lst1, NewLst):-
append([H], Lst2),
unpacking(T, Lst2, NewLst).
unpacking([_|T], Lst1, NewLst):-
unpacking(T, Lst1, NewLst).
and I know that I am doing something wrong. I am starting in Prolog so, need to learn from my mistakes :)
You probably meant:
unpacking([], []).
unpacking([[E]|T], [E|L]) :-
unpacking(T, L).
unpacking([[]|T], L) :-
unpacking(T, L).
unpacking([[_,_|_]|T], L) :-
unpacking(T, L).
There are more concise ways to write this - and more efficient, too.
What about this :
my_tpartition(P_2,List,Ts,Fs) :- my_tpartition_ts_fs_(List,Ts,Fs,P_2).
my_tpartition_ts_fs_([X|Xs0],Ts,Fs,P_2) :-
if_(call(P_2,X), (X=[NX],Ts = [NX|Ts0], Fs = Fs0),
(Ts = Ts0, Fs = [X|Fs0])),
This is based on Most general higher-order constraint describing a sequence of integers ordered with respect to a relation
* Update*
You could change to
L1 #=< X,
fd_length(L, N) :-
N #>= 0,
fd_length(L, N, 0).
fd_length([], N, N0) :-
N #= N0.
fd_length([_|L], N, N0) :-
N1 is N0+1,
N #>= N1,
fd_length(L, N, N1).
U= [1,4].
X = Xs, Xs = [].
Based on #coder's solution, I made my own attempt using if_ and DCGs:
one_element_([], true).
one_element([], false).
one_element([_|Xs], T) :-
one_element_(Xs, T).
f([]) -->
f([X|Xs]) -->
{ if_(one_element(X), Y=X, Y=[]) },
unpack(Xs,Ys) :-
I only tried for about 30s, but the queries:
?- Xs = [[] | Xs], unpack(Xs,Ys).
?- Xs = [[_] | Xs], unpack(Xs,Ys).
?- Xs = [[_, _ | _] | Xs], unpack(Xs,Ys).
didn't stop with a stack overflow. In my opinion, the critical one should be the last query, but apparently, SWI Prolog manages to optimize:
?- L = [_,_|_], one_element(L,T).
L = [_3162, _3168|_3170],
T = false.
Edit: I improved the solution and gave it a shot with argument indexing. According to the SWI Manual, indexing happens if there is exactly a case distinction between the empty list [] and the non-empty list [_|_]. I rewrote one_element such that it does exactly that and repeated the trick with the auxiliary predicate one_element_. Now that one_element is pure again, we don't lose solutions anymore:
?- unpack([A,B],[]).
A = [_5574, _5580|_5582],
B = [_5628, _5634|_5636] ;
A = [_5574, _5580|_5582],
B = [] ;
A = [],
B = [_5616, _5622|_5624] ;
A = B, B = [].
?- unpack([[a,b,c],[a],[b],[c,d]],Items).
Items = [a, b].
is still deterministic. I have not tried this solution in other Prologs, which might be missing the indexing, but it seems for SWI, this is a solution.
Update: Apparently GNU Prolog does not do this kind of indexing and overflows on cyclic lists:
| ?- Xs = [[] | Xs], unpack(Xs,Ys).
Fatal Error: global stack overflow (size: 32770 Kb, reached: 32768 Kb, environment variable used: GLOBALSZ)
After some thought, here is my implementation using if_/3:
unpacking(L,L1):-if_( =(L,[]), L1=[], unpack(L,L1)).
unpack([H|T],L):-if_(one_element(H), (H = [X],L=[X|T1],unpacking(T,T1)), unpacking(T,L)).
one_element(X, T) :-
( var(X) ->(T=true,X=[_]; T=false,X=[])
; X = [_] -> T = true
; X \= [_] -> T = false).
Some testcases:
?- unpacking([Xss],[]).
Xss = [].
?- unpacking([[1],[2,3],[4],[_,_|_]],U).
U = [1, 4].
?- unpacking([[1],[2,3],[4]],U).
U = [1, 4].
?- unpacking([[E]],[1]), E = 2.
?- unpacking(non_list, []).
?- unpacking([Xs],Xs).
Xs = [_G6221] ;
Xs = [].
To fix the case that #false referred in the comment we could define:
But this leaves some choice points...
One way to do it is with a findall I dont think its what the bounty is for though ;)
In CLP(FD), we frequently need to state: "This is a list of integers and finite domain variables in (sometimes: strictly) ascending/descending order."
Is there any CLP(FD) system that provides a general (parametrisable) built-in constraint for this task?
SWI-Prolog provides a constraint called chain/2, which is similar to what I am looking for. However, the name is slightly too specific to encompass all relations that the constraint can describe (example: #< is not a partial order but admissible in chain/2, leading to the sequence — taken as a set of integers — no longer counting as a chain as defined in mathematical order-theory). Hence, the name does not fully describe what the constraint actually implements.
Please give the most general definition with respect to the usual binary CLP(FD) constraints — or a suitable subset that contains at least #<, #>, #=< and #>= — including the proper name according to the algebraic structure the constraint defines. The condition imposed is that the constraint describe an actual mathematical structure that has a proper name in the literature.
As a start, consider with SICStus Prolog or SWI:
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
connex(Relation_2, List) :-
connex_(List, Relation_2).
connex_([], _).
connex_([L|Ls], Relation_2) :-
foldl(adjacent(Relation_2), Ls, L, _).
adjacent(Relation_2, X, Prev, X) :- call(Relation_2, Prev, X).
Sample cases:
?- connex(#<, [A,B,C]).
?- connex(#=, [A,B,C]).
A = B, B = C,
C in inf..sup.
?- maplist(connex(#<), [[A,B],[C,D]]).
Notice that it would even be admissible to allow #\=, because the relation would still describe a connex as known in mathematical order-theory. Hence, the code above is not most general with respect to the usual binary CLP(FD) constraints.
Hoogle was not very useful, but Hayoo is!
so this is a special form of fold for a list, but it does not apply length list times but one time less.
is not entirely general in its name, but in its signature. Maybe insisting on the most general name is not that helpful. Otherwise we just have entities all over?
The definition reads:
The isSortedBy function returns True iff the predicate returns true for all adjacent pairs of elements in the list.
Maybe: all_adjacent_pairs(R_2, Xs). which sounds a bit after having a looping construct that has adjacent_pair as some modifier.
This is inspired by a toolbox of functional higher-order idioms I once implemented. Back then I found the corner cases agonizing, I still do today:) Also, finding good names is always an issue...
Consider meta-predicate mapadj/4:
mapadj(Relation_4,As,Bs,Cs) :-
list_list_list_mapadj([A|As],Bs,Cs,Relation_4) :-
list_prev_list_list_mapadj([A1|As],A0,[B|Bs],[C|Cs],Relation_4) :-
Sample uses:
z_z_sum_product(X,Y,Sum,Product) :-
Sum #= X + Y,
Product #= X * Y.
:- mapadj(z_z_sum_product,[], [], []).
:- mapadj(z_z_sum_product,[1], [], []).
:- mapadj(z_z_sum_product,[1,2], [3], [2]).
:- mapadj(z_z_sum_product,[1,2,3], [3,5], [2,6]).
:- mapadj(z_z_sum_product,[1,2,3,4],[3,5,7],[2,6,12]).
I'm aware of the rift in the corner cases As = []and As = [_], still I feel this is as close to "for all adjacent list items" as it gets.
Also, all of this can easily be extended:
down to mapadj/2 (akin to chain/2, except for the type-check with singleton lists)
sideways, with an additional state argument, to foldadjl/n, scanadjl/n
Regarding names: IMO the l / r suffix is required with fold / scan, but not with map.
Edit 2015-04-26
Here comes the before-mentioned foldadjl/4:
foldadjl(Relation_4,Xs) -->
list_foldadjl([],_) -->
list_foldadjl([X|Xs],Relation_4) -->
list_prev_foldadjl([],_,_) -->
list_prev_foldadjl([X1|Xs],X0,Relation_4) -->
Edit 2015-04-27
Here comes meta-predicate splitlistIfAdj/3, based on
if_/3 which was proposed in a previous answer
on reification.
split_if_adj(P_3,As,Bss) :- splitlistIfAdj(P_3,As,Bss).
splitlistIfAdj(P_3,As,Bss) :-
list_split_([X0|Xs], [Cs|Bss],P_3) :-
list_prev_split_(Xs,X0,Cs,Bss, P_3).
list_prev_split_([], X, [X],[],_).
list_prev_split_([X1|Xs],X0,[X0|Cs],Bss,P_3) :-
(Cs = [], Bss = [Cs0|Bss0]),
(Cs = Cs0, Bss = Bss0)),
To show it in use let's define dif/3 exactly the same way as (=)/3 but with flipped truth-value:
dif(X, Y, R) :- X == Y, !, R = false.
dif(X, Y, R) :- ?=(X, Y), !, R = true. % syntactically different
dif(X, Y, R) :- X \= Y, !, R = true. % semantically different
dif(X, Y, R) :- R == false, !, X = Y.
dif(X, X, false).
dif(X, Y, true) :-
dif(X, Y).
Now we use them in tandem:
?- splitlistIfAdj(dif,[1,2,2,3,3,3,4,4,4,4],Pss).
Pss = [[1],[2,2],[3,3,3],[4,4,4,4]]. % succeeds deterministically
What if we generalize some list items? Do we get multiple answers with the right pending goals?
First, a small example:
?- splitlistIfAdj(dif,[1,X,2],Pss).
X = 1, Pss = [[1,1],[2]] ;
X = 2, Pss = [[1],[2,2]] ;
dif(X,1),dif(X,2), Pss = [[1],[X],[2]].
A somewhat bigger example involving the two variables X and Y.
?- splitlistIfAdj(dif,[1,2,2,X,3,3,Y,4,4,4],Pss).
X = 2, Y = 3, Pss = [[1],[2,2,2],[3,3,3],[4,4,4]] ;
X = 2, Y = 4, Pss = [[1],[2,2,2],[3,3],[4,4,4,4]] ;
X = 2, dif(Y,3),dif(Y,4), Pss = [[1],[2,2,2],[3,3],[Y],[4,4,4]] ;
X = Y, Y = 3, Pss = [[1],[2,2],[3,3,3,3],[4,4,4]] ;
X = 3, Y = 4, Pss = [[1],[2,2],[3,3,3],[4,4,4,4]] ;
X = 3, dif(Y,3),dif(Y,4), Pss = [[1],[2,2],[3,3,3],[Y],[4,4,4]] ;
dif(X,2),dif(X,3), Y = 3, Pss = [[1],[2,2],[X],[3,3,3],[4,4,4]] ;
dif(X,2),dif(X,3), Y = 4, Pss = [[1],[2,2],[X],[3,3],[4,4,4,4]] ;
dif(X,2),dif(X,3), dif(Y,3),dif(Y,4), Pss = [[1],[2,2],[X],[3,3],[Y],[4,4,4]].
Edit 2015-05-05
Here's tpartition/4:
tpartition(P_2,List,Ts,Fs) :- tpartition_ts_fs_(List,Ts,Fs,P_2).
tpartition_ts_fs_([X|Xs0],Ts,Fs,P_2) :-
if_(call(P_2,X), (Ts = [X|Ts0], Fs = Fs0),
(Ts = Ts0, Fs = [X|Fs0])),
Sample use:
?- tpartition(=(0), [1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,0,0,1], Ts, Fs).
Ts = [0, 0, 0],
Fs = [1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 1].
Edit 2015-05-15
On and on, ... here's splitlistIf/3:
split_if(P_2,As,Bss) :- splitlistIf(P_2,As,Bss).
splitlistIf(P_2,As,Bss) :-
list_pred_split([X|Xs],P_2,Bss) :-
if_(call(P_2,X), list_pred_split(Xs,P_2,Bss),
(Bss = [[X|Ys]|Bss0], list_pred_open_split(Xs,P_2,Ys,Bss0))).
list_pred_open_split([X|Xs],P_2,Ys,Bss) :-
if_(call(P_2,X), (Ys = [], list_pred_split(Xs,P_2,Bss)),
(Ys = [X|Ys0], list_pred_open_split(Xs,P_2,Ys0,Bss))).
Let's use it:
?- splitlistIf(=(x),[x,1,2,x,1,2,3,x,1,4,x,x,x,x,1,x,2,x,x,1],Xs).
Xs = [[1, 2], [1, 2, 3], [1, 4], [1], [2], [1]].
Quite in the same vein as mapadj/4 presented in an earlier answer... maybe the name is better.
forallAdj(P_2,Xs) :-
list_forallAdj([X|Xs],P_2) :-
list_forallAdj_prev([X1|Xs],P_2,X0) :-
Sample use:
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
:- use_module(library(lambda)).
?- Ls = [0,_,_,_,_,_], forallAdj(\X0^X1^(X0 + 1 #= X1), Ls).
Ls = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5].
Where could that take us?
forallAdj => existAdj
maybe variants with index (forallAdjI, existAdjI) like in Collections.List Module (F#)
findfirstAdj/pickfirstAdj also like F# find/pick
I am new to Prolog and when I query
sortedUnion([1,1,1,2,3,4,4,5], [0,1,3,3,6,7], [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7]).
I get an error
Exception: (7) unite([_G114, _G162, _G201, _G231, _G243], [_G249, _G297, _G336, _G357, _G369], [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]) ?
So I am hoping someone will be able to tell me where my code is mistaken and why it is wrong?
%undup(L, U) holds precisely when U can be obtained from L by eliminating repeating occurrences of the same element
undup([], []).
undup([X|Xs], [_|B]) :- remove(X,Xs,K), undup(K, B).
remove(Y,[Y|T],D) :- remove(Y,T,D).
remove(Y,[S|T],[S|R]) :- not(Y = S), remove(Y,T,R).
%sortedUnion(L1,L2,U) holds when U contains exactly one instance of each element
%of L1 and L2
sortedunion([H|T], [S|R], [F|B]) :- undup([H|T], N), undup([S|R], M), unite(N,M,[F|B]).
unite([], [], []).
unite([X], [], [X]).
unite([], [X], [X]).
unite([H|T], [S|R], [X|Xs]) :- S=H, X is S, unite(T, R, Xs).
unite([H|T], [S|R], [X|Xs]) :- H<S, X is H, unite(T, [S|R], Xs).
unite([H|T], [S|R], [X|Xs]) :- S<H, X is S, unite([H|T], R, Xs).
An advice first: try to keep your code as simple as possible. Your code can reduce to this (that surely works)
sortedunion(A, B, S) :-
append(A, B, C),
sort(C, S).
but of course it's instructive to attempt to solve by yourself. Anyway, try to avoid useless complications.
sortedunion(A, B, S) :-
undup(A, N),
undup(B, M),
unite(N, M, S).
it's equivalent to your code, just simpler, because A = [H|T] and so on.
Then test undup/2:
1 ?- undup([1,1,1,2,3,4,4,5],L).
L = [_G2760, _G2808, _G2847, _G2877, _G2889] ;
Clearly, not what you expect. The culprit should that anon var. Indeed, this works:
undup([], []).
undup([X|Xs], [X|B]) :- remove(X,Xs,K), undup(K, B).
2 ?- undup([1,1,1,2,3,4,4,5],L).
L = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] ;
Now, unite/3. First of all, is/2 is abused. It introduces arithmetic, then plain unification suffices here: X = S.
Then the base cases are hardcoded to work where lists' length differs at most by 1. Again, simpler code should work better:
unite([], [], []).
unite( X, [], X).
unite([], X, X).
Also, note the first clause is useless, being already covered by (both) second and third clauses.
The solution
ppath(X,Y,M,Path,[Y|Path]) :- edge(X,Y,M),
\+ memberchk(Y,Path).
path(X,Y,P,SoFar,Path) :- edge(X,W,M), \+
path(W,Y,N,[W|SoFar],Path), P is M+N.
pravilo(X,Y,Z) :-
aggregate(min(W), P^path(X,Y,W,[],P),
After that i am trying to use ?- pravilo(a,z,M). get the result. but it says false.
My version SWI-Prolog (Multi-threaded, 64 bits, Version 6.4.1)
Thank You
You should avoid assert/retract as far as possible.
Your graph has a loop between f and g, then you can't use the naive path/4 predicate, or your program will loop.
To avoid looping, you should invert the path construction (now it's 'bottom up'), to 'top down' adding a further argument (an accumulator) to path/4, and check that a node isn't already visited before recursing.
You can use memberchk for the test.
edit: here is the code
path(X,Y,M,Path,[Y|Path]) :- edge(X,Y,M), \+ memberchk(Y,Path).
path(X,Y,P,SoFar,Path) :- edge(X,W,M), \+ memberchk(W,SoFar),
path(W,Y,N,[W|SoFar],Path), P is M+N.
this yields
?- path(a,z,W,[],P).
W = 27,
P = [z, e, j, b] ;
W = 26,
P = [z, g, b] ;
let's use library(aggregate) to complete the assignment:
pravilo(X,Y,Z) :-
aggregate(min(W), P^path(X,Y,W,[],P), Z).
now I get
?- pravilo(a,z,M).
M = 24.
edit To get (full) ordered paths, these changes are necessary in recursion base
path(X,Y,M,Path,FullPath) :-
edge(X,Y,M), \+ memberchk(Y,Path), reverse([Y|Path], FullPath).
and in top level predicate:
pravilo(X,Y,Z) :-
aggregate(min(W), P^path(X,Y,W,[X],P), Z).