Wnat to send Push notification using APNS via Servicestack apis - apple-push-notifications

I have created an application that uses my apis (created in servicestack). I have .pem file (certificate) and device tokens for sending push notification. Now need to send push notification to the devices. I am very new for APNS and not aware how to use it. Please assist me how to proceed and what I have to put in my api code.
Googled a lot on this topic, some article shows that register the certificate through MMC (Microsoft Management Console) but couldn't find what code need to write api after registering it.


firebase-admin send FCM to specific android using device token as authentication

Hello guys I am using firebase-admin, it works fine sending and receiving using notification topics, however our project requires to send FCM to specific android device using device token. I can't find example in the repository of firebase-admin
Several examples available at https://firebase.google.com/docs/cloud-messaging/send-message#send-messages-to-specific-devices

how to use apple push notifications using ios calendars built-in app and without an app

I have a client that created a custom mail server that has the calendars feature and wants the users to be able to sync their calendars in iOS Calendars built-in app.
I do not know how do this using the built-in iOS Calendars App.
I tried to setup in the Apple Development Account an app that use the Apple Push Notifications service but it looks like I have to create an application.
I didn't find any information on web.
Any suggestion where to start?
Thank you.
The "native" protocol for the iOS Calendars app is CalDAV. So what you really want is to have your server implement https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc4791
The Calconnect Developer's guide is a good source of information for such a project: https://devguide.calconnect.org/Table-of-Contents
It lists some server side libraries that you probably want to build your implementation on top of: https://devguide.calconnect.org/CalDAV/libraries/

Sendgrid Xamarin Forms

I'm using the free Sendgrid Account on Azure and I'm building a Xamarin Forms App and was wondering about the best way to send emails seeing as I can't use the Sendgrid SDK. Is it possible to send the email by manually forming the HTTP request headers? I've no code on this and I'm completely at a loss!
In my opinion it is bad practice to send mails directly from your app altogether. It means that you rely on your users network etc. if ports are open and even more; you expose your settings of your Sendgrid account in an app that can potentially be reverse engineered and taken out of your binary.
You should move the code to send an email to your server-side and only send a signal from your app that an email is to be sent at that time. In your server code you probably can use all the Sendgrid SDK code without a problem.

How to push notification from parse.com to mobile app without integrate parse SDK?

I want to built a rest service by using parse.com. My mobile app will interact with parse via rest api by send http request. Without integrating parse SDK into my app, how can i setup push notification from parse to my app?Thank you a lot.
I think you can not do that, because for handle the push notification in your app, you need parse SDK for PFPUSH object.

Can I use new Parse App API for upload iOS Push Certificates?

I'm wondering if I could use the new parse app api, for update information about ios certificates, more precisely, to upload them.
This is not supported by their Apps API.
Edit: Here is a list of what is supported via the endpoint:
...Client Side Class creation
...Client Push
...Revokable sessions
...Revoking a session on password chang
