firebase-admin send FCM to specific android using device token as authentication - firebase-admin

Hello guys I am using firebase-admin, it works fine sending and receiving using notification topics, however our project requires to send FCM to specific android device using device token. I can't find example in the repository of firebase-admin

Several examples available at


Can we send a notification to phones enrolled on the Android Management API solution (google)

I have enrolled a phone via google solutions (Android Management API: This one is correctly enrolled and all works correctly.
My question is very simple: Can we send an Android notification to this phone just by using google api ?
I have searched a lot on google and it doesn't seem to be implemented. Do you know if this will be implemented soon or never?
If we can't go through google api (Android Management API), what would be the most efficient way to notify a phone?
Thank you,
Unfortunately, AMAPI does not have a feature for sending notifications to the device using the cloud DPC. You will have to implement notifications in a companion app to support the desired functionality.

Safari push notifications using Node.js

I have some queries below
How to integrate safari push notification using node.js after creating certificates of website.
How to get authentication token.
Device token
Please tell me the actual flow,I followed this link but, I get some version Issues.

Wnat to send Push notification using APNS via Servicestack apis

I have created an application that uses my apis (created in servicestack). I have .pem file (certificate) and device tokens for sending push notification. Now need to send push notification to the devices. I am very new for APNS and not aware how to use it. Please assist me how to proceed and what I have to put in my api code.
Googled a lot on this topic, some article shows that register the certificate through MMC (Microsoft Management Console) but couldn't find what code need to write api after registering it.

Migrate parse "deviceToken" to FCM registration token

I have thousands of users on Parse, and we are sending push notifications to them using parse.
Now we are migrating to firebase and can't guarantee that all users will open the app so FCM gets the new FCM registration token.
The question is can I send to old Parse users given I have their Parse device token (from installation table)?
I'm pretty sure you can't just import the tokens used by to Firebase Cloud Messaging for use. What should be done is to register your client app users to FCM by adding it to your app.
More details can be found in the Migrate your Parse Android App to Firebase (or if you're using iOS) docs:
Suggested Migration Strategy: Migrating Device Tokens
At the time of writing, the Parse Android SDK uses an older version of the FCM registration tokens, not compatible with the features offered by Firebase Notifications.
You can get a new token by adding the FCM SDK to your app; however, this might invalidate the token used by the Parse SDK to receive notifications. If you want to avoid that, you can set up the Parse SDK to use both Parse's sender ID and your sender ID. In this way you don't invalidate the token used by the Parse SDK, but be aware that this workaround will stop working when Parse shuts down its project.
From my answer here.

How to push notification from to mobile app without integrate parse SDK?

I want to built a rest service by using My mobile app will interact with parse via rest api by send http request. Without integrating parse SDK into my app, how can i setup push notification from parse to my app?Thank you a lot.
I think you can not do that, because for handle the push notification in your app, you need parse SDK for PFPUSH object.
