How to input continuation '...' in Matheamtica - wolfram-mathematica

I am trying to compute an equation x = (a/(1+r)^1) + (a/(1+r)^2) + (a/(1+r)^3) ... (to infinity); (or to some point like ... +(a/(1+r)^10)
How to input those dots which matheamtica can understand?
Also, how can it, using same or somewhat similar technique understand the input for some simpler expression like 1+3+5+7...+113 (which should be sum of first 114/2 odd numbers)
Thank you

Try these
x = Sum[a/(1 + r)^i, {i, 1, Infinity}]
x = Sum[a/(1 + r)^i, {i, 1, 10}]
x = Sum[2*i - 1, {i, 1, 114/2}]


List generation via Array in Wolfram Language

I have a code where we first need to generate n + 1 numbers in a range with a given step. However, I don't understand how and why it works:
a = 2;
b = 7;
h = (b-a)/n;
x[0] = a;
Array[x, n+1, 0];
For[i = 0, i < n + 1, i++, x[i] = a + h*i]
My questions are:
Are elements of x automatically generated when accessed? There's no mention of x before the line x[0] = a
Shouldn't index access be like x[[i]]?
What exactly does Array do here? It isn't assigned to anything which confuses me
Try Range[2,10,2] for a range of numbers from 2 to 10 in steps of 2, etc.
Beyond that there some faults in your code, or perhaps in your understanding of Mathematica ...
x[0] = a defines a function called x which, when presented with argument 0 returns a (or a's value since it is previously defined). Mathematica is particular about the bracketing characters used [ and ] enclose function argument lists. Since there is no other definition for the function x (at least not that we can see here) then it will return unevaluated for any argument other than 0.
And you are right, doubled square brackets, ie [[ and ]], are used to enclose index values. x[[2]] would indeed refer to the second element of a list called x. Note that Mathematica indexes from 1 so x[[0]] would produce an error if x existed and was a list.
The expression Array[x, n+1, 0] does return a value, but it is not assigned to any symbol so is lost. And the trailing ; on the line suppresses Mathematica's default behaviour to print the return value of any expression you execute.
Finally, on the issue of the use of For to make lists of values, refer to And perhaps ask further Mathematica questions at that site, the real experts on the system are much more likely to be found there.
I suppose I might add ... if you are committed to using Array for some reason ask another question specifically about that. As you might (not) realise, I recommend not using that function to create a list of numbers.
From the docs, Array[f, n, r] generates a list using the index origin r.
On its own Array[x, n + 1, 0] just produces a list of x functions, e.g.
n = 4;
Array[x, n + 1, 0]
{x[0], x[1], x[2], x[3], x[4]}
If x is defined it is applied, e.g.
x[arg_] := arg^2
Array[x, 4 + 1, 0]
{0, 1, 4, 9, 16}
Alternatively, to use x as a function variable the Array can be set like so
With[{z = Array[x, n + 1, 0]}, z = {m, n, o, p, q}]
{x[0], x[1], x[2], x[3], x[4]}
{m, n, o, p, q}
The OP's code sets function variables of x in the For loop, e.g.
Still with n = 4
a = 2;
b = 7;
h = (b - a)/n;
For[i = 0, i < n + 1, i++, x[i] = a + h*i]
which can be displayed by Array[x, n + 1, 0]
{2, 13/4, 9/2, 23/4, 7}
also x[0] == 2
The same could be accomplished thusly
With[{z = Array[x, n + 1, 0]}, z = Table[a + h*i, {i, 0, 4}]]
{2, 13/4, 9/2, 23/4, 7}
Note also DownValues[x] shows the function definitions
{HoldPattern[x[0]] :> 2,
HoldPattern[x[1]] :> 13/4,
HoldPattern[x[2]] :> 9/2,
HoldPattern[x[3]] :> 23/4,
HoldPattern[x[4]] :> 7}

Speed up symbolic claculation with mathematica

I have wirtten the following code. It is a code for mathematica and I would like to do some "simple" linear algebra with symbols.
The code sets up a matrix (called A) and a vector (called b). Then it solves the euqation A*k=b for k.
Unfortunately, my code is super slow, e.g. for n=5 it takes hours.
Is there any better way for solving this problem? I am not that familiar with mathematica and my code is rather unprofessional, so do you have any hints for speeding things up?
Here is my code.
n = 3;
MM = Table[Symbol["M" <> ToString#i], {i, 1, n}];
RB = Table[
Symbol["RA" <> FromCharacterCode[65 + i] <> ToString#(i + 1)], {i,
1, n - 1}];
mA = Table[Symbol["mA" <> FromCharacterCode[65 + i]], {i, 1, n - 1}];
mX = Table[
Symbol["m" <> FromCharacterCode[65 + i] <> "A"], {i, 1, n - 1}];
R = Table[
Symbol["R" <> FromCharacterCode[64 + i] <> ToString#(j + 1)], {i,
1, n}, {j, 1, n - 1}];
b = Table[-MM[[1]]*(1/(mA[[i]]*(R[[1, i]] - RB[[i]])) -
1/(mX[[i]]*(-R[[i + 1, i]] + RB[[i]]))), {i, 1, n - 1}];
A = Table[
MM[[j + 1]]*(R[[1, j]]/(mA[[i]]*(R[[1, i]] - RB[[i]])) -
R[[i + 1, j]]/(mX[[i]]*(-R[[i + 1, i]] + RB[[i]]))), {i, 1,
n - 1}, {j, 1, n - 1}];
K = LinearSolve[A, b];
Thanks for any hints!
P.S. The code should run!
You have lots of variables and lots of denominators, both of which can often make things very slow.
Let's try a simpler faster method that solves a generic form of your problem and then substitutes in all your variables and denominators.
n = 5;
MM = ...
A = ...
which gives a solution in fraction of a second. But you need to carefully check this to justify that there are no zero denominators hiding in your problem or this solution.
This method is faster than Inverse[A].b and far faster than LinearSolve[A, b] for your problem, but that time is only for the calculation of the solution and does not include any potentially large amount of time spent using the solution. It also does not include any of the programming hidden inside LinearSolve to deal with potential problems and special cases.
But I am not certain as your n grows larger and your forest of denominators grows far larger that this will continue to be fast or feasible.
Test this carefully before you assume everything works.
P.S. Thank you for the code that actually ran! (I didn't even use the clear[all])

Using DSolve for a real part of a differential equation (Mathematica)

I try to solve a differential equation (using DSolve) of the form:
Sys = {(Re[a T'[x] + b T[x]] == 0), T[1] == 3};
Sol = DSolve[Sys, T[x], x];
Plot[T[x]/.Sol, {x, 0, 1}
Where 'a' and 'b' are complex coefficients (non dependent of x).
I know this can't be the right syntax but I don't seem to find the right one anywhere. I can, of course, do the following:
Sys = {(a T'[x] + b T[x]] == 0), T[1] == 3};
Sol = DSolve[Sys, T[x], x];
Plot[Re[T[x]]/.Sol, {x, 0, 1}]
But this doesn't necessarily give me the same solution. How do I force Mathematica to take only the real part and solve the differential equation?

Summation up to a variable integer: How to get the coefficients?

This is an example. I want to know if there is a general way to deal with this kind of problems.
Suppose I have a function (a ε ℜ) :
f[a_, n_Integer, m_Integer] := Sum[a^i k[i],{i,0,n}]^m
And I need a closed form for the coefficient a^p. What is the better way to proceed?
Note 1:In this particular case, one could go manually trying to represent the sum through Multinomial[ ], but it seems difficult to write down the Multinomial terms for a variable number of arguments, and besides, I want Mma to do it.
Note 2: Of course
Collect[f[a, 3, 4], a]
Will do, but only for a given m and n.
Note 3: This question is related to this other one. My application is different, but probably the same methods apply. So, feel free to answer both with a single shot.
Note 4:
You can model the multinomial theorem with a function like:
f[n_, m_] :=
Sum[KroneckerDelta[m - Sum[r[i], {i, n}]]
(Multinomial ## Sequence#Array[r, n])
Product[x[i]^r[i], {i, n}],
Evaluate#(Sequence ## Table[{r[i], 0, m}, {i, 1, n}])];
So, for example
is the cube of a binomial
x[1]^3+ 3 x[1]^2 x[2]+ 3 x[1] x[2]^2+ x[2]^3
The coefficient by a^k can be viewed as derivative of order k at zero divided by k!. In version 8, there is a function BellY, which allows to construct a derivative at a point for composition of functions, out of derivatives of individual components. Basically, for f[g[x]] and expanding around x==0 we find Derivative[p][Function[x,f[g[x]]][0] as
BellY[ Table[ { Derivative[k][f][g[0]], Derivative[k][g][0]}, {k, 1, p} ] ]/p!
This is also known as generalized Bell polynomial, see wiki.
In the case at hand:
f[a_, n_Integer, m_Integer] := Sum[a^i k[i], {i, 0, n}]^m
With[{n = 3, m = 4, p = 7},
BellY[ Table[{FactorialPower[m, s] k[0]^(m - s),
If[s <= n, s! k[s], 0]}, {s, 1, p}]]/p!] // Distribute
Out[80]= 4 k[1] k[2]^3 + 12 k[1]^2 k[2] k[3] + 12 k[0] k[2]^2 k[3] +
12 k[0] k[1] k[3]^2
With[{n = 3, m = 4, p = 7}, Coefficient[f[a, n, m], a, p]]
Out[81]= 4 k[1] k[2]^3 + 12 k[1]^2 k[2] k[3] + 12 k[0] k[2]^2 k[3] +
12 k[0] k[1] k[3]^2
Doing it this way is more computationally efficient than building the entire expression and extracting coefficients.
EDIT The approach here outlined will work for symbolic orders n and m, but requires explicit value for p. When using it is this circumstances, it is better to replace If with its Piecewise analog, e.g. Boole:
With[{p = 2},
BellY[Table[{FactorialPower[m, s] k[0]^(m - s),
Boole[s <= n] s! k[s]}, {s, 1, p}]]/p!]
(* 1/2 (Boole[1 <= n]^2 FactorialPower[m, 2] k[0]^(-2 + m)
k[1]^2 + 2 m Boole[2 <= n] k[0]^(-1 + m) k[2]) *)

automatize a mathematic procedure: I need industrial amouts of results, and I get one

I've the following simple code in mathematica that is what I want to a single output. But I want to get hundreds or thousands of it. How can I do?
k = 2; Put["phiout"]; Put["omegadiffout"];
Random[NormalDistribution[0, 0.1]];
For[i = 1, i < 31,
rnd[i] = Random[NormalDistribution[0, 0.1]]; i++]
Table[rnd[i], {i, 1, 30}]
For[i = 1, i < 30,
rnddf[i] = rnd[i + 1] - rnd[i]; i++
diffomega = Table [rnddf[i], {i, 1, 29}];
Table [rnddf[i], {i, 1, 29}], {j, 1, 100}];
diffomega, {j, 1, 100}] , "diffomega"]
eqs0 = Table [
k*phi[i + 1] + k*phi[i - 1] - 2*k*phi[i] - rnddf[i] == 0, {i, 1,
eqs1 = eqs0 /. {phi[0] -> phi[30], phi[31] -> phi[1]};
Sum[phi[i], {i, 1, 29}];
eqs2 = Append[eqs1, - phi[1] - phi[27] - 3 phi[29] == 0];
eqs3 = eqs2 /. {phi[30] -> -Sum[phi[i], {i, 1, 29}]};
vars = Table [phi[i], {i, 1, 29}];
eqs = NSolve[eqs3, vars];
PutAppend[diffomega, eqs , "phiout"]
This put on file "phiout" and "omegadiffout" only the last value. I need hundreds of them. For each random generations I need an output.
Thanks in advance
The first thing you need to do, #Paulo, is tidy up your Mathematica so that you, and we, can see the wood for the trees. For example, your 8th statement:
Table [rnddf[i], {i, 1, 29}], {j, 1, 100}];
makes a large table, but the table isn't assigned to a variable or used in any other way. There seem to be other statements whose results aren't used either.
Next you should abandon your For loops and use the Mathematica idioms -- they are clearer for we who use Mathematica regularly to understand, easier for you to write, and probably more efficient too. Your statements
For[i = 1, i < 31,
rnd[i] = Random[NormalDistribution[0, 0.1]]; i++]
Table[rnd[i], {i, 1, 30}]
For[i = 1, i < 30,
rnddf[i] = rnd[i + 1] - rnd[i]; i++
diffomega = Table [rnddf[i], {i, 1, 29}];
can, if I understand correctly, be replaced by:
diffomega = Differences[RandomReal[NormalDistribution[0,0.1],{30}]];
Always remember that if you are writing loops in Mathematica you are probably making a mistake. The next change you should make is to stop using Put and PutAppend until you can build, in memory, at least a small example of the entire output that you want to write. Then write that to a file in one go with Save or Export or one of the other high-level I/O functions.
When you have done that, edit your code and explain what you are trying to do and I, and other SOers, will try to help further. Unfortunately, right now, your code is so un-Mathematica-al that I'm having trouble figuring it out.
