Hibernate PostUpdateEventListener is not giving old values state if saveorUpdate or update is used - spring

We are implementing the activity log for our application. we decided to go with the approach of capture the hibernate postupdateevent listeners and capture the old values and new values and update our activity log. The approach works wherever we have merge operation. But when we used saveorupdate or update we were not getting the old values.
PostUpdateEvent postUpdateEvent = (PostUpdateEvent) event;
Field[] fields = postUpdateEvent.getEntity().getClass().getDeclaredFields();
String[] propertyNames = postUpdateEvent.getPersister().getEntityMetamodel().getPropertyNames();
Object[] newStates = postUpdateEvent.getState();
Object[] oldStates = postUpdateEvent.getOldState();
As part of this there are few queries, on the gaps i have in my understanding.
With respect to hibernate, there are three states:
If we create a new object, it is transient state. Now when we do update or saveorupdate or merge with the hibernate session, then the object becomes persistent.
In this scenario, if we use hibernate postupdateevent to capture the updates, we are getting the old values only when we use merge and we dont get the values when we use update, or saveorupdate.
My understanding was saveorupdate also does get call to determine if it is insert or update, in such cases i was expecting it to give old values in hibernate postupdate event when we do saveorupdate similar to what we get when we do merge.
But we dont get for saveorupdate and update calls, we just get the old values for merge.
It sounds like the postupdateevent listener if we use for audit logs, with saveorupdate or update, it wont give us the old values.
Am i missing something here?


Retrieve the deleted record spring JPA

I am working on a spring application.
We have a specific requirement where when we get a specific event, we want to look it up in the DB. If we find the record in the DB, then we delete it from DB, create another event using the details and trigger it.
Now my concern is:
I do not want to use two different calls, one to find the record and another to
delete the record.
I am looking for a way where we can delete the record using a custom
query and simultaneously fetch the deleted record.
This saves two differnet calls to DB, one for fetch and another for delete.
What I found on the internet so far:
We can use the custom query for deletion using the annotation called #Modifying. But this does not allow us to return the object as a whole. You can only return void or int from the methods that are annotated using #Modifying.
We have removeBy or deleteBy named queries provided by spring. but this also returns int only and not the complete record object that is being deleted.
I am specifically looking for something like:
FulfilmentAcknowledgement deleteByEntityIdAndItemIdAndFulfilmentIdAndType(#Param(value = "entityId") String entityId, #Param(value = "itemId") String itemId,
#Param(value = "fulfilmentId") Long fulfilmentId, #Param(value = "type") String type);
Is it possible to get the deleted record from DB and make the above call work?
I could not find a way to retrieve the actual object being deleted either by custom #Query or by named queries. The only method that returns the object being deleted is deleteById or removeById, but for that, we need the primary key of the record that is being deleted. It is not always possible to have that primary key with us.
So far, the best way that I found to do this was:
Fetch the record from DB using the custom query.
Delete the record from DB by calling deleteById. Although, you can now delete it using any method since we would not be requiring the object being returned by deleteById. I still chose deleteById because my DB is indexed on the primary key and it is faster to delete it using that.
We can use reactor or executor service to run the processes asynchronously and parallelly.

Validating restrictions in Hibernate EntityListener

I would like to make complex validations when save or update an Entity.
For example I'd like to check is one of the entity's property is unique, but trough complex conditions I can't declare in unique constraints.
I use #PrePersist for new entities, and #Pre/PostUpdate for existing ones. #PrePersist works well in all cases, but different errors occurred while updating existing entities.
If I inject my CRUD service into listener, and check is there any existing records based on property value I get stack overflow exception - I think because every time I call CRUD service find method Hibernate tries to update the entity before run query, and the causes SO-.
It is not a good practice to user CRUD service in EntityListener?
The other problem I don't know how to solve, if value cannot be persisted, I'd like to throw custom exception to inform the frontend about it.
If I call saveAndFlush() just my exception is thrown. But If I use just save() a TransactionSystemException is also thrown after my custom exception and that TransactionSystemException will be populated to frontend instead of my exception.
org.springframework.transaction.TransactionSystemException: Could not commit JPA transaction; nested exception is javax.persistence.RollbackException: Error while committing the transaction
How can I prevent RollbackException?
Is it a good idea at all to check these restrictions in EntityListener? My goal is to implement a layer where these restrictions automatically validated.
I would like to make complex validations when save or update an Entity. For example I'd like to check is one of the entity's property is unique, but trough complex conditions I can't declare in unique constraints.
You should probably use database that has support for this then because you will have a hard time getting this right and fast without that. PostgreSQL allows you to specify partial unique indexes, which essentially are unique constraints for a subset of the data. You can do e.g. create unique index abc on tbl (tenant_id, some_code) where deleted = false
If this doesn't work for you, you will probably have to use the SERIALIZABLE isolation level to ensure correctness, or use some kind of global lock.

How to actualize entity in Spring JPA? Actualize or create new one?

I'm wondering what is best practice to update JPA entity in Spring project - update original entity or create new? I see these two approaches:
Use original - Actualize necessary fields in original entity and save this updated entity back to the repository.
Use copy - manually create new instance of entity, set all field from original entity (+ updated fields) into new entity and save the entity back to the repository.
What approach do you use / is recommended? And why?
When it comes to updating, the standard way would be to retrieve the entity reference(read below) and make changes within a transactional method:
private JpaRepository repo;
#Transactional(readOnly = false)
public void performChanges(Integer id){
Entity e = repo.getOne(id);
// alter the entity object
Few things regarding the example:
You would want to use the getOne method of JpaRepository as much as possible as it is in general faster than the findOne of the CrudRepository. The only trick is that you have to be sure that entity actually exists in the database with the given id. Otherwise you would get an exception. This does not occur regarding the findOne method so you would need to make that decision regarding each transactional method which alters a single entity within your application.
You do not need to trigger any persist or save methods on the EntityManager as the changes will be automatically flushed when the transaction is commited.. and that is on method return.
Regarding your second option, I dont think thats much of a use as you would need to get the data using above method anyway. If you intend to use that entity outside of the transaction, then again you could use the one retrieved from the exmaple above and then perform merge once it is again needed within the transactional context and thus Persistence Provider.
Getting an entity and then just updating that entity is the easiest way to do that. Also this is faster than a creation of a copy since EntityManager manages an entity and know that managed entity already exists in DB (so no need to execute additional query).
Anyway, there is third and the fastest approach: using executeUpdate on Query object.
.createQuery("update EntityName set fieldName = :fieldName where id = :id")
.setParameter("fieldName", "test")
.setParameter("id", id)
It is faster due to bypassing the persistent context

spring hibernate merge example

I have a Spring 4 and Hibernate 5 back-end RESTful web-service. This works great and is all unit tested. The front-end is a SmartGWT 5.0p application which uses DataSources, not RestDataSources to communicate with the back-end.
The front-end SmartGWT 5.0p uses a listgrid to edit data, and then the ListGrid is attched to a datasource. Only the edited data in the ListGrid is sent back, not the entire row. If I could, I'd like to be able send backthe entire listgrid row with edited data, and the unedited data. If I could get an answer to that, that would be great.
Or, the alternate is we let SmartGWT only send back part of the data which is edited. This comes to the back-end as JSON and is changed into an Object/Entity. The controller/end-point is not in a session yet, but then we call a method in the service layer which is transactional.
So, then question becomes we have a detached object in a session in the method in the service layer. We have a detached object with a database primary key ... but it also has 1 or 2 fields of updated data, and now we want to merge that data back to the database. We can't call an update with this entity because with the partial data, some of the fields are being set to null. In reality, we want to pull back the item from the databae, update the edited fields, and then write the data back to the database.
I could do this all manually ... but do I have to? I expect there is a more graceful way to handle this.
This is only a partial answer:
I can make SmartGWT combine old values and new values with a link I found here:
And the code is as follows:
private ListGridRecord getEditedRecord(DSRequest request)
// Retrieving values before edit
JavaScriptObject oldValues = request
// Creating new record for combining old values with changes
ListGridRecord newRecord = new ListGridRecord();
// Copying properties from old record
JSOHelper.apply(oldValues, newRecord.getJsObj());
// Retrieving changed values
JavaScriptObject data = request.getData();
// Apply changes
JSOHelper.apply(data, newRecord.getJsObj());
return newRecord;
This JSON string contains the new fields updated, and the old fields. When this json string is sent back to the RESTful back end, the Jackson Mapper creates an entity and puts all the fields in, this is essentially a detached entity. It's an object outside of the session, but the id resides in the database.
Because I have a complete entity, I can all an update, and that works.
Problem solved.
BUT, I'd still like to find out an elegant solution for taking a detached entity, get the original record from the database, and then merge these two objects, and then finally update the record.
In the Service layer in Spring which has a transaction, and creates the session,
a manual process, which I don't want to do might look something like this:
1) get the id from the updatedEntity
2) get that attachedEntity from the database using that id
3) compare the fields
if( updatedEntity.updateField1 != null )
{ attachedEntity.setField1(updatedEntity.updateField1) }
If I had to do step 3 for multiple fields,
that's not very elegant.
4) Update attachedEntity to the database, because it now has updated fields.
So, again, an elegant solution to fix this might be helpful. Thanks!

Double instances in database after using EntityManager.merge() in Transient Method

I am new with Spring, my application, developed with Spring Roo has a Cron that every day download some files and update a database.
The update is done, after downloading and parsing the files, using merge(),
an Entity class Dataset has a list called resources, after the download I do:
and dataset.merge() does the following:
public Dataset Dataset.merge() {
if (this.entityManager == null) this.entityManager = entityManager();
Dataset merged = this.entityManager.merge(this);
return merged;
I expect that doing dataset.setResources(resources); I would overwrite the filed resources, and so even the database entry would be overwritten.
But I get double entries in the database: every resource appear twice, with different IDs (incremental).
How can I succed in let my application doing updates and not insert? A naive solution would be delete manually the old resource and then call merge(); is this the way or is there some more smart solution?
This situation occurs when you use Hibernate as persistence engine and your entities have version field.
Normally the ID field is what we need for merging a detached object with its persistent state in the database, but Hibernate takes the version field in account and if you don't set it (it is null) Hibernate discards the value of ID field and creates a new object with new ID.
To know if you are affected by this strange feature of Hibernate, set a value in the version field, if an Exception is thrown you got it. In that case the best way to solve it is the data to parse contain the right value of version. Another ways are to disable version checking (see Hibernate ref guide to know about it) or load persistent state before merging.
