Not able to download Oracle's jdk-8u181 package using wget behind an HTTP proxy - oracle

I'm trying to use WebUpd8 team's oracle-java8-installer to install Java 8 on my Ubuntu 14.04 computers. Some of them could succeed but others failed. After some debugging, I realized it was caused by the HTTP proxy setting. I'll provide more details below, but basically my questions are: Why does the use of http_proxy cause the problem? I believe it's must be related to how an HTTP proxy works, but since I have little experience in that, could someone tell me what knowledge I should learn to understand this issue?
Here are more details.
Under the hood, the oracle-java8-installer uses wget to download the jdk-8u181 package. So I can reproduce the issue with the steps below:
Install apt-cacher-ng: sudo apt-get install apt-cacher-ng
You don't have to configure anything in the APT configuration to reproduce this problem. apt-cacher-ng uses localhost:3142 by default to cache the packages.
Run http_proxy="http://localhost:3142" wget --continue --no-check-certificate -O jdk-8u181-linux-x64.tar.gz --header "Cookie: oraclelicense=a"
Here are some notes:
The http://localhost:3142 is configured for apt-cacher-ng. Those machines that failed had apt-cacher-ng installed before I tried to install jdk-8u181.
The Cookie: oraclelicense=a is to indicate the user has accepted the license.
If you run the last command, the download of the jdk-8u181-linux-x64.tar.gz is finished instantly. There is a line saying "Proxy request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK". But if you open the received ".tar.gz", you'll see it's merely an HTML page that contains error information.
If you remove the http_proxy environment variable and run:
wget --continue --no-check-certificate -O jdk-8u181-linux-x64.tar.gz --header "Cookie: oraclelicense=a"
You will have the full package downloaded correctly.
My best guess is that an HTTP proxy works with wget if the target URL is the final URL, so the proxy would cache it in its storage. Conceptually, it's like a key-value store:
proxy['URL'] = result
However, in this case, the target URL ( actually returns a "302" code and a "Location" header field for the new URL. This can be seen from the output:
ywen#ubuntu:~$ wget --continue --no-check-certificate -O
jdk-8u181-linux-x64.tar.gz --header "Cookie: oraclelicense=a"
--2018-08-01 11:10:04--
Resolving (
Connecting to
(||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Moved Temporarily
--2018-08-01 11:10:04--
Resolving (, 2001:559:19:3081::2d3e, 2001:559:19:3086::2d3e
Connecting to
(||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Moved Temporarily
--2018-08-01 11:10:04--
Connecting to
(||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 185646832 (177M) [application/x-gzip]
Saving to: ‘jdk-8u181-linux-x64.tar.gz’
Handling the redirection is out of the capability of a proxy (Am I right??), therefore those machines set with the HTTP proxies failed.


Question about the configuration and testing of cntlm

I'm running on an Ubuntu 20.04 system and I'm behind a proxy. I want to be able to run apt-get. At the moment I have to start Chrome, navigate to a URL to force the proxy to request credentials and then apt-get will work otherwise I get:
Err:2 focal InRelease
407 Proxy Authentication Required [IP: proxy port]
So I decided to use cntlm to solve this. I ran:
$ sudo cntlm -H -d myDomain -u myUser
to get a password hash, edited cntlm.conf to add my domain, user, password hash and proxy details. Then I ran:
$ sudo cntlm -M
Config profile 1/4... OK (HTTP code: 500)
----------------------------[ Profile 0 ]------
Auth NTLMv2
So (at last) here are my questions.
Is the HTTP code of 500, (internal error) significant? If I change the domain in the cntlm.conf file I get 4 "credentials rejected", one for each profile. OK, good, but if I change my password hash, I still get a response from profile 0 like above so is this test working or not? Interestingly, if I add the -v flag to the command, I see a message that says:
ntlm: Ignoring config file option: User
Why does it ask for a password here? It doesn't matter what I enter for a password. I always get the same result although with a different hash.
apt-get still doesn't work but I'll leave that until I understand this.

Why is wget failing on this image?

I'm attempting to download an image from google books with wget (I've tried curl as well) and I continually get a 500 error
wget ""
--2016-07-13 20:58:06--
Resolving, 2607:f8b0:4005:801::200e
Connecting to||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 500 Internal Server Error
2016-07-13 20:58:06 ERROR 500: Internal Server Error.
It fails for the same reason the URL will fail in a browser if you're not logged into Google: The server refuses to serve you the content unless you're logged in.
You can probably copy a session cookie from an existing session if you log in with a browser and use it in wget.

wget magento-2.0.5 to download magento CE- not found

I was trying to download magento2.0.5 on linux using command
error returned-
Connecting to (||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found
Is the download url changed? or are there some new permission constraints I need to pass through?
Try here
If you are looking for download link then here
I tried and this link works.

Linux install Client's SSL "ca-cert" in local?

I have 2 Linux Servers (with LAMP):
Web Server with SSL (
Admin Server (needs to connect to Web Server, via https)
When i connect from Admin Server (to Web Server) via curl command. It is refusing. Then when i use curl with --caeert option, its going through. Like this:
# curl --cacert CAchain.crt -I
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
I'm getting 200 OK only because of --cacert CAchain.crt.
Then obviously i need the pure/basic curl command without defining the --cacert, to be working. Like:
# curl -I
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
So that my Admin Application will for sure be able to connect to it (via https).
But now, when i connect to from Admin Server (via its Application), it is bouncing back. Not able to reach, with SSL.
How do i make my Linux (RHEL) to install the client's CA-CERT inside, in order automatically AVOID defining the cert file. So that any communications to "" via CURL or Web Browser (from Admin), can just then successfully go through. (Is it something like, we make "SSH without Keys" logic? But how, please?)
You need to add the CA cert to somewhere that curl can use it - it looks like you're just keeping it in your local directory (which isn't where curl looks for it - typically in some /etc/pki/ssl/ca-bundle.crt-type location). There's a handful of ways to do this. I don't have much experience doing it in RHEL (or CentOS), but have done it for Debian.
This ServerFault Post might help.
Likewise, This Post might help you install/import the CA cert properly.

Why does WGET return 2 error messages before succeeding?

I am using a script to pull down some XML data on a authentication required URL with WGET.
In doing so, my script produces the following output for each url accessed (IPs and hostnames changed to protect the guilty):
> Resolving
> Connecting to||:80... connected.
> HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 401 Access denied
> Connecting to||:80... connected.
> HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 401 Unauthorized
> Reusing existing connection to
> HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Why does WGET complain that accessing the URL fails twice before successfully connecting? Is there a way to shut it up, or get it to connect properly in the first attempt?
For reference, here's the line I am using to call WGET:
wget --http-user=USERNAME --password=PASSWORD -O file.xml
This appears to be by design. Following the advice of #Wayne Conrad, I added the -d switch and was able to observe the first attempt failing because NTLM was required, and the second attempt failing because the first NTLM attempt was only level 1, where a level 3 NTLM challenge-response was required. WGET finally provides the needed authentication at the third attempt.
WGET does get a cookie to prevent re-authenticating for the duration of the session, which would prevent this if the connection wasn't terminated between files. I would need to pass WGET a list of files for this to occur, however I am unable to because I do not know the file names in advance.
You seem to have a new version of wget. After 1.10.2, wget will not send out authentication unless challenged by the server first. And that is why the first one is failing. The second is failing cause of the what you described.
You can reduce one of them by adding the parameter --auth-no-challenge. This sends out the first in "basic" which will fail and the second one will be sent in "digest" mode. Which should work.
