Linux install Client's SSL "ca-cert" in local? - https

I have 2 Linux Servers (with LAMP):
Web Server with SSL (
Admin Server (needs to connect to Web Server, via https)
When i connect from Admin Server (to Web Server) via curl command. It is refusing. Then when i use curl with --caeert option, its going through. Like this:
# curl --cacert CAchain.crt -I
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
I'm getting 200 OK only because of --cacert CAchain.crt.
Then obviously i need the pure/basic curl command without defining the --cacert, to be working. Like:
# curl -I
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
So that my Admin Application will for sure be able to connect to it (via https).
But now, when i connect to from Admin Server (via its Application), it is bouncing back. Not able to reach, with SSL.
How do i make my Linux (RHEL) to install the client's CA-CERT inside, in order automatically AVOID defining the cert file. So that any communications to "" via CURL or Web Browser (from Admin), can just then successfully go through. (Is it something like, we make "SSH without Keys" logic? But how, please?)

You need to add the CA cert to somewhere that curl can use it - it looks like you're just keeping it in your local directory (which isn't where curl looks for it - typically in some /etc/pki/ssl/ca-bundle.crt-type location). There's a handful of ways to do this. I don't have much experience doing it in RHEL (or CentOS), but have done it for Debian.
This ServerFault Post might help.
Likewise, This Post might help you install/import the CA cert properly.


Can I use Elasticsearch https without cert and authentication

I successfully setup HTTPS for Elasticsearch server. Now I can use curl like curl -u elastic:111111 --cacerts "Path/to/my/cert" https://localhost:9200. How can I setup to use curl without user authentication and cert?
Sorry for my bad English :(

How to set up remote access on a Mac?

I need to work remotely and need to connect to a company network from my work Mac over the internet. How do I set this up? I have looked at different software for example OpenVPN and Tunnelblick. But not sure how to go about it. Any suggestions? Advice?
If your work Mac has restricted firewall, and speed is your concern, you can try shadowsocks-libev to bypass the firewall, which is primarily designed to bypass GFW, and used by millions of sneaky users. It is so fast that no vpn can compete with it.
For your work device (server side)
brew install shadowsocks-libev
# ss-server and ss-local installed
# create a server with listening port 3333
# sudo may be required
ss-server -p 3333 -m chacha20 -k your_password -u
For you client (home device)
brew install shadowsocks-libev
# apt install shadowsocks-libev
# sudo may be required
ss-local -s WORK_IP -p 3333 -b -l 1080 -k your_password -m chacha20 -u
This created socks5 proxy with Make sure "your_password", port "3333", encrypt method "chacha20" should be matched on both sides.
set your home deivce (client side) socks5 proxy as Done.
Test IP
# With proxy, this would show your work Mac's IP
curl -x socks5h://localhost:1080
# without proxy
As a client side, GUI version is also recommended for beginners. Open source Mobile Version is also available.
This is a demo only. For security reasons, do not contain any password in the command line. Use -c config.json instead.
You can try this: vpn client
You should ask your admins to set up a vpn account for you. After that you can connect with a vpn client( of your choosing your use barracuda) and the provided credentials. Hope to have helped.
Since you brought up OpenVPN and Tunnelblick I should probably point out that
Tunnelblick is a free, open source graphic user interface for OpenVPN on macOS
Therefore Tunnelblick is probably going to be your app of choice.
Again, since you clearly are looking at OpenVPN I should point out there are two editions in circulation at the moment: commercial and community. I don't see any reason why you should pick commercial edition as your setup seems to be pretty simple. You probably will end up with a checklist of following things to do:
set up an OpenVPN server in your company network (windows, linux, pc, mac, raspberry pi - range of supported platforms is very extensive)
on the server generate keys for your client(s) (or use pre-shared secret as described in quick start below)
write and securely transport .ovpn config files (you can embed keys in there for simplicity) over to your mac
import the .ovpnfile into your Tunnelblick and start
The official quick start guide is probably the best place to start quick.
There's a whole bunch of other things that you (or more likely, your workplace network admin) will have to sort out. Just to name a few: routing and NAT-ting, ip address/domain name for OpenVPN server, firewall rules on machines you connect to.
But covering it all here without knowing your specifics will be problematic.
You should use any-desk or VNC server for connect your machine remotely. it's easy to use.
Your problem is not what you need to do on your Mac. What you do on the Mac-side is only half of any viable solution.
What you need to find out is what ways of connecting to the "company network" are provided by the company? Is anyone able to connect to the company network from a non-Mac computer? Does the company have any IT staff? Or do you have auth/means of changing their network configuration?
First of all, what type of control do you need? If we're talking about files and stuff like that then you should run a SSH server on your mac. More about that here (\ and here (
Another way to do that is to run a Remote Control Software (for example, Team Viewer), but it's laggy and unstable.
I was in the same situation as you a few months earlier and used the Tunnelblick in the Mac OS, which worked perfectly fine.
Since you are going to connect to your company network, I suggest you configure a VPN server and client to do that. I have configured the OpenVPN community edition to do that. The steps are:-
Server side configuration
- Login to root - sudo su
- Install OpenVPN and Easy-RSA - apt-get install openvpn easy-rsa
- Copy the server.conf from samples to /etc/openvpn - gunzip -c
/usr/share/doc/openvpn/examples/sample-config-files/server.conf.gz >
- Edit server.conf
- Check that Diffie-Hellman is set to 2048 - dh dh2048.pem
- Uncomment push "redirect-gateway def1 bypass-dhcp"
- Uncomment push "dhcp-option DNS" or put any other DNS
server you want - default settings is OpenDNS.
- Setup IP forwarding echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
- Also, edit /etc/sysctl.conf, and set "net.ipv4.ip_forward=1" after
uncommenting the line. This is for persisting the ip forwarding when
you reboot.
- Setup ufw (Uncomplicated Firewall - this is a frontend to iptables)
- ufw allow ssh
- ufw allow 1194/udp
- Edit /etc/default/ufw and set DEFAULT_FORWARD_POLICY to ACCEPT.
- Edit /etc/ufw/before.rules and add the following lines near the top
-A POSTROUTING -s -o ens4 -j MASQUERADE COMMIT ufw enable
- Do a ufw status and check if the rules are setup properly
- Setup the RSA keys
- cp -r /usr/share/easy_rsa/ /etc/openvpn/
- mkdir /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/keys
- Edit /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/vars and change keys KEY_COUNTRY etc, and
- Generate the Diffie-Hellman PEM file - openssl dhparam -out
/etc/openvpm/dh2048.pem 2048 cd /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/
- . ./vars
- ./clean-all
- ./build-ca
- ./build-key-server server
- cd keys && cp server.crt server.key ca.crt /etc/openvpn
- At this point your /etc/openvpn should contain server.key,
server.crt, ca.crt and dh2048.pem
- Start OpenVPN - service openvpn start
- Generate client config
- Copy client config from samples - cp
- Generate the client keys - cd /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa && ./build-key
client It will generate client.crt and client.key files.
- Copy client.crt, client.key, ca.crt to ~/client.
- Edit client.ovpn
- Edit the entry "remote my-server-1 1194" and put the
IP/Hostname of the VPN server in place of my-server-1.
- At the end, append "auth-user-pass"
- In a new line, add an opening tag <ca>.
- Append the contents of /etc/openvpn/ca.crt.
- Append a closing tag </ca>.
- Append opening tag <cert>.
- Append contents of client.crt.
- Append a closing tag </cert>.
- Append a opening tag <key>.
- Append contents of client.key.
- Append a closing tag </key>.
- Comment out keys "remote-cert-tls server" and "tls-auth ta.key 1"
- Uncomment "user nobody" and "group nogroup".
- Save the file and download to your Mac client securely.
Client side configuration
Download the OpenVPN MacOs client
Import the .ovpn file mentioned earlier.
Connect using this client.

Letsencrypt SSL certificate does not work without url prefix https://

My domain is:
I ran this command:
git clone
cd certbot
./certbot-auto certonly -a standalone -d -d
cd /etc/letsencrypt/live/
openssl pkcs12 -export -in fullchain.pem -inkey privkey.pem -out keystore.p12 -name tomcat -CAfile chain.pem -caname root
It produced this output:
My web server is (include version):
The operating system my web server runs on is (include version): linux
My hosting provider, if applicable, is:
I can login to a root shell on my machine (yes or no, or I don’t know):yes
I’m using a control panel to manage my site (no, or provide the name and version of the control panel):
The version of my client is (e.g. output of certbot --version or certbot-auto --version if you’re using Certbot):certbot 0.31.0
4 month ago i first used letsencrypt and I was success to use it. I learned I have to generate certificate
with and without www. prefix and it is important. My company has changed the domain name from to and for that I deleted my old certificate and generate new one for
Now i am in a new trouble that if i write in my browser it does not work even if i write it does not work. But for at least once time if I write or it works, and for the next time i dont need to write https:// prefix.
This issue really seems weird to me any help will be appreciated. If you already tried writting then you can open firefox browser private window
Since you're using Ubuntu please follow this guide: (jus make sure to choose your ubuntu release from the dropdown).
this will guide you through the whole process without manual work.
Just make sure to run all apt-related commands.
Was there a route for the old domain which was redirecting the http traffic to https ? It looks like you forgot to update that route with the new domain name.
Usually when you enter any new website in the address bar of browser it by default uses http protocol. On the server site you have to do a 301 redirect from http to https.

How to use `dns-sd` to discover all domains with specific TLD?

I'm trying to discover all domains with the TLD .ffhh. This is the TLD of the Freifunk Meshnetwork in Hamburg. I tried the following command in Mac Terminal:
dns-sd -B _http._tcp ffhh.
I get this output, but nothing happens after that:
Browsing for _http._tcp.ffhh.
DATE: ---Thu 23 Jul 2015---
10:40:20.934 ...STARTING...
I guess I'm using dns-sd wrong!? What would be the right command to discover all domains with this TLD?
I do not think you can use dns-sd to browse top level domains. (And if you really can -- I'm not sure about this! -- then your command would be correct. It just does not find any result for that TLD. See my further answer...)
Also, browsing for _http._tcp in a certain domain will only display results, if there actually is a HTTP service that is announced via DNS-SD in that domain.
1. dns-sd is for local. domain in the first place
To test it, you can run dns-sd -R in one terminal to announce a fake HTTP service:
dns-sd \
-R "A Fake Announcement to Register a Dummy HTTP Server" \
_http._tcp,_universal \
. \
and then check if the announcement appears in the local browse list:
dns-sd -B _http._tcp
2. dns-sd works also for remote domains ... under certain conditions
To check for announced services in a remote domain, try:
dns-sd -B _ftp._tcp
You should see something like
Browsing for
DATE: ---Thu 19 May 2016---
17:40:02.111 ...STARTING...
Timestamp A/R Flags if Domain Service Type Instance Name
17:40:02.112 Add 3 0 _ftp._tcp. Apple QuickTime Files
17:40:02.112 Add 3 0 _ftp._tcp. Microsoft Developer Files
17:40:02.112 Add 2 0 _ftp._tcp. Restricted, Registered Users Only
Then you can resolve a specific instance by running another command:
dns-sd -L "Microsoft Developer Files" _ftp._tcp
Lookup Microsoft Developer
DATE: ---Thu 19 May 2016---
17:40:43.972 ...STARTING...
17:40:44.365 Microsoft\032Developer\ can be reached at (interface 0)
3. So why did browsing the remote domain work at all?
This is because Stuart Cheshire, the guy who "invented" DNS-SD and who runs the domain, did register the FTP services in his own domain within his standard DNS server setup in with the appropriate means.
4. So why does return records about a Microsoft-controlled FTP service?
This is because Stuart Chesire registered that FTP service as a "proxy advertisement"....
5. Why did your query for the fffh. top level domain not work?
Mainly, because that domain most likely didn't register within a standard DNS server all the HTTP services which are hosted within its realm.
Maybe it doesn't even run a DNS server at all within its domain.
You would only discover those HTTP servers via dns-sd -B _http._tcp local., if each webmaster of such a server would... the appropriate dns-sd -R ... command in the background (if he has a Mac), or the analog avahi-publish -s ... command (if he has Linux)
6. Additional Info
BTW, you could browse and discover remote services without specifying the remote domain name, if you added the remote domain in your general DNS configuration as a "browse domain". See this screenshot where I added on a MacBook:
In this case you can simply run
dns-sd -B _http._tcp
to also get the remote HTTP services listed (as well as the local ones) instead of running
dns-sd -B _http._tcp

Get windows proxy username/password

I have an access to a preconfigured Windows XP 32-bit workstation.
It's under firewall and to get outside it uses http proxy server.
To get proxy settings I need host, port, username and password.
http: // username : password # server : port
I'm able to find the proxy url and port (from PAC - automatic config file),
but I don't know how to get username/password. Is there a way to read it somehow? At least username? I might get the admin rights.
Do you know any tool that can help?
I only found these MS docs about some methods to get proxy config connection, but I don't know how to determinate what's the provided credentials:
WinHttpGetIEProxyConfigForCurrentUser function
WinHttpGetProxyForUrl function
I've also found this lib, but it's rather for parsing PAC:
In windows you cannot get password.
To get connect throw a proxy you have to use SSPI, check libcurl, you can get a connected socket throw proxy, build it with enable-sspi and openssl.
Iterating on Fernando Sanchez's answer and Robert's comment, you need to authenticate via SSPI. In my case I've connected using NTLM using this link
With curl using ntlm :
curl.exe --proxy <proxy_name>:<proxy_port> --proxy-ntlm -U :
Also to partially answer your question the -U : means from curl man page :
If you use a Windows SSPI-enabled curl binary and do either Negotiate
or NTLM authentication then you can tell curl to select the user name
and password from your environment by specifying a single colon with
this option: "-U :".
You can get the proxy name and port from the windows registry (regedit). Quote from Robert's comment:
It can be present either in a manual way using REG_SZ ProxyServer or using an autoconfiguration script using REG_SZ AutoConfigURL = https://<configuration_url>
If the curl command above fails with Failure when receiving data from the peer maybe you have a curl release without NTLM, SSPI or OpenSSL. Try with the latest curl release
