Netbeans maven project reverting to Java project on restart of netbeans - maven

I am using Netbeans 8.2 (although this problem has been ongoing in previous versions). I can create a maven project, cut and past a previous one into that project, and then build the project and run it no problem.
When I shut down netbeans though, the maven project changes to a java project and the only fix I can find is to create a new maven project and repeat the cut and save.
There must be a better solution to this, if anyone has had a similar issue and fixed it please let me know!
Any help much appreciated,

you are probably copying some files that make the folder recognisable as a Java project. So likely have some build.xml in the base folder and/or some xml files in nbproject/ subfolder that are java project specific. Just copy only the source files you have.


Spring STS not recognizing project structure with Gradle

I'm trying to do this getting started guide from Spring. So I cloned the project using git from the command line. As I'm working with Gradle, I removed the Maven files from the repository to clean the project.
After that I open my STS and go to File -> Open Projects from File System and navigate to the /initial folder of the repository. The project is imported correctly but when I try to add some "java stuff" (packages, classes, etc.) I get several errors and I can only add folders and files, which is quite annoying for working.
To be more descriptive, I'll add some images so you can see what's happening. This is the project initially imported into STS as I described above:
Then I try to add some java stuff, let's say for example a source folder. So Right Click on library -> New -> Source folder and this is the result:
And in the properties of library I have the following:
So the question is: how can I tell to STS to recognize the library folder as a Java Project (or Gradle module, I don't know how to call it) instead of a plain folder so I can add my packages and classes?
Thanks in advance for your answers.
In case you would like to work with Gradle, you should use the Gradle integration for Eclipse (project Buildship) and install that into your STS environment. After that, you should be able to import the projects either from disc as existing Gradle project (not as file system) or via the wizard that integrates the spring guides into STS (Import Getting Started Content). The wizard for the guides also let you choose between the Maven and the Gradle variant, so you don't need to close and delete stuff yourself.
Hope this helps!!!

using pom.xml instead of iml files in idea

We are using IntelliJ idea in order to develop our product.
till now, we saved the iml/ipr files in a version control in order to share the same configuration among developers (and also between different versions of our product).
however, since idea changes those iml files a lot, it is an exhausted task to resolve its conflicts, and actually feels a bit wrong.
Moreover, idea 15 is no longer checks-out iml/ipr automatically.
I tried the maven-idea-plugin which suppose to generate the iml/ipr based on the pom.xml and it looks promising (except for some minor issues) but it's obsolete and there many stackoverflow posts advise against it.
I also undestand that the "correct way" to load our project is by loading the e pom.xml directly in idea.
The problem with that loading the pom.xml is that each user has to reconfigure idea (such as exclude directories, set the run configuration, plugins, maven version, JDK location etc.)
every time he download the code from the version control, which happens quite often.
So, my question is what is the best way to use intellij idea with our project.
my goal is that once a developer download the code he will be able run idea without manually configure a thing.
I am using Intellij 15.0.3 Community edition.
In our current project we do not add *.iml to Git.
For shure we do add pom.xml to Git.
I did not add any special plugins or configure idea in the way you described
(such as exclude directories, set the run configuration, plugins, maven version, JDK location etc.)
So I am using Idea out of the box, only the plugin 'Maven integration' is activated. I initially cloned the Git repository in a new folder.
In Idea I choosed File| New | 'Project from existing sources '
and selected the folder with the pom.xml.
Thats all, works perfectly. I can build in Idea or on the command line.
I can use Git in Idea or on the command line.
Everything works perfect.
So I can asure you that its absolutely possible without having *.iml under version controle.

Intellij Debugging picking up old version project files

I am debugging code in Intellij. I use maven to build the project and there are various versions of the project sitting in the local .m2 repository. Intellij keeps on picking the old version of the code from the previous snapshot of the project when I start debugging. How do I make IntelliJ debug the latest code from the local repository?
You can tell Intellij 2016 to ask you each time which source code to step through.
Show alternative source switcher
Try removing .jar and .war files that contain your code from your ~/.m2/repository/
For me the issue is that I built something and it is now registered in Maven under what Maven considers a newer version, but isn't what I was currently working on. I compiled, say, version "2.1" to debug something and then went back to working on "sand-box-idea-SNAPSHOT". I keep thinking why isn't Intellij picking up my latest sand box change but it's because it's deferring to the Maven version 2.1 which Maven assumes is better than 'sand-box-SNAPSHOT'.
It may be that you have some plug-ins interfering with IntelliJ's build process. I know that the Google Protocol Buffers Plugin can cause my Intellij to be unable to detect dirty classes that need to be re-compiled.
I've met similar behavior, maybe it can help you :-)
I developed app (using maven) and during the time I change output packaging from jar to war. Maven repository than contained both versions, jar and war, because maven does not remove old jar when you change it. As project pointed to mvn repository, it still used old reference to jar but new version within war was updated.
I was really upset as maven compilation and tests worked fine but Idea used me old version. I've had rebuild idea project and it worked later fine.
I have seen this very recently after upgrading from IDEA 13 to IDEA 14. It seems like launching configurations created in IDEA 13 are no longer automatically triggering a mvn package prior to launch.
In order to fix this I manually added a mvn goal in the "Before Launch" dialog.

Exclude Reading/Replacing specific files in Maven Build

We are using maven for building the project. It's legacy and huge one.
We newly added few .keystore files to it's resources folder.
The problem is, once the build is done, the .keystore files are getting tampered [may be maven is trying to replace/search for some placeholders]. Since it's legacy one, the project structure is so much messed up and we don't have separate distributions or no other choice but to go with plain build.
What I want is, tell maven to copy these sort of files without touching them and keeping the build as usual like before.
Between, there's no explicit is mentioned in pom.xml, tried to doing with that as per this but it's messing up the project build.
I don't want to tamper the build, since it's legacy and huge one. We are using Ant plugin
Just switch off filtering for the respective <resource/> or add an <exclude/> for it.
After going through lot of sources, Found the solution
Thanks :)

Adding existing source packages to a Maven Web Application in Netbeans

I have a normal Netbeans project, and I would like to add the source packages of this project to a project that is a Maven Web Application, also within Netbeans.
I tried copy-pasting the packages into the /src project directory of the Maven application, but this doesn't seem to work.
Could someone please tell me how I could do this ?
If this is not possible, could someone tell me if I can convert the entire normal project into a Maven Web Application ? Thank you :)
It sounds like you need to add the dependency to your web-application instead of the source code, cause maven is intended to handle exactly such situations.
