I have an app with multiple NSOutlineViews, in one window, with drag and drop enabled and working. I can successfully drag items from one outline to another.
When dragging within a single outline, I automatically get a nice image of the rows I am dragging next to the mouse, the same size as the source. However, when the mouse leaves the bounds of the source outliner, the image shrinks right down so that any text is illegible.
I would like the dragged image to remain full size when the mouse is above a window of my app.
I can't see anything that relates to this in NSDraggingInfo, which seems to be the only thing I have available to monitor the images in updateDraggingItemsForDrag.
I notice that if I drag multiple rows, the image of each row shrinks, but the layout of the rows stays the same, so it must be scaling at the level of each individual row image, not as one.
How do I control this please?
I'm trying to implement a counter view that shows items count in NSTableCellView.
The weird thing is it gets moved to right automatically after resizing window or scrolling the NSOutlineView which has the NSTableCellView.
Here is some screenshots of it. You will be able to see the counter view which shows "42" being moved to right after resize the window.
Following is the init state of the counter view.
Following is the state after resize window.
Following is difference between init position and the position after resize window.
Cell Autoresize Property
Count Button Autoresize Property
I'm guessing this is related to scrollview but I was not able to find more clues about this issue. BTW, official Mail App on Mac works as same with this but the difference is the counter of the Mail app is being changed right after launch so it does not being moved after resize window.
Anybody knows about this? Any thoughts would be appreciated.
Here is a link that allows you to download the sample project that apple provides and you can reproduce what I'm facing.
Sidebar Demo App that providing by Apple.
You just need to change Deployment target before you run it from Project -> Targets -> Deployment Info section.
If I interpret the autoresizing screenshots correctly, the '42' control is behaving as specified. You've pinned the right side of the '42' counter to right side of the cell. And that is where it stays, glued to the right side of the cell.
The cell is pinned to the left side of the tableview and that is where it stays, glued to the left side of the tableview. You have not pinned the right side of the cell to anything and so when you resize, the right side goes where it pleases, only maintaining the specified width of the cell. If you want to glue the right side of the cell to the width of the tableView or column (not sure which it is), pin it. Do specify a minimum width for the cell. If you don't specify a maximum width, or fixed width, the cell will stretch and shrink with resizing. If you fix the width, only the right view or column will stretch.
I was wondering if anyone knew why IB has inexplicable high lighted areas on the odd nib here and there..
Below is an example:
What I mean is that light area within the area I marked out in red...
There's no views below the split view, there's no bounds which correspond to it and so far there's nothing complaining about "misplaced views" etc... What is it?
update: recently I worked out when it last happened that that weird "area" is always the same size as the rightmost NSView (whether its embedded in a NSSplitView or just 2 NSViews side by side.
Many thanks
Adrian S
It's due to a bug in XCode Interface Builder. And in my experiments it's been predictable according to the following explanation:
The lighter colored area is intended to highlight the container view of the current selection. So it you have an NSTextField within an NSBox, and you select the text field, the box will be highlighted. It's purpose is to dim out everything outside the scope that you can currently make constraints in.
You can see that it's a dimming down of everything outside the box, as if nothing is selected, the whole IB view port is displayed in the lighter shade.
The bug is that when you make a selection, IB clips the area of the container view to what's currently visible, and then adds this highlight as a rounded box 8 pixels larger. But when you scroll or resize the IB viewport, this clipped area isn't updated. So the rounded highlight box is seen to not cover the whole of the container view, just a clipped part (plus 8 pixels) of it.
Apple commonly places +/- buttons below tables (NSTableView), e.g. in the System Preferences for Network or User & Groups. See image below:
How can I place identical buttons below my tables directly in Interface Builder without manipulating any interface elements in my code or subclassing any element classes?
If the table has a fixed width, the easiest way is to just use a segmented control NSSegmentedControl. First add it to your view or window:
Change its Style to Small Square, the Mode to Select None and increase the number of Segments to 4 (or keep it at 3 if you only need + and -):
The +, - and other buttons are predefined images of the AppKit framework (NSAddTemplate and NSRemoveTemplate) and directly available in Interface Builder. E.g. you could setup the first three segments as follows:
For demonstration purposes I made the - segment disabled. Unlike most other buttons, disabling a segment of a segmented control only dims the image/text, it does not change the button background. Only disabling the whole segmented control changes the background (and of course disables all segments).
Of course, the last segment should always be disabled, otherwise it would be clickable and change its background when being clicked. As it contains no image or text, it still looks the same after it has been disabled.
Switch to the size setup and uncheck the Fixed checkbox for all segments, except for the last one, make sure it is checked for the last one:
Unchecking Fixed makes the segment width dynamic, that means it will always match the minimum width required for the content.
Finally place the control directly below the table and resize it to match the table width. Here's the result:
Almost perfect, don't you think?
Things get more difficulty if the table width is dynamic (e.g. the table resizes together with the window resizing). A segmented control doesn't support autoresizing, that means you would have to programmatically change the width of its last segment each time the table is resized. Of course, that is not too hard to do and requires only little code but there is one alternative solution that requires no single line of code.
Decrease the number of segments by one and replace the last segment with a gradient button (NSButton) without title:
Its background looks exactly the same as a segmented control, yet it does support autoresizing to always match the size of the table. There is just one problem: It is clickable and this time disabling it doesn't work as this would change the background. Instead just change its Type to Momentary Change (which means the app wants to control the UI change itself when the button is clicked):
And after the button has been placed correctly and made resizable, the result looks as good as before but this time the table can be resizable and the buttons on the bottom will always fit perfectly.
The only thing which I disklike whith highslide is the fact that when I click a thumbnail and it gets bigger I only can shrink it back when I click exactly in the image area.
Is it possible to shrink the image back when clicking outside the image area?
(and optional also shrink it back when I hover outside the image with the mouse cursor?)
If you use a dimming background (hs.dimmingOpacity=0.7, for example), clicking outside the image area will close the expander. This requires highslide-full.js. If you don't want a dimming background, just set the opacity to a tiny value, like hs.dimmingOpacity=0.01.
It might be possible to include an onAfterExpand event to close the expander when you hover outside the image, but I think I can guarantee that you wouldn't like it. If a visitor clicked on a thumbnail, but didn't just happen to have his mouse over the image when it opened, it would immediately close again. That would be very frustrating behavior for the site visitor.
I'm currently working on a MonoTouch application with a NavigationController, a root view with some ImageViews in it and some standard and customized/subclassed TableViews and TableViewCells. Some elements are located in xib files, others are code only.
Navigation and table contents itself work fine. However, I suffer some weird "animation" effects... I'm trying my best to describe them as good as possible.
When navigating back and forth on the navigation stack, each time a view appears, it looks like the items of that view are re-layouted. When navigating from a subview back to the root view, it's ImageViews start off at some location where they shouldn't be and slide to the right location.
TableViewCells "unfold/reveal" their content from top to bottom when appearing in the visible area, even when reloading without animation:
TableView.ReloadSections(new NSIndexSet(1), UITableViewRowAnimation.None);
Scrolling down the table, each cell seems to trigger it's own "unfolding" animation separately as soon as it becomes visible.
Scroll bars of TableViews slide from view to view.
For example, when tapping a cell that pushes another TableView on the stack:
- Parent table slides out to the left / sub-table slides in from the right (as it should)
- When sub-table has fully appeared, it's visible cells "unfold" from top (of the table) to bottom
- Finally, when this weird cell unfolding has finished, the scroll bar slides in from the left (where the parent table "is") to it's correct location on the right side. So it looks like it is reusing the scroll bar of the parent table.
When displaying the network activity indicator...
UIApplication.SharedApplication.NetworkActivityIndicatorVisible = true;
... it appears where the network carrier name is (left-most on the status bar) and slides to it's intended location (next to signal strength indicator). The same happens to the "You are being located" arrow. When starting a LocationManager, the arrow appears on the carrier name and slides to the right.
All this animation and slide action is really irritating and distracting.
I checked on some other MonoTouch apps on the AppStore, none are suffering from this.
What have I done wrong with my application?
I'm really grateful for hints on what might cause this weird behavior and how to disable it.
I had this just today - I'd performed some animations in my app using
// and so on...
and it turns out I hadn't actually committed my animations (using:
ensuring I had called CommitAnimations() got rid of this behaviour!