There's a table at the bottom of that talks about images per second and step time, in the context of performance in deep learning.
How does one compute images/second and step time?
When training in Tensorflow using the Estimator API, there's a number reported as global_step/sec. Is this the same thing? If so, does that take into account the time required to process the input pipeline, or just the time it takes to do the forward pass through the model?
global_step/sec means how many steps per second your tensorflow model is doing. A step is usually a minibatch. So the inverse of global_step/sec is your step time and batch_size * global_step/sec is your number of images per second.
Because these numbers are throughput numbers computed on the steady state of your model training they include the input pipeline (i.e. if your input pipeline cannot produce X minibatches per second then you necessarily have to run less than X global_step/sec).
I am runnning an Elastic net model using sklearn. My dataset has 70k observations and 20 features. I want to test different parameters and use the following code:
alpha_plot, l1_ratio_plot = np.linspace(min_xlim, max_xlim, 50), np.linspace(0, 1, 10)
alpha_grid, l1_ratio_grid = np.meshgrid(alpha_plot, l1_ratio_plot)
l1_ratio_alpha_grid = np.array([l1_ratio_grid.ravel(), alpha_grid.ravel()]).T
model_coefficients_analysis = []
for i in l1_ratio_alpha_grid:
model_analysis = ElasticNet(alpha=i[1], l1_ratio=i[0], fit_intercept=True, max_iter=10000).fit(self.features_train_std, self.labels_train)
I am aware that this can be done with GridsearchCV but it doesn't do the job for me as I need to store the coefficients for every combination of parameters tested. The current code snippet is exceptionally slow. It takes roughly 10 minutes for each of the 50*10 iterations. Is there a way to speed up the process? For example in GridsearchCV there is a parameter n_jobs which can be set equal to -1 to speed up the process. But here I do not seem to find it.
It takes roughly 10 minutes for each of the 50*10 iterations
That seems very high, but you also have rather large data; I can't fit a randomized such dataset in memory in Colab (where I usually run examples for answers here). You might not be able to shrink the first fit time very much, but maybe you can reduce the subsequent fit times by using warm-starting.
Setting warm_start=True and using the same model object for each iteration, the coefficients will be saved as a starting point for the solver in the next iteration:
model_analysis = ElasticNet(fit_intercept=True, max_iter=10000)
for i in l1_ratio_alpha_grid:
model_analysis.set_params(alpha=i[1], l1_ratio=i[0]), self.labels_train)
You might consider using ElasticNetCV, since it uses warm-starting internally, and it provides some other niceties. You can use a PredefinedSplit if adding k-fold cross-validation is too much of an added expense, but I believe the n_jobs parameter is only useful in splitting up jobs across hyperparameters and folds, so using more cores might mitigate the issues with k-fold (but then you'll also have k times as many coefficients).
Your large max_iter is a bit worrying; do you get nonconvergence? From your independent variable name it seems like you're scaling, but if not that's the place to start: fast (and maybe correct) convergence depends on features with similar scales. You might also consider increasing the convergence criterion tol. I have no experience with the selection parameter, but the docstring suggests changing it to random may speed up convergence?
I want to know time taken to build a model. But, when running the algorithm multiple times to build the model I got multiple time taken to build the model. Why different? Why not constant time taken to build the model? Even time taken fluctuated for the same algorithm how can I compare time taken for two different algorithms.
Double start_time=System.nanoTime()/Math.pow(10, 9);
KMeansModel clusters = KMeans.train(rdd.rdd(), numClusters,numIterations,init_mode,30);
System.out.println("time taken to build model: "+((System.nanoTime()/Math.pow(10, 9)) - start_time));
You can measure model training time as an average of multiple runs. E.g. run the training 100 times and take the total time / 100. This should provide more consistent values between runs (as a batch), assuming the algorithm doesn't use much randomness during training.
If you're using spark, it might be useful to enable spark's loginfo to see stats per run. For kmeans, you should see among others:
logInfo(f"Initialization with $initializationMode took $initTimeInSeconds%.3f seconds.")
logInfo(f"Iterations took $iterationTimeInSeconds%.3f seconds.")
logInfo(s"KMeans converged in $iteration iterations.")
I have devised a test in order to compare the different running times of my sorting algorithm with Insertion sort, bubble sort, quick sort, selection sort, and shell sort. I have based my test using the test done in this website, but I modified my test a bit.
I set up a test manager program server which generates the data, and the test manager sends it to the clients that run the different algorithms, therefore they are sorting the same data to have no bias.
I noticed that the insertion sort, bubble sort, and selection sort algorithms really did run for a very long time (some more than 15 minutes) just to sort one given data for sizes of 100,000 and 1,000,000.
So I changed the number of runs per test case for those two data sizes. My original runs for the 100,000 was 500 but I reduced it to 15, and for 1,000,000 was 100 and I reduced it to 3.
Now my professor doubts the credibility as to why I've reduced it that much, but as I've observed the running time for sorting a specific data distribution varied only by a small percentage, which is why I still find it that even though I've reduced it to that much I'd still be able to approximate the average runtime for that specific test case of that algorithm.
My question now is, is my assumption wrong? Does the machine at times make significant running time changes (>50% changes), like say for example sorting the same data over and over if a first run would give it 0.3 milliseconds will the second run give as much difference as making it run for 1.5 seconds? Because from my observation, the running times don't vary largely given the same type of test distribution (e.g. completely random, completely sorted, completely reversed).
What you are looking for is a way to measure error in your experiments. My favorite book on subject is Error Analysis by Taylor and Chapter 4 has what you need which I'll summarize here.
You need to calculate Standard error of the mean or SDOM. First calculate mean and standard deviation (formulas are on Wikipedia and quite simple). Your SDOM is standard deviation divided by square root of number of measurements. Assuming your timings have Normal distribution (which it should), the twice the value of SDOM is a very common way to specify +/- error.
For example, let's say you run sorting algorithm 5 times and get following numbers: 5, 6, 7, 4, 5. Then mean is 5.4 and standard deviation is 1.1. Therefor SDOM is 1.1/sqrt(5) = 0.5. So 2*SDOM = 1. Now you can say that algorithm rum time was 5.4 ± 1. You professor can determine if this is acceptable error in measurement. Notice that as you take more readings, your SDOM, i.e. plus or minus error, goes down inversely proportional to square root of N. Twice of SDOM interval has 95% probability or confidence that the true value lies within the interval which is accepted standard.
Also you most likely want to measure performance by measuring CPU time instead of simple timer. Modern CPUs are too complex with various cache level and pipeline optimizations and you might end up getting less accurate measurement if you are using timer. More about CPU time is in this answer: How can I measure CPU time and wall clock time on both Linux/Windows?
It absolutely does. You need a variety of "random" samples in order to be able to draw proper conclusions about the population.
Look at it this way. It takes a long time to poll 100,000 people in the U.S. about their political stance. If we reduce the sample size to 100 people in order to complete it faster, we not only reduce the precision of our final result (2 decimal places rather than 5), we also introduce a larger chance that the members of the sample have a specific bias (there is a greater chance that 100 people out of 3xx,000,000 think the same way than 100,000 out of those same 3xx,000,000).
Your professor is right, however he's not provided the details that I mention some of them here :
Sampling issue: It's right that you generate some random numbers and feed them to your sorting methods, but with a few test cases indeed you're biased cause almost all of the random functions are biased to some extent (specially to the state of machine or time at the moment), so you should use more and more test cases to be more confident about the randomness.
Machine state: Suppose you've provide perfect data (fully representative of a uniform distribution), the performance of the electro-mechanical devises like computers may vary in different situations, so you should try for considerable times to smooth the effects of these phenomena.
Note : In advanced technical reports, you should provide a confidence coefficient for the answers you provide derived from statistical analysis, and proven step by step, but if you don't need to be that much exact, simply increase these :
The size of the data
The number of tests
I've always thought from what I read that cross validation is performed like this:
In k-fold cross-validation, the original sample is randomly
partitioned into k subsamples. Of the k subsamples, a single subsample
is retained as the validation data for testing the model, and the
remaining k − 1 subsamples are used as training data. The
cross-validation process is then repeated k times (the folds), with
each of the k subsamples used exactly once as the validation data. The
k results from the folds then can be averaged (or otherwise combined)
to produce a single estimation
So k models are built and the final one is the average of those.
In Weka guide is written that each model is always built using ALL the data set. So how does cross validation in Weka work ? Is the model built from all data and the "cross-validation" means that k fold are created then each fold is evaluated on it and the final output results is simply the averaged result from folds?
So, here is the scenario again: you have 100 labeled data
Use training set
weka will take 100 labeled data
it will apply an algorithm to build a classifier from these 100 data
it applies that classifier AGAIN on
these 100 data
it provides you with the performance of the
classifier (applied to the same 100 data from which it was
Use 10 fold CV
Weka takes 100 labeled data
it produces 10 equal sized sets. Each set is divided into two groups: 90 labeled data are used for training and 10 labeled data are used for testing.
it produces a classifier with an algorithm from 90 labeled data and applies that on the 10 testing data for set 1.
It does the same thing for set 2 to 10 and produces 9 more classifiers
it averages the performance of the 10 classifiers produced from 10 equal sized (90 training and 10 testing) sets
Let me know if that answers your question.
I would have answered in a comment but my reputation still doesn't allow me to:
In addition to Rushdi's accepted answer, I want to emphasize that the models which are created for the cross-validation fold sets are all discarded after the performance measurements have been carried out and averaged.
The resulting model is always based on the full training set, regardless of your test options. Since M-T-A was asking for an update to the quoted link, here it is: It's an answer from one of the WEKA maintainers, pointing out just what I wrote.
I think I figured it out. Take (for example) weka.classifiers.rules.OneR -x 10 -d This does two things:
It creates a model based on the full dataset. This is the model that is written to This model is not used as part of cross-validation.
Then cross-validation is run. cross-validation involves creating (in this case) 10 new models with the training and testing on segments of the data as has been described. The key is the models used in cross-validation are temporary and only used to generate statistics. They are not equivalent to, or used for the model that is given to the user.
Weka follows the conventional k-fold cross validation you mentioned here. You have the full data set, then divide it into k nos of equal sets (k1, k2, ... , k10 for example for 10 fold CV) without overlaps. Then at the first run, take k1 to k9 as training set and develop a model. Use that model on k10 to get the performance. Next comes k1 to k8 and k10 as training set. Develop a model from them and apply it to k9 to get the performance. In this way, use all the folds where each fold at most 1 time is used as test set.
Then Weka averages the performances and presents that on the output pane.
once we've done the 10-cross-validation by dividing data in 10 segments & create Decision tree and evaluate, what Weka does is run the algorithm an eleventh time on the whole dataset. That will then produce a classifier that we might deploy in practice. We use 10-fold cross-validation in order to get an evaluation result and estimate of the error, and then finally we do classification one more time to get an actual classifier to use in practice.
During kth cross validation, we will going to have different Decision tree but final one is created on whole datasets. CV is used to see if we have overfitting or large variance issue.
According to "Data Mining with Weka" at The University of Waikato:
Cross-validation is a way of improving upon repeated holdout.
Cross-validation is a systematic way of doing repeated holdout that actually improves upon it by reducing the variance of the estimate.
We take a training set and we create a classifier
Then we’re looking to evaluate the performance of that classifier, and there’s a certain amount of variance in that evaluation, because it’s all statistical underneath.
We want to keep the variance in the estimate as low as possible.
Cross-validation is a way of reducing the variance, and a variant on cross-validation called “stratified cross-validation” reduces it even further.
(In contrast to the the “repeated holdout” method in which we hold out 10% for the testing and we repeat that 10 times.)
So how does cross validation in Weka work ?:
With cross-validation, we divide our dataset just once, but we divide into k pieces, for example , 10 pieces. Then we take 9 of the pieces and use them for training and the last piece we use for testing. Then with the same division, we take another 9 pieces and use them for training and the held-out piece for testing. We do the whole thing 10 times, using a different segment for testing each time. In other words, we divide the dataset into 10 pieces, and then we hold out each of these pieces in turn for testing, train on the rest, do the testing and average the 10 results.
That would be 10-fold cross-validation. Divide the dataset into 10 parts (these are called “folds”);
hold out each part in turn;
and average the results.
So each data point in the dataset is used once for testing and 9 times for training.
That’s 10-fold cross-validation.
Let´s pretend i have two buildings where i can build different units in.
A building can only build one unit at the same time but has a fifo-queue of max 5 units, which will be built in sequence.
Every unit has a build-time.
I need to know, what´s the fastest solution to get my units as fast as possible, considering the units already in the build-queues of my buildings.
"Famous" algorithms like RoundRobin doesn´t work here, i think.
Are there any algorithms, which can solve this problem?
This reminds me a bit of starcraft :D
I would just add an integer to the building queue which represents the time it is busy.
Of course you have to update this variable once per timeunit. (Timeunits are "s" here, for seconds)
So let's say we have a building and we are submitting 3 units, each take 5s to complete. Which will sum up to 15s total. We are in time = 0.
Then we have another building where we are submitting 2 units that need 6 timeunits to complete each.
So we can have a table like this:
Time 0
Building 1, 3 units, 15s to complete.
Building 2, 2 units, 12s to complete.
Time 1
Building 1, 3 units, 14s to complete.
Building 2, 2 units, 12s to complete.
And we want to add another unit that takes 2s, we can simply loop through the selected buildings and pick the one with the lowest time to complete.
In this case this would be building 2. This would lead to Time2...
Time 2
Building 1, 3 units, 13s to complete
Building 2, 3 units, 11s+2s=13s to complete
Time 5
Building 1, 2 units, 10s to complete (5s are over, the first unit pops out)
Building 2, 3 units, 10s to complete
And so on.
Of course you have to take care of the upper boundaries in your production facilities. Like if a building has 5 elements, don't assign something and pick the next building that has the lowest time to complete.
I don't know if you can implement this easily with your engine, or if it even support some kind of timeunits.
This will just result in updating all production facilities once per timeunit, O(n) where n is the number of buildings that can produce something. If you are submitting a unit this will take O(1) assuming that you keep the selected buildings in a sorted order, lowest first - so just a first element lookup. In this case you have to resort the list after manipulating the units like cancelling or adding.
Otherwise amit's answer seem to be possible, too.
This is NPC problem (proof at the end of the answer) so your best hope to find ideal solution is trying all possibilities (this will be 2^n possibilities, where n is the number of tasks).
possible heuristic was suggested in comment (and improved in comments by AShelly): sort the tasks from biggest to smallest, and put them in one queue, every task can now take element from the queue when done.
this is of course not always optimal, but I think will get good results for most cases.
proof that the problem is NPC:
let S={u|u is a unit need to be produced}. (S is the set containing all 'tasks')
claim: if there is a possible prefect split (both queues finish at the same time) it is optimal. let this time be HalfTime
this is true because if there was different optimal, at least one of the queues had to finish at t>HalfTime, and thus it is not optimal.
assume we had an algorithm A to produce the best solution at polynomial time, then we could solve the partition problem at polynomial time by the following algorithm:
1. run A on input
2. if the 2 queues finish exactly at HalfTIme - return True.
3. else: return False
this solution solves the partition problem because of the claim: if the partition exist, it will be returned by A, since it is optimal. all steps 1,2,3 run at polynomial time (1 for the assumption, 2 and 3 are trivial). so the algorithm we suggested solves partition problem at polynomial time. thus, our problem is NPC
Here's a simple scheme:
Let U be the list of units you want to build, and F be the set of factories that can build them. For each factory, track total time-til-complete; i.e. How long until the queue is completely empty.
Sort U by decreasing time-to-build. Maintain sort order when inserting new items
At the start, or at the end of any time tick after a factory completes a unit runs out of work:
Make a ready list of all the factories with space in the queue
Sort the ready list by increasing time-til-complete
Get the factory that will be done soonest
take the first item from U, add it to thact factory
Repeat until U is empty or all queues are full.
Googling "minimum makespan" may give you some leads into other solutions. This CMU lecture has a nice overview.
It turns out that if you know the set of work ahead of time, this problem is exactly Multiprocessor_scheduling, which is NP-Complete. Apparently the algorithm I suggested is called "Longest Processing Time", and it will always give a result no longer than 4/3 of the optimal time.
If you don't know the jobs ahead of time, it is a case of online Job-Shop Scheduling
The paper "The Power of Reordering for Online Minimum Makespan Scheduling" says
for many problems, including minimum
makespan scheduling, it is reasonable
to not only provide a lookahead to a
certain number of future jobs, but
additionally to allow the algorithm to
choose one of these jobs for
processing next and, therefore, to
reorder the input sequence.
Because you have a FIFO on each of your factories, you essentially do have the ability to buffer the incoming jobs, because you can hold them until a factory is completely idle, instead of trying to keeping all the FIFOs full at all times.
If I understand the paper correctly, the upshot of the scheme is to
Keep a fixed size buffer of incoming
jobs. In general, the bigger the
buffer, the closer to ideal
scheduling you get.
Assign a weight w to each factory according to
a given formula, which depends on
buffer size. In the case where
buffer size = number factories +1, use weights of (2/3,1/3) for 2 factories; (5/11,4/11,2/11) for 3.
Once the buffer is full, whenever a new job arrives, you remove the job with the least time to build and assign it to a factory with a time-to-complete < w*T where T is total time-to-complete of all factories.
If there are no more incoming jobs, schedule the remainder of jobs in U using the first algorithm I gave.
The main problem in applying this to your situation is that you don't know when (if ever) that there will be no more incoming jobs. But perhaps just replacing that condition with "if any factory is completely idle", and then restarting will give decent results.