Woocommerce checkout ajax long delay when change of billing address - ajax

I have a woocommerce site. When you change the billing address in checkout woocommerce uses ajax to update the shipping cost in the order totals. However it has recently taken a long time for this process to happen. Like 15 seconds.
When I checked the Network tab in chrome DevTools and look at the waterfall, all the delay is listed under the Waiting (TTFB) section. The request url is /?wc-ajax=update_order_review.
What could be causing this delay?

Upgrading to php 7 dropped the time from 15 seconds to 3 seconds.
Deleting all shipping zones (I had a lot set up) dropped the time from 3 seconds to 0.5 seconds.
Now I just need to figure out how to make my shipping work without so many zones.


Site gets slow page loading both frontend and backend in magento2.3.3

The backend of Magento ranges between slow and super slow when editing.. opening an item for changes and saving an item following editing. Sometimes it can take minutes! It has always been slow.
The issue with the page slow to fully open, It takes around 6 seconds to load the page image and the image flash at 6 seconds.
The cart takes more than 5 seconds to download.
Slowness of Site depends on the Work has been done on Magento.
Following are the steps you can do to increase the site speed -
Enable JS and CSS Minify
Enable Caching
Enable the profiler to check the exact files and event which are taking time and then debug the code -
Use Command to enable Profiler - php bin/magento dev:profiler:enable
Once you enable the Profiler then see the events at the below table of pages.

Page very slow #first load (using magento with varnish)

Im running a magento store with varnish.
When browsing my page for the first time (in 24 hours or so), the first page load is extremely slow (10 sec).
After that if i click links n stuff everything is fine... its only the first contact.
Here i got a chrome console screenshot of the network:
Does someone have an idea what the reason could be?
That is because your non-cached is too slow and it is warming (likely you are on $20-50/mth servers), Varnish will not help you, unless your non-cached is 2-3s Google will penalise you and most visitors will abandon their carts. Hosting for Magento should be 1% of revenue, anything less and it will not work, technology can only take you so far, the rest is actually doing it correctly, and that needs the hosting budget.

Wordpress 3.3 dog slow when logged in

Boulevard theme was the culprit indeed. An update notifier service runs on every page request for logged in user (one would hope only for admins), which, for some reason takes #10 seconds of limbo-nothing-happening before page all of a sudden loads. This of course affects the logged in user in both admin and public facing screens. Removed the file and voila, snappy page loads all around.
rant: entire day wasted, loss & gain with 3rd party software, arggghhh ;-)
Not MySQL either, Boulevard theme seems to be the culprit. How to workaround, I am not sure. Client paid for the theme and wants to use it, but administering the site is a nightmare; i.e. waiting forever for admin screens to load...
Ok, I confirmed that initial http request arrives instantly at the firewall, logged in or not. However, there is then a 10+ second lagtime before further activity occurs at the firewall layer. I assume that WP sends along the session cookie and then, for reasons TBD, there is a delay in verifying that remote user is logged in.
I'll check MySQL now, assumed with low cpu/memory usage that this would not be a resources issue, but maybe it's a slow query at play...
What is the deal here?
new to WP, performance is fine when not logged in; however, 10+ seconds to load public or admin screens otherwise.
linux top shows nothing spectacular happening (no spiked cpu, memory usage), so what exactly is WP doing during these 10 pointless seconds? arggghhh ;-)
ajax requests are snappy, so something is happening with normal synchronous http requests that is making WP dog slow (hard to get much done waiting for screens to load, worse than waiting for an application to compile, at least something useful is being done while you wait!)
My semi-workaround is to have Chrome browser window opened, not logged into WP. There are I can view public pages instantly. Then, in Firefox slog away playing the waiting game logged into admin panel ;-(
Clues appreciated, WP impresses (look & feel) but not so much in this respect, madness...
Some Wordpress plugin that implement a cache, turn off cache for a user who is logged in. Wordpress is also known for using a lot a memory. It can slow down the global performance of your web server.
You can monitor the memory used by Wordpress for each page, using Memory Viewer
UPDATE: I just found this piece of code in update-notifier.php
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 1);
$cache = curl_exec($ch);
TIMEOUT was set to 10 (I guess seconds), edited to 1 sec as above and now while logged in everything works fine...10 seconds is just to big value

Magento & Google Checkout & Track Conversions

I'm running an online store on Magento. I have Google Checkout as a Payment method. The problem is if someone pays using it they don't always return to the site so it throws my Google Analytics conversion rates off. Is there a way to pass this information to analytics when the people don't return to the site after the transaction?
Magento has built-in support for sending data about Google Checkout process to Google Analytics. Implementation of this functionality is done according to
You should see all the data (e.g. pages visited) and conversions from GC normally. The customer is not required to return to your shop.
Step1: no GC conversions in GA
Allow up to 24h delay before the conversion data will appear in GA.
Step 2: After 24h you still don't see GC conversions in GA
Make sure you've enabled Google Analytics in Magento and setup it properly, because GC module in Magento sends data to GA only if it's activated and working fine.
Step 3: If steps 1-2 are done, everything works and GA is activated, but GC conversions still not visible in GA
Make sure that your design theme includes all necessary GC & GA code as made in base/default scheme. You can temporarily enable default/modern theme to check that original core Magento code works fine and then check the differences between your design theme and Magento core theme
Step 4: you've done steps 1-2-3, but no conversions are present in GA
Hire a Magento professional to find the source of a problem. In such a case this problem cannot be solved remotely.
The only data that comes back from Paypal after the customer has paid would be the IPN callback that notifies Magento of the payment. If you wanted to hook into this, you would need to find a direct URL to notify GA of the conversion and to periodically monitor the database for IPN notifications so that you could invoke that URL.

How come the edit post page takes so long to load?

I just setup a new Wordpress blog at home, and no other pages takes forever...I am trying to just add an image to the post, but it is just taking forever...none of the other pages takes so long to load...
And i have just optimized all my tables via mysq and a scheduled task, so i don't see why it's taking so long to load...
I am experiencing EXACTLY the same issue...
here is what I did to boost the performance by 5x
I added my Google Analytics code into the GA plugin
I would guess that if you have implemented GA... you could also disable it too!
since GA displays on the edit posts page, it was slowing down my page display
taking up to 20 secs to load!
now the entire page loads in under 4 secs
