Should I use Redis to cache the response of queries? - caching

I have a social app on a Parse Server (Ubuntu) and I need to cache server-side the users' content, like their main feed and chat, in order to speed things up. Is Redis suitable for that kind of caching? If not, what would you recommend?
Also, I was thinking a way to minimize my db reads and I came up with an idea of an up-to-date cache, where I'll have triggers on new post saves and there, I'll be refreshing my cache. Is that a good practice?

Redis can deifnitely be used to cache stuff. Twitter uses (or at least used to) Redis to cache the timeline. This blog post can give you more insight as to how they use it. Lot of good snippets of information for why Redis was chosen.


Clarification on database caching

Correct me if I'm wrong, but from my understanding, "database caches" are usually implemented with an in-memory database that is local to the web server (same machine as the web server). Also, these "database caches" store the actual results of queries. I have also read up on the multiple caching strategies like - Cache Aside, Read Through, Write Through, Write Behind, Write Around.
For some context, the Write Through strategy looks like this:
and the Cache Aside strategy looks like this:
I believe that the "Application" refers to a backend server with a REST API.
My first question is, in the Write Through strategy (application writes to cache, cache then writes to database), how does this work? From my understanding, the most commonly used database caches are Redis or Memcached - which are just key-value stores. Suppose you have a relational database as the main database, how are these key-value stores going to write back to the relational database? Do these strategies only apply if your main database is also a key-value store?
In a Write Through (or Read Through) strategy, the cache sits in between the application and the database. How does that even work? How do you get the cache to talk to the database server? From my understanding, the web server (the application) is always the one facilitating the communication between the cache and the main database - which is basically a Cache Aside strategy. Unless Redis has some kind of functionality that allows it to talk to another database, I don't quite understand how this works.
Isn't it possible to mix and match caching strategies? From how I see it, Cache Aside and Read Through are caching strategies for application reads (user wants to read data), while Write Through and Write Behind are caching strategies for application writes (user wants to write data). Couldn't you have a strategy that uses both Cache Aside and Write Through? Why do most articles always seem to portray them as independent strategies?
What happens if you have a cluster of webs servers? Do they each have their own local in-memory database that acts as a cache?
Could you implement a cache using a normal (not in-memory) database? I suppose this would still be somewhat useful since you do not need to make an additional network hop to the database server (since the cache lives on the same machine as the web server)?
Introduction & clarification
I guess you have one misunderstood point, that the cache is NOT expclicitely stored on the same server as the werbserver. Sometimes, not even the database is sperated on it's own server from the webserver. If you think of APIs, like HTTP REST APIs, you can use caching to not spend too many resources on database connections & queries. Generally, you want to use as few database connections & queries as possible. Now imagine the following setting:
You have a werbserver who serves your application and a REST API, which is used by the webserver to work with some resources. Those resources come from a database (lets say a relational database) which is also stored on the same server. Now there is one endpoint which serves e.g. a list of posts (like blog-posts). Every user can fetch all posts (to make it simple in this example). Now we have a case where one can say that this API request could be cached, to not let all users always trigger the database, just to query the same resources (via the REST API) over and over again. Here comes caching. Redis is one of many tools which can be used for caching. Since redis is a simple in-memory key-value storage, you can just put all of your posts (remember the REST API) after the first DB-query, into the cache. All future requests for the posts-list would first check whether the posts are alreay cached or not. If they are, the API will return the cache-content for this specific request.
This is one simple example to show off, what caching can be used for.
Answers on your question
My first question is, why would you ever write to a cache?
To reduce the amount of database connections and queries.
how is writing to these key-value stores going to help with updating the relational database?
It does not help you with updating, but instead it helps you with spending less resources. It also helps you in terms of "temporary backing up" some data - but that only as a very little side effect. For this, out there are more attractive solutions (Since redis is also not persistent by default. But it supports persistence.)
Do these cache writing strategies only apply if your main database is also a key-value store?
No, it is not important which database you use. Whether it's a NoSQL or SQL DB. It strongly depends on what you want to cache and how the database and it's tables are set up. Do you have frequent changes in your recources? Do resources get updated manually or only on user-initiated actions? Those are questions, leading you to the right caching implementation.
Isn't it possible to mix and match caching strategies?
I am not an expert at caching strategies, but let me try:
I guess it is possible but it also, highly depends on what you are doing in your DB and what kind of application you have. I guess if you find out what kind of application you are building up, then you will know, what strategy you have to use - i guess it is also not recommended to mix those strategies up, because those strategies are coupled to your application type - in other words: It will not work out pretty well.
What happens if you have a cluster of webs servers? Do they each have their own local in-memory database that acts as a cache?
I guess that both is possible. Usually you have one database, maybe clustered or synchronized with copies, to which your webservers (e.g. REST APIs) make their requests. Then whether each of you API servers would have it's own cache, to not query the database at all (in cloud-based applications your database is also maybe on another separated server - so another "hop" in terms of networking). OR (what i also can imagine) you have another middleware between your APIs (clusterd up) and your DB (maybe also clustered up) - but i guess that no one would do that because of the network traffic. It would result in a higher response-time, what you usually want to prevent.
Could you implement a cache using a normal (not in-memory) database?
Yes you could, but it would be way slower. A machine can access in-memory data faster then building up another (local) connection to a database and query your cached entries. Also, because your database has to write the entries into files on your machine, to persist the data.
All in all, it is all about being fast in terms of response times and to prevent much network traffic. I hope that i could help you out a little bit.

Understanding web caching (Redis)

I'm working on a web app that receives data from an API provider. Now I need a way to cache the data to save from calling the provider again for the same data.
Then I stumbled on Redis which seems to serve my purpose but I'm not 100% clear about the concept of caching using Redis. I've checked their documentation but I don't really follow what they have to say.
Let's suppose I have just deployed my website to live and I have my first visitor called A. Since A is the first person that visits, my website will request a new set of data over API provider and after a couple seconds, the page will be loaded with the data that A wanted.
My website caches this data to Redis to serve future visitors that will hit the same page.
Now I have my second visitor B.
B hits the same page url as A did and because my website has this data stored in the cache, B is served from the cache and will experience much faster loading time than what A has experienced.
Is my understanding in line with with the concept of web caching?
I always thought of caching as per user basis so my interaction on a website has no influence or whatsoever to other people but Redis seems to work per application basis.
Yes, your understanding of web caching is spot on, but it can get much more complex, depending on your use case. Redis is essentially a key-value store. So, if you want application-level caching, your theoretical key/value pair would look like this:
key: /path/to/my/page
value: <html><...whatever...></html>
If you want user-level caching, your theoretical key would just change slightly:
key: visitorA|/path/to/my/page
value: <html><...whatever...></html>
Make sense? Essentially, there would be a tag in the key to define the user (but it would generally be a hash or something, not a plain-text string).
There are redis client libraries that are written for different web-development frameworks and content-management systems that will define how they handle caching (ie. user-specific or application-specific). If you are writing a custom web app, then you can choose application-level caching or user-level caching and do whatever else you want with caching.

Should I make my CouchDB database server public-facing?

I'm new to CouchDb and am trying to comprehend how to properly make use of it. I'm coming from MongoDB where I would always write a web layer and put it in front of mongo so that I could allow users to access the data inside of it, etc. In fact, this is how I've used all databases for every web site that I've ever written. So, looking at Couch, I see that it's native API is HTTP and that it has built in things like OAuth support, and other features that hint to me that perhaps I should no longer have my code layer sitting in front of Couch, but instead write Views and things and just give out accounts to Couch to my users? I'm thinking in terms of like an HTTP-based API for a site of mine, or something that users would consume my data through. Opening up Couch like this seems odd to me, though. Is OAuth, in Couch's sense, meant more for remote access for software that I'd write and run internal to my own network "officially", or is it literally meant for the end users?
I know there might be things that could only be done through a code layer on top of CouchDB, like if you wanted additional non-database related things to occur during API requests, also. So thinking along those lines I think I will still need a code layer, anyway.
Dealer's choice.
Nodejitsu has a great writeup on this sort of topic here.
Not knowing your application specifics I'll take a broad approach...
If you want to prevent users from ever seeing your database then make it back-end. You can pipe everything through something like node.js and present only what the user needs to see and they'll never know anything about the database.
See Resource View Presenter
If you are not concerned about data security, you can host an entire app on CouchDB; see CouchApp. This approach has the benefit of using the replication mechanism to control publishing your site/data. The drawback here is that you will almost certainly run into some technical limitations that will require moving CouchDB closer to the backend.
Have the app server present the interface and the client pull the data from the database separately. This gives the most flexibility but can be a bag of hurt because even with good design this could lead to supportability and scalability issues.
My recommendation
Use CouchDB on the backend. If you need mobile clients to synchronize then use a secondary DB publicly exposed for this purpose and selectively sync this data to wherever it needs to go.
Simply put, no.
There's no way to secure Couch properly on a public facing site. There's no way to discriminate access at a fine enough granular level. If someone has access to any of the data, they have access to all of the data.
Not all data on a site is meant for public consumption, save for the most trivial of sites.

What's a good alternative to page caching on Heroku?

I understand page caching isn't a good option on heroku since each dyno has an emepheral file system (so they wouldn't share files and it would get wiped out on each restart).
So I'm wondering what the best alternative is. I have a large amount of potential files that could get generated in a traditional page caching scenario (say 10GB-100GB) so redis/memcached don't seem like good options here. Redis can write out to disk, but my understanding is that once you exceed it's memory capacity, it's not the right solution to start reading off of disk.
Has anyone found a good solution here? I'm thinking maybe MongoStore. (And some way to run this in conjunction with redis since I'm using redis for some other scenarios.) Thanks!
If your site is 100% static content and never going to be dynamic, S3 may be a good option. You can then create a CNAME to the s3 domain. This allows you to leverage CloudFront should you need it. Otherwise, 100GB would have to go into the database, which is in turn then pulled up by your application.
Heroku's cedar stack allows for custom buildpacks. This one vendors nginx. This would be good if you envision transitioning to a more dynamic site.

Which schemaless datastores provide good performance?

I've recently written a web app that uses couchdb. I like couchdb and it suited the app - which has a lot of dynamic behaviour and simply pulls JSON directly from couchdb. Being able to upload images via a browser is nice and it's a snap to do tweaks to document data. The replication also has made deployment a breeze as the app is a couchapp, and all that's required to deploy is a replicate to the production server.
However for a new app I'm thinking off (think blog type thingy), I want good performance and it's one area I think couchdb is not strong in. The app will be predominantly read oriented (I'm estimating 90% reads to 10% writes).
Which datastores provide the best performance in a single server scenario? I'd be very interested to hear people's experiences in this...
I think MongoDB is beginning to look like the front runner performance wise for schemaless data stores.
We're currently in the processes of evaluating this for storing binary objects that can range from 10Kb to 50Mb and I've been very impressed with it's performance even on modest hardware.
If it is primarily read performance you are worried about why not just put a varnish proxy in front of couchdb? I use a couple of custom configurations in varnish to tell it not to actually query couchdb for cached objects despite couchdb specifying must-validate, then have a script with an active HTTP GET on _changes that uses the data from _changes in order to explicitly purge changed entries from varnish.
As a plus varnish lets you do URL rewriting, which I need. Most of the other solutions for it involve running something like apache or ngnix just to rewrite URLs for couchdb.
