In which language is cmd.exe written? - windows

Command Prompt, also known as cmd.exe or cmd (after its executable
file name), is the command-line interpreter on Windows NT, Windows CE,
OS/2 and eComStation operating systems. It is the counterpart of
COMMAND.COM in DOS and Windows 9x systems (where it is also called
"MS-DOS Prompt"), and analogous to the Unix shells used on Unix-like
Source: Wikipedia
I have searched everywhere but could not get an answer for this question.
Each website focuses on the fact that batch language is used in cmd.exe but I could not find the language in which it is written.
So my question is:
What is the language that was used to write command-prompt or cmd.exe in Windows?

The file, when opened in a text editor, contains the path onecore\base\cmd\maxpathawarestring.cpp, which would indicate that at least one source file is written in C++.
Addendums from Hans Passant:
The imports it depends on makes it is likely to be a mix of C and C++. CRT functions like longjmp, calloc, free indicate C code, might well be ancient and hark back to the days. It clearly also uses C++ exception handling, C++ is their weapon of choice for all recent code development. Mixing is not uncommon.
And eryksun:
under a debugger it's obvious that recent additions to CMD have been written in C++. x cmd!*::* shows significant use of the C++ std namespace
But CMD is still mostly C, not C++. Its commands and support functions are implemented as C functions such as eExit, eChdir, ParseStatement, SearchForExecutable, and ExecPgm. They haven't ported all of this old C code to an OOP design.
So I'd go with a mix of C and C++.

As officially confirmed by MS' Rich Turner, originally it's written in C
Cmd is a Win32 app written entirely in 'C' - this is important since one of the key goals of NT was to be portable across many different processor and machine architectures
but parts of it were migrated to C++ as of now
Inside the Windows Console
Windows Console is a traditional Win32 executable and, though it was originally written in 'C', much of the code is being migrated to modern C++ as the team modernizes and modularizes Console's codebase.
For those who care about such things: Many have asked whether Windows is written in C or C++. The answer is that - despite NT's Object-Based design - like most OS', Windows is almost entirely written in 'C'. Why? C++ introduces a cost in terms of memory footprint, and code execution overhead. Even today, the hidden costs of code written in C++ can be surprising, but back in the late 1990's, when memory cost ~$60/MB (yes … $60 per MEGABYTE!), the hidden memory cost of vtables etc. was significant. In addition, the cost of virtual-method call indirection and object-dereferencing could result in very significant performance & scale penalties for C++ code at that time. While one still needs to be careful, the performance overhead of modern C++ on modern computers is much less of a concern, and is often an acceptable trade-off considering its security, readability, and maintainability benefits ... which is why we're steadily upgrading the Console’s code to modern C++.
Windows Command-Line: Inside the Windows Console
If you look into the latest Windows Console’s internals structure you can see that it uses Map, Collection which suggests that it likely uses some C++/CX
From the top (original buffer's blue boxes):
ScreenInfo – maintains information about the viewport, etc., and contains a TextBuffer
TextBuffer – represents the Console’s text area as a collection of rows
Row – uniquely represents each CharRow in the console and the formatting attributes applied to each row
CharRow – contains a collection of CharRowCells, and the logic and state to handle row wrapping & navigation
CharRowCell – contains the actual cell’s text, and a DbcsAttribute byte containing cell-specific flags
In case you're interested then conhost.exe has also been open sourced, under the form of the new Windows terminal
The Windows console host, conhost.exe, is Windows' original command-line user experience. It implements Windows' command-line infrastructure, and is responsible for hosting the Windows Console API, input engine, rendering engine, and user preferences. The console host code in this repository is the actual source from which the conhost.exe in Windows itself is built.
You can find more pretty good articles with detailed information in the Windows command line blog


Is there anything preventing interoperability between modern languages and COBOL?

I was reading about how people were having trouble finding people to work with COBOL when working government systems that still use it. I was also reading about how Fortran, a language made two years before COBOL, is interoperable with C, C++, R, and Python with the right libraries.
This allows Fortran scripts to work with modern programming languages to some degree and even create scripts in modern programming languages that can work alongside Fortran code, making it easier for novices of Fortran to work with it. Are there any particular issues that prevent COBOL from having similar interoperability with other programming languages like SQL (which is used for databases similar to COBOL) that would make it easier for modern programmers who might not normally learn COBOL to work with it?
Q1: Does anything prevents interoperability between modern languages and COBOL?
A1: Short answer similar to those above: No, it is actually often done.
But that may depends on what "modern language" is defined for the reader.
Even with "real" COBOL (not some "shiny" [may be read as "blending"] "managed COBOL") you are in most cases free to directly call any C functions so more or less can call anything (at least with a C wrapper) and also can call binaries as you can do on the operating system (`CALL 'SYSTEM' USING 'some-executabe-or-script "param1" "param2"' is a common extension).
For calling into any "native code" directly (like Win32 or POSIX) you obviously have to ensure you are using the correct parameter definitions, but COBOL 2002+ have stuff like USAGE SIGNED-LONG, USAGE POINTER and similar (the extension USAGE COMP-5 is also common in this place).
Additional there are often direct ways to inter-operate with socket servers, HTTP(S), XML, JSON, ... ; and many COBOL implementations also allow to ASSIGN a (line-)sequential file to a pipe, allowing to interact with other programs in this way, too.
Q2: Are there any particular issues that prevent COBOL from having [...] interoperability with [...] SQL?
A2: No, and SQL is a very common directly used in COBOL: EXEC SQL
Many people will say that SQL is no "programming language". It is a query language and may be used in different environments, including COBOL.
Depending on the environment used, EXEC SQL may be directly integrated into the COBOL environment or with a pre-parser that adjusts the code to be plain COBOL (normally CALLing some "native" code, see Q1).
Q3: [... stuff] that would make it easier for modern programmers who might not normally learn COBOL to work with it?
... this is a completely different question, whatever a "modern programmer" is.
For a programmer to get to know a programming language it all depends on the programmer and the resources (like time, manuals, tutorials, mentors) - and the will of the programmer. Many people actually don't "want" to learn COBOL (for reasons I've heard but don't understand or disagree), other miss some of the resources (a free compiler is available with GnuCOBOL, nearly all COBOL compiler have their manuals available online and the ISO working group for COBOL publish the draft standards online, too; you often can find mentors in COBOL discussion forums or mailing lists, along with many samples).
One thing that often is special with COBOL is not the language itself, but the environment it is used on ("mainframe" with job control language "jcl" instead of a GUI to click or a shell to use) and/or the software that is actually coded in COBOL; every software that is maintained over decades has "special ways" here and there, and if you get to "decade old code that wasn't actually maintained for years" you get into even more troubles/fun (this is not something COBOL specific, but with COBOL you may encounter this software more often).
No, there is nothing preventing interoperability.
The main reason (this is an opinion, not based on known facts) that Fortran seems to have more interop out-of-the-box was that there was a free software GNU/Fortran for interested parties to work with. COBOL was very late in the game getting a viable free software compiler. That is no longer an issue with GnuCOBOL and people are finally starting to write the code needed to catch up.
Adding to Simon's answer; proof of concept for direct embedding is in a branch for GnuCOBOL; intrinsic functions added to support FUNCTION TCL, FUNCTION PYTHON, FUNCTION REXX, FUNCION LUA and FUNCTION JVM, so far. With FUNCTION JVM tests for Scala, Groovy, Java, Frink, all worked. This allows data transfer between COBOL working storage and the other language engine using simple COBOL syntax. Including setups for callbacks to and from. Those functions are embedded into the compiler and libcob run-time, when using that branch.
For other interface trials, not built into the compiler, but still allowing interop; the GnuCOBOL FAQ has dozens of examples. Shakespeare? Yep. Falcon? Yep. C, well, GnuCOBOL emits intermediate C so that's covered in spades. There is also a C++ edition of the compiler, so C++ is also covered, in spades. Javascript; Jsish, Duktape, Spidermonkey, Quickjs to name a few of the trials.
Ada, D, Vala, Genie, S-Lang, ROOT/CINT, J, Gambas, Forth, Perl, Postscript, Pure, Icon and Unicon, Nim, BaCon, SWIG (which opens up many multiples), PARI/GP, Gretl, R, Red, Ruby, Haxe/Neko, Pascal, Erlang, Elixir, SQLite, Rust, Go, more..., including a fair number of esolangs, and GNU Lightning for on the fly assembly modules. Trials documented in the GnuCOBOL FAQ.
Framework interfacing for AWT/Swing, GTK, Agar, and things like ZeroMQ, CGI and websockets also proved successful and are in productive use. Along with at least 7 EXEC SQL preprocessors successfully tested, and in use.
It comes down to someone caring to try, and writing some glue or properly aligning call frames. No attempts I've tried have failed to produce satisfactory results, although Perl 5 was a hair pull of unraveling macro layers. (Ok, I just lied, while attempting to embed jq, which relies on using C call and return by struct features, I would have had to leave pure COBOL interface coding, and didn't bother with the C middleware that would have made it easy). ;-) Will do that someday though, as jq is quite the powerful little JSON handler.
Use the search engine you mistrust the least and look for "gnu-cobol-builtin-script" and "GnuCOBOL FAQ", and visit the hits on SourceForge.
In my particular explorations I usually focus on languages with a C Application Binary Interface, but other ABIs would be along a similar vein. It only takes sitting down and writing some middleware or figuring out how to properly synch the call frames.
Are these current samples perfect? Not always, there are edge and corner cases with some datatypes and COBOL PICTURE data that would require more work, but that is all; a little bit of work and testing to smooth over the bumps. When exploring, I don't always go that far until an actual need arises. These seed work experiments are just to get some proof in the pudding, all done for the simple joy of it.
One of the lead developers for GnuCOBOL just added uni and bi-directional piping using simple filenames, which provides access to whatever the base OS offers, using basic COBOL OPEN/READ/WRITE/CLOSE (and other file IO) statements. Code was committed to trunk just a few hours before I started typing this response.
Basically, the answer to the titular question is a resounding No.
The scenario involved in the governmental systems is most likely IBM mainframe hardware with a flavor of z/OS, z/VSE, or z/VM operating system.
It somewhat depends on what is meant by interoperability in the sense that most any modern mainframe supports TCP/IP and that pretty much opens up the whole networked computing ecosystem to networked interoperability.
My guess is when all is said and done, the reason there is a problem is that the state refuses to pay a market rate for experienced mainframe developers and has kicked the maintenance can down the road as cost-saving measures.
It most likely is not a matter of there being no mainframe COBOL professionals able to make the systems work; it's most likely the state won't pay the price.
But this is speculation on my part since all I know is that the governor blames inanimate objects for appropriations and management failures within the state IT administration.
As a 40-year mainframe veteran, I'm dying to know details as to how this perfectly good technology is at fault for problems dealing with (again, I assume) unprecedented volumes of processing demand.
We found an interoperability problem between C and GnuCOBOL.
Our problem was addressed so this answer is just for educational purposes so you can understand what kind of problems you may have.
The problem manifests when C calls COBOL(a, b) calls C(c) calls COBOL(a, b).
And specifically when the number of arguments varies.
A recent change to GnuCOBOL assumed that COBOL called COBOL so it passed meta data about the arguments in some global area. Then the called COBOL program cleared out the second argument because is falsely thought it was being called with one argument. That is, the intermediate C call was transparent to COBOL.
This is under the guise of making it more compatible with IBM mainframe but it caused me a lot of grief. It was quick addressed with runtime changes. I would like to see it addressed with a compile time option:
Make .so file a stand alone .so file called from any language but programmer has to be vigilant.
Make .so file assume it will be called from COBOL and has the additional protections afforded by mainframe COBOL.
BTW: GnuCOBOL is great and has a great community behind it. If you are experiencing problems report it and you will get better response than commercial products.

high performance runtime

It’s the first time I submit a question in this forum.
I’m posting a general question. I don’t have to develop an application for a specific purpose.
After a lot of “googling” I still haven’t found a language/runtime/script engine/virtual machine that match these 5 requirements:
memory allocation of variables/values or objects cleaned at run time
(e.g. a la C++ that use keyword delete or free in C )
language (and consequently the program) is a script or
pseudo-compiled a la byte code that should be portable on main
operating system (windows, linux, *bsd, solaris) & platform(32/64bit)
native use of multicore (engine/runtime)
no limit on the heap usage
library for network
The programming language for building application and that run on this engine is agnostic oriented (paradigm is not important).
I hope that this post won’t stir up a Holy-War but I'd like to put focus on engine behavior during program execution.
Sorry for my bad english.
I think Erlang might fit your requirement:
most data is either allocated in local scopes and therefore immediately deleted after use or contained in a library-powered permanent storage like ETS, DETS or Mnesia. There is Garbage Collection, though, but the paradigm of the language makes the need for it not as important.
the Erlang compiler compiles the source code to the BEAM virtual machine byte code, which, unlike Java is register-based and thus much faster. The VM is available for:
Solaris (including 64 bit)
Windows NT/2000/2003/XP/Vista/7
Erlang has been designed for distributed systems, concurrency and reliability from day one
Erlang's Heap grows with your demand for it, it's initially limited and expanded automatically (there are numerous tweaks you can use to configure this on a per-VM-basis)
Erlang comes from a networking background and provides tons of libraries from IP to higher-level protocols

Portable scripting language for a multi-server admin?

Please Note: Portable as in, not in the traditional sense of a language that can be used on multiple architectures or operating systems. Whoever coined this usage of the word portable should be whacked. :)
I'm a DBA and sysadmin, mostly for Windows machines running SQL Server. I'm looking for a programming/scripting language for Windows that doesn't require Admin access or an installer, needing no install process other than expanding it into a folder. My intent is to have a language for automation around which I can standardize.
Up to this point, I've been using a combination of batch files and Unix shell, using sh.exe from UnxUtils but it's far from a perfect solution.
I've evaluated a handful of options, all of them have at least one serious shortcoming or another. I have a strong preference for something open source or dual license, but I'm more interested in finding the right tool than anything else. Not interested that anything that relies on Cygwin or Java, but at this point I'd be fine with something that needs .NET.
Manageable footprint (1-100 files, under 30 MB installed)
Run on Windows XP and Server (2003+)
No installer (exe, msi)
No reliance on a JVM or Cygwin install
Works with external pipes, processes, and files
Support for MS SQL Server or ODBC connections
Bonus Points:
Open Source
FFI for calling functions in native DLLs
GUI support (native or gtk, wx, fltk, etc)
Linux, AIX, and/or OS X support
Dynamic, object oriented and/or functional, interpreted or bytecode compiled; interactive development
Able to package or compile scripts into executables
So far I've tried:
Ruby: 148 MB on disk, 23000 files
Portable Python: 54 MB on disk, 2800 files
Strawberry Perl: 123 MB on disk, 3600 files
REBOL: Great, except closed source and no MSSQL or ODBC in free version
Squeak Smalltalk: Great, except poor support for scripting
I urge you to try Lua. Regarding your requirements:
Tiny footprint (56 source files, under 150K compiled)
Runs everywhere (uses only ANSI C)
No installer needed; you compile from source (there's also a "batteries included" package that I haven't explored
Doesn't need JVM and works with any ANSI C compiler, so you can compile with Visual Studio, not Cygwin
Works with external processes and files but only to the extent supported by ANSI C. If POSIX popen is provided then that is supported also.
And your bonus points:
Open source (MIT license)
FFI to C is brilliantly conceived and executed—not quite as simple as Tcl but loads more powerful. Much better integration with C than Python or Ruby.
GUI support is mixed but there are good bindings for wx widgets. QT support was there at one time but I don't know if it has been maintained.
Linux is supported
Language/compiler features:
Prototype-based objects and inheritance through metamethods (you'll want to see examples in the book below
Fastest bytecode compiler in the West
Interactive read-eval-print loop; load new code dynamically
Able to package scripts into executables; either use Luiz de Figueiredo's srlua, or I can send you a 120-line Lua script that converts Lua source to a .c file that you link in with your app and the interpreter to make an executable.
Additional bonus points:
Very crisp, clean, well-designed language.
Small enough to master in its entirety and to be productive within a day.
Superb book Programming in Lua (check out the previous edition free online)
There are a couple of options for Python that might fit your bill:
The first is IronPython, which can be run without an installer and will play nicely with .net APIs. This gives you access to anything with a .net API or a COM typelib that you could build a PIA for. I've used at as a scripting mechanism for precisely this reason - it could be dropped into a directory within the system and did not need to be explicitly installed..You will have to have an appropriate .Net runtime installed, but .Net 2.0 is installed with SQL Server 2005. SQL Server can be accessed through and building GUIs with Winforms is fairly straightforward.
The second is Portable Python which is designed to be run off a USB key. Although I see you've already tried it, you might elaborate on what the shortcomings were. If something isn't available in the basic install you could always look into building a custom version with it included. TkInter (at least) is bundled.You can also use Py2EXE to generate standalone python applications with all superfluous junk stripped out. This will give you about 10 files or so (depending on the number of DLLs) that can be run from a single directory, possibly on a USB key.
Running local python installs on Unix-oid OS's is pretty straightforward, so that's pretty much a no brainer. Also, python comes with most linux distros and is available as 'contributed software' from most if not all trad unix vendors. IIRC it's also bundled with MacOS.
Tclkit is a single-file, self-contained Tcl/Tk system. The mac version I have is about 3.8 megs. You can get a version for just about any modern OS. I carry around a thumb drive that has mac, windows and linux binaries so I can run my scripts on any platform. No install is required, just copy one file wherever you want.
The only thing it's missing from your original spec is MS SQL Server / ODBC support out of the box. I know people use tcl for that but I think you'll have to add an extra library or something. See the Tcl'ers wiki entry on MS SQL Server for more information.
For tcl, apart from Tclkit, freewrap is another small portable, self-contained interpreter for tcl.
Just rename the freewrap executable to something else will convert it to a stand-alone interpreter. Renaming it back to freewrap will convert it to a script wrapper.
Also, freewrapped apps contain a tcl interpreter. In dire emergencies you can try opening the app as a zip file and edit/replace the tcl code contained within (just remember to make a copy first). This has saved me several times when I'm at a client site without development tools but need to troubleshoot something. I just make a copy of one of my deployed app and presto - instant development environment!
Looking at wikipedia's exhaustive list of portable software
There's Tiny C compiler, again on Wikipedia here, and its own homepage here.
To summarize by quoting from wikipedia's list of features:
Small - can compile and execute C code everywhere, for example on rescue disks (about 100KB for x86 TCC executable, including C preprocessor, C compiler, assembler and linker).
Fast - tcc generates optimized x86 code. No byte code overhead. It compiles, assembles and links about 9 times faster than GCC.
Any C dynamic library can be used directly. TCC is heading towards full ISOC99 compliance. TCC can of course compile itself.
Includes an optional memory and bound checker. Bound checked code can be mixed freely with standard code.
Compile and execute C source directly. No linking or assembly necessary. Full C preprocessor and GNU-like assembler included.
C script is supported: just add '#!/usr/local/bin/tcc -run' at the first line of your C source, and execute it directly from the command line.
With libtcc, you can use TCC as a backend for dynamic code generation.
Few dependencies. It includes its own hand-written lexer, and it is implemented using a recursive descent parser. Thus, building TCC requires few other libraries.
Its LGPL license permits anyone to use, modify, and/or redistribute the software, and it can be used to develop either open source or proprietary software.
Hope this helps and would be of use,
Best regards,
Every somewhat modern Windows version comes pre-installed with both VBScript and JScript. The doesn't meet all your features (compile to an executable comes to mind), but they certainly have an unbeatable advantage with the installation size: it's hard to beat 0.
In addition to the Lua suggestion, there is also Idle. It is basically a superset of Lua 5.1, with both the language (and libraries) and the implementation based on Lua. It was originally created to be a more complete scripting solution for Windows: because Lua is primarly intended for embedding, it has a rather small standard library and it is usually expected that the embedding application provides a rich library to Lua.
This makes sense for an embedded language, because, after all, there isn't much common functionality between, say Adobe Lightroom, Nginx and World of Warcraft, so there simply is nothing you can put in a standard library. But for a more general purpose OS scripting language, one would want a slightly larger library. Thus, Idle bundles a couple of libraries that are third-party (and sometimes hard to get to work on Windows) in Lua in its standard library.
Some of the things that the Idle standard library adds over Lua are tight Win32 integration, SQLite3 support, networking support, a PEG parser generator and archive support.
Also, Idle has support for embedding Perl and C code into your Idle programs.

Scripting language that can produce a small, independent, Windows EXE?

I'd like to do some light data processing - a little binary data manipulation followed by conversion to text serialization. The result is written to a file, and processed by an external program (run by my program). The data processing is more than I'd care to consider doing in batch files.
I'd prefer to use a scripting language, but not have to install the language first. The target computers are mostly older Windows boxes, which are disconnected from the network (no updates, such as PowerShell)
I'm not familiar with the various language's tools for creating EXE files. Which ones have solutions that work well and don't produce huge files? (i.e., whole interpreter package plus my script.)
For my money (its free) AutoIt 3 is exactly what your looking for. AutoIt produces relatively (250k is the standard overhead) small stand alone exes. It has a full perl like regex engine so your light data processing should be a breeze (I've written some pretty heavy data processing scripts in it myself). When downloading autoit be sure to get the full version including Scite this makes compile to exe a one click operation.
I know I might get flamed for this, but VB 6 is a viable option. Since XP SP2 (I think, possibly earlier), Windows has come with its runtimes installed. Not sure about vista.
Theres also the Windows Scripting Host that uses VBScript and JScript.
Lua is an excellent choice for that kind of stuff. You can integrate it in your executable or use the standalone Lua interpreter to run your scripts.
While waiting for answers I ran across Shoes, which can make Ruby .exe (I'm most familiar with Ruby) I got it mostly working, although the size of 2.4MB was a bit larger than I'd like. However, I found that it would crash when changing application focus.
I switched to a 'regular' terminal script, and found rubyscript2exe, which, after working around a problem with rubygems, seems to work, and creates a ~700kb file.
I did rather like some of the options presented, but it's not worth redeveloping at this point.
Python with py2exe. Depends on what you mean by small though.
Would using PowerShell script be something you've considered. The data processing might be richer there.
Why not knock up a .NET application? There are free editions of the IDE, and the Framework comes with Windows as a standard component (which also includes a C# compiler, as it happens.)

Finding undocumented APIs in Windows

I was curious as to how does one go about finding undocumented APIs in Windows.
I know the risks involved in using them but this question is focused towards finding them and not whether to use them or not.
Use a tool to dump the export table from a shared library (for example, a .dll such as kernel32.dll). You'll see the named entry points and/or the ordinal entry points. Generally for windows the named entry points are unmangled (extern "C"). You will most likely need to do some peeking at the assembly code and derive the parameters (types, number, order, calling convention, etc) from the stack frame (if there is one) and register usage. If there is no stack frame it is a bit more difficult, but still doable. See the following links for references:
Check out tools such as dumpbin for investigating export sections.
There are also sites and books out there that try to keep an updated list of undocumented windows APIs:
The Undocumented Functions
A Primer of the Windows Architecture
How To Find Undocumented Constants Used by Windows API Functions
Undocumented Windows
Windows API
These same principles work on a multitude of operating systems however, you will need to replace the tool you're using to dump the export table. For example, on Linux you could use nm to dump an object file and list its exports section (among other things). You could also use gdb to set breakpoints and step through the assembly code of an entry point to determine what the arguments should be.
IDA Pro is your best bet here, but please please double please don't actually use them for anything ever.
They're internal because they change; they can (and do) even change as a result of a Hotfix, so you're not even guaranteed your undocumented API will work for the specific OS version and Service Pack level you wrote it for. If you ship a product like that, you're living on borrowed time.
Everybody here so far is missing some substantial functionality that comprises hugely un-documented portions of the Windows OS RPC . RPC (think rpcrt4.dll, lsass.exe, csrss.exe, etc...) operations occur very frequently across all subsystems, via LPC ports or other interfaces, their functionality is buried in the mysticism incantations of various type/sub-type/struct-typedef's etc... which are substantially more difficult to debug, due to the asynchronous nature or the fact that they are destine for process's which if you were to debug via single stepping or what have you, you would find the entire system lockup due to blocking keyboard or other I/O from being passed ;)
ReactOS is probably the most expedient way to investigate undocumented API. They have a fairly mature kernel and other executive's built up. IDA is fairly time-intensive and it's unlikely you will find anything the ReactOS people have not already.
Here's a blurb from the linked page;
ReactOS® is a free, modern operating
system based on the design of Windows®
XP/2003. Written completely from
scratch, it aims to follow the
Windows® architecture designed by
Microsoft from the hardware level
right through to the application
level. This is not a Linux based
system, and shares none of the unix
The main goal of the
ReactOS project is to provide an
operating system which is binary
compatible with Windows. This will
allow your Windows applications and
drivers to run as they would on your
Windows system. Additionally, the look
and feel of the Windows operating
system is used, such that people
accustomed to the familiar user
interface of Windows® would find using
ReactOS straightforward. The ultimate
goal of ReactOS is to allow you to
remove Windows® and install ReactOS
without the end user noticing the
When I am investigating some rarely seen Windows construct, ReactOS is often the only credible reference.
Look at the system dlls and what functions they export. Every API function, whether documented or not, is exported in one of them (user, kernel, ...).
For user mode APIs you can open Kernel32.dll User32.dll Gdi32.dll, specially ntdll.dll in dependancy walker and find all the exported APIs. But you will not have the documentation offcourse.
Just found a good article on Native APIS by Mark Russinovich
