high performance runtime - runtime

It’s the first time I submit a question in this forum.
I’m posting a general question. I don’t have to develop an application for a specific purpose.
After a lot of “googling” I still haven’t found a language/runtime/script engine/virtual machine that match these 5 requirements:
memory allocation of variables/values or objects cleaned at run time
(e.g. a la C++ that use keyword delete or free in C )
language (and consequently the program) is a script or
pseudo-compiled a la byte code that should be portable on main
operating system (windows, linux, *bsd, solaris) & platform(32/64bit)
native use of multicore (engine/runtime)
no limit on the heap usage
library for network
The programming language for building application and that run on this engine is agnostic oriented (paradigm is not important).
I hope that this post won’t stir up a Holy-War but I'd like to put focus on engine behavior during program execution.
Sorry for my bad english.

I think Erlang might fit your requirement:
most data is either allocated in local scopes and therefore immediately deleted after use or contained in a library-powered permanent storage like ETS, DETS or Mnesia. There is Garbage Collection, though, but the paradigm of the language makes the need for it not as important.
the Erlang compiler compiles the source code to the BEAM virtual machine byte code, which, unlike Java is register-based and thus much faster. The VM is available for:
Solaris (including 64 bit)
Windows NT/2000/2003/XP/Vista/7
Erlang has been designed for distributed systems, concurrency and reliability from day one
Erlang's Heap grows with your demand for it, it's initially limited and expanded automatically (there are numerous tweaks you can use to configure this on a per-VM-basis)
Erlang comes from a networking background and provides tons of libraries from IP to higher-level protocols


How to specify the physical CoreIDs used for "CLOSE" when specifying OMP_PROC_BIND?

We are trying to optimize HPC applications using OpenMP on a new hardware platform. These applications need precise placement/pinning of their cores or performance falls in half. Currently, we provide the user a custom GOMP_CPU_AFFINITY map for each platform, but this is cumbersome, because it's different on each hardware version, and even platforms with different firmware versions sometimes change their CoreID physical mappings - all things impossible for the user to detect on the fly.
It would be a great help if HPC applications could simply set GOMP_PROC_BIND to "close" and OpenMP would do the right thing for the given platform - but to make this possible, the hardware vendor would need to define what "close" means for each machine. We'd like to do this, but we can't tell how/where OpenMP gets CoreID lists to use for things like close, spread, etc. (For various external requirements, the CoreID spatial pattern on this machine would appear utterly random to a software writer.)
Any advice as to where/how OpenMP defines the CoreID lists for OMP_PROC_BIND so we could configure them? We are comfortable with the idea that we might need a custom version of OpenMP (with altered source code) for this platform if needed.
Thanks, everyone. :)
Expanding on what #VictorEijkhout said...
You seem have invented an envirable that I can't find anywhere with Google (GOMP_PROC_BIND), with the OpenMP standard envirable (OMP_PROC_BIND). If GOMP_PROC_BIND exists the name suggests that it is a GNU feature. Note too that one of the two Google hits for GOMP_PROC_BIND says "Code that reads the setting is buggy. Setting is invalid and ignored at runtime." So, if you are setting that it is unsurprising that it has no effect!
I will therefore answer for the more general case of OMP_PROC_BIND.
The binding of OpenMP threads to logicalCPUs clearly has to be done at runtime, since, beyond its ISA, the compiler has no knowledge of the hardware on which the compiled code will run. Therefore you need to be looking at the runtime library code.
I have not looked at GNU's libgomp, but, where it can, LLVM's libomp uses the hwloc library to explore the machine hardware. Since hwloc also includes other useful tools for machine exploration (such as lstopo) it is likely that your effort is best invested in ensuring good hwloc support on your machine, at which point there will be no need to delve inside the OpenMP runtime.

Bypassing memory management system in Linux, windows and OX

I'm trying to research information about how to implement the memory management system in a DBSM. I know the theoretical part, but can't find anything about bypassing the memory management system in Linux, windows nor mac OX.
I'm trying to implement an efficient DBMS myself for fun. Which should be able to run on any common OS. In Database Systems The complete book, they discus the importance on fitting the relations/tables in adjacent sectors/blocks on hardware for faster read/write. But i can't seem to find anything when crawling the web. Is there a way to bypass the memory management system, such that I can write to specific locations on disk in such that the data saved there are placed on continuously blocks and so that the file system can recognize the data as a file?
I know that this is not a general coding question.
I'm used to write in C, C#, F#, ML, Python and a little gnu assembly.
For clarification I do not mean which DBMS should I use, I'm trying to implement the the DBSM myself.

how to run a openmp program on clusters with multiple nodes? [duplicate]

I want to know if it would be possible to run an OpenMP program on multiple hosts. So far I only heard of programs that can be executed on multiple thread but all within the same physical computer. Is it possible to execute a program on two (or more) clients? I don't want to use MPI.
Yes, it is possible to run OpenMP programs on a distributed system, but I doubt it is within the reach of every user around. ScaleMP offers vSMP - an expensive commercial hypervisor software that allows one to create a virtual NUMA machine on top of many networked hosts, then run a regular OS (Linux or Windows) inside this VM. It requires a fast network interconnect (e.g. InfiniBand) and dedicated hosts (since it runs as a hypervisor beneath the normal OS). We have an operational vSMP cluster here and it runs unmodified OpenMP applications, but performance is strongly dependent on data hierarchy and access patterns.
NICTA used to develop similar SSI hypervisor named vNUMA, but development also stopped. Besides their solution was IA64-specific (IA64 is Intel Itanium, not to be mistaken with Intel64, which is their current generation of x86 CPUs).
Intel used to develop Cluster OpenMP (ClOMP; not to be mistaken with the similarly named project to bring OpenMP support to Clang), but it was abandoned due to "general lack of interest among customers and fewer cases than expected where it showed a benefit" (from here). ClOMP was an Intel extension to OpenMP and it was built into the Intel compiler suite, e.g. you couldn't use it with GCC (this request to start ClOMP development for GCC went in the limbo). If you have access to old versions of Intel compilers (versions from 9.1 to 11.1), you would have to obtain a (trial) ClOMP license, which might be next to impossible given that the product is dead and old (trial) licenses have already expired. Then again, starting with version 12.0, Intel compilers no longer support ClOMP.
Other research projects exist (just search for "distributed shared memory"), but only vSMP (the ScaleMP solution) seems to be mature enough for production HPC environments (and it's priced accordingly). Seems like most efforts now go into development of co-array languages (Co-Array Fortran, Unified Parallel C, etc.) instead. I would suggest that you have a look at Berkeley UPC or invest some time in learning MPI as it is definitely not going away in the years to come.
Before, there was the Cluster OpenMP.
Cluster OpenMP, was an implementation of OpenMP that could make use of multiple SMP machines without resorting to MPI. This advance had the advantage of eliminating the need to write explicit messaging code, as well as not mixing programming paradigms. The shared memory in Cluster OpenMP was maintained across all machines through a distributed shared-memory subsystem. Cluster OpenMP is based on the relaxed memory consistency of OpenMP, allowing shared variables to be made consistent only when absolutely necessary. source
Performance Considerations for Cluster OpenMP
Some memory operations are much more expensive than others. To achieve good performance with Cluster OpenMP, the number of accesses to unprotected pages must be as high as possible, relative to the number of accesses to protected pages. This means that once a page is brought up-to-date on a given node, a large number of accesses should be made to it before the next synchronization. In order to accomplish this, a program should have as little synchronization as possible, and re-use the data on a given page as much as possible. This translates to avoiding fine-grained synchronization, such as atomic constructs or locks, and having high data locality source.
Another option for running OpenMP programs on multiple hosts is the remote offloading plugin in the LLVM OpenMP runtime.
The big issue with running OpenMP programs on distributed memory is data movement. Coincidentally, that is also one of the major issues in programming GPU's. Extending OpenMP to handle GPU programming has given rise to OpenMP directives to describe data transfer. Programming GPU's has also forced programmers to think more carefully about building programs that consider data movement.

Is Go developed enough to use it to make the core of an operating system?

I'm wondering if Go is developed enough to use it to make the core of an operating system? So basically replace what you would normally use C for with Go.
Of course you can develop an OS in almost any (Turing complete) language. Usually there's some small assembly layer required, though. And usually one must implement some parts of the OS using only a restricted subset of the language in question.
Singularity. (Applies with some limits only.)
What concerns Go, there used to be a usable (toy) Go kernel implementation, but it is now obsoleted already for a long time. From rsc's post:
In the repository history there is a toy kernel called "tiny".
If you run hg log -k tiny you'll find it. It doesn't build anymore
with the current version of Go but it illustrates what might
be done. It had the whole package runtime, including the
garbage collector, in the kernel.

Can the Ruby language be used to build operating systems?

Can the Ruby language be used to create an entire new mobile operating system or desktop operating system i.e. can it be used in system programming?
Well there are a few operating systems out there right now which use higher-level languages than C. Basically the ruby interpreter itself would need to be written in something low-level, and there would need to be some boot-loading code that loaded a fully-functional ruby interpreter into memory as a standalone kernel. Once the ruby interpreter is bootstrapped and running in kernel-mode (or one of the inner rings), there would be nothing stopping you from builing a whole OS on top of it.
Unfortunately, it would likely be very slow. Garbage collection for every OS function would probably be rather noticeable. The ruby interpreter would be responsible for basic things like task scheduling and the network stack, which using a garbage-collecting framework would slow things down considerably. To work around this, odds are good that the "performance critical" pieces would still be written in C.
So yes, technically speaking this is possible. But no one in their right mind would try it (queue crazy person in 3... 2...)
For all practical purposes: No.
While the language itself is not suited for such a task, it is imaginable (in some other universe ;-) that there a Ruby run-time developed with such a goal in mind.
The only "high level" -- yes, the quotes are there for a reason, I don't consider C very "high level" these days -- language I know of designed for Systems Programming is BitC. (Which is quite unlike Ruby.)
Happy coding.
Edit: Here is a list of "Lisp-based OSes". While not Ruby, the dynamically-typed/garbage-collected nature of (many) Lisp implementations makes for a favorable comparison: if those crazy Lispers can do/attempt it, then so can some Ruby fanatic ... or at least they can wish for it ;-) There is even a link to an OCaml OS on the list...
No, not directly
In the same way that Rails is built on top of Ruby, Ruby is built on top of the services that lower layers .. the real OS .. provide.
I suppose one could subset Ruby until it functionally resembled C and then build an OS out of that, but it wouldn't be worth it. Sure, it would have a nice if .. end but C syntax is perfectly usable and we already have C language systems. Also, operating systems don't handle character data very much, so all of the Ruby features to manipulate it wouldn't be as valuable in a kernel.
If we were starting from scratch today we might actually try (as various experimental projects have) to use garbage collected memory allocation in a kernel but we already have OS kernels.
People are making investments at the higher layers rather than redoing work already done. After all, with all the upper level software to run these days, a new kernel would need to present a compatible interface and the question would then be asked "why not just run the nice kernels we already have?".
Now, the application API for a mobile OS could indeed be done for Ruby. So, just as Android apps are written in Java, RubyPhone apps could be written in Ruby. But Ruby might not be the best possible starting point for a rich application platform. Its development so far has been oriented to server-side problems. There exist various graphical interface gems but I don't think they are widely used.
basically yes, but with a big disclamer .. which is basically Chris' answer but a different spin on it. Since for kernel performance it would kinda suck to use ruby, you'd probably want to build around a linux-ish kernel and just not load any of the rest of the operating system. This is basically what Android does: the kernel is a fork from Linux (and is maintained close to linux), the console is a webkit screen, and the interpreter is Java with some Android specific libraries. IE, Android is Java masquerading as an OS, .. you could do about the same thing with Ruby instead of Java and only a smallish hit to performance from java
While building a whole OS from scratch in Ruby seems like
a multi-billion project (think of all the drivers), a
linux kernel module that runs simple ruby scripts does
make sense for me - even it was only for prototyping
new linux drivers.
