Adding padding in C3JS Stackbar chart - c3.js

How to add space in a stack chart using C3JS as shown below

You can sort of simulate it using this css rule, but not exactly -->
.c3-bar {
stroke-width: 3; /* pick a number */
stroke: white !important;
However, I'd argue it's a bad idea to have big gaps between items in a stack, because either
1) You need to take the space for the gap from the stack item itself (which is what the above css does), which makes it seem smaller, and for very short items in the stack can remove them completely from view.
2) You need to add extra space in between the stack items, which will make the total for a stack appear to be more than the sum of its parts i.e. two stacks which are '3' tall will look more than '6'. The more items in a stack, the worse this gets.


Longest Recharts Stack Bar does not fill the chart’s entire length (width) when layout is set to vertical

Example of a horizontally stacked bar chart, where the longest bar is drawn right up to the chart’s topmost edge:
Example of a vertically stacked bar chart, where the longest bar stops before the chart’s rightmost edge:
More precisely, it seems like the scale goes up to 20 here, as opposed to the biggest total stack value present in the data set, like 36 in the horizontal variant above which seems like an arbitrary enough number to align to – I guess except that it’s not a prime number.
I’ve been struggling to figure out why it behaves like this, but have thus far come up short. The two data sets have the same exact anatomy – are there any more props that has to be defined, other than type – when flipping the layout like this?
Well I’ve been reading the docs so much that I zoned out when it came to the domain prop, however that is the solution to this; domain={[0, 'dataMax']} and Bob’s your uncle.

Fast layout algorithms for UI

I have a number of UI elements like panels, edit fields, buttons, labels etc. so panels contain other panels which contain input fields, editors and so on. Most of the elements are editable and/or resizable which means whenever I change anything, a lot of adjacent UI elements should change their width, height and x/y position on the pane. It works fine with a small number of elements but incredibly slow when the number of elements is thousands.
Is there a fast layout algorithm which can be used in this case? Note that I cannot use any existing layout managers and should come up with my own implementation.
I'd suggest taking a leaf out of the Android playbook and have a larger 'grid' and keep everything sized in modular multiples - this avoids you needing to solve the knapsack problem everytime!
For example, instead of having a button with an width of 80 and a height of 40 you store this as metadata as {2:1} (assuming your layout grid is 40^40 squares).
This way if you have a work panel with space of, say, {2:12} this could be filled with two objects of size {2:6} or maybe 3 of size {2:4}.
It's pretty simple to fit-to-max too as any available space can just be scaled up (say you delete a {1:1} item you can just expand the one next to it to take the space etc - you can of course create your own rules around whether objects can scale in single directions etc.
The other advantage of this approach is that you can easily manage different screen sizes and resolutions too while still keeping the same framework and look and feel.

Susy math always makes elements too large

I'm trying to use Susy but I can not create a desirable grid. I want a fixed gutter grid with the gutters coming after the element, not before. I couldn't get that to work. It seems that no matter what I do the elements are too large and the last column falls to the next line.
See this gist:
In this basic three column layout each 1/3 width column is over 35% wide. What am I missing?
I only see width: 28.57143%; in your sassmeister output. The problem is actually caused by your border on all the elements. That adds several extra pixels to the layout, forcing it to break. You can either remove the borders, or add box-sizing: border-box so that borders no longer add to the element width. Susy has a border-box-sizing mixin that will apply that globally, if you want.

Increasing width and spacing of major groups in a d3 nested group graph

I was able to create a chart using sub groups in the manner described here. The results look like this:
I'd like to be able to control width of the colored bars as the number of categories within them increases, rather than just have the category width decrease in width to fit a constant major group width. As a result of this, as the data increases, I'd like to have the "excess" graph just go off the div, like so:
and the excess would be access by means of scrolling, I guess with .css .scroll property.
How does one achieve this kind of look?

Need algorithm to draw overlapping rectangles

I need help with efficiently drawing/culling a series of opaque rectangles, in other words, this is a stack of index cards on a desk. The specifics are:
no rotations, so everything is simple integer coordinates, axis-aligned
cards are fully opaque
cards can have any integer X,Y position
all cards are the same size
I have a list of the cards in z-order
I think I have (essentially) two choices:
1) brute force painter's approach, where all cards within the desktop viewport are fully drawn, in reverse z-order. Pros: simple. Cons: a) requires an off-screen buffer to avoid flicker, b) potentially lots of time wasted on drawing expensive areas of each card when that area might end up being obscured, worst-case being the entire card getting covered.
2) an algorithm that generates a list of visible (or obscured) rectangles for every card, such that only visible portions are ever drawn.
Choice 2 is where I need advice, especially in terms of algorithms, and pro's and con's of a "smarter" draw cycle.
Any language/platform agnostic advice is appreciated. If it matters, this will be implemented on MS Windows.
Am open to any suggestions, including hybrid approaches. I realize a precise answer is likely very dependent on the particulars of the code, but I'd be happy even with generalized concepts at this point!
Additional notes: It will be possible to have thousands of cards stacked on top of each other, so I'm highly motivated to avoid a purely brute force painter's approach - at least without some sort of pre-processing to cull out fully obscured cards. The same goes for lots of cards that were closely tiled, worse case being only their borders showing - I would like to skip painting the complex innards in those cases, if possible.
What about painting only the contour line of each card from the bottom most to the top most? Then you can do a flood fill to paint inside of the contours. This way you would repaint only a few pixels corresponding to the borders where there are intersections.
Edit: Uploaded images to help me explain the idea.
The first step is mark the borders of the cards assigning their Z-order (top left image). This way, there are overwrites, but only on borders which are a little amount of pixels.
After that, you can paint the texture of the cards (lowest Z-order first) following two rules:
You start from the border and paint the blanks until reach a border;
If the border's Z-order is the current one, you paint it;
If the border's Z-order found is less than the current Z-order, you continue painting as it were a blank one;
Otherwise, you found a border with greater Z-order, so you skip that block;
Next card.
Hope it helps :)
OK, here's some loose pseudo code for how I think this problem can be solved.
Begin with a z-order sorted list of the cards. Each card has a list of visible rects (explained later), that needs to start out with just one rect, set to the card's full bounding box. The loop is begun with the lowest z-order card first.
foreach Card in Cards do
Card.ResetVisibleRects; // VisibleRects.DeleteAll; VisibleRects.Add(BoundingBox);
CurrentCard = Cards.Last;
TestCard = CurrentCard;
The idea here is that we're going to work upwards from our "current" card, and see what effect each higher card has on it. There are 3 possibilities as we test each higher card. It either completely misses, completely obscures, or partially obscures. For a complete miss, we ignore the test card, since it doesn't affect our current card. For a complete obscure, our current card gets culled. A partial overlap is where the list of visible rectangles comes in, since partial overlap can (potentially) split the lower rectangle into two. (It's easy to see how this plays out if you just grab two playing cards, or index cards. The top one causes the bottom one to either adjust one of it's sides, if they share any edge, or it causes the bottom one to split into two rects if they share no edges.)
Caveat: This is VERY unoptimized, unrolled code ... just for talking about the principles. And yes, I'm about to use "goto" ... mock me if you must.
TestCard = Cards.NextHighest(TestCard);
// Test the overlap of TestCard against all our VisibleRects.
// The first time through this test, CurrentCard will have only one
// rect in the VisibleRect list, but that rect may get split up later.
// OverlapTests() checks each rect in the VisibleRects list, and
// creates an Overlap record for any of the rects that do overlap,
// like: Overlap.RectIndex, Overlap.Type. It also summarizes the
// results into the .Summary field.
Result = CurrentCard.OverlapTests(TestCard);
case Result.Summary
goto [GetNextCard];
CurrentCard.Culled = true;
// we're now done with this CurrentCard, so we move upwards
CurrentCard = TestCard;
goto [GetNextCard]
// since there was some overlap, we need to adjust,
// split, or delete some or all of our visible rectangles.
// (we won't delete them all, that would have been caught above)
foreach Overlap in Result.Overlaps
R = CurrentCard.VisibleRects[Overlap.RectIndex];
case Overlap.Type
partial: CurrentCard.SplitOrAdjust(R, TestCard);
complete: CurrentCard.Delete(R);
end case
// so we've either added new rects, or deleted some, but either
// way, we're done with this test card. We leave CurrentCard
// where it is and loop to look at the next higher card.
goto [GetNextCard]
The testing is done when CurrentCard = Cards.First since the topmost card is always fully visible.
Just a couple more thoughts here ...
I think this would be fairly straightforward in real code. The most complicated thing about it would be splitting a rectangle into two, and given the fact that it's all integer math, even that is trivial.
Also, this doesn't have to be performed every paint cycle. It only needs to be done when there's any change in contents, position, or z-order.
After a pass up the list, you're left with a paint-ready list of cards, each non-culled card having at least one rectangle that can potentially fall within the display's clipping/dirty region. When you paint a card you can examine its list of visible rectangles, and potentially be able to skip drawing portions of the card that might be expensive to render.
