Need algorithm to draw overlapping rectangles - algorithm

I need help with efficiently drawing/culling a series of opaque rectangles, in other words, this is a stack of index cards on a desk. The specifics are:
no rotations, so everything is simple integer coordinates, axis-aligned
cards are fully opaque
cards can have any integer X,Y position
all cards are the same size
I have a list of the cards in z-order
I think I have (essentially) two choices:
1) brute force painter's approach, where all cards within the desktop viewport are fully drawn, in reverse z-order. Pros: simple. Cons: a) requires an off-screen buffer to avoid flicker, b) potentially lots of time wasted on drawing expensive areas of each card when that area might end up being obscured, worst-case being the entire card getting covered.
2) an algorithm that generates a list of visible (or obscured) rectangles for every card, such that only visible portions are ever drawn.
Choice 2 is where I need advice, especially in terms of algorithms, and pro's and con's of a "smarter" draw cycle.
Any language/platform agnostic advice is appreciated. If it matters, this will be implemented on MS Windows.
Am open to any suggestions, including hybrid approaches. I realize a precise answer is likely very dependent on the particulars of the code, but I'd be happy even with generalized concepts at this point!
Additional notes: It will be possible to have thousands of cards stacked on top of each other, so I'm highly motivated to avoid a purely brute force painter's approach - at least without some sort of pre-processing to cull out fully obscured cards. The same goes for lots of cards that were closely tiled, worse case being only their borders showing - I would like to skip painting the complex innards in those cases, if possible.

What about painting only the contour line of each card from the bottom most to the top most? Then you can do a flood fill to paint inside of the contours. This way you would repaint only a few pixels corresponding to the borders where there are intersections.
Edit: Uploaded images to help me explain the idea.
The first step is mark the borders of the cards assigning their Z-order (top left image). This way, there are overwrites, but only on borders which are a little amount of pixels.
After that, you can paint the texture of the cards (lowest Z-order first) following two rules:
You start from the border and paint the blanks until reach a border;
If the border's Z-order is the current one, you paint it;
If the border's Z-order found is less than the current Z-order, you continue painting as it were a blank one;
Otherwise, you found a border with greater Z-order, so you skip that block;
Next card.
Hope it helps :)

OK, here's some loose pseudo code for how I think this problem can be solved.
Begin with a z-order sorted list of the cards. Each card has a list of visible rects (explained later), that needs to start out with just one rect, set to the card's full bounding box. The loop is begun with the lowest z-order card first.
foreach Card in Cards do
Card.ResetVisibleRects; // VisibleRects.DeleteAll; VisibleRects.Add(BoundingBox);
CurrentCard = Cards.Last;
TestCard = CurrentCard;
The idea here is that we're going to work upwards from our "current" card, and see what effect each higher card has on it. There are 3 possibilities as we test each higher card. It either completely misses, completely obscures, or partially obscures. For a complete miss, we ignore the test card, since it doesn't affect our current card. For a complete obscure, our current card gets culled. A partial overlap is where the list of visible rectangles comes in, since partial overlap can (potentially) split the lower rectangle into two. (It's easy to see how this plays out if you just grab two playing cards, or index cards. The top one causes the bottom one to either adjust one of it's sides, if they share any edge, or it causes the bottom one to split into two rects if they share no edges.)
Caveat: This is VERY unoptimized, unrolled code ... just for talking about the principles. And yes, I'm about to use "goto" ... mock me if you must.
TestCard = Cards.NextHighest(TestCard);
// Test the overlap of TestCard against all our VisibleRects.
// The first time through this test, CurrentCard will have only one
// rect in the VisibleRect list, but that rect may get split up later.
// OverlapTests() checks each rect in the VisibleRects list, and
// creates an Overlap record for any of the rects that do overlap,
// like: Overlap.RectIndex, Overlap.Type. It also summarizes the
// results into the .Summary field.
Result = CurrentCard.OverlapTests(TestCard);
case Result.Summary
goto [GetNextCard];
CurrentCard.Culled = true;
// we're now done with this CurrentCard, so we move upwards
CurrentCard = TestCard;
goto [GetNextCard]
// since there was some overlap, we need to adjust,
// split, or delete some or all of our visible rectangles.
// (we won't delete them all, that would have been caught above)
foreach Overlap in Result.Overlaps
R = CurrentCard.VisibleRects[Overlap.RectIndex];
case Overlap.Type
partial: CurrentCard.SplitOrAdjust(R, TestCard);
complete: CurrentCard.Delete(R);
end case
// so we've either added new rects, or deleted some, but either
// way, we're done with this test card. We leave CurrentCard
// where it is and loop to look at the next higher card.
goto [GetNextCard]
The testing is done when CurrentCard = Cards.First since the topmost card is always fully visible.
Just a couple more thoughts here ...
I think this would be fairly straightforward in real code. The most complicated thing about it would be splitting a rectangle into two, and given the fact that it's all integer math, even that is trivial.
Also, this doesn't have to be performed every paint cycle. It only needs to be done when there's any change in contents, position, or z-order.
After a pass up the list, you're left with a paint-ready list of cards, each non-culled card having at least one rectangle that can potentially fall within the display's clipping/dirty region. When you paint a card you can examine its list of visible rectangles, and potentially be able to skip drawing portions of the card that might be expensive to render.


How to identify if a set of lines is similar to a shape

Currently I have a program that allows the user to paint on it by capturing the mouse position every 0.05 seconds and drawing a line between a point and the next. With that setup I am looking for a way to identify shapes like a circle, a rectangle or the letter 'P'.
My current algorithm divides the screen on sections, then marks the sections with points recorded by the player and makes a matrix with the marked sections, then compares that matrix with every shape matrix.
This lacks any kind of support for rotations, sizes or positions. Also the control of the threshold is tricky returning in most cases fake results.
I need an algorithm that allows to identify for example a ' P ' as a ' P '.
Note: My current application is running on a c++ framework so any libraries or tools are welcome but I am interested on the algorithm behind.
Edit: After thinking around the problem I have changed the current grid on the screen, instead of that I capture the points and shift them to resize
the shape so it fits on a grid and over that grid compare with the known shapes.
Picture of the process
This solves the position and size problems while being fast enough, also rotating the input and then resizing in a loop may solve the rotation problem (seems though it would have an high cost and won't be very reliable)
I would gladly welcome alternative methods of handling shape comparison or the rotation.
After thinking around the problem I have changed the current grid on the screen, instead of that I capture the points and shift them to resize
the shape so it fits on a grid and over that grid compare with the known shapes.
Picture of the process
This solves the position and size problems while being fast enough, also rotating the input and then resizing in a loop may solve the rotation problem (seems though it would have an high cost and won't be very reliable)

Arrange blocks by 2D property without overlap

My app needs to show several buttons, without overlap, and preferably without scrolling or zooming. They must be big enough to poke with a finger and read the text. Button width depends on its text length, and the height is constant. The screen size is known.
Each button represents a food about which I know some nutritional information. I'll calculate a protein:carb ratio and a fat content, both ranging from 0% to 100%.
I want to put the buttons close to a position that reflects their nutritional content: e.g. protein-rich at the top, carby at the bottom, fatty on the right and lean on the left. So cake would be bottom right and meats would be somewhere on the top edge.
Often, there'll be overlap and I'll have to nudge them away from each other.
The puzzle is to invent an algorithm for that nudging. The desiderata in order of priority are:
1) Readable and pokeable size, no overlap.
2) No scrolling or zooming required, although it'll happen when there are so many buttons that they could never fit on the screen even if we didn't care where they were.
3) Buttons should be close to where the user would look based on knowing the nutritional content of the food.
Incidentally, I'm using JS on a smartphone, not prolog or the like.
(There are some seeming dupes, but no solutions. One is about diagonal stalks, another just advocates throwing it at a game engine, but most are devoid of answers.)
Ther MArVL group at Monash University does work on constraint-based layout work. Some of their software might be applicable to your problem.

Algorithm for items placement

I have a "complex" problem where I have a bunch of tooltips (orange) on top of elements (black) that can be randomly placed on screen. The tooltips are a big square with a triangle in the middle of one of it's 4 sides pointing though the element direction. By default, the triangle will be in the middle of the element, but can be moved as long as it stay close to it, so we can't easily understand it refer to this element and not another one.
The problem is, the tooltip must NOT overlap each other, and can't be out of screen.
Image of my tooltip problem
I thought about first placing every tooltips to their default position (triangle pointing down), and then check if they are out of screen or overlap another one, and if so, try another position. But using this technique (which is probably the simplest one), I do not guarantee the best placement since once a tooltip has been placed, I will not replace him if another one can't fit anywhere otherwise it become too complex.
Does someone have any tips/idea how to deal with this type of problem?
This looks like an instance of the map labelling problem. Wikipedia has an article about it.
You could place all the tooltips using some sort of physical simulation of repulsive electrical charges, similar to what is done in some algorithms for drawing graphs. You could model each tooltip as an object attached with a soft spring to its black box, while simulating a strong repulsive force between all the tooltips and between a tooltip and the edge of the image. You calculate all the forces and move the tooltips iteratively, until all positions converge. You could play with making the force scale as inverse square, inverse cube, etc to find nice results.
This might be a bit of work to implement, but should probably give decent results for simple cases. It is probably impossible to guarantee that a good solution always exists, since if you add too many tooltips, your image will be full.

Algorithm: Memorizing a drawing

I'm not going to turn the images into files yet (and I don't know if I'm ever going to do this).
The drawings are made by a custom-made drawing program (where the user draws). When I resize the application, the drawing disappears, because it's not being redrawn. And that's because the image is not being memorized in any way. I need an algorithm for memorizing the drawing, so it can be redrawn after the whole application refreshes.
One algorithm I thought of is to memorize the location and color every pixel. But I don't think this is a good idea.
I'm currently using Java, but I need a language-agnostic algorithm. Still, I would accept a solution explained with code.
What algorithm should I use for memorizing the whole drawing?
You could memorize the user's actions: for example, if s/he draws a line, then memorize the starting and ending address. If s/he draws handsfree a drawing, then you memorize the single pixels (you have to!).
This allows to resize, rotate, etc. any drawing by just manipulating the coordinates.
The "drawing" becomes then a list of actions:
x1, y1, x2, y2,
pen, color, thickness...
To redraw, just scan the same list and call again the appropriate subroutines. Depending on the language, you can represent the list as an array, a linked list, a doubly linked list, and implement things such as element deletion.
On file, I would suggest some sort of tagged format:
two bytes - element type
four bytes - this element's length
variable-size data depending on element type
Again, to "load" the drawing you just scan the file sequentially and populate the memory structures.
You can google 'vector drawing' for more details and hints.
There are lots of options. One is, as you say, to remember the image pixels. You can also simply remember all the user actions that generated the drawing and replay them when you need to reconstruct the drawing.
Another approach, depending on the tools that the drawing program offers the user, would be to build a more compact representation of the image. For instance, if the drawing program only offered the possibility of drawing lines, you could remember the set of line endpoints (and colors, line thicknesses, and whatever other line data was relevant). This generalizes in an obvious way to a larger set of geometric primitives.
For free-hand drawing, you can remember the stroke paths along with whatever stroke settings were set at the time. Depending on the complexity of the stroke tools your program offers, this may end up being more data than simply remembering the drawing pixels. However, it does allow, for instance, scaling the drawing if the canvas expands.

Cunning ways to draw a starfield

I'm working on a game, and I've come up with a rather interesting problem: clever ways to draw starfields.
It's a 2D game, so the action can scroll in the X and Y directions. In addition, we can adjust the scale to show more or less of the play area. I'd also like the starfield to have fake parallax to give an impression of depth.
Right now I'm doing this in the traditional way, by having a big array of stars, each of which is tagged by a 'depth' factor. To draw, I translate each star according to the camera position multiplied by the 'depth', so some stars move a lot, and some move a little. This all works fine, but of course since I have a finite number of stars in my array I have issues when the camera moves too far or we zoom out too much. This is will all work, but is involving lots of code and special cases.
This offends my sense of elegance. There has got be a better way of achieving this.
I've considered procedurally generating my stars, which allows me to have an unlimited number: e.g. by using a fixed seed and PRNG to determine the coordinates. I would need to divide the sky up into tiles, generate the seed by hashing the tile coordinates, and then draw, say, 100 stars per tile. This allows me to extend my starfield indefinitely in all directions while still only needing to consider the tiles that are visible --- but this doesn't work with the 'depth' factor, as this allows stars to stray outside their tile. I could simply use multiple layered non-parallax starfields using this algorithm but this strikes me as cheating.
And, of course, I need to do all this every frame, so it's got to be fast.
What do you all reckon?
Have a few layers of stars.
For each layer, use a seeded random number generator (or just an array) to generate the amount of blank space between a star and the next one (a poisson distibution, if you want to be picky about it). You want the stars pretty sparse, so the blank space will often be more than whole row. The back layers will be more dense than the front ones, obviously.
Use this to give yourself several tiles each (say) two screens wide. Scroll the starfield by keeping track of where that "first" star is for each layer.
The player won't notice the tiling, because you scroll the tiles at different rates for each layer, especially if you use a few layers that are each fairly sparse.
As stars in the background don't move as fast as those in the foreground, you could maybe make multi-layer tiles for the background and replace them with one-layer-ones when you've got time to do that. Oh, and how about repeating patterns in the background layers? This would maybe allow you to pregenerate all background tiles - you could still shift them in height and overlay multiple ones with random offsets or so to make it look random.
Is there anything wrong with wrapping the star field around in X and Y? Because of your depth, the wraparound distance should depend on the depth, but you can do that. Each recorded star at (x,y,depth) should appear at all points
[x + j * S * depth, y + k * S * depth]
for all integers j and k. S is a wraparound parameter. If S is 1 then wraparound happens immediately and all stars are always shown somewhere. If S is higher wraparound doesn't happen immediately and some stars are shown off screen. You'll probably want S big enough to ensure no repeats at maximum zoom out.
Each frame, render the stars on one single bitmap/layer. They are only dots, and so it will be faster than using any algorithm with multiple layers.
Now you need an infinite 2D-grid of 3D-boxes filled with a finite number of stars. For each box, you can define an individual RANDOM_SEED value, using its grid-coordinates. The stars in each box can be generated on-the-fly.
Remember to correct the perspective when you zoom: Each 3D-box has a near-rectangle (front-face) and a far-rectangle. You will see more stars of neighbouring boxes, whenever the far-rectangle or near-rectangle shrinks in your view.
Your far-rectangles should never be smaller than half the width of the near-rectangles, otherwise it might be troublesome: You might have to scan huge lists of stars where most of them are out of bounds. You can realize stars behind the far-rectangles via additional 2D-grids of 3D-boxes with other sizes and depths.
Why not combine the coordinates of the starfield 3D boxes to form the random number seed? Use a global "adjustment" if you want to produce different universes. That way you don't need to track the boxes you can't see because the contents are fixed by their location.
