Running bash script by itself vs within another script yields different variable value - bash

I currently have 2 bash scripts:
case "$1" in
COUNT="$( ps -ef | grep tomcat| wc -l )"
echo ${COUNT}
if [ "${COUNT}" -eq 2 ]
echo "Tomcat is running."
echo "Tomcatis not running"
When I check status via these two methods:
./ status: ${COUNT} echos a value of 4. ${COUNT} echos value of 2.
I'm not sure why there is a discrepancy. I'm expecting both values from echo to match since they are essentially executing Am I missing something?
EDIT: Added in the actual search values I'm using.

Your is still running when the ps -ef in is running. So, in case of using ps finds at least these:
the tomcat you are looking for
grep tomcat (if you pipe, processes are started right to left, so when ps is running, your grep is also already running)
Right now I am not sure where the 4th is coming from.
In case of just running the status script, it is not finding and thus you have less results. A solution could be to make your grep more specific for your use case, or use something that is more specific for your task, like pgrep (although pgrep java will possibly also give you other unwanted processes).
Possible solution:
COUNT="$( ps -ef | grep "tomcat" | grep "org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap" | wc -l )"
Edit: Using a pidfile is of course also a way of doing it. In the question you show something that looks like a startup script. So writing a pidfile when starting and then reading and using that pidfile when querying, you can know if the service is started. It won't work though if someone uses another way to start the service.


If condition based on tail and grep commands in Shell Script

I want to write an if condition in Shell script something like this:
if[ tail -10f logFile | grep -q "RUNNING" ]
So the idea is I have restarted my server and want to perform some action only after the server is started up(RUNNING). So I want to continuously tail the log and check if the server is in RUNNING mode again.
The issue with the above approach is it does not exits even after the server is RUNNING and goes into infinite loop. No code in if or else is printed.
What about?
while [ $(tail -10 logFile | grep -c RUNNING) -eq 0 ]; do sleep 1; done

bash: test if a process is running with a certain option

I would to know if it's possible to detect if amarok is playing music or not, in bash.
I have tested
#! /bin/bash
if [ "$(pidof amarok --play)" ]
echo amarok is playing music!
echo amarok is not playing!
But I have this error:
pidof: invalid options on command line!
pidof thinks that --play is its option, and that is of course an error.
It would be better to check if --play is inside the commandline that was used to start amarok:
grep -- --play /proc/$(pidof amarok)/cmdline
Another option is to grep output of ps aux:
ps aux | grep [a]marok.*--play
In the both cases we suppose that there only one amarok running in the system.
Update 1.
To check if any music is playing at the moment,
you can so:
grep RUNNING /proc/asound/card*/pcm*/sub*/status

Is there any way except using counter to enable time based alerts

Suppose that ps -ef | grep apache | wc -l gives output 2 which means 2 process are running.
In my server connection fluctuates, so I want to send an alert when the output of ps -ef| grep apache |wc -l is zero more than 5 Minutes.
I want to send an alert when the output of ps -ef| grep apache |wc -l is zero more than 5 Minutes.
First,ps -ef| grep apache can be unreliable because it may count grep apache as an apache process. To avoid that, use ps -ef | grep '[a]pache'. Better, try: pgrep apache. Also, if we are looking for zero or not zero processes, we don't need wc -l.
If your needs are simple, then here is a simple bash script that checks every minute to see if an apache process is running. If five successive tests show no such process, it sends an email to user#admin:
while sleep 1m
if pgrep apache >/dev/null
if [ "$count" -ge 5 ]
echo "Houston, we have a problem: $count" | mail admin#host
Since this only checks every minute, it could miss some process that starts and stops in less than a minute. You may need to adjust the timing. As Jonathan Leffler commented, doing this well is hard work. This script is only intended as a quick-and-simple solution.

In unix how to find out if process running and return true/false?

I'm writing a unix shell script and need to check if there are currently running processes with "xyz" in their directory. If yes than continue to next command and show text like "Found It".
If not than don't continue and display text like "Process Not Found".
I tried something like this:
if ps -ef | grep xyz
echo "XYZ Process Found!"
echo "XYZ Process Not Found!"
But it just showing me the processes and display "process found" even if there's no xyz process.
I believe you want to check the output of the command against a value using Command substition, from the linked bash-hackers wiki The command substitution expands to the output of commands. These commands are executed in a subshell, and their stdout data is what the substitution syntax expands to. Also, count the lines and remove grep. Something like,
if [[ $(ps -ef | grep xyz | grep -v grep | wc -l) != 0 ]]; then
echo "XYZ Process Found!"
echo "XYZ Process Not Found!"
Based on the comments below, you should probably use
if [[ $(ps -ef | grep -c xyz) -ne 1 ]]; then
which is a lot easier to read.
When you run grep xyz, that process - grep xyz - is also running & thus shown in the output of ps -ef.
This running process command line contains xyz. Thus grep passes that line to output.
Hence you always get zero exit status - i.e. success.
2 Solutions:
use if ps -ef | grep '[x]yz'; then. (You may want to suppress grep output with -q)
The grep command being run is grep [x]yz. This gets printed in ps -ef output.
Obviously, grep filters out this line. [x]yz could be matched with \[x\]yz, not with [x]yz.
use if pgrep -f xyz >/dev/null; then
Check man pgrep for more details..
You can also use pgrep. From pgrep(1):
pgrep looks through the currently running processes and lists the
process IDs which match the selection criteria to stdout.
0 One or more processes matched the criteria.
1 No processes matched.
2 Syntax error in the command line.
3 Fatal error: out of memory etc.
Example output:
[~]% pgrep xterm
You can use it in an if statement like so:
if pgrep xterm > /dev/null; then
echo Found xterm
echo xterm not found
Note: pgrep is not a standard utility (ie. it's not in POSIX), but widely available on at least Linux and I believe most BSD systems.
is_xyz_running() {
[ "$(pgrep xyz)" ] && echo true || echo false

Check if Mac process is running using Bash by process name

How do you check if a process on Mac OS X is running using the process's name in a Bash script?
I am trying to write a Bash script that will restart a process if it has stopped but do nothing if it is still running.
Parsing this:
ps aux | grep -v grep | grep -c [-i] $ProcessName probably your best bet.
ps aux lists all the currently running processes including the Bash script itself which is parsed out by grep -v grep with advice from Jacob (in comments) and grep -c [-i] $ProcessName returns the optionally case-insensitive integer number of processes with integer return suggested by Sebastian.
Here's a short script that does what you're after:
number=$(ps aux | grep -v grep | grep -ci $PROCESS)
if [ $number -gt 0 ]
echo Running;
EDIT: I initially included a -i flag to grep to make it case insensitive; I did this because the example program I tried was python, which on Mac OS X runs as Python -- if you know your application's case exactly, the -i is not necessary.
The advantage of this approach is that it scales with you -- in the future, if you need to make sure, say, five instances of your application are running, you're already counting. The only caveat is if another application has your program's name in its command line, it might come up -- regular expressions to grep will resolve that issue, if you're crafty (and run into this).
Research the Darwin man pages for ps, grep, and wc.
A shorter solution:
if pgrep $PROCESS_NAME; then
echo 'Running';
pgrep exits with 0 if there is a process matching $PROCESS_NAME running, otherwise it exist with 1.
if checks the exit code of pgrep, and, as far as exit codes go, 0 is success.
Another way is to use (abuse?) the -d option of the killall command. The -d options won't actually kill the process, but instead print what will be done. It will also exit with status 0 if it finds a matching process, or 1 if it does not. Putting this together:
`/usr/bin/killall -d "$1" &> /dev/null`
let "RUNNING = ! $?" # this simply does a boolean 'not' on the return code
To give credit where its due, I originally pulled this technique from a script in the iTunes installer.
This simple command will do the trick. The brackets around the process name prevent the grep command from showing in the process list. Note there is no space after the comma. There may be some portability issues as ps on some unix systems may require a dash before the options:
ps axo pid,command | grep "[S]kype"
The advantage is that you can use the results in an if statement like this:'
if [[ ! $(ps axo pid,command | grep "[i]") ]]; then
open -a iTunes
Or if you prefer this style:
[[ ! $(ps axo pid,command | grep "[S]kype") ]] && open -a Skype || echo "Skype is up"
Another advantage is that you can get the pid by adding a pipe to awk '{print $1}'.
echo "iTunes pid: $(ps axo pid,command | grep "[i]" | awk '{print $1}')"
You can use either killall or kill, depending on if you are trying to find the task by PID or by name.
By Name:
if ! killall -s -0 $PROCESS_NAME >/dev/null 2>&1; then
# Restart failed app, or do whatever you need to prepare for starting the app.
at -f $0 +30seconds # If you don't have this on cron, you can use /usr/bin/at
if ! kill -0 $PID 2>/dev/null; then
# Restart app, do the needful.
at -f $0 +30seconds
If you look at the OSX Manual you will see a different set of process management commands; since it's not the linux kernel, it makes sense that they would manage processes differently.
A sample output from my terminal (striking out the user and hostname, of course):
user#localhost:~$ kill -0 782 # This was my old, stale SSH Agent.
bash: kill: (782) - No such process
user#localhost:~$ echo $?
user#localhost:~$ kill -0 813 # This is my new SSH agent, I only just created.
user#localhost:~$ echo $?
The return code from a kill -0 will always result in a safe way to check if the process is running, because -0 sends no signal that will ever be handled by an application. It won't kill the application, and "kill" is only called "kill" because it's usually used to stop an application.
When you look at the interfaces it uses in the source, you'll see that it's actually interacting with the process table directly (and not grepping a potentially loaded output from ps), and just sending a signal to an application. Some signals indicate the application should shutdown or stop, while other signals tell it to restart services, or re-read configuration, or re-open file descriptors to log files that have been recently rotated. There are a plethora of things that "kill" and "killall" can do that doesn't terminate the application, and it's used regularly to simply send a signal to the application.
I lack the reputation to comment on the killall answer above, but there's killall -s for doing it without sending any signals:
killall -s "$PROCESSNAME" &> /dev/null
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "$PROCESSNAME is running"
# if you also need the PID:
PID=`killall -s "$PROCESSNAME" | awk '{print $3}'`
echo "it's PID is $PID"
It has for sure!
pgrep, pkill and pfind for OpenBSD and Darwin (Mac OS X)
(also available via MacPorts: port info proctools )
pidof by
I've extended a pidof script found on the net to use regular expressions (usually substrings) and be case insensitive
ps axc |awk "BEGIN{ n=tolower(\"$1\")}\
tolower(\$5) ~n {print \$1}";
just create a script named "pidof" with this content, and put it in you path, i.e. in one of the dirs in
echo $PATH
and make it executable (maybe using sudo)
chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/pidof
and use it like this, of course
kill -9 `pidof pyth`
does Mac have pidof? ...
if pidof $processname >/dev/null ; then echo $processname is running ; fi
Perhaps too late for the OP but this may help others who find this thread.
The following modification of the amrox theme above works well for restarting applications on my OS X:
killall -d TextEdit &> /dev/null && killall TextEdit &> /dev/null; open -a TextEdit
I use the following AppleScript to update and restart daemons:
tell application "System Events" to set pwd to POSIX path of container of (path to me)
do shell script "launchctl unload -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/time-test.plist; cp -f " & quoted form of pwd & "/time-test.plist /Library/LaunchDaemons; launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/time-test.plist" with administrator privileges
It assumes the original or updated plist file is in the same directory as the AppleScript.
