Using MAX as a measure only on one column - max

I have a table with thes headders;
Id ProcessName CurrentStatus Result ProcessOwner ProcessObjectCount ProcessObjectCurrentItem Errors RunBy HostSystem ConnectedWithAccount Step OData__DCDateModified Notes ID.1 Date ErrorCount HasErrors
I want to use MAX on OData__DCDateModified so i get the latest list of the ProcessName.
I add ProcessName in to a table, create a mesure for MAX('TABLENAME'[OData__DCDateModified]) ant it works but when i add ID or any other value in that i want displayed the MAX stops working as I hoped.
Any thoughs?

It sounds like you want to get the MAX OData__DCDateModified for each ProcessName, ignoring any other filter contexts. In order to do this you need to use CALCULATE combined with ALLEXCEPT.
When you pass ALLEXCEPT(TABLENAME,TABLENAME[ProcessName]) to CALCULATE, you are telling the formula to ignore every other filter context except the context on ProcessName


Wrong sorting while using Query function

I've been trying to do a report about the quantity of breakdonws of products in our company. The problem is that the QUERY function is operating as normal, but the sorting order is well - a bit strange.
The data I'm trying to sort are as follows (quantities are blacked out since I cannot share those informations):
Raw data
First column - name of the product, second, it's EAN code, third, breakdown rate for last year, last column - average breakdown rate. "b/d" means "brak danych" or no data.
What I want to achieve is to get the end table with values sorted by average breakdown rate.
My query is as follows:
=query(Robocze!A2:D;"select A where A is not null and NOT D contains 'b/d' order by D desc")
Final result
As You can see, we have descending order, but there are strange artifacts - like the 33.33% after 4,00% and before 3,92%.
Why is that!?
=INDEX(LAMBDA(x; SORT(x; INDEX(x;; 4)*1; 0))
(QUERY(Robocze!A2:D; "where A is not null and NOT D contains 'b/d'"; 0));; 4)

Get newest date in Sheet

i have a sheet with two tabs. In the first tab, i can select a site and i have a list of types. I have a second tab with many datas from each type (date, year, month week, and site attached to a type).
I would like in the first tab write a formula to automatically get the newest date of the type depending to the selected site.
I'm not good with formulas but i tried to write one, this one =IF((AND(C1=DATA!F:F),(B3=DATA!E:E)),LARGE(DATA!A:A),"") but i don't have result.
Anyone can help me with my problem please ? This is the link of my Sheet.
INDEX(array, [row])
Index gets the nth value in an array, when you pass in the value 1, it will get the top most value.
I created a sorted array by using the FILTER function. and the SORT function. I sorted it descending and only returned the dates in the FILTER function.

QTP UFT How to find a row number and column number? Angular JS

When I spy the table it shows just browser - Page - WebElement and also UI is developed in Angular JS.
I there any way to find row number and column number? By the way I am using UFT/QTP
From the source-code's image which you have attached, it is quite evident that the webElement corresponding to the rows have class = "ui-grid-row ng-scope". So, you can make use of descriptive programming. I assume that you already have added the object Browser(...).Page(...) to your OR.
Set rowDesc = Description.Create
rowDesc("Class Name").value = "WebElement"
rowDesc("Class").value = "ui-grid-row ng-scope"
Set objRows = Browser(...).Page(...).ChildObjects(rowDesc)
rowCount = objRows.Count 'This variable should now contain the total number of rows"
Now, this is just an idea which you can give a try. If it works for you, you can further enhance it to get the column count. If there is no way you can get the column count, then you can get the total cell count using the same method. In that case, you just need to change the value of property "class" to the one mentioned in the Object Spy Image("ui-grid-cell-contents ng-binding ng-scope"). Now you have Row Count and Cell Count. To get the column count, you can divide cell count by row count.(Again, this will give you correct answer ONLY IF there are same number of columns for each of tbe rows).

Subtract One row's value from another row in Pig

I'm trying to develop a sample program using Pig to analyse some log files. I want to analyze the running time of different jobs. When I read in the log file of the job, I get the start time and the end time of the job, like this:
Now, to calculate the elapsed time, I need to subtract these 2 timestamps, but since both timestamps are in the same bag, I'm not sure how to compare them. So I'm looking for an idea on how to do this. thanks!
Is there a unique ID for the job that is in both log lines? Also is there something to indicate which event is start, and which is end?
If so, you could read the dataset twice, once for start events, once for end-events, and join the two together. Then you'll have one record with both events in it.
A = FOREACH logline GENERATE id, type, timestamp;
START = FILTER A BY (type == 'start');
END = FILTER A BY (type == 'end');
DIFF = FOREACH JOINED GENERATE (START.timestamp - END.timestamp); // or whatever;

SOQL - single row per each group

I have the following SOQL query to display List of ABCs in my Page block table.
Public List<ABC__c> getABC(){
List<ABC__c> ListABC = [Select WB1__c, WB2__c, WB3__c, Number, tentative__c, Actual__c, PrepTime__c, Forecast__c from ABC__c ORDER BY WB3__c];
return ListABC;
As you can see in the above image, WB3 has number of records for A, B and C. But I want to display only 1 record for each WB3 group based on Actual__c. Only latest Actual__c must be displayed for each WB3 Group.
i.e., Ideally I want to display only 3 rows(one each for A,B,C) in this example.
For this, I have used GROUPBY and displayed the result using AggregateResults. Here is the result.
I got the Latest Actual Date for each WB3 as shown above. But the Tentative date is not corresponding to it. The Tentative Date is also the MAX in the list.
Here is the code I used
public List<SiteMonitoringOverview> getSPM(){
AggregateResult[] AgR = [Select WB_3__c, MAX(Tentaive_Date__c) dtTentativeDate , MAX(Actual_Date__c) LatestCDate FROM Site_progress_Monitoring__c GROUP BY WBS_3__c];
for(AggregateResult SalesList : AgR){
CustSumList.add(new SiteMonitoringOverview(String.ValueOf(​t('WB_3__c')), String.valueOf(SalesList.get('dtTentativeDate')), String.valueOF(SalesList.get('LatestCDate')) ));
return CustSumList;
I am forced to use MAX() for tentative date. I want the corresponding Tentative date of the MAX Actual Date. Not the Max Tentative Date.
For group A, the Tentative Date of Max Actual Date is 12/09/2012. But it is displaying the MAX tentative date: 27/02/2013. It should display 12/09/2012. This is because I am using MAX(Tentative_Date__c) in my code. Every column in the SOQL query must be either GROUPED or AGGREGATED. That's weird.
How do I get the required 3 rows in this example?
Any suggestions? Any different approach (looping within in groups)? how?
Just ran into this issue myself. The solution I came up with only works if you want the oldest or newest record from each grouping. Unfortunately it probably won't work in your case. I'll still leave this here incase it does happen to help someone searching for a solution to this issue.
AggregateResult[] groupedResults = [Select Max(Id), WBS_3__c FROM Site_progress_Monitoring__c GROUP BY WBS_3__c];
Calling MAX or MIN on the Id will let you get 1 record per group condition. You can then query other information. I my case I just need 1 record from each group and didn't really care which one it was.
