QTP UFT How to find a row number and column number? Angular JS - vbscript

When I spy the table it shows just browser - Page - WebElement and also UI is developed in Angular JS.
I there any way to find row number and column number? By the way I am using UFT/QTP

From the source-code's image which you have attached, it is quite evident that the webElement corresponding to the rows have class = "ui-grid-row ng-scope". So, you can make use of descriptive programming. I assume that you already have added the object Browser(...).Page(...) to your OR.
Set rowDesc = Description.Create
rowDesc("Class Name").value = "WebElement"
rowDesc("Class").value = "ui-grid-row ng-scope"
Set objRows = Browser(...).Page(...).ChildObjects(rowDesc)
rowCount = objRows.Count 'This variable should now contain the total number of rows"
Now, this is just an idea which you can give a try. If it works for you, you can further enhance it to get the column count. If there is no way you can get the column count, then you can get the total cell count using the same method. In that case, you just need to change the value of property "class" to the one mentioned in the Object Spy Image("ui-grid-cell-contents ng-binding ng-scope"). Now you have Row Count and Cell Count. To get the column count, you can divide cell count by row count.(Again, this will give you correct answer ONLY IF there are same number of columns for each of tbe rows).


Get newest date in Sheet

i have a sheet with two tabs. In the first tab, i can select a site and i have a list of types. I have a second tab with many datas from each type (date, year, month week, and site attached to a type).
I would like in the first tab write a formula to automatically get the newest date of the type depending to the selected site.
I'm not good with formulas but i tried to write one, this one =IF((AND(C1=DATA!F:F),(B3=DATA!E:E)),LARGE(DATA!A:A),"") but i don't have result.
Anyone can help me with my problem please ? This is the link of my Sheet.
INDEX(array, [row])
Index gets the nth value in an array, when you pass in the value 1, it will get the top most value.
I created a sorted array by using the FILTER function. and the SORT function. I sorted it descending and only returned the dates in the FILTER function.

How to use DWitemstatus in Power Builder

I'm learning about Power Builder, and i don't know how to use these, (DWitemstatus, getnextmodified, modifiedcount, getitemstatus, NotModified!, DataModified!, New!, NewModified!)
please help me.
Thanks for read !
These relate to the status of rows in a datawindow. Generally the rows are retrieved from a database but this doesn't always have to be the case - data can be imported from a text file, XML, JSON, etc. as well.
DWItemstatus - these values are constants and describe how the data would be changed in the database.
Values are:
NotModified! - data unchanged since retrieved
DataModified! - data in one or more columns has changed
New! - row is new but no values have been assigned
NewModifed! - row is new and at least one value has been assigned to a column.
So in terms of SQL, a row which is not modified would not generate any SQL to the DBMS. A DataModified row would typically generate an UPDATE statement. New and NewModifed would typically generate INSERT statements.
GetNextModifed is a method to search a set of rows in a datawindow to find the modified rows within that set. The method takes a buffer parameter and a row parameter. The datawindow buffers are Primary!, Filter!, and Delete!. In general you would only look at the Primary buffer.
ModifedCount is a method to determine the number of rows which have been modifed in a datawindow. Note that deleting a row is not considered a modification. To find the number of rows deleted use the DeletedCount method.
GetItemStatus is a method to get the status of column within a row in a data set in a datawindow. It takes the parameters row, column (name or number), and DWBuffer.
So now an example of using this:
// loop through rows checking for changes
IF dw_dash.Modifiedcount() > 0 THEN
ll = dw_dash.GetNextModified(0,Primary!)
ldw = dw_dash
DO WHILE ll > 0
// watch value changed
IF ldw.GetItemStatus(ll,'watch',Primary!) = DataModified! THEN
event we_post_item(ll, 'watch', ldw)
// followup value changed
IF ldw.GetItemStatus(ll,'followupdate',Primary!) = DataModified! THEN
event we_post_item(ll, 'followupdate', ldw)
ll = ldw.GetNextModified(ll,Primary!)
ldw.resetupdate() //reset the modifed flags
In this example we first check to see if any row in the datawindow has been modified. Then we get the first modified row and check if either the 'watch' or 'followupdate' columns were changed. If they were we trigger an event to do something. We then loop to the next modified row and so on. Finally we reset the modified flags so the row would now show as not being mofified.

Errors when grouping by list in Power Query

I have a set of unique items (Index) to each of which are associated various elements of another set of items (in this case, dates).
In real life, if a date is associated with an index, an item associated with that index appeared in a file generated on that date. For combination of dates that actually occurs, I want to know which accounts were present.
Source = Table.FromRecords({
[Idx = 0, Dates = {#date(2016,1,1), #date(2016,1,2), #date(2016,1,3)}],
[Idx = 1, Dates = {#date(2016,2,1), #date(2016,2,2), #date(2016,2,3)}],
[Idx = 2, Dates = {#date(2016,1,1), #date(2016,1,2), #date(2016,1,3)}]},
type table [Idx = number, Dates = {date}]),
// Group by
Grouped = Table.Group(Source, {"Dates"}, {{"Idx", each List.Combine({[Idx]}), type {number}}}),
// Clicking on the item in the top left corner generates this code:
Navigation = Grouped{[Dates={...}]}[Dates],
// Which returns this error: "Expression.Error: Value was not specified"
// My own code to reference the same value returns {0,2} as expected.
CorrectValue = Grouped{0}[Idx],
// If I re-make the table as below the above error does not occur.
ReMakeTable = Table.FromColumns(Table.ToColumns(Grouped), Table.ColumnNames(Grouped))
in ReMakeTable
It seems that I can use the results of this in my later work even without the Re-make (I just can't preview cells correctly), but I'd like to know if what's going on that causes the error and the odd code at the Navigation step, and why it disappears after the ReMakeTable step.
This happens because when you double click an item, the auto-generated code uses value filter instead of row index that you are using to get the single row from the table. And since you have a list as a value, it should be used instead of {...}. Probably UI isn't capable to work with lists in such a situation, and it inserts {...}, and this is indeed an incorrect value.
Thus, this line of code should look like:
Navigate = Grouped{[Dates = {#date(2016,1,1), #date(2016,1,2), #date(2016,1,3)}]}[Idx],
Then it will use value filter.
This is a bug in the UI. The index the UI calculates is incorrect: it should be 0 instead of [Dates={...}]. ... is a placeholder value, and it generates the "Value was not specified" exception if it is not replaced.

Clicking on specific row in a WebTable using UFT/QTP

I am having hard time clicking specific row in a Web Table. My code finding proper row, but when I use Child Item method it complains that Object is not found. Here is my code:
Desc = "Record to click"
If Browser("B").Page("P").WebTable("W").exist(10) Then
totalRows = Browser("B").Page("P").WebTable("W").RowCount()
For RowNum = 1 To totalRows
If aDesc = Browser("B").Page("P").WebTable("W").GetCellData(RowNum,2) Then
End If
End If
I spied on the value in the row it is Web Element, I tried to use Link- didn't work. Also I tried to Child Item(aDesc,2,"WebElement",0)- didn't work either. I used 0 for the index because there is only one element in the row - simple text. I keep getting this error in many other tests. On rare occasion this approach works in some tests, but most of the time it complains for absence of object.
Thank you very much for your help!
It happened with me as well. When I researched, I found in some of the old HP blogs that ChildItem method does not works correctly with WEBElement, but that was for QTP 9.0, and I was using 12.02.Anyhow, I can't figure out why its happening, and ended up using the following -
Set oExcptnDetail = Description.Create
oExcptnDetail("micclass").value = "WebElement"
oExcptnDetail("html tag").value = "TD"
Set chobj=Browser("").Page("").WebTable("Code").ChildObjects(oExcptnDetail)
On a side note, in order to check a webelement/link exist in a certain row and column, use the following.
Getcell data will return you anything that is in the desired row and column irrespective of what it is (link,webelement etc) and hence your assumption of if loop will go wrong.
Try this:
I was trying to click the first link in my table and this code clicked the item
Set oDesc = Description.Create()
oDesc("html tag").Value = "A"
Set rc = Browser("B").Page("A").WebTable("html id:=gridTable").ChildObjects(oDesc)
'num = rc.Count() 'get the number of link in a page
'For i=0 to num-1
'ref = rc(0).GetROProperty("href") 'get the “href”propety of the i th link
'MsgBox ref
Browser("B").Page("A").WebTable("html id:=gridTable").ChildItem(2,8,"Link",0).click
successfully clicks the link I needed

Using XPath to find rows where a specific column has value

I'm having trouble using XPath to find a row in a table where a specific column contains a value. The table has 10 columns where 2 of them will show Yes|No but I'm only interested in finding the value in one of the columns (the 4th one). My initial attempt was this:
//table[#id='myTable']/tbody/tr/td[text() = 'Yes']
but it finds it rows from both columns. I thought I could try something like this but it's not a valid expression:
Any suggestions? Thanks.
You can try this way :
//table[#id='myTable']/tbody/tr[td[4][. = 'Yes']]
The XPath return row (tr) having the forth td child value equals "Yes".
