How to set mid-roll dynamically in Google IMA (VMAP) - vast

I'm using using Google IMA test tags ( in my video player successfully. We are focused on using VMAP as our video player (VideoJS) does not have an ad scheduler.
Now I'm interested in implementing mid-roll. I can implement the test mid-roll tags just fine which have a static mid-roll value. The issue is that I would like to set my mid-roll points dynamically so each video can have mid-rolls in different places. For example, VideoA would have a mid-roll at 30 seconds. VideoB at 47 seconds and so on.
How can I adjust where the mid-rolls happen when calling my IMA tag? It seems these are static values.
Thank you!


How to add a Poster Frame to an MP4 video by timecode?

The mvhd atom or box of the original Quicktime MOV format supports a poster time variable for a timecode to use as a poster frame that can be used in preview scenarios as a thumbnail image or cover picture. As far as I can tell, the ISOBMFF-based MP4 format (.m4v) has inherited this feature, but I cannot find a way to set it using FFmpeg or MP4box or similar cross-platform CLI software. Edit: Actually, neither ISOBMFF nor MP4 imports this feature from MOV. Is there any other way to achieve this, e.g. using something like HEIFʼs derived images with a thmb (see Amendment 2) role?
The original Apple Quicktime (Pro) editor did have a menu option for doing just that. (Apple Compressor and Photos could do it, too).
To be clear, I do not want to attach a separate image file, which could possibly be a screenshot grabbed from a movie still, as a separate track to the multimedia container. I know how to do that:
Stackoverflow #54717175
Superuser #597945
I also know that some people used to copy the designated poster frame from its original position to the very first frame, but many automatically generated previews use a later time index, e.g. from 10 seconds, 30 seconds, 10% or 50% into the video stream.

Creating video from images using Microsoft media foundation

Is there a way to create video of pre defined duration from a set of images using Microsoft media foundation?
Say for example, I have 50 images, can Is there a way to use those 50 images and create a video of say 50 seconds or 100 seconds ?
Sink Writer API is exactly for this.
You set it up and start feeding with images (such as RGB data) and associated time data. The respectively configured API will create a pipeline to accept images, convert and encode them as necessary, write into file such as MP4.
MSDN article links tutorial at the bottom of the page. You will find other questions on StackOverflow which also reference this tutorial.

How to generate video from photos with animation on server?

Good day!
I create programm for server, which should generate a video clip of the photos. The user sends photos to the server and the server generates a video with animation and sound track from this photos. I use ffmpeg for creation video, but how to create animation?. I need different (difficult) animation: transitions (fade in, fade out, scroll), zooming, animations numbers etc.
This example explains what I need.
You should certainly check the MLT framework. It is used by many video editors, and supports different transitions in a quite easy form.
Check also Openshot which is video editing software written in Python. It also uses MLT framework, and due to being written in Python the code is rather easy to read.

convert swf to video in Flash Pro CS5.5

I have searched the web and here for answers but so far, the links are dead, the how-tos no longer work for the version I have, or there are no answers.
I have a swf animation with full sound and scripting that I'd like to convert into a video or an flv. For some reason, the site I post on screws with my timeline somehow (the timing is off, sounds no longer match up properly with the text) so I thought a video would work better.
I tried using File>Export>Export to movie to resolve this. I tried to export to an AVI. When it's scaled down to 300x400 it works just fine (though it looks like total crap). However when I export at the full size, using full colors no compression, I get this.
I'm not sure what to do with it. It's slanted with lines through it and grayscale. VLC player is the only thing that will run it too. WMP dies with errors, saying it's an invalid or corrupt format. Funny thing is, the thumbnail for the video is exactly what it should look like.
I'm not sure what to do with it. Converting it to an .flv is just fine. I have a video converter for that. I just can't get it to convert to flv or even a movie type properly.
Why is it doing this to my video? Is there something better to use to convert? Is there a good one that won't plaster a giant watermark over it?
image being totally screwed up.
Flabaco is an online SWF to video converter. To answer your questions: It's free, doesn't impose banners or watermarks.
I have a swf animation with full sound and scripting that I'd like to
convert into a video or an flv.
Flabaco converts scripted content. It preserves the frame rate (fps) & color. It's capable of generating professional quality HD content.
It doesn't convert sound. Nonetheless the converted quality is good and you might be able to get by using another video tool to add sound to the converted video.
You can use the online converter app here:
PS: There are some older posts on StackOverflow related to your question. Just search SWF to video / Flabaco.
FLABACO (FLAshBAnnerCOnverter)

How do I set the first and last frame of a video to be an image?

HTML 5 implementations are different across various browsers. In firefox, the image specified by the placeholder attribute will be shown until the user clicks play on the video. In chrome, the placeholder image is shown until the video is loaded (not played), at which point the first frame of the video is shown.
To reconcile this issue, I would like to set the first frame of the video to the placeholder image so that the experience will be the same in both browsers.
I would preferably do this using ffmpeg or mencoder. I have very limited experience using these however, so if someone could point me in the right direction, I would be much obliged.
