How do I set the first and last frame of a video to be an image? - ffmpeg

HTML 5 implementations are different across various browsers. In firefox, the image specified by the placeholder attribute will be shown until the user clicks play on the video. In chrome, the placeholder image is shown until the video is loaded (not played), at which point the first frame of the video is shown.
To reconcile this issue, I would like to set the first frame of the video to the placeholder image so that the experience will be the same in both browsers.
I would preferably do this using ffmpeg or mencoder. I have very limited experience using these however, so if someone could point me in the right direction, I would be much obliged.


quickest way to add image watermark on video in andorid?

I have use ffmpeg and mp4parser to add image watermark on video.
both works when video size is small like less than 5MB to 7Mb but
when it comes to large video size(anything above than 7MB or so..)
it fails and it doesn't not work.
what are the resources that helps to adding watermark on video quickly. if you have any useful resources that please let me know?
It depends on what exactly you need.
If the watermark is just needed when the video is viewed on the android device, the easiest and quickest way is to overlay the image with a transparent background over the video view. You will need to think about fullscreen vs inline and portrait vs landscape to ensure it lines up as you want.
If you want to watermark the video itself, so that the watermark is included if the video is copied or sent elsewhere, then ffmpeg is likely as fast as other solutions on the device itself. If you are able to send the video to a server and have the watermark applied there you will have the ability to use much more powerful compute resource.

How can I overlay an image onto a video

How can I overlay an image onto a video without changing the video file?
I have many videos and I want to be able to open them and overlay a ruler onto them and then measure the distance an individual moved visually. All I want is to play a video and then to open up an image with some transparency and position the image over the video. This way i would be able to look at the video and see how far the individual moved.
I would like to do this without having to embed the image like a watermark, because that is computationally expensive. I would need to copy the video, embed it with the ruler and then watch the video, then delete that video file. This seems unnecessary. I would like to just watch the video and have a transparent image over it while I a watching.
Is there a program that does this all together?
Alternatively, is there a program which I can use to open an image and make it transparent and then move it over the video that is playing?
Note: I am using Windows.
It sounds form your requirements that simply overlaying a separate image layer over the video will meet your needs.
Implementing this approach will depend on the video player client you are using, but you could implement an HTML5 based solution and play the videos locally with this (or even from a URL on the web if you have them there).
There is a nice answer with a working fiddle which shows how to do this with HTML5 here:
One thing to note - you have not mentioned scale in your question. If you need to measure how far the person has moved in real distance, rather than in just cm's across the video screen, then you will need to somehow work out the scale of the video. This makes things considerably harder as the video may zoom in and out during the sequence you want to measure, so you would need some reference to calculate the scale for each frame. One approach would be to use the individual as a reference, assuming they are in all the frames you are interested in.
What about using good old VLC for that?
Open VLC go to Tools→Effects and Filters→Video Effects→Overlay and select Add logo checkbox:
Then, add your transparent overlay image and play any video with VLC. The output looks like this:

convert swf to video in Flash Pro CS5.5

I have searched the web and here for answers but so far, the links are dead, the how-tos no longer work for the version I have, or there are no answers.
I have a swf animation with full sound and scripting that I'd like to convert into a video or an flv. For some reason, the site I post on screws with my timeline somehow (the timing is off, sounds no longer match up properly with the text) so I thought a video would work better.
I tried using File>Export>Export to movie to resolve this. I tried to export to an AVI. When it's scaled down to 300x400 it works just fine (though it looks like total crap). However when I export at the full size, using full colors no compression, I get this.
I'm not sure what to do with it. It's slanted with lines through it and grayscale. VLC player is the only thing that will run it too. WMP dies with errors, saying it's an invalid or corrupt format. Funny thing is, the thumbnail for the video is exactly what it should look like.
I'm not sure what to do with it. Converting it to an .flv is just fine. I have a video converter for that. I just can't get it to convert to flv or even a movie type properly.
Why is it doing this to my video? Is there something better to use to convert? Is there a good one that won't plaster a giant watermark over it?
image being totally screwed up.
Flabaco is an online SWF to video converter. To answer your questions: It's free, doesn't impose banners or watermarks.
I have a swf animation with full sound and scripting that I'd like to
convert into a video or an flv.
Flabaco converts scripted content. It preserves the frame rate (fps) & color. It's capable of generating professional quality HD content.
It doesn't convert sound. Nonetheless the converted quality is good and you might be able to get by using another video tool to add sound to the converted video.
You can use the online converter app here:
PS: There are some older posts on StackOverflow related to your question. Just search SWF to video / Flabaco.
FLABACO (FLAshBAnnerCOnverter)

Image and video fullscreen?

I have a application to show some videos and images.. like a presentation.. The images have different resolution's and the videos to. I want to put the images and the videos in full screen mode but without lose quality.. The rotation of screen is fine, but the media content does not appear like they should..
Basically i want to show the images centered in vertical and horizontal without lose quality..
For the video I would recommend using a MediaElement with the Stretch attribute set to 'Uniform'. 'Uniform' takes up all the space that you give the control but it ensures that the video maintains its aspect ratio. You should still have all the qaulity possible because the stretching happens on the GPU and it does a great job. You can see an example here:
Now, if you want the video to only scale up to it's orignial size but not get blown up any larger, then just set the Stretch property to 'None'.
The Image control works the same way and also has the same Stretch property. See the Image class documentation and sample here:
Did you try the MediaElement API and the NaturalVideoHeight and NaturalVideoWidth properties?

Drawing video with text on top

I am working on an application and I have a problem I just cant seem to find a solution for. The application is written in vc++. What I need to do is display a YUV video feed with text on top of it.
Right now it works correctly by drawing the text in the OnPaint method using GDI and the video on a DirectDraw overlay. I need to get rid of the overlay because it causes to many problems. It wont work on some video cards, vista, 7, etc.
I cant figure out a way to complete the same thing in a more compatible way. I can draw the video using DirectDraw with a back buffer and copy it to the primary buffer just fine. The issue here is that the text being drawn in GDI flashes because of the amount of times the video is refreshed. I would really like to keep the code to draw the text intact if possible since it works well.
Is there a way to draw the text directly to a DirectDraw buffer or memory buffer or something and then blt it to the back buffer? Should I be looking at another method all together? The two important OS's are XP and 7. If anyone has any ideas just let me know and I will test them out. Thanks.
Try to look into DirectShow and the Ticker sample on
DirectShow Ticker sample
This sample uses the Video Mixing Renderer to blend video and text. It uses the IVMRMixerBitmap9 interface to blend text onto the bottom portion of the video window.
DirectShow is for building filter graphs for playing back audio or video streams an adding different filters for different effects and manipulation of video and audio samples.
Instead of using the Video Mixing Renderer of DirectShow, you can also use the ISampleGrabber interface. The advantage is, that it is a filter which can be used with other renderers as well, for example when not showing the video on the screen but streaming it over network or dumping it to a file.
