Spring Data Jpa custom repository no property found - spring

I'm trying to create a repository that has a method which doesn't fit the usual JpaRepository with #Query annotations.
I've created a custom repository interface:
public interface CustomVoteRepository {
List<VoteCountResult> countVotesForSession();
And the implementation:
public class CustomVoteRepositoryImp implements CustomVoteRepository {
private JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate;
public CustomVoteRepositoryImp(JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate) {
this.jdbcTemplate = jdbcTemplate;
public List<VoteCountResult> countVotesForSession() {
return jdbcTemplate.query("SELECT video_id, COUNT(votes.id) FROM votes WHERE session_id=2 GROUP BY video_id",
new CustomRowMapper());
However, this gives me this error:
No property countVotesForSession found for type Vote!
I don't understand why it's trying to map a property on the Vote class. I understand it does this for the "auto-generated" method names, but this is supposed to be a custom one.
I've come across this article: https://www.mkyong.com/spring-data/spring-data-add-custom-method-to-repository/ which explains what I'm doing, and yet it's trying to map a property of the model for a custom repository.
I'm sure I missed something stupid.
Here's the VoteCountResult dto:
public class VoteCountResult {
private String count;
private String title;
private String url;

What if you change your custom method name to votesForSessionCount ? I think this way you won't face with method name conflict.


Spring boot REST API best way to choose in client side which field to load

Hi I have implemented a mock solution to my problem and I'm pretty sure something better already exist.
Here's that I want to achieve :
I have created a point to load categories with or without subCategories
My entities
class Category{
private String id;
private String name;
private Set<SubCategory> subCategories;
class SubCategory{
private String id;
private String name;
I have removed services since this is not the point.
I've created CategoryDTO and SubCategoryDTO classes with the same fields as Category and SubCategory
The converter
class CategoryDTOConverter{
CategoryDTO convert(Category category,String fields){
CategoryDTO dto=new CategoryDTO();
if(StringUtils.isNotBlank(fields) && fields.contains("subCategories"){
I used com.cosium.spring.data.jpa.entity.graph.repository to create an EntityGraph from a list of attribute path
interface CategoryRepository extends EntityGraphJpaRepository<Category, String>{
Optional<T> findById(String id,EntityGraph entityGraph);
public class CategoryController {
#GetMapping(value = "/{id}")
public ResponseEntity<CategoryDTO> get(#PathVariable("id") String id, #RequestParam(value="fields",required=false) String fields ) throws Exception {
Optional<Category> categOpt=repository.findById(id,fields!=null?EntityGraphUtils.fromAttributePaths(fields):null);
throws new NotFoundException();
return ResponseEntity.ok(categoryDTOConverter.convert(categOpt.get(),fields);
This is a simple example to illustrate what I need to do
I don't want to load fields that clients doesn't want to use
How could I do this in a better way ?
Take a look at GraphQL since it is a perfect match for your use case. With GraphQL it is the client that decides which attributes it wants to receive by providing in the POST request body exactly which attributes are needed to be included in the response. This is way more manageable than trying to handle all this on your own.
Spring Boot recently added its own Spring GraphQL library, so it is quite simple to integrate it in your Spring Boot app.

How to make Set using spring-data-aerospike

spring-boot v2.0.4 RELEASE
spring-data-aerospike v2.0.1.RELEASE
java - 8
Here are my application code and properties.
// application.properties
// aerospike configuration class
#EnableAerospikeRepositories(basePackageClassses = TestAeroRepository.class)
public class AerospikeConfiguration extends AbstractAerospikeDataConfiguration {
private final AerospikeConfigurationProperties aerospikeConfigurationProperties;
protected Collection<Host> getHosts() {
return Host.parseServiceHosts(aerospikeConfigurationProperties.getHosts());
protected String nameSpace() {
return aerospikeConfigurationProperties.getNamespace();
public static class AerospikeConfigurationProperties {
String hsots;
String namespace;
# Entity class
#Builder(toBuilder = true)
public class testEntity() {
int id;
String name;
String timestamp;
public interface TestAeroRepository extends AerospikeRepository<TestEntity, Integer> {
public interface TestAeroService {
void save();
public class TestAeroServiceImpl implements TestAeroService {
private final TestAeroRepository testAeroRepository;
public void save(TestEntity entity) {
I checked Aerospike client connection has no problem.
But error is occurred when save() method is executed.
Have to make sets before execute the application? I didn't make sets.
Any problem with my code?
You’re using an old version of spring-data-aerospike (2.0.1.RELEASE was released on April 2019) is there any chance you can upgrade to the latest version? 2.4.2.RELEASE
You can see how to setup a simple spring data aerospike application here: https://medium.com/aerospike-developer-blog/simple-web-application-using-java-spring-boot-aerospike-database-and-docker-ad13795e0089
Please share the entire project’s code and the entire exception.
I would look into:
The configuration class (The Aerospike Beans creation).
The content of the testEntity class - are you using #Id annotation on the primary key field?
Extending the repository class with specifying the testEntity object (… extends AerospikeRepository<testEntity, Object> {) you can see an example in the link I added.
The set is automatically created and takes the name of your object class, which is testEntity in your case. For example, based on your code, if you do not specify a collection in the #Document annotation a set named "testEntity" will automatically be created. I added the #Document(collection = "testEntitys") annotation and all I did was create two set. Once you insert your first record, run the "SHOW SETS" aql command and it will be there. So that's one way to do it.

Class based projections using a DTO in Spring Data Jpa is not working

In my Spring Boot application, I am trying to implement a class based projection using DTOs as described at:
I have a domain class that looks like:
public class MetadataValue {
private Integer metadataValueId;
#Column(name="resource_id", insertable=false, updatable=false)
private Integer resourceId;
#Column(name="metadata_field_id", insertable=false, updatable=false)
private Integer metadataFieldId;
private String textValue;
more class members, getters and setters, etc follow.
I also have a simple DTO class with one member:
public class MetadataDTO {
private String textValue;
public MetadataDTO(String textValue) {
this.textValue = textValue;
public String getTextValue() {
return textValue;
My repository class is:
public interface MetadataValueRepository extends CrudRepository<MetadataValue, Integer> {
#Query("SELECT m from MetadataValue m WHERE m.handle.handle = :handle AND m.resourceTypeId=m.handle.resourceTypeId")
List<MetadataValue> findAllByHandle(#Param("handle") String handle);
#Query("SELECT new path.to.my.package.domain.MetadataDTO(m.textValue AS textValue) FROM MetadataValue m "
+ "WHERE m.handle.handle = :handle AND m.resourceTypeId=m.handle.resourceTypeId")
List<MetadataDTO> findAllByHandleDTO(#Param("handle") String handle);
The first method, findAllByHandle works as expected, but when running the second method, findAllByHandleDTO, which I had hoped to return the projection, my application throws the error:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Couldn't find PersistentEntity for type class path.to.my.package.domain.MetadataDTO!
I have also tried extending from JpaRepository with the same result. In another attempt, I tried using an Interface based projection which resulted in an almost identical stacktrace, with an internal class substituted for my class.
My project is spring-boot 2.3.0 with Spring Web, Spring Data JPA, Rest Repositories, and PostgreSQL Driver.
Can anybody help me understand what I am doing wrong and set me in the right direction?
Thanks so much!
Update on this question: (I have added the tag spring-data-rest). Experimenting, I have learned that I can successfully call my method, for instance, in the run() method of my application class. It's only when I call the method as a rest endpoint that I see the error. Is this simply an issue of incompatibility with Spring Data Rest?

Why I receive 404 error use Spring MVC framework?

When I send request http://localhost:8080/pets My server response 404!
The code on github: https://github.com/Teemitze/petstore
I build war file. Version spring 2.2.6.RELEASE
public class PetsController {
PetRepository petRepository;
public void addPet(Pet pet) {
public String pets(Model model) {
List<Pet> petList = new ArrayList<>();
model.addAttribute("pets", petList);
return "allPets";
public Pet getPet() {
Pet pet = new Pet();
return pet;
I checked out your code and found a few issues.
1) Package structure
Move controller, dto, repo packages to the main package (com.petstore)
Since the main application is inside the (com.petstore) package and the controller is outside the package, so it fails to scan the class.
2) Use annotation #Entity for the Pet entity class with #Id for the id property
3) Remove #ModelAttribute from pets() method since you are not binding any method parameter.
After this, I see the /pets
SpringBoot project requires define some configuration conventions that need to be follow in order to start a minimum application.
Some points you have to consider when you want to start a spring boot application.
For example:
Your SpringBootApplication(PetstoreApplication) class should be in the directory level above your other packages so that it can scan all classes.
If you want to use SpringData JPA you have to manage your model class
public class Pet {
private long id;
private String name;
private String sex;
private Date birthday;
private byte[] photo;
private int price;
because it is handled by respository
public interface PetRepository extends CrudRepository<Pet, Long>
Need minimum configuration for Thymeleaf https://www.thymeleaf.org/doc/tutorials/3.0/thymeleafspring.html
You are making a GET request for a resource "/pets" so no need #ModelAttribute in get mapping method
public String allPets(Model model) {
Make sure your html files is under resources/templates directory.
Check out the reference docs
spring mvc
spring data jpa

Spring Data MongoDB BeforeSaveCallback not working

I want to have similar functionality as I get with the JPA #PrePersist but in a mongodb database. Reading the spring data mongodb documentation I found the entity callbacks: https://docs.spring.io/spring-data/mongodb/docs/current/reference/html/#entity-callbacks. They seem to work for what I need so I'm trying to implement some callbacks. I know there are some alternatives for what I'm doing (auditing annotations) but I want to keep with this for the moment.
This is how I register the callback, my entity definition and the repository:
public class BeforeSaveCallbackConfiguration {
BeforeSaveCallback<Measurement> beforeSaveMeasurement() {
return (entity, document, collection) -> {
System.out.println("Before save, timestamp: " + entity.getTimestamp());
return entity;
public interface MeasurementRepository extends MongoRepository<Measurement, String> {
public class Measurement {
private String id;
private long timestamp;
private Float value1;
private Float value2;
// constructor, getters, setters ...
I save the entity using measurementRepository.save method of the repository. I actually see the printed line from the callback with the timestamp. However the data saved in the mongodb collection always have timestamp set to 0. Does anyone have any hint?
You implement BeforeConvertCallback interface can work for you:
public class TestCallBackImpl implements BeforeConvertCallback<Measurement> {
public Measurement onBeforeConvert(Measurement entity, String collection) {
return entity;
